The Reunion (Part 1)

By Youlo182

96.6K 2.7K 862

Maya and Carina meet again after fifteen years without speaking to each other at their high school reunion wh... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70

chapter 47

1.3K 32 5
By Youlo182

It had already been a week since Thanksgiving and they had survived. They still didn't know by what miracle Lane hadn't discovered the pot of gold yet, because they were having more and more trouble being discreet. It was often looks that could not deceive anyone who wanted to see what was going on, or even gestures, especially knowing Maya who had to be one of the least tactile people on earth, but with Carina everything was an excuse to make physical contact, a joke, to bump into each other unintentionally and take advantage of it, a misplaced lock of hair, everything.

They were in Carina's bed, scantily clad, talking on the pillow, the confessional as they liked to call it; there was always a moment before going to bed, before or after lovemaking, when they started to talk, about everything and nothing, about their day, the future, school, their friends, any memories. And like every night, they were there whispering.

- "So what should I get your parents for Christmas?"

-"You don't have to get them anything."

- "but I want to, they're taking me in and I love your mother."

- "they put you up but part of your scholarship covered your expenses for a year, believe me when I told my father about that part, he jumped at the chance... You'd have been a guy, he probably would have fixed up the attic for you... But the second you put up that webcam... I told my dad that I was willing to sacrifice myself, since this was my project and I was going to share my room with you."

- "oh so the second you saw me... You figured I might end up in your bed, so might as well speed things up?"

- "the second I saw you... No, but Carina, do you realize that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen?"

- "at least"

- "I assure you... Who wouldn't dream of waking up and seeing you every day..."

- "and so that was your goal?"

-"To tell you the truth, I didn't think I had a chance... But I thought, maybe at the end of the school year, if we get along well enough, and you want to do one last crazy thing... You'd just have to walk across the room."

- "oh so, I walked through this room ten months too early?"

- "a month too late"

- "one month..."

- "you could have joined me the first week, I was already completely under your spell... Did you see my face when you took me in your arms, after you landed?!"

- "it's because you are not touchy-feely"

- "it's because I liked being tactile with you"

- "I like it very... Much... Much, too much, to be touchy-feely with you"

- "you can take away the 'too'."

- "you like being tactile with me?" Asked the Italian in a sultry voice, as if she had been naughty.

- "considering the current placement of my hands ... I would lean towards a yes..."
Answered Maya coming a little closer to Carina and urging her to lie on her back.

- "Is the confessional over?"

-"The confessional is closed for today..." Maya replied as she came over and kissed her neck. But Carina had then hit her face with the flat of her hand to make her back off.

-"Aoutch ! But what's wrong with you ?!"

- "oh sorry bambina ! I didn't measure my strength".

- "a little more and you'd put my eye out! What do I get for going one-eyed?"

- "what do you want for Christmas?!"

- "you missed out on really hurting me for this?"

- "well what does it matter it's our first Christmas together" she said in a childish voice.

Maya had lowered her head between them.

-"I think I must have been very, very nice this year because Santa brought me my present early."

- "oh so I'm your present?... Your personal present?"

- "oh yes"

- "and you think I can do anything you want?"

Maya's face had flushed and frozen.

"Oh you wouldn't mind?!.... Maya do you want me to give myself to you for Christmas? And for one day say yes to everything?"

-"Can I give you the same?"

- "that wouldn't be reasonable"

- "why is that?"

- "because I have a vivid imagination..."

- "that is to say?"

- "Maya would you wear a short dress... And in heels for me?"

- "Carina, do you fancy a girl?" Asked the blonde with a huge smile.

- "See I knew I shouldn't have told you..."

- "I'm not making fun, I'm stopping!"

- "yes Maya, I want you, and you're a girl, you're really sexy, really too sexy, and I want to see your butt in a short skirt or a short dress, and I want to see your muscular legs come out of that outfit and end up on heels"
The sprinter had swallowed.
"So yes I want a girl, I want my girlfriend.... I want the most beautiful body in the world and I don't care if you have breasts, it's you I want, with your opulent chest and your lower lips so... I love you"

- "the evening of the thirty-first, I will be in dress then"

- "the thirty-first ... But we are among friends".

-"Yes... And you can show whoever you want about me being yours... I know you're jealous and I really like that..."

- "I'm not jealous"

- "oh yes you are, and I love to see you jealous, and how you act when you're sick of it, like when you took that glass out of Elle's hands... And kissed me..."

The Italian had slid her hands to the blonde's buttocks and pressed down to glue their pelvis together.

