RE: Summoned to the parallel...

By Lerpa2k2

28.8K 980 253

Here's a polished synopsis: Jack Cooper is an overworked and underpaid adult American, navigating the frustra... More

Character Sheet Vol 1 W.I.P
Chapter 0: A life cut short
Chapter 2: Where I am.
Chapter 3: Anomaly at the Mountain
Chapter 4: A bad premonition
Chapter 5: Numb
Chapter 6: A morning of different perspectives
Chapter 7: A metallic abomination's descent
Chapter 8: Giants Clash
Chapter 9: The way of the sword titan
Chapter 10: Status Update
Chapter 11: Reassurance
Chapter 12: Finally...Home
Chapter 13: Miruzo City...finally
Chapter 14: The maidens of the esteemed Quagmire Inn
Chapter 15: A pair of crimson redheads
Chapter 17: One angry red head
Chapter 18: A very impossible feat
Chapter 19: The enslaved fairy
Chapter 20: The sweet release from her suffering and its adverse effect
Chapter 21: Cause of her suffering
Extra Chapter
Chapter 22: Despair and Hope
Chapter 23: A knight in shining armor?
Chapter 24: A fairy's friend
Chapter 25: The start of certain troubles
Extra Chapter : The fairy and the giant
Chapter 26: The prophecy...
Chapter 27: New stuffs, solo run
Chapter 28: My first solo dungeon dive
Chapter 29: Movements in the shadows
Chapter 30: Miasma Slime
Chapter 31: Man&Drones vs Slime
Chapter 32: Man&Titan vs 3 slimes
Chapter 33: The corrosive miasma slime's true form
Chapter 34: The winning move
Chapter 35: Boss's a pet
Chapter 36: Family
Chapter 37: Date?
Chapter 38: A face unbefitting for a maiden
Chapter 39: Raising a Flag
Chapter 40: When the clock strikes midnight
Chapter 41: A letter to the catacombs
Chapter 42: A companion in the sewers
Chapter 43: Gorgon

Chapter 16: Adventurers' Guild registration

568 22 2
By Lerpa2k2

[And that was how I defeated an ogre by myself!] (Rynia) For sure at this point, I am now used to this kind of talk. 

[Wow] I monotonously applauded and clapped as we listened to her past glories.

It's early in the morning, and the inn's diner just recently opened for the day. The first thing that, rather the first customer that came for breakfast are these two.

[Can I have a refill?] (Ethan)

[Hai~!] (Rikka) I who was only assigned as the receptionist is having it easier than the girls, rather, it was because I was the one to talk to this gal here. 

I doubt they were lies, considering that this woman in front of me who's currently eating a heavy breakfast set is one of those muscled girls...yep, I can see well that she's saying the truth. 

In the first place, she's carrying a 15 kg weapon like it's nothing.

Currently sitting at one of the dining tables at the diner was our group consisting of me, and the twins.

I finished cleaning what needs to be cleaned, for example sweeping and mopping the wooden (water-resistant) flooring. Other than that, things were relatively lax around due to the girls doing their work as usual.

For now, I am stuck listening to her glories as her twin brother looked dead inside. She's been going at it and it feels like it has been hours since she started.

[How about I train you?] (Rynia) Until...

[Huh? Wait, how did you reach that conclusion?]

[Wait! Jack! Please don't listen to her! She will train you to the bo--- Hiiii!!!!!] (Ethan) Disabled with a gut punch, Ethan collapsed to the floor leaving only me to face the demon in front of me.

[Yep yep, I can see that you have great potential as an adventurer!] (Rynia)

[No no! Wait!!! Can I have a say in this please!?]

[No no no! You cannot decline an offer given by a girl right? So let's go!] (Rynia)

[Wait!!! It is still early in the morning and any further than this is obstructing business!!!!!!] No matter how she described herself as being a girl, all I could see was a red-headed gorilla.




In the end, I got dragged by the red-headed gorilla girl...She's freaking strong!!!! Also what is with the adventurers around bowing at her?!

[Boss!?] (Jad) 

[Haaa?! You're in the way] (Rynia) She?! She just tossed the baldy away!?

