off limits ☼ jj maybank x rea...

By 1-800-spaghetti

249K 3.7K 3K

John B catches JJ eyeing you, "She's off limits, dude." he warns him. JJ holds his hands up, "Understood, cap... More



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By 1-800-spaghetti

"The monster gone, he's on the run and your brothers here."


You stop JJ's bike as you see Kie and Pope, grabbing some fuel for the boat from Heyward. The two of you head over to where they were.

Kie places her arm over her eyes as she sees the two of you in the distance, "Did you get the keys?" She asks, worried as to why the two of you where here.

"Yeah— just ran into some trouble." JJ says getting off his bike. "Trouble?" Kie asks, pressing for an explanation, "Yeah if trouble started with, Rafe and ended in Cameron." You sigh. Kie and Pope look between the two of you, "What happened?" Pope asks.

"Are you two okay?" She asks, you both nod. "Yeah— Y/n nearly ran them over and they ran away." JJ chuckles. Kie's mouth forms a small 'o' as she gasps, "Damn Y/n." She smiles, impressed. She holds her hand out for the pogue hand shake, which you happily do.

"So we gotta get this fuel to the Phantom then get it to the dock before 3 o'clock for John B." Pope says as Pope and Kie load the fuel into her dad's car.

"Alright— meet you guys at the garage." JJ says, then nodding as the two groups head towards where the Phantom was.

After filling up the boat with fuel, you get it to the dock with the boat, where you guys were gonna meet John B at 3. You sit on the dock, waiting for your brother to show up. Kie, Pope and JJ start around— Stressed about his whereabouts.

"Dude, where is he?" Kie asks annoyed. "Give him a second. He'll be here." Pope says. The sound of sirens blaring increases making you and the others turn to see a cop car approach you guys.

"Get back on the boat. Untie it." JJ instructs Pope. "Shit." Kie says. "Wait." JJ says, noticing John B open the door.

"No f'ing way." Pope says as John B walks up to you guys. "Uh..." You say watching him. "Shoupe let me take it for a spin." John B says.

"Okay. That's believable. I'll buy that for now." Kie says hugging John B.

"It's wasn't easy, bro, but i got the Phantom for ya," JJ says. John B walks over to you, hugging you quickly. "And she runs like she was made yesterday." JJ continues. JJ chucks the keys towards him, John B catching them.

"Where's sarah?" John B asks. "She's not with you?" Kie asks. John B shakes his head, "No, we got separated in the swamp. She said she was gonna meet me here."

"We haven't seen her, JB." You tell him, "Okay, well, i'm not leaving without her."

"John B, look at me." JJ says, "I know you feel bad for leaving, but there's no time, man. You've got plenty of gas, plenty of food. Once you get around that point, it's a straight shot across to Dismal Swamp, okay? Once you get there, lay low, all right?" JB nods.

"Alright— let's do this." John B says with a sad smile as he gets onto to the boat. He looks back between you guys before jumping off the boat.

"JB—" Pope starts but he pulls all of you into a hug, "I'll miss you guys." He says, crying slightly.

"Stay safe junior." He says as he hugs you separately, ruffling your hair as he pulls back, "I left some money on the side— for rent." He says, smiling at you. You chuckle slightly, starting to tear up.

˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

John B had been the most caring brother you could ask for. Though he was overprotective at times, he felt he had to be due to your absent parents.

You returned to the château the night you and Rafe 'broke up', you had been crying on the way home, of anger, confusion, fear and a small part of sadness.

You opened the door, expecting John B to be out with the Pogues or at some party. He was sat at the dinner table. His head instantly lifted as he heard the door open. He stands up seeing you.

"Oh my god, Y/n. Are you okay?" He asks walking towards you and pulling you into a hug. You nod softly against his shoulder, "Yeah— i dont want to talk about it." You tell him.

He nods, "Okay." He says soothing your hair as you hold onto him. You sob against him as he comforts you, "It's alright junior, your brothers here." He shushes you soothingly.