- "tu, sei, mia!" [you, are, mine]

- "I am yours?"

- ""

- "don't you want to show me, how I am yours?"


The next morning when they had woken up the blonde had slipped her hand to the buttocks of her girlfriend.

-"Wake up..."

- "dormo" [I sleep]

- "the alarm clock rings in thirty minutes"

-"E' quello che dico io, io dormo" [That's what I say, I sleep ]

-"I wanted to start the day in a pleasant way...".

- "Non dormo più!" [I'm not sleeping anymore!] She said, moving her hand up the back of Maya's neck, still with her eyes closed.

They had begun to kiss and the Italian had pulled back with a jerk.

"Well for Christmas, for your parents what do I do? Because you cut me last night?"

- "Are you serious? So you're getting back at me?"

- "you're the one who woke me up"

- "to make love"

- "and last night I wanted to talk"

- "the three of us are going to make a gift with Mason"

- "oooo-kay"
The blonde had come to kiss her again.
"What about Mase?"

- "buy him some paint and canvas"

- "and grandma gaga?"

- "are you going to give everyone a gift?"

- "they will be there! And your other grandparents too."

- "my grandmother, we'll take her and Mase to a Lady Gaga concert and my other grandparents we'll offer them a meal in a country club"

- "and..."

- "and there is no one else!!!"

- "you're so efficient"

- "I want to make love" she said while coming to kiss her.

They had kissed a few seconds and the Italian had made her back.

-"You're going to get your period."

- "what?"

- "you're even more... excited when you get it..."

- "did you notice that?"

- "I told you... The same thing happens to me... Before we were together... Do you remember when we were just kissing..."



- "shut up and make love to me!"


On Friday, December eighteenth, they were finally on vacation for the end of the year.

On Saturday, Carina and Maya got up at nine o'clock and called Andrea and Lucia. This was the first time Maya had stayed for a call with Lucia.

- "ciao!" Lucia said "oh sorry, we have a guest!"

- "mom, do you remember Maya?"

The blonde had looked at her as if to ask if she was serious, if she really thought her mother would have forgotten her.

- "yes, I didn't have memory loss, I remember the girl who stole my daughter."

The two teenage girls had looked at each other.

- "Che cos'è stato?" [What was that?]

- "Dove è Andrea?" [Where is Andrea?]

- "arriva" [he is coming]

Fortunately for them, the boy had indeed arrived ten seconds later running.

- "hi you two" he said in a sweat, raising his eyebrows several times.

- "where have you been?"

- "oh Gabriella took your brother under her wing. He hangs out with her all the time... So he goes to her house by bike, like you did and he comes back..."

Maya had turned to Carina and she had looked at her with a slight frown.

- "You used to come home sweating too?!" She asked suspiciously

-"Maya..." Carina said, making big eyes in her direction.

-"lei la tua fidanzata?" Lucia asked.

Making the brunette return to the computer screen, followed by the blonde and even next to her, Andrea.

"Oh so I saw right! ... The screen is frozen or they are the ones who are frozen?" Lucia asked, turning to her son. "Ché?! Anche you?" [What you too?]
"... Is someone going to answer me?"

- "nooo!" Carina said as she climbed into the high notes.

- "oh yes, I believe you... I had a doubt, but judging by your faces and looks..."

Andrea had looked at the bottom of the screen.

- "not even five minutes, you're so lame"

- "did you know?!"

- "of course I'm her favorite boy in the world! And then... Even before Carina left, Maya was looking at her lovingly... Even though she said it wasn't true."

- "and your parents don't say anything?"

- "my mother knows and no, she loves Carina..."

- "but not your father?"

- "Suo padre è come suo padre, vede solo ciò che vuole vedere. È interessato solo al successo e soprattutto al successo che sceglie lui." [His father is like dad, he only sees what he wants to see. He is only interested in success and above all in the success that he chooses].

- "What was that?" Maya asked as she turned to her.

-"I said that your father only sees what he wants to see. And that as long as you win he doesn't pay attention to the details."

- "ooooh..." She said, turning to the camera "That's right".

- "okay... Well, Maya"

- "here we go" Carina whispered through clenched teeth so her mother wouldn't see that she had spoken.

-"Carina is a beautiful girl, she's my little baby, she's the sweetest girl in the world..."

- "I don't think I've ever seen anyone as nice as your two children"

- "don't flatter me! So I was saying, nicest girl in the world, and there's no way you're going to break her heart, if Carina sheds even one tear of sadness because of you, whether it's a mean word, gesture, or whatever it is you teenagers do, I'm landing in Seattle on the first plane!"