[Big bro?!] (Jagu)

....What is with this woman? Is she some sort of mafia boss or something?!

[Ara? Good morning Rynia-san~] (??) We indeed arrived at where she wanted us to go, the adventurers' guild.

[Lorna, register this lad as an adventurer] (Rynia)

[Hai~Hai~] (Lorna) The guild receptionist with orange hair on a beret just agreed to her request for my registration.

[As usual, Rynia-nee is forceful] (Nene) My proxy also came along, but she also accepted that fact so easily?!

Other adventurers did not even bother us despite the rowdy and noisy atmosphere of the place, oh, and a bar is situated on the 1st floor of this building. It's already late at night, but it sure is lively. If one would focus on the bar, one would see that the one serving beer was a stout dwarf standing on a barrel to reach the counter.

[Then please write your name and other information here. The guild practices its heavily strict privacy security regarding the sharing of information so everything about you shall be protected by the guild no matter what] (Lorna)

[Is that so...] I sighed as I accepted the form.


These were mainly the needed parts that needs filling up.

-Date of Birth
-Place of Birth

These however were optional. But I remembered what miss Eclaire said back at the guard shack. "Just put Karson Village, and don't ask why". Those words were still fresh in my mind as I wrote it as my Place of Birth, as for my birthday it is the 20th day of the 9th month as my age is 20.

[I see, Karson Village huh....] (Lorna) She picked my bio data and then inspected it.

Still, I am pretty appalled by how orderly it was despite the noise. Moreover, the noise itself comes from the bar next door and not from the guild lobby. With that in mind, I moved my gaze back to the receptionist currently inspecting the info I gave to the guild.

[Well, nothing is wrong with the for occupation, what do you have as your main occupation] (Lorna)

What was I again?

[Wha?! A new young one!] (??) With beer mugs at hand, a few men decided to bother me as their way of entertaining themselves. 

[Woah?! Kid you have arms unsuited for the job] (??) A dwarven adventurer with a huge gun as a weapon nudges his huge arms at me. 

And the occassional shoulder/back slap too is getting annoying.

[Gahahahahaha!!!!!! You will get your ass kicked if you rush at things!] (??)

[Don't bother you bastards!] (Rynia)

[[[[[Gyaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!]]]]] I said, the trouble itself is getting solved by itself without me interfering.

[Say, how about we spar after this?] (Rynia) Her malicious grin, as far as I am concerned, was the most threatening gesture I have received from another person.


However, I always wonder, just how am I a magnet for troubles?

[Come on! You can do better than that can't you!?] (Rynia)

[Haaaa!!!!] Shit shit shit, why do I have to go through this shit again?

In the training field at the guild, Rynia decided to train me to use a sword. Why? 

Well, I put in a job as a "Gunslinger" just like those that use guns, however, I was told to train my arms first. What's the point!? 

[Dodge this!] (Rynia) 

[Woah!!!!! I am only using a short sword! Why would you use that thing against me!? Shouldn't I use a gun instead!?] 

[Haaaa??? If you have more questions, just hold on for your dear life!] (Rynia) Her naginata deadly reflected the glimmer of the sun.

?!!!!!!!! Crap!

I could only dodge it nimbly in a nick of time, but for some reason, it feels like every time she swings her weapon, the surrounding seems to slow down in my perspective. 

It feels like she's going to swipe at my feet, so I jumped to my back about a meter at best. 

[Huh? You seem to be more capable than I thought you would be] (Rynia)

[Ahahahaha...that was just luck though, it has nothing to do with my capabilities] I could, as far as I could, wryly smile at her comment. Right after successfully dodging her attack, the fierceness in her eyes seems to be burning more than it was before. Maybe I have tremendous luck, but I just don't know how much.

Crap, I riled her battle senses up again. Why did I dug my own grave?

[Here it goes! Echo Slash!] (Rynia) Her weapon glowed blue, indicating the sign of mana being coated in it........but for what?

To my surprise, as I dodged the first slash, another nicked my cheek. I then felt something warm at my cheek. It was blood, my blood.

