[2] The Daughter of Nurse Joy...

By FantasyWriter345

24.7K 440 63

After winning the Indigo League, Cora, Alain and Mairin are heading to the Orange Islands to pick up a specia... More

Off To the Orange Islands
Valencia Island
Mikan Island
Sunburst Island
Navel Island
Moro Island
Mandarin Island
Trovitopolis City
Trovita Island
The Power of One
Kumquat Island
Rind Island
Pummelo Island
The Lapras Pod
A Tent Situation
Pokémon Obtained Update
Upcoming Sequel

Murcott Island

1.2K 27 3
By FantasyWriter345

Sometime after meeting Gastly and Haunter, Cora and the gang arrived at another island on Kano.

"Thanks for the ride, Lapras." Ash thanked the Transport Pokémon.

"Thanks for the ride, Rory." Cora thanked the Atrocious Pokémon.

"Lap./Gyar (No problem.)" Rory and Lapras smiled.

Cora and Ash returned their Pokémon to their Pokéball.

Tracey took out his two Pokéballs, "Okay Venonat, Marill, go!" He released his two Pokémon.


"Marill Marill."

"You seem to be excited to be on this island, Tracey." Cora stated.

"Well I've been wanting to visit this island for a long time, Cora." Tracey explained.

Suddenly a Beedrill flew by, and Misty gasped as she fell to her knees.

"What's the matter?" Tracey asked, confused.

Misty pointed in the direction where Beedrill flew off, "That was a Beedrill and a BIG one!"

"That's one of the reasons why I'm so happy to be here, Misty." Tracey smiled.

"What?" Misty asked, confused.

"Murcott Island is home to all sorts of bug Pokémon." Tracey replied, happily.

"Well I don't mind any other bug Pokémon. It's just that I don't like Beedrills all that much." Mairin admitted.

"Well there's a Pokémon center here. So we can take Mairin and Misty there first, then we can explore the island next." Cora suggested.

"I think that would be a good idea. We don't want Mairin and Misty to accidentally scare off all the bug Pokémon that Tracey wants to find." Alain agreed.

Mairin and Misty pouted at that statement and then sighed.


So Cora and the gang went to find the Pokémon Center first. When suddenly Kilala spotted something. Then ran off in that direction.

"Kilala, where are you going?" Cora followed after Kilala with the gang behind her.

Kilala led them to a small clearing where they saw an injured Scyther. The gang ran over to it at once.

"We need to get this Scyther to the Pokémon center at once." Tracey decided.

At that moment, Scyther opened its eyes and saw the gang. They slightly flinched at the emotion in its eyes.

"It doesn't look too happy." Misty paled.

"I have something that will make you feel lots better." Tracey got out a potion from his rucksack.

Just as Tracey was about to spray the potion on Scyther's wounds, Scyther jumped up and got into battle position. Even though it was very weak, Scyther was somehow able to stand up.

"Amazing, Scyther is still able to stand even when its injured." Alain commented, impressed.

"Please Scyther. We just want to help you." Cora pleaded, calmly.

"Espe. Espe espeon espe, espeon! (You're injured. If you don't get treatment soon you could possibly get captured easily by some other trainer or worse, die!)" Kilala added.

Scyther stared at the group as if it was examining them. It sighed heavily as it fell to the ground. The gang ran over to it. Alain and Tracey helped it sit up. They knew that Scyther would be too weak and heavy for them to get it to the Pokémon Center in time.

"Scyther, I have an easier way to get you to the Pokémon Center, but you're not going to like it." Tracey stated. Scyther turned towards him when he took out a Pokéball, "I have to catch you. Once you're healed, I release you, okay?"

Scyther stared at Tracey and then the Pokéball and back at Tracey. Then it nodded. Tracey gently tapped Scyther's forehead and it was sucked inside. It wiggled for a few seconds and then 'ding'.

Then the gang rushed off to the Pokémon Center.


When the gang reached the Pokémon center, Tracey gave Scyther to Nurse Joy at once. While waiting, Cora decided to send Istas and Chrystal (Crystal Onix) to Oak's ranch. She knew that Prof. Oak would be thrilled to study Chrystal. A few hours later, Nurse Skylar Joy came out of the treatment room with Chansey rolled out Scyther on a stretcher.

