euphoria. (hs)

By CutestTwatOnTheBlock

308K 5.8K 282

"I've been fucked over so many times I don't even want turn to the opposite sex." Lacey Williams hasn't had t... More



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By CutestTwatOnTheBlock

Song For this chapter is Desire by Meg Myers (hucci remix) 3000+ words I went and saw Halsey last night and it was the best thing even

I was dragged by Harry on the dance floor. The lights were flashing different colors along with the music blaring. Harry kept his arms snug around me and guided us through all the grinding hips.

"God your waist.. It's so curvy." Harry mumbled into my hair. I looked back at him confused. "What are you talking about?" I questioned.

He still kept the blank face on with his pupils dilated. "You're so pretty." I rolled my eyes.

"Let's dance." He shouted over the music. I nodded my head slightly nervous hoping no one is watching us. I do not need people to watch and judge the way I dance.

Harry kept his hands wrapped around my waist and began grinding his hips against mine. I complied digging my backside to his front and sashayed my hips.

I could hear him groaning and looked back. "Are you alright?" I questioned stopping what I was doing.

"Don't stop, keep dancing." He mumbled. I turned away from him and went back to dancing. I eyed a couple girls dancing on men and studied their moves.

Both of their fronts were touching one another along with her rocking her hips against his leg.

I've seen that sort of dance move in movies but have never actually tried it before..

I turned around to Harry again seeing his eyes closed and his head thrown back.

What in the world?

I wrapped my arms around his neck making him look down at me and I gave a sly smirk. I began to grind my front on top of his leg and looking over at the girl to see if I am doing this right and honestly, I thought it was pretty fucking accurate.

Harry bit his lip watching the contact going on between us and came down to with his lips.

His lips attached to my neck and I bit back a moan. "You're so fucking sexy." He said devouring my skin.

I closed my eyes letting the pleasure take over me. "I need you." He mumbled. "You have me." I said not opening my eyes.

"No I mean I need you. Fuck me." Harry desperately spoke. "What? And where would we do that?" "I don't know but c'mon." Harry said.

We walked passed Mark and he gave a head nod at us. Harry walked over towards him pulling him aside. They began talking and Mark shook his head.

"Why not?" Harry questioned. "You've already had enough," "One isn't enough."

"It was your first time so let it go." Harry groaned looking back at me. I watched the two banter with Harry pointing at me and I watched confused.

"Look at least give her some." "And you think I trust you? Styles just go home, lad."

Harry marched off grabbing my hand. "Where are we going?" "Let's go find an empty stall." He muttered.

"Harry what is your deal?" "Nothing- fuck! I just need to be inside you." No matter how hot that sounded I will not be having sex in an empty bathroom stall.

"Let's just go home." "But baby don't you want me?" He questioned pouting his lips.

I closed my eyes nodding my head. "I want you." Harry grabbed my face in his hands and looked down at me.

"I bet you want that little pussy of yours stuffed, huh?" I nodded my head already feeling the dampness in my panties.

"You want me ramming my cock in and out of you while I pull on your hair." He muttered harshly into my ear.

"Yes." I spoke. He smirked. "Now let's go find somewhere to fuck so I can satisfy those needs."

He grabbed my hand leading the way out of the club. "Let's go next door to that diner and fuck in there?" "There?" I questioned. "There." He sinisterly spoke.

With his hand wrapped in mine he led us across the street to Peggie's Cafe. "Nice place." Harry mumbled as he stepped inside. He looked all around and gasped at what the waitress was wearing.

"I love that color on her." He mumbled. "C'mon let's go ask for a bathroom." I said urging him. Harry gave a smug smile and walked up to the counter.

"Hi my name is Barbra, what can I do for you two?" The waitress questioned wiping down the counter top. "Hi we were wondering where your restrooms are?" "For both of you?" She asked glancing at the both of us.

I nodded my head stepping on Harry's foot for him to nod his head and make it look believable.

"They're down there. But the bathrooms are for customers only." I rolled my eyes.

"We'll order right after after but please we both need to use the bathroom. Harry bobbed his head up and down squeezing his legs together crouching.

Barbra huffed and nodded her head. "Alright fine." "Thank you so much." I said grabbing Harry's hand.

He snickered while I kept looking back to make sure Barbra wasn't paying attention.