- "mammaaa!"

- "Sto arrivando!" [I'm landing!]

Maya had taken Carina's hand in hers and looked at the camera, not the screen but directly into the camera.

- "What if she's the one breaking my heart? I've never been in love and now I love your daughter. If I wasn't sixteen I probably would have called you privately to ask for her hand in marriage. And I agree with you she is the sweetest and most beautiful, but she is also the person with the biggest heart, she is just exceptional. Thank you for making such a perfect person. She is unique in the world and in my heart and I could never break her heart, all I want is to make her happy, damn the one who dares to hurt this wonderful woman."

- "bambina..." Carina made as she approached her and rested her forehead against the blonde's temple. "Ti amo" she whispered in her ear.

- "Well, very good. When are you coming to Sicily?"

- "we avoid talking... About the future mamma" answered the Italian, putting her temple on her girlfriend's shoulder.

- "Well, and I'm still your favorite boy, right? Not Mason".

- "I adore Mason, but you are mio tesoro".

The two girls had continued to discuss a little more with Lucia and Andrea, before Maya went running and Carina called her best friend.

The Italian had told Gabriella, the call that she had just had with her mother and her girlfriend and that in a few minutes, Lucia had unmasked them. That she had reacted very well, but that in any case it is not of her mother of which she feared the reaction, but well of her father, just like Maya.

The brunette had also taken advantage of this time to thank her best friend for taking care of her little brother. She did not want him to spend too much time with their father and become his minion.


Christmas was here, Maya's maternal grandmother had arrived on Wednesday, much to the Italian's delight, while Lane's parents would only arrive on the 24th in the early afternoon.

Grandma Gaga had taken the three youngsters to the mall and to the movies to avoid staying at her daughter's house, since her son-in-law was on vacation.

They had gone to see the second part of Twilight, to the delight of Carina, and had then gone to see Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard.

Maya and Carina had been able to hold hands at the cinema and they had been more than happy to get out of Lane's supervision, who had been on vacation for a few days already, if only for an afternoon.

On the twenty-fourth, Lane's parents arrived and the three mothers got into the kitchen. The children had prepared the table at the end of the afternoon, while Lane and her father had gone to do some last-minute shopping.

The three young people had then gone into the living room and watched a Christmas movie before the two men came in and took control of the television.

-"You're not going to spend your evening in front of the television anyway!" Ruth said.

-"Yes, yes," said Jacob.

-"I'm pulling the plug on this TV if anyone turns it on tonight. We're a family. What kind of image do you want to give poor Carina? A family that has nothing to say on Christmas Eve?"

- "I kind of agree with Ruth on that one!" Alivia said.

- "oh don't worry about me" replied Carina

- "no my dear, you're away from your family, so we'll celebrate Christmas as it should be!"

- "at my place ... They are already in the night from the twenty-fourth to the twenty-fifth. My uncles must be singing in Italian, drunk out of their minds, my aunts must all be yelling at them or remaking the world of 'if they hadn't married them'. My mother must be with my little brother saying that she misses me... I know my family and even though it makes my heart ache a little not to be with them..." She had turned her head to Maya, "I'm glad to be here... With you."

- "Isn't she the sweetest girl in the world?!" Grandma Gaga asked as she came to hug Carina.

They had then gone to get ready, the brunette was in the bathroom when the blonde had arrived, she had knocked on the door and the Italian had gone to open.

- "yes?" Whispered she

- "I can come finish preparing with you?" The Italian whose body was hidden had lowered her eyes to her girlfriend who was still in her towel.

- "You came out of the room like that?"

- "I took three hours to find what to wear... So I would like to get dressed in front of you."

Carina had run her hand over the knot of Maya's towel, between her breasts and pulled her into the bathroom before closing the door.

-"It's not getting dressed that I like to see you do... It's undressing you."

- "I think you might .... Enjoy this one... And by the way..." Her eyes had fallen on her girlfriend. "Carina you are... So... Unreal... Perfect."

The brunette had on the same black pants as at thanksgiving, but she had put on a white shirt this time and was putting on her makeup when the blonde had arrived.

"I can just be boring ."

- "teeell me..."

- "amore, you don't need any makeup, you're so perfect"

- "don't you love?"

- "yes you are beautiful and it suits you... But the girl I wake up with in the morning is so much more beautiful than the girl who tries to please my grandparents..."

- "I'm not trying to please your grandparents...."

