THE ZODIAC CLASS (a zodiac st...

By BoOks_r_My_BeStiEs

10.2K 282 140

the zodiacs are all in 8th grade with ophicious as their class teacher. they were busy dealing with their dra... More

8th grade
One by one
The waiting room
Half gone
The last one
Together again
Axon Pt.2
Geminous Pt.2
Cranus Pt.2
Axon Pt.3
Thuron Pt.3
Geminous Pt.3
Cranus Pt.3
Back to the waiting room
Lexon Pt.2
Scorpius Pt.2
Scales Pt.2
Vixen Pt.2
Lexon Pt.3
Scorpius Pt.3
Scales Pt.3
Vixen Pt.3
Last visit to the waiting room
The Land Of The Two Fish
Sage Pt.2
Captauris Pt.2
Atlantis Pt.2
The Land Of The Two Fish Pt.2
Sage Pt.3
Captauris Pt.3
Atlantis pt.3
The Land of the Two Fish Pt.3 and the reunion
In da room
The battle Pt.1
The battle Pt.2
The Battle Pt.3
The Battle Pt.4
On the moon
The way out
The base
The final battle Pt.1
The final battle Pt.2
The final battle Pt.3
The final battle pt.4
Fast forward

Thuron Pt.2

122 3 3
By BoOks_r_My_BeStiEs

Picies' POV

The third Zodiac planet Geminous. The third Zodiac planet Geminous. The third Zodiac planet Geminous. The sentence was stuck in my head. Gem. She is the third Zodiac. So the third Zodiac planet Geminous is her planet. Are the most heinous?

"What do you think heinous means?" I asked. "Picies. It's ten in the FRICKIN NIGHT go to bed!" Leo shouted while half asleep. "Heinous basically means evil or wicked. Now do you mind going to bed?" Taurus mumbled as he turned in the bed. "Fine." I closed the torch I was using to look at the paper and went to sleep.

Geminous? Evil?
Who gave you the trees with big length
War, bloodshed but also strengtht I quoted from the clue.

Is Gemini's planet the reason why the trees are so big? But how? I bet the planets are like lightyears away from each other.'Mend it if you want to beat it' what if it wants us to find out what Geminous did to the trees and fix that. Then do we end up conquering the planet? Worth a shot.

Now my mind was at ease. I swear I would not be able to sleep if I had not figured the clue out first. Finally my eyes closed shut as I fell asleep.

Time skip: the next day

"Good morning Zodiacs." The door opened to a middle aged woman with a tray of food in her hands. "Ooooh, breakfast in bed!" Leo bolted up. "Sorry we weren't able to serve you a table." The women gave us a forced smile. "Are you kidding me? Breakfast in bed is a huge luxury back on earth!" Taurus said exitedly as he watched the food come over to his bed.

Two other women entered the room with mine and Leo's food and gave it to us. "Hope you enjoy!" One of them said and all three of them left the room. "I'm in heaven!" Taurus shouted with his mouth full right when the girl from yesterday entered the room.

"Glad you think so." She smiled at Taur making him blush. "Did you guys figure out the clue yet?"

"We didn't had much progress." Leo shrugged. "YOU didn't have much progress. While you guys were asleep I figured out the entire clue." I said with pride earning a death glare form Leo. "Good job Tuna!" Taurus encouraged.

"Uhh. Isn't your name Picies tho?" Lisa asked confused. "Yes please tell them." I begged. "Whaat? You don't like your little nickname Tuna?" Taurus teased.

"I don't mind it but I'd rather not you call me that." I said while taking a bike of the toast. "Well I hope for your sake you're full, we're going to investigate  what Tuna figured out." She said with a smirk.

"Seriously?" I rolled my eyes.

Time skip

We finished our food and headed outside with some extra gear to protect us. "Why is the air so thick here! I feel like I'm breathing water instead of air!" Leo complained. "Because. Leo, trees give us OXYGEN, if you ever even heard that word before, and when the trees get bigger they let out ten times more OXYGEN!" I explained trying to make it easier for him to understand. "Nerd." He mumbled. "Thank you for the compliment." I crossed my arms.

"Do those two always fight?" Lisa whispered to Taurus a bit too loud. "Y-yeah they're always like this." Taurus blushed. "So where are we going anyways?" Leo asked.

"According to Picies, you have to somehow solve this 'huge tree' problem."

"And the clue also said that it was something that Gemini's planet did here that made it like this." I continued. "So, I'm taking you guys to a place that has always remained a mystery for us." She finished the sentence. Just then she stopped and pushed a few leaves out of the way exposing what seemed to be a crashed UFO about to fall off the edge of a cliff

"Woah." Leo looked around in awe. "That looks a little unstable." Taurus said worriedly.

"It's alright. it hasn't fallen for years. Here." Lisa signalled us to be follow her into the ship. The inside of the ship was a dump. Items were scattered around in what seemed like a lab. "Do you think it all started here?" Taurus asked. "Probably, since the trees around this area are alot larger than the other ones." Lisa explained.

We scattered to look around the lab. As we all walked deeper inside the UFO, the weight became uneven making the UFO tilt.

"No no no no no no no!" Leo shouted as he ran towards the entrance. The UFO tilted to a dangerous angle making Leo tumble backwards. We all fell back and smashed into the wall. I looked towards Taurus and saw him holding hands with Lisa as if their lives depended on it.

I wonder how Aqua is. I hope she's not in a life threatening situation like me. I don't want to die, I can't die.. I can't let Aqua down. Not when I haven't told her....

Just then the UFO fell.

We all screamed as it fell to the ground. Then it touched the ground with a really loud smash, then everything went black.

Time skip

I woke up with my back aching badly. My vision was blurry so I couldn't make out what was standing on top of me. "Picieees!" A flame of fire burned the huge black creature ontop of me burning it to ashes.

I got up and looked at the person. "Leo?" I looked confused. Leo saved me? But why? I always thought he wanted me dead in the first place.

"Whatever. I just saved you so I can kill you myself." He crossed his arms and got up. "Is everyone okay." Lisa got up and heples Taurus.

I-I understand. We live in a world of life and death now, I can die any minute and without telling her. I need to tell Aqua as soon as I see her again....


Is it getting exiting? I hope so...

And thnx so much for 737 readers!!!

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