"Can i sleep in your bed tonight?" You ask, he nods. "Thank you John B. For being the best older brother." You smile slightly as you wipe your tears


You watch John B gets back on the boat, your cheeks damp from your tears, "I'm sorry for basically.. throwing us off a cliff." John B says sniffling, "with this whole treasure hunt thing."

"Hey, John B, yo... we were bound to run off a cliff at some point, right?" JJ says, "Yeah." JB sadly chuckles

"At least we did it together, though." JJ adds, wrapping his arms around you and Pope— you pulling in Kie, "Pogue style." JJ says.

"Pogue style." JB whispers.

"Get out of here! Please." Kie says. "Now." Pope adds, "See you in two months, down in mexico."

"Love you." JJ tells him. "Love you JB." You say as well. "Love ya kids!" He laughs, "And tell Sarah i said goodbye." He adds before getting into the drivers seat.

You guys watch at the dock as JB drives away, JJ wraps his arm around your shoulder pulling you into his side. You rest your head on his shoulder wiping the few tears that formed.

You and JJ start walking towards Kie's car after JB was out of sight. JJ turns back, nudging you suddenly, "What?—" You ask looking back but stop when you see Pope and Kie share a kiss.

You look back at JJ shocked— him matching your expression. The sound of sirens grow louder making JJ shout over at Kie and Pope, "Hey guys, i'm sorry to ruin the party, but, uh, we gotta go right now. Come on." He says ushering them.

Before the four of you can get to Kie's car, the cops surround you guys. You and Kie slowly hold your hands up, seeing the guns they held.

"Pope." Kie says as Pope didn't raise his hands. The officer walks towards the docks— no John B in sight. "Damn it— he's already gone. Bratcher, have your guys stand down." Shoupe says.

"We're taking you for questioning." Shoupe tells you guys, ushering you into the cop cars. You all reluctantly get in the back of the car.

The four of you haphazardly sit in the back of the cop car, awkwardly waiting till you got to where ever it was the were taking you guys to.

They stop the car, opening the doors for you, "This way." Shoupe instructs, guiding you guys through the hectic crowd— the storm picking up massively at this point.

They led you guys to a small-ish tent, motioning for you to take the seats at the side. "Sit down don't move. We got a lot to talk about." Shoupe says before disappearing off somewhere.

You tap your foot against the ground nervously, hearing the police chatter amongst themselves trying to find John B.

JJ turns to you as he notices your leg, you slowly stop your movements to look up at him, smiling weakly. JJ quickly kisses your temple reassuringly, making you sigh contently.

After waiting for a while, you hear commotion start around you making you feel nervously. The pogues look between one another worried. "We found him!" Someone shouts, confirming your anxieties.

Waiting in the small tent for hours, the sheriff and his department finally make their way round to you guys. The four of you stand up upon seeing them enter the tent.

"Did you find him?" Pope asks, Shoupe shakes his head, "no." Pope looks towards Kie, "So they got away." Kie says, making Shoupe look away then back at the floor. "We, uh... we lost them. i'm sorry."

"You lost them?" Pope asks, "What do you mean you lost them? like they're gone? What do you mean?" Pope continues

"They took an open boat into a tropical depression, Pope." Shoupe says. "So they're dead?" Kie asks. "We don't know." Shoupe confirms.

You feel your hands start to shake and your pulse increase. What if they were dead. What if your brother was dead. "You drove them straight through the storm, man!" JJ angrily shouts, "Are you kidding me? Come here!" JJ says hitting Shoupe.

Everything around you is blurred. You feel tears fall down your cheeks as you hear Kie muffled shout, "JJ! stop!"

You vaguely see JJ being pulled back by some cops and held back as he lashes out. You sit down on the chair you previously sat on. You hold your head in your hands as you start to uncontrollably sob, quiet enough for no one to notice.

Kie cries as she tries to stabilise Pope and JJ starts to calm down as he see's your shaky frame. "Get off." He says pushing past the cops and towards you.