- "oh really? They don't scare you so much that you want to be perfect?"

The brunette had reached over and untied the knot in her towel before dropping it.

- "I'm not perfect like this? In your eyes?..."

- "In my eyes ... You are perfect all the time, even with the red nose and the crying eyes, because the cold of Seattle gave you the first flu of your life"

- "oh stop that week was horrible" she said and then lowered her eyes to Maya's body: "you on the other hand..."

She had come closer and tackled the blonde to the double basin cabinet.

- "me on the other hand?"

-"You are perfection incarnate... If I wasn't so well dressed, if there wasn't your whole family downstairs you'd already be moaning my name..."

- "One more sleep before we get our room back"

- "Maya... Do you realize that this is the first time I haven't been able to sleep in your arms since... Since our second time".

-"It is for me too"

-"You're here and yet I miss you" she said sadly as she lowered her eyes to her lips.

-"I love you" whispered the blonde, looking at her girlfriend's lips.

The Italian had then gone up her two hands on the cheeks of Maya and had come to kiss her of a passionate kiss, which unfortunately had lasted only a few seconds.

They had finished by preparing themselves before going down to join the rest of the family. Carina in her outfit to fall and Maya in a slim pants of suit also, moulding her buttocks to perfection, and in top a jacket of suit attached, with a simple tank top in lower part, provided with fine straps and a plunging neckline, history to hide what there was to hide, if one of the buttons was undone. The Italian had obviously had difficulty to let her girlfriend leave the bathroom.

The blonde had the hair pulled back, giving her a side full of assurance very sexy in the eyes of her lover, the eyes made up.
The brunette had her hair in the natural with their undulations and had withdrawn a little of her make-up to make something lighter, pleasing all the more to his love.

They had started by drinking the famous American eggnog, in an alcoholic version for adults. Jacob had wanted to give to the three young people of this recipe there, but he had been slapped on the fingers by the two grandmothers.

- "Do you like it?" Maya asked her girlfriend.

- "it's peculiar, but it's not really bad, I think once you get used to it it's good... I can't wait to be eighteen and try the whiskey version... I don't know why... I can imagine you drinking whiskey, I feel like it's an alcohol that would suit you well..." She had moved slightly closer still to speak even lower, looking at her lips, "and I can't wait to get that taste on your lips."

- "twenty-one ..."

- "twenty-one what?"

- "the legal drinking age here"

- "roooh it's okay... And in the evening..."

- "if you notice, I don't drink too much alcohol personally... Not yet"

- "that's because your dad is a real cop!" She did, mimicking this phrase.

- "meanwhile Detective Bishop still hasn't figured us out."

- "Yeah, well, I'm fine with that!"

- "I'd like to kiss you at the opening of the presents, or now..."

-"Maya... Stop..." Carina said, looking at her lips.

- "So my darlings?! What did you order from Santa?" Alivia asked, seeing that Ruth was looking at them out of the corner of her eye.

-"I ordered a pretty girl," whispered Maya to her grandmother.

-"Oh, but you got this early."

- "what did she get early?"  Lane asked.

- "the running sneakers you gave me on black Friday"

- "oh yeah they were seventy percent off! They are still the same, even with a discount!"

- "they sure are!"

- "it was minus one" whispered the Italian smiling with clenched teeth.

When evening came, everyone had sat down at the table, the blonde and the brunette had put themselves next to each other, Grandma Gaga at the end of the table, next to Carina, then Mase, Katherine, next to Kathy there was Ruth, then at the end of the table Lane and next to him and Maya was Jacob.

The two girls were holding hands under the table, but had their chests stuck to the edge of the table, both arms underneath so as not to look too suspicious.

- "Girls, behave yourselves, you don't put your hands under the table," said Ruth.

Without looking at each other, they let go of each other's hands and put their arms over the table, apologizing.

The oven had rung to announce the end of the cooking of the Pineapple Ham and the turkey. Katherine had insisted on making both, because Carina was adamant that pineapple was a dessert and not an ingredient to be put on a dish, especially a pizza. So her girlfriend's mother had preferred to have her back and make both dishes.

The Italian wanted to help Kathy and went with her to the kitchen to get the ham and turkey from the oven and Maya got up and said she was going to get the sweet potato casserole.

Once in the kitchen, the brunette ran her hand over her girlfriend's cheek.

-"A kiss and we go back!" Katherine said as she opened the oven.

They had then kissed quickly, in a rather chaste way, before recovering the hot dishes and returning to the table.