When she wasn't looking our way I yanked Harry inside the girl's bathroom and slammed the door shut and locked it.

"You're so fucking hot when you're in control." He mumbled coming up and kissing me on the lips.

"Let's just hurry up so we don't get caught." I said getting on my knees. I began to unbuckle Harry's belt pulling both his boxer briefs and pants down and gasped at how hard he was.

"Jesus, Harry." I muttered grabbing onto his large girth. He hissed looking down at me. "That feels so good." "I'm not even doing anything." I said staring up at him confused.

He closed his eyes and said, "you don't need to suck me off, I'm already hard enough." "But what if I want to?" I questioned smirking up at him. I began rubbing my thumb against the tip of his cock and he moaned out loud.

"Keep doing that and I'm going to come in your hand." I stopped and got up from the floor.

"Then do your magic and fuck me hard." I said giving him an innocent smile.

Harry gave a lazy smirk and lifted my leg up and pushed my shoulder for me to lean back against the wall.

I gasped at the roughness. His lips attached to my neck sucking on my sweet spot and I moaned out loud. He chuckled and lifted my dress up.

Harry slid my panties to the side and mumbled into my neck, "this is going to be fast."

Before I knew it he rammed his cock inside me and I yelled out loud. "H-Harry." I panted. He thrusted in and out of me and I couldn't hold my moans in.

"Harry slow down." I moaned out. He groaned shaking his head. "Not going to happen!"

Harry brought his hand down to my to my clit and began to rub fast circles. "Harry!" I whined.

He thrusted into me not stopping his face and rubbed me vastly. "Holy fuck." He mumbled with a ragged breath.

"What's going on in there!" Both Harry and I heard a female voice. "Uh.. N-nothing." I yelled out loud.

"Harry stop." I muttered when he kept on going. "Why should I?" He asked. "Because we're going to get in trouble."

"I'm calling the cops!" The woman's voice yelled.

"Fuck!" I pushed Harry away and pulled my skirt down. "Get your pants on and let's go!" I whisper yelled.

Harry chuckled looking up at me. He kept stroking himself and stared at me. "Harry I'm not fucking kidding we need to go!"

"I get so turned on when you cuss." Harry jerked himself off faster had I stared at him in shock.

"Are you fucking crazy we need to go!" I scrambled around over towards Harry. I lifted his pants from the floor and slid them up his thighs.

"Oh it's coming." He groaned going faster. "Harry." I said getting agitated. He hissed and seconds later he let out a breathy laugh.

We both looked down at my dress and his climax was scattered all over me. I stared down in humiliation at my dress. Are you fucking kidding me.

"Son of a bitch." I yelled. Harry chuckled pushing his sweaty hair out of his face.

"Oh you think this is funny, don't you! You know we could go to jail because you couldn't control yourself and came all over me."

Harry but his lip staring at me. His eyes gleamed with humor and something else I couldn't put my finger on.

He looked at me and gave a genuine smile. "At least we could say we've had public sex." "Harry we had public sex before! Remember in your car." "That doesn't count. We were in my car."

"Police! Open up, or we'll open up for you." Fuck me. "Just a minute!" Harry yelled. I slapped him on his head and shook my head.

The cops barged in and I immediately raised my hands in the air. "I surrender!" I yelled out loud closing my eyes. "Shit!" I heard Harry mutter.

I felt firm hands grip my wrists and pin them behind my back. "You're under arrest, anything you do or say will be held against you."

He said to us.

I opened my eyes as I was getting led out of the woman's restroom with Harry in tow behind me.

I looked around and saw the waitress eyeing us in disgust. A lady with a phone and the same uniform on shook her head at us.

"You both should be ashamed!" She screamed at us. "Alright Jenny that's enough." The sheriff that was marching Harry outside said.

I looked back to see Harry with his head down and having the cops push his body out.

They led us outside and made us stand by their cars. "Blow." They said to both Harry and I. We both blew into the breathalyzer until it dinged letting us know that we were finished.

The two cops sat both of us down on the cold, wet sidewalk and moved away from us. "I can't believe you made us do that." I seethed.

Harry scoffed, "don't put the blame on me, you agreed on doing that just as much as I did."

"Yeah but-" "but what? We get caught and now you're the gonna put the blame on me?" "Well no-" "then shut the fuck up. Besides its not like you'll be getting into any trouble." "Yes I will I just had sex in a public bathroom!" I yelled.

