wir werden sehen || könig x r...

By vxlzaa

142K 3K 2.1K

book one of a simple romantic fanfic of könig and the reader :) More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
crack chapter~thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter fourty
chapter fourty one
chapter fourty two
chapter fourty three
chapter fourty four
chapter fourty five
chapter fourty six
chapter fourty seven
chapter fourty eight
chapter fourty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
chapter fifty three
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five
chapter fifty six
chapter fifty seven
chapter fifty eight
chapter fifty nine
chapter sixty
chapter sixty one
chapter sixty two
chapter sixty three
chapter sixty four
chapter sixty five
chapter sixty six
chapter sixty seven
chapter sixty eight
chapter sixty nine

chapter twenty seven

1.8K 49 20
By vxlzaa


his eyes met mine and he smiled. "i should go shower now, i'll be back!" he opened the door and ducked under the door frame but lifted his head a little too early and hit his head. "verdammte tür (damn door)!" he rubbed his head and shut the door.

i giggled and stretched, walking over to the bathroom and closed the door. i undressed and looked in the mirror. i looked at the dry blood and dirt on my face and sighed. i turned on the water in the shower and hopped in, grabbing a rag and started scrubbing my face. dirt and blood washed away from my hair and body, i looked at the drain and watched the dark liquid flow down.


i hopped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, drying myself off. i walked out of the bathroom and grabbed clean clothes and slipped on a black shirt and grey sweatpants. i dried my hair and looked at the time. i heard my stomach growl and i groaned.

i opened the door and walked towards the kitchen. soap and gaz were at the table talking to eachother but quickly stopped when they noticed me come in.

"oh sorry." i turned on my heel and started walking.

"(y/n)." soap called out.

i turned back around and looked at soap. "yes?" i gave a forced smile.

"gaz has something to say." he motioned to gaz and nudged him in the shoulder.

"ow! i mean- yea i have something to say." gaz embarrassingly smiled, clearing his throat.

"okay." i walked over to the table and took a seat. "what is it?" i crossed my arms and met eyes with gaz.

"erm.. i apologize, i didn't want to leave you behind but we had no choice. the fire was spreading and there was no way getting you between the flames and the gun to your face." gaz looked down and sighed. he had a disappointing look on his face.

"oh yea it's fine!" i smiled, tapping my finger on the counter.

soap blankly stared at me and look at gaz. "so your not gonna punch him?"

"nope!" i smiled and got out of my seat and started to make my way out the kitchen before a large man blocked my way. i slowly looked up and seen könig looking down at me.

"hungry?" he smiled, patting my head and walking past me.

"actually yes i am, but it's okay if it's too late." i sat back at the table.

"no worries." könig smiled, grabbing an apron and tying it on.

i shifted in my seat and waited for könig to begin cooking. i looked at my phone and scrolled through my photo album, resting my chin on my palm.

soap pulled down my phone and looked at me in terror. "what are you planning?"

"nothing, just gonna make gaz miserable for a few days." i lifted my phone back up and continued scrolling.

"so your just- wait is that a picture of könig sleeping?" soap pulled my phone back down and snatched it, swiping to the picture again.

"hey no! give me my phone!" i shouted, trying to reach and grab my phone over the island.

"awww, könig look!" soap put the phone near königs face and pointed.

könig looked over and his smile faded quickly and he snatched the phone, looking at the pictures. his eyes widened and his face turned red. he shut off the phone and slipped it in his pocket. "don't do that ever again."

"but you look so good sleeping!" soap snickered, teasing könig. "i think i sleep with my mouth wide open."

könig quickly punched soap in the chest making him grab his chest and wheeze. soap let out a few gasps of air and coughs before looking at me.

"your face is beet red." i tried to hold in my laugh and quickly covered my mouth.

"fuckin hell." soap coughed, turning back around and grabbed the beer that was next to him, taking a sip. "that was horrible." soap looked at me and chuckled.

"by the way, you do sleep with your mouth open." i giggled.

soap choked on his drink and quickly looked over to me. "i what?" his face became worried.

gaz giggled and quickly looked away when soap turned his head. "no i don't!" soap bickered.

"yes you do." i smirked covering my mouth.

könig brought a plate over, steak with a side of cooked vegetables. he handed me a fork and smiled. he grabbed a knife and fork, cutting into the steak, cutting bite sized pieces. "now eat." he smiled.

"what about me?" soap looked up at könig, "you can't just feed one and not the others."

könig glared at soap and grabbed two more plates, setting it down and tossing two small steaks on their plates then dumping the rest of the vegetables in their plates. "wash the dishes." könig tossed the pan in the sink and walked off.

i looked at soap and shrugged, picking up my fork and digging in.

"you always get the princess treatment!" soap exclaimed, sucking his teeth and taking a bite of steak. "why can't i get a girlfriend and be spoiled."

"yeah, why can't you get a girlfriend?" gaz questioned, wheezing and trying to hold in his laugh.

i coughed and tried to hide my laugh, continuing to eat. "you made könig upset."

"i know." soap picked around the peas and took another bite. "i'll apologize later."

i sighed and took the last bite, getting out of my seat and bringing the plate over to the sink.

"i got the dishes, don't worry." soap looked back at me, smiling.

"are you sure?"

"don't worry about it, go!"

i smiled and walked towards königs room, opening the door and looking over to the bed.

könig looked over and shushed me, petting the cat that was laying on his chest. my mouth dropped and i let out a giggle. the cat slowly opened his eyes and meow, turning over on his back and purring.

"how cute!" i walked in and shut the door behind me, crawling on the bed to the other side.

"he finally likes me." könig smiled and gently pet the cat.

"really? i'm jealous." i teased, laying down and getting under the covers, yawning.

"tired?" könig looked over at me and raised an eyebrow.

"just a little." i looked up and him and smiled, closing my eyes and sighing.

"okay, goodnight schatz (sweetheart)."


i relaxed and felt myself getting more tired.

"i love you."

"i love you too schatz (sweetheart)."

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