Lane, as a good host, had cut the turkey and Jacob the ham, while Alivia served the mashed sweet potato and Ruth the meat.

Carina had opted for a little meat of each, she didn't want to be picky or seem rude for not tasting American traditions.
Sure, if she went to Hawaii she wouldn't eat pizza with pineapple, but she could make an effort for something other than Italian food. To tell the truth, she'd even found it pretty good. But if she had to put an order of preference, pineapple in baked ham would still come second to eggnog.

Everyone was chatting together, it wasn't like in Italy where everyone was trying to talk over everyone else, but it was nice anyway.

Carina understood better why Maya didn't like to put herself forward, and sing in public for example; she was her father's favorite subject. He had spent his evening talking about her exploits. Then the Italian had at the time of a moment of silence spoken about the astonishing table that Mason could paint and that it was a great artist and that she did not have any doubt that it would break through in this medium.

The blonde had whispered to her little one that she thanked her to have withdrawn the attention of her person, even if she knew that her father was surely going to succeed in following again on her.

They had then been curious to know a little more about what a Christmas at Carina's was like, apart from the drunken uncles after midnight.

Soon they had reached the end of the meal and dessert. They had decided to digest a little before eating it.

Carina had been in charge of the dessert, they had agreed, an American Christmas meal but a Sicilian and Italian dessert. She had therefore, that morning, before Lane's parents arrived, assigned Maya and Lucia, they had to go to a specific store and buy a panetone of a specific brand, while she and Mason prepared cannoli. She had made the dough on the twenty-second and all that remained was to make the ricotta cream that went inside. She had decided on three types of cannoli and not too big to give everyone a chance to try all three. So they had made a kind with chocolate, one with candied fruits and the last one with pistachios.

They had then all decided to tell Carina memories of their past Christmases, including stories about Maya and Mason.

After this small interlude they had finished by going to taste the cannoli as well as the panetone of the mark Flamigni, which was presented in a magnificent pearly white paper, type wrapping of Christmas present; a panetone artisanal, brought back by Lucia and the sprinter of the small Italian store discovered by Carina a few months ago.

They had all enjoyed themselves and the Italian had made a point of explaining that Mason had helped her to cook and that he was destined to great things.

This kind of meal becoming eternal, they had finished eating around midnight and half. The presents were going to be opened the next morning.

They had all gone to bed. Grandma Gaga and Mason in the girls' room, Ruth and Jacob in Mase's room and the girls in the living room, Carina in the big couch and Maya in the smaller one.

However, they were not tired and had started to watch television.
They had put on the Notebook, the brunette had insisted that they watch it. It was one of her favorite movies.

They were watching the movie, both of them on the big couch and yet stuck together; their feet on the coffee table. Carina's hand was on Maya's bare thigh under the blanket and she kept whispering anecdotes or passages from the movie, sometimes in English sometimes in Italian, without realizing it.

The blonde was lost on her girlfriend's profile. She was looking at her lovingly while she was leaning towards her every thirty seconds, to tell a new fact.

The sprinter could just see her girlfriend's lips moving in slow motion and that little grin, as soon as she finished her sentence.

She had approached Carina and bent her head to kiss her neck, while holding the opposite side of her hand.

- "bambina... We are in the..."

- "I've been wanting to kiss you all night... I want to open one of my Christmas presents..."

- "what do you mean?" Asked the brunette, closing her eyes.

The blonde had let go of her cheek and had come to run her hand under Carina's shirt, then over her hip, against her skin. She had slightly raised her face and the brunette had lowered her head to meet her lips.
Their faces were incredibly close to each other and their kiss had forced them, in a way, to crush their nose on the cheek of the other. They had immediately opened their mouths wide to intensify their kiss, which was slow, exactly the way Maya liked it and which drove Carina crazy.

The hand of the blonde had tightened on the hip of the brunette and this one had raised the comforter to come to sit on the sprinter, sticking to her body and passing her two arms around her neck, to tighten her against Maya.

They couldn't have been any closer together. Their clothing was the only thing holding them together, away from each other.

Under the cover, Maya had slipped her hand in the shorts of the Italian, then on her buttock and the brunette had pressed a little more her face against that of the blonde, to come to caress her tongue of her and to come to merge with her their mouth.

Her hand had slipped again a little and she had slightly spread her legs. Her hand had gone down again a little and Carina had come to bite the lower lip of Maya, when she had felt her fingers come against her entrance.

-"No" she had whispered in a moaning way against her lips.