"Quiet over there!" I big gruff looking man screamed at us with a walkie talkie in his hand.

"If you would have kept your mouth shut we wouldn't be in this mess." "Maybe if you kept your hands to yourself I wouldn't have been moaning like crazy." "Oh fuck you."

"Fuck you, you fucking asshole." "No, fuck you! You're a fucking stuck up bitch." "Well I may be a stuck up bitch but it's only because so I can keep an eye open for your ass."

"You don't need to fucking baby me."

"Stand up." The man said to Harry. Harry tried getting up but failed and fell back onto the concrete. The man huffed and lifted Harry up and took his wallet out and took out his license.

"I'll be needing your identification as well, miss." The police officer said to me. I nodded my head and handed him my clutch purse.

I blushed looking away seeing that he had noticed Harry's seaman on my dress.

He took my license out as well and handed me back my purse. "I don't think I'm going home tonight." Harry mumbled.

"And why not?" I questioned. "Because of what I'm on." He mumbled. "Harry you're only drunk." He shook his head. "That's not the only thing." "Harry what are you talking about?"

"I'm on ecstasy."

"Harry what the fuck!" I yelled. Numerous people looked back at us but I couldn't care less. "And when the fuck was I supposed to find out?" "I.. I don't know." "Do you know what that shit does to you?" "Of course I know." He spat.

"So what made you think that it was a good idea." "I don't know, Mark had some and I wanted some."

"Harry you can't just take drugs for the fun of it. You.. You have a job!" I yelled. "It's part time!" "And what happens when it's permanent! You think you could just stop then?"

"I mean-"

"No you can't, Harry. After a certain time you'll become addicted and then you won't be able to keep a stable job and follow through your dreams."

"Oh and what do you know about that type of stuff?"

"Because it's fucking obvious! Look if you don't want to take my advice then fine. But I will most certainly not be with a drug addict." I stared.

Harry groaned laying down. "It was only a one time thing." He said. "And was if for Mark?" I questioned. "No.."

I closed my eyes, "I know I can't tell you what to do but please, when you hang out with Mark stay sober." Harry closed his eyes nodding his head.

"I'm sorry I put you through this." Harry said. "Harry like you said, I was involved in this too." "No, I'm sorry I put you through this, with keeping it a secret to you that I took ecstasy, and getting wasted, getting so fucking horny that I forced you into public sex. But most of all my for leaving you all alone most of the night."

I chuckled shaking my head, "Harry it's fine-" "I'm sorry." "Harry everything's gonna be alright." I said. "But what if it's not?" "Harry it was only once nothing is going to happen?"

"No I mean, what if this gets on my record? What if my mom finds out?" "I'll bail you out." I said. "You'd what? Lacey you can't do that-" "and what not?" "Because, because that's not right."

"Harry you made one mistake, I can help you, your family can help you." "You can't tell my family." He said with all seriousness.

"And why not?"

"Because I'm already a fuck up as much as it is, I don't need them getting on my case once again." I closed my eyes shaking my head. "I promise you they will not get on your case."

"You don't know them. You don't know them like I do." "Harry everything's going to be alright."

The cops came up behind me and lifted me up. I could feel the handcuffs loosen up and I could actually move my hands.

"Alright love, you're free to go. But this is a warning." The cop said to me. I vigorously nodded my head. "Wait what are you doing with him?" I questioned seeing them lift Harry up. He stumbled a bit but they still carried to the police mobile.

"He'll be able to contact you once he gets to the jail department." "Why are you taking him and not me?" "Ma'am you're clean, your eyes show me you're just as sober as a child. And the breathalyzer agrees with us." "Well what's wrong with him?" I lied acting clueless.

"Well that's confidential but I'm guessing your his companion so I'll tell you this, he's intoxicated and doped up. And we're not exactly sure whar on."

"Is there any chance that I can bail him out?" "If you've got the money then be my gust, kid."

I closed my eyes nodding my head. I opened them and saw Harry look at me with sadness. "I'll get you out, I promise." I mouthed. He didn't say anything back but sat down in the back of the police car.

I knew we shouldn't have went out tonight. Everything was piecing together in my mind. Lynn storming off in anger, Mark and Harry coming back from the bathroom all loopy. Garry's sudden