"Y/n—" He sadly says, his hand lightly grazing your hair, making you look up at him. JJ's heart breaks as he sees your red eyes and quivering lip. You take deep breaths as you feel panicky.

JJ lowers himself, bringing you into a hug. His warmth and his smell calm you slightly. You pull back seeing Kie and Pope's parents hug their kids. You notice the sad look JJ wears.

You stand up wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him into your embrace. His head rests on your shoulder as you feel him silently cry against you, his body shaking.

You let go of JJ, giving Kie a tight hug as she sobs. JJ is pulled into hug the Heywards. Each other you guys hug each other tightly— collectively just as upset as the other.

You wipe your tears as you and JJ say goodbye to Pope and Kie as their parents take them home. "Do you kids need a ride?" Shoupe asks the two of you. JJ shakes his head grabbing your hand, "We'll be fine." he sniffs walking past him, clearly still angry at him.

You lightly squeeze JJ's hand as the two of you walk back to the château silently. As you reach your house, you stop just outside of it. JJ looks back at you, "I don't think i can go in." You say, feeling a sense of guilt wash over you— your hands start to shake again as you feel tears well in your eyes.

"I know it's hard— We'll do it together." JJ attempts to smile, but everything about tonight turned out depressing. You nod slowly, taking a step towards him. The two of you walk into the château hand in hand.

You let out a deep breath as you stand in the living room. From the corner of your eyes you see a note left on the side. You bite you lip, holding back a cry, knowing it was from John B.

Money for rent & food. no parties.
p.s. don't let jj sleep in my bed. AND DEFINITELY NOT YOURS!
p.s.s love ya junior! see ya in two months :D

you hold the note shakily, laughing slightly at his overprotectiveness. You scan his handwriting, wishing you could see his scruffy 'y's forever. The small signature john b smiley at the end makes your heart ache. JJ places his head on your shoulder taking the note from your hand. He kisses your cheek as he sadly looks at the writing.

JJ sighs as he turns towards the porch as you sit at the dinner table. The note placed in front of you with many tear drops litter at the bottom of the paper.

JJ walks outside, finding something to break that he can let his anger out on. You flinch each time he kicks or smashes something. You hear him shout sometimes, ending in him sobbing.

You place your head down on the table, sobbing as you shake. You felt ill from all the crying. You just wanted your brother back. You scan his writing over and over, "Junior." repeats as you scan it.

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚

"Hey junior!" 7 year old John B shouts from across the yard. You perk your head up, "Stop John B! That's not my name." You pout as you walk over to him pushing him. "Plush i'm only like a year younger than you." You pout, John B ignores you grabbing your arms pulling you into him.

"ewwww." You complain, making John B scoff, "One day junior, you'll love your big brother's hugs." He says pulling your braid lightly. "Ow! John B!" You complain as you follow him back into the house.

"Y/n, it's ya first day of school tomorrow remember." Your dad reminds you. You frown, "Really?? Do i have to go?" You ask. "Yes." Your dad says with a chuckle, "I'll be there y/n." John B says with a smile.

You smile slightly, making John B pinch your cheeks, "Off!" You say swatting his hand away. "Play nice." Your dad warns, "now go get ready for bed and i'll read ya a story."

"I want John B to read to me." You say holding onto your brothers t-shirt. Your dad tilts his glasses down as he looks at you, "Mhh— he can probably read better than me anyway." He shrugs.

"Yay!" You cheer heading into yours and John B's shared room. "Okay Junior, which one?" John B asks with a laugh as he scans the bookshelf. "Treasure island!" You cheer. John B groans, "Again?" He complains, you nod quickly, making John B pick up the worn out book.

"Okay—" John B starts opening the book, as you tuck yourself into bed— John B slotting in next to you.


With JJ returning into the kitchen, you snap out of your memories, his eyes red and his fists bloodied. You sigh as you walk up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. The both of you silently comfort each other. The two of you decide to get into bed. JJ and you cuddle, holding onto one another tightly.

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