wir werden sehen || könig x r...

By vxlzaa

142K 3K 2.1K

book one of a simple romantic fanfic of könig and the reader :) More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
crack chapter~thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter fourty
chapter fourty one
chapter fourty two
chapter fourty three
chapter fourty four
chapter fourty five
chapter fourty six
chapter fourty seven
chapter fourty eight
chapter fourty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
chapter fifty three
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five
chapter fifty six
chapter fifty seven
chapter fifty eight
chapter fifty nine
chapter sixty
chapter sixty one
chapter sixty two
chapter sixty three
chapter sixty four
chapter sixty five
chapter sixty six
chapter sixty seven
chapter sixty eight
chapter sixty nine

chapter thirty one

1.7K 47 15
By vxlzaa


i looked over to könig and he shrugged. he stood up from his seat and stood up, kissing my forehead and grabbed his bowl, putting it in the sink and washing it.

i sighed and stood up, rolling my shoulder and rubbing it, since it was slightly sore still. i looked over at könig and slightly smiled. "i'm going to go check on price."

he looked over his shoulder and looked at me up and down. "okay." he turned back around and continued washing the dishes.

i turned on my heel and walked out of the kitchen, down the hall. i walked up to price's office and knocked on the door.

"come in." he shouted from the room.

i opened the door and slowly walked in. "is everything okay?" i shut the door behind me and took a seat infront of his desk.

"yep, just needed to make a call." he sighed, resting his head on his fist. "you'll be leaving in a week by the way, this is a special mission. ghost will be with you and have your six. just don't get yourself in any mess and stick to the mission."

"what's the mission?" i shuffled in my seat, scooting forward.

"you'll be eliminating any other cartel members in LA." he grabbed the cigar that sat in the ashtray, lighting it and putting it in his mouth.

"oh.. what about the others?" i looked down to my hands, playing with my thumbs.

he took a hit and blew the smoke to the left. "they'll be searching for your brother and eliminating any other cartel members that get in the way." he leaned back in his chair, propping his legs up on the desk. he groaned and resting his arm on the armrest.

"so these.. cartel members. why are they in LA?" i cleared my throat, looking at the lit cigar in his hand.

"they want to expand, make more money and cover more ground." he took another hit, leaving the cigar in his mouth.

i leaned back and sighed, picking the scab on my hand.

price shifted in his seat, sitting up. "i'll let you know if i need you for anything else." he sighed, putting the cigar in the ashtray.

i nodded and got up out of my seat, walking towards the door and walking out. i shut the door behind me and walked towards the weight room. i turned on the lights and walked over to the matt, dropping to my knees ans placed down my hands. i stretched out my legs and started my push ups.

after a few minutes, my breathing became heavier and sweat started to bead off my forehead. my arms burned but i continued, pushing my limit. i got up on my knees and panted, tilting my head up. i wiped the sweat off my forehead and grabbed the water bottle next to me, gulping down the water and sighing.

i threw the empty bottle aside and stood up, looking up at the pull up bar in front of me. i fixed my stance and jumped up, grabbing the pull up bar and lifting myself up. i grunted as i pulled up and let myself back down, repeating.

i heard the door open, echoing through the weight room, but continued doing pull ups.

"getting yourself prepared, yea?"

a voice from behind boomed. i dropped down and landed on my feet, turning around and looking up at ghost. "oh simon, it's you."

his chest heaved above me as he looked down at me. he squinted and looked at the pull up bar. "you were doing well."

i huffed and turned on my heel, walking on the other side of the pull up bar and jumping up, grabbing the bar and pulling myself up. "go do your own thing." i stammered, grunting as i lifted myself up.

"yea well, we have the same mission. i need just as much exercise as you." he chuckled.

i dropped myself down and landed on my feet again, looking up at simon. "that's the first time i heard your laugh."

he shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the bench press. "not much to laugh about."

"funny." i rolled my eyes and walked over to the dumbbell rack, lifting one up and feeling my arm drop down from the weight. my eyes widened and i looked back hoping he didn't notice. i managed to curl it and felt my forearm and wrist start to burn. "fuck." i sighed and shook my head, putting the dumbbell back. "those aren't for me at all." i muttered to myself, walking over to the door of the weight room.

"leaving so early?" i heard the weight hit the stand of the bench press. i turned and looked at ghost. he sat up right and glared at me. "am i that annoying?"

i smirked and opened the door, walking out and walking towards the kitchen. i grabbed an apple as i walked past the isle. i opened the back door and went out. i walked over to the obstacle course and looked up at the grey sky. i looked back down and ran towards the obstacles.


i slid down the rope and panted, holding my back and looking up at the sky as it started to pour. i looked back down and rolled my shoulders. i started to walk and struggled to move as my legs ached and burned. i pushed my wet (your hair type) back out of my face and looked to my left, studying the trees and looking forward.

i walked towards the door and opened it. looking around before sprinting to my room, trying to get as little water as possible on the floor. i quickly took off my boots and threw the aside. i huffed as i took off my belt and pulled down my soaked pants. i waddled to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. i slipped my pants and shirt and put them on the toilet lid. i slid down my underwear and turned on the shower.

i got in the shower, washing myself off. i washed my hair and scrubbed myself. i washed the suds off of my face and turned off the water. i grabbed the towel that was set on the sink next to the shower and wrapped it around me, getting out of the tub and looking at myself in the mirror.

i looked at the scab under my eye and chin and sighed. i turned to the door and opened it, walking over to the dresser and grabbing clean clothes out. i slipped them on and put the towel on my head, rustling my hair with towel to get any remaining water out.

i threw the towel in the basket and sat on the bed, falling back and looking at the ceiling. i heard footsteps come closer to the room and i turned my head towards the door, watching it open.

könig ducked under the door frame and looked over to me, smiling. "hello schatz (sweetheart)."

i sat up and smiled at könig, standing up and wrapping my arms around him tightly.

he held me tightly and lifted me. he spun slightly and laid back on the bed, holding me on top of his chest. "i barely seen you today, were you training?"

i nodded, laying my head down on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. "training sucked, im sore."

he chuckled, "you'll get used to it." his voice boomed as he talked.

"i missed you."

"i missed you too schatz (sweetheart)."

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