Maya's fingers had slowly entered her a little more: "no?!"
Asked the blonde before retracting another inch of her fingers.

The hand of Carina had slipped against the jaw of the sprinter and she had tightened her phalanxes, opening wide her mouth while wrinkling her nose before coming again to bite the lip of Maya.

-"No bambina" repeated she moaned in a whisper, while tightening the embrace of her hand and her arm on her body, as to merge a little more with the blonde.

- "No?" Maya asked one last time as she made her fingers disappear entirely into her girlfriend, causing her to bite her lower lip and chin at the same time and close her mouth on her grip to moan silently.

She had begun to withdraw her fingers when Carina had released the catch of her teeth; notwithstanding, the brunette had come to slide again on her fingers before rising slightly.

- "ancora..." Had whispered the Italian against her lips.

Once Maya's gift had been unwrapped completely, until the last piece of scotch, until the last loop of the ribbon had been undone, they had resumed the film in progress, the Italian sitting on the blonde in her arms.

The sprinter slipping regularly words of love to her in the ear and coming to kiss her in the nape of the neck in every occasion.

They had even ended up lying in spoon, Carina in Maya's arms for the end of the movie. And reluctantly, at the end of the film, after an exchange of kiss always more passionate, the blonde had straddled her lover to go to bed in the small sofa.

The next morning the alarm clock had been somewhat imposed by Ruth who was an early riser. She had made an effort and for Christmas morning she had allowed everyone to sleep until nine o'clock.

They had all come in their pajamas to the living room to open their gifts.

Finally the three young people had offered, with the help of Grandma Gaga, to Lane and Katherine, a three day and two night stay in Vancouver, Canada. They agreed that without telling Lane, Alivia would pick up Mase, giving the girls three days together.

They had arranged to take an extended weekend, from Saturday, February thirteenth to Monday, February fifteenth inclusive, which was a holiday for Past Presidents' Day.
And moreover that fell for the saint Valentine.

Ruth and Jacob, as planned by the three young people, had a meal at a country club near their home, and Alivia had a ticket to see Lady Gaga in Tacoma on August 21, 2010. Carina had taken a place for Maya to accompany her. She had told her that it was her early birthday present, as the concert was only five days away from her birthday. For Christmas she had planned something else.

Mase had gotten mainly tubes of paint, canvases, drawing sheets and pencils from a few people and of course a pair of runners from her father.

Maya and Mason both had envelopes. They didn't want everyone to open a billion gifts and Carina to be left with nothing.

In addition to the money the blonde had also gotten a new outfit to run in. On top of that her mother had given her a gift card to a store where she wouldn't find the kind of clothes she was used to wearing, in order to take her out of her comfort zone.
Mase had given her sister a drawing of her and Carina that looked extremely similar. One of their first picture together, before they were a couple, where the blonde had her arm around the neck of the brunette and where they were laughing. She had been extremely touched and had had a hard time hiding it. Her grandparents had given her some money.

Finally Carina was also spoiled. She had been given a beautiful, gargantuan Abercrombie & Fitch wool scarf by Lane's parents, probably Kathy's idea for her beautiful, ever-chilly daughter. Maya's parents had given her the code and driving lessons so that she could get her American driver's license, which is more than affordable in the US. With this they had taken her one of those shirts that Maya used to run in, because they had noticed that she was poking her whenever she could. It had been Lane's idea, but his wife hadn't dared to contradict him about Carina's reason for taking that particular tank top. Mase had offered a design of the same type he had made for Maya, but this time, once they had become a couple.

Grandma Gaga had given a beautiful necklace to both girls. The same necklace with the same pendant, just a circle, representing what never ended. Katherine, Mase and the two girls having understood the symbol. The other three members of the family having thought of a lack of idea.

Carina had received from her girlfriend a baseball jersey from the Seattle team with her name embroidered. And of course it had been agreed long before that that they would have a personalized gift deal, a day each to say yes to every request of the other.

The Italian had offered to her companion the last novelty released in the world of the geeks, she had offered to her the first connected watch, the Hyundai MB 910, with the help of her parents, who had moreover sent a parcel with some Italian products for the parents of Maya and a t-shirt of soccer of the team of Italy for Mason and the blonde.

Carina had taken advantage of the opening of all the gifts to take pictures of all the members of the family. When it had been in his turn to open his packages, Mason had held to capture this moment. Pictures of Carina opening her gifts with Maya next to her.



I'm still struggling to come up with gift ideas! I've been trying to be more financially reasonable than I was in Military School!
I can't wait to share with you the new year chapter...



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