[Don't be surprised, this is how adventurers fight. We always use the nastiest way to win a fight, why? Because our lives are tied in our jobs that's why] (Rynia) Her words made me wake up to reality.

That was an attack that allows her to strike the same spot two times, hence as I dodged the first slash, the second got me in the cheek.

Right, this is not a game, but reality. If I die, then I will die. No retry, no revive, but just straight death otherwise perhaps meeting those angels might happen as well. 

As if I'd want to die another dog death again.

[So it's fine if I use my abilities?]

[Why not? I told you that I will not be lenient, so why should you not as well?] (Rynia) I see.

This is a spar to test my combat abilities, so I really should not hold back, not even against a woman. 

[Fine] But I hope I won't go overboard.

[Huh? Why are you going back to the changing room?] (Rynia) 

[Ah, I will change first to the outfit I am comfortable moving around with. This is just my regular civilian clothes, and these are quite baggy] 

Of course, I changed into my titan pilot suit.


[That's a very weird attire though] (Rynia) Is the first comment that came out of her mouth.

[Hey now, that actually kinds of hit a soft spot]

[Ahahahahaha! Now then! Let's fight! Talking can go after this!] (Rynia) She brandished her weapon at me and lunged it forward.

[You battle maniac] Armed with the short sword, I readied myself to received her assault and respond to her now with resolution.

She began by moving quickly forward, with the blade in front and her body in a stance ready to make a huge swing at the moment, it looked like a perfect opportunity to strike. However, I am no fool. That is a trap laid to anyone naive enough to approach without any wariness.


Her swings were fast, just like how a boxer makes a quick right hook, that was how quick it was. Her strength is greater than mine, and that is a big problem. My strength may have been increased after reincarnation, but with my strength to look like a child on her eyes, this will be one heck of a tough spar.


[Woah! Rynia is still as strong as ever] (Nene) In the audience seats, Ethan along with Nene and other adventurers bear witness the spar that was quite extraordinary.

[Yeah, that girl is strong. The same goes for Jack too, he might have a shorter stature and build, but he's nimble and quick in his movements. Not a single one is wasted, rather he's efficient?] (Ethan) 

Jack dodged by back-flipping and then making a thrust while mid-air. 

Ordinary people can't do something like that, not even the adventurers in the area. All they could do was to watch their boss fight against the newcomer with jealousy.

Most adventurers who challenged her always gets defeated in less than 10 seconds, however, the newcomer has survived 5 minutes after the start of their spar. 

[So who's going to win?] (Nene)

[As for that, I don't know. I do know that she's more than capable of toppling anyone who does everything with strength, but to him, he's using his brains and his environment] (Ethan) 

To win a battle, one must know oneself, otherwise they wouldn't know of the cards they hold with. As for Jack, Ethan could see that he knows himself. 

[Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.......but if I am betting, it would be---] (Ethan) His words disappear in the wind as the sound of metal striking one another echoes in the area


[Orya!] (Rynia) Her naginata cleaved the air in front of me as I backed a bit, avoiding it again. 

She's clearly getting closer and closer as she reads my pace, crap, she might really reach me.

Crap, she might really at his point.

[Ha!] (Rynia) Suddenly her body glowed red.....................a buff spell. Her speed increased, as well as 

[Woah!] I was hit in the stomach with the back side of her blade. hurts like hell.

I clutched my stomach, I got cocky just because I dodged her a lot of times. I forgot that this was a fantasy world.....and I bit my own dose of medicine.

[Ahahahahaha! Got you now!] (Rynia) 


With the blade stuck near my face, she then place her foot at my stomach.

I immediately stood upright and distanced myself.

Ehem.......although that was quite tempting, I am just not into S&M play. No, never, never shall I be tempted by thighs, bust size, or exposed nape. Not even women who wears baggy clothes that had their body outline visible under the light of sunrise early in the morning would tempt me, no, never.

[Time to get serious then!] 

[Ahahaha! Now that is what I am waiting for! Now come and dance with your blade!] (Rynia) And with that, the climax of the tango began taking its final performance

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