"How's Scyther?" Tracey asked her.

"Well it's very exhausted and needs lots of rest." Nurse Skylar Joy informed them.

Tracey knelt down at eye level with Scyther, "Once you're fully healed, I let you go, okay? Just rest for a little bit while you wait."

Scyther nodded, "Scyther."

Tracey smiled softly and gently placed his hand on Scyther's head. It tensed for a moment and then relaxed at his touch.

"Chansey, would you take Scyther to Recovery?" Nurse Skylar Joy asked.

"Chansey. (No problem.)" Chansey smiled and pushed the stretcher towards Recovery.

"I wonder what caused it to get so hurt like that." Ash pondered.

"Well I think I might know," Nurse Skylar Joy responded, "I've dealt with something like this before. You see as you know Pokémon travel in groups and in those groups, there is always a leader to guide them. And when it comes to leaders the Pokémon would fight each other for leadership of the group."

"So I take that means that this Scyther was the leader of its swarm?" Alain asked.

"From the look at it yes," Nurse Skylar Joy replied, "and this Scyther seems to be an old Scyther, so it's quite clear that it got beaten by a younger Scyther."


Nurse Joy also helped checkup all their Pokémon Cora, Alain and Mairin's eggs. After all of their checkups were done, Nurse Skylar Joy went back to help the injured Scyther. She gently removed the bandages from Scyther. Suddenly it jolted out of bed.

"What's wrong Scyther?" Nurse Skylar Joy asked, rather surprised, "You need to stay in bed."

Scyther ignored Nurse Skylar Joy and flew weakly through the window, breaking it. The gang saw what was happening and ran outside the Pokémon center.

"What's going on?" Cora asked, "Scyther hasn't recovered yet."

"Something must be happening in the forest and Scyther is going back to the forest to find out what. We better follow it." Tracey suggested.

Cora, Alain, Mairin, Misty and Ash agreed, and they all followed Scyther.


The gang followed Scyther all the way into a clearing where they saw Scyther protecting a swarm of Scyther's who were stuck together with some sticky substance. Team Rocket was petrified of the former leader of the Scyther swarm.

"Leave them alone, Team Rocket!" Cora demanded.

"Oh no the twerps are here!" Jessie yelped.

When the gang saw Jessie's new haircut, they started laughing.

"Hey. Where'd you get that new do?" Cora taunted.

"I have to say that it's an improvement." Alain added.

"How DARE you?!" A vein popped on Jessie forehead, "You insult my hair, prepare for trouble!"

"It used to be there but now it's stubble." James continued.

"To protect my head from humiliation!" Jessie released Arbok.

"Charbok!" Arbok materialized.

"Too bad her hair went on vacation." James released Weezing.

"Weezing!" Weezing materialized.

"My gorgeous hair was my one true love!" Jessie released Lickitung.

"Lick!" Lickitung materialized.

"They went together like a hand in glove." James released Victreebel.

Victreebel materialized and it munched on James.



"Now my hair's short, but it won't be for long!!!"

"And it won't stop our Jessie from doing what's wrong!"

Meowth jumped in front of Jessie and James, "Hairy!"

"How do they come up with that stuff?" Ash asked, confused.

"I like your new hairstyle a lot, Jessie." Mairin taunted.

 "Who cut it? A barber or a butcher?" Misty taunted.

"Very funny! One of them did it, and now they're all gonna pay for it!" Jessie pointed at one of the Scyther's.

The gang turned to where the former leader was and saw the swarm of Scyther's in the sticky net.

"That must be why Scyther wanted to come back here." Mairin realized.

"Scyther Scyther Scyth Scyther Scy Scyther." Scyther said.

"It said it may not be the leader of the Scyther swarm anymore," Meowth translated, "but it won't let us get away with what we have done."

"Okay then then it's time to fight." Jessie declared, "Arbok, Poison Sting! Lickitung, use Lick!"

"Weezing, Sludge Attack! Victreebel, Razor Leaf!" James ordered.

Scyther used Double Team and Agility to dodge the attacks. But then, since it was still very weak, he began to collapse from exhaustion.

"Let's help Scyther!" Tracey released Venonat.

Cora sent out Kilala, Alain sent out Lycanroc, Mairin sent out Petunia (Lilligant) and Ash sent out Pikachu.

"Venonat, use Psybeam!"

"Lycanroc, Rock Slide!"

"Petunia, Petal Dance!"

"Kilala, Psybeam!"

"Pikachu, Thunder Shock!"

All the attacks hit Team Rocket together and saved Scyther. In no time at all, the attacks sent Team Rocket and their Pokémon blasting off again.

"TEAM ROCKET'S BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" Team Rocket screamed as they disappeared into the sky.



After Team Rocket left, Mairin had Petunia cut the sticky net with a mixture of Razor Leaf and Petal Dance. Then the Scyther's went into the pond to wash the glue off themselves. The new leader of the Scyther swarm thanked the elder Scyther and then flew off with the swarm.

"There they go," Tracey said, "What about you Scyther? Do you want to fly off too?"

Scyther shook its head and stepped towards Tracey, "Scy Scyther. (I want to stay with you.)"

"Scyther wishes to stay with you, Tracey." Cora translated.

Tracey smiled. "I agree with that." Then he returned Scyther to its Pokéball. Tracey was happy to catch a new Pokémon.


So the gang went back to the Pokémon center for the night. As they stepped through the doors, they heard a familiar sound coming from Cora, Alain and Mairin's backpack.

"The eggs!" Cora, Alain and Mairin gasped.

They quickly ran over to a bench and took out their eggs from their incubators and placed them in their laps. Ash, Misty, and Tracey stood behind them. The eggs glowed and Cora used her arm to shield her eyes. When the glow went down, Cora was shocked once more at the Pokémon who hatched: Zamazenta, shiny Zacian and a shiny Latias! Alain hatched a shiny Latios and Mairin hatched a Panpour.

Cora quickly took out her phone:

[Zamazenta, the Warrior Pokémon. In times past, it worked together with a king of the people to save the Galar region. It absorbs metal that it then uses in battle.]

[Zacian, the Warrior Pokémon. Known as a legendary hero, this Pokémon absorbs metal particles, transforming them into a weapon it uses to battle.

Note: This different coloration indicates that this Pokémon is a shiny Pokémon.]

[Latias, the Eon Pokémon. Latias is highly sensitive to the emotions of people. If it senses any hostility, this Pokémon ruffles the feathers all over its body and cries shrilly to intimidate the foe.

Note: This different coloration indicates that this Pokémon is a shiny Pokémon.]

Alain took out his Pokédex and scanned his new Pokémon:

[Latios, the Eon Pokémon. Latios has the ability to make others see an image of what it has seen or imagines in its head. This Pokémon is intelligent and understands human speech.

Note: This different coloration indicates that this Pokémon is a shiny Pokémon.]

Mairin took out her Pokédex and scanned her new Pokémon:

[Panpour, Panpour, the Spray Pokémon. Panpour lived in forests long ago, but developed a body that makes it easy to live near water. It can store water in the tufts on its head.]

The new hatched Pokémon opened their eyes to see Cora, Alain and Mairin smiling down at them.

"Hello little ones, I'm your trainer." Cora greeted the three new Pokémon.

The three stared at her and then nuzzled against her cheeks and chest.

The shiny Latios nuzzled against Alain's chest while Panpour hugged Mairin.

"Wow, you got another set of Legendary Pokémon." Alain commented.

"And one of them is a shiny too." Mairin added.

"Incredible." Tracey took out his sketchbook and started drawing.

"Espeon? (What are you going to name them?)" Kilala asked.

Cora looked to Zamazenta "Galahad," Then turned to shiny Zacian, "Athena." And then turned to shiny Latias, "Serenity."

"Those are good names." Alain complimented.

"Thanks, Alain." Cora smiled.


Pokémon Obtained:

Cora: Crystal Onix (Chrystal)(F), Zamazenta (Galahad)(M), Shiny Zacian (Athena)(F), Shiny Latias (Serenity)(F)

Alain: Shiny Latios (M)

Mairin: Panpour (Kendra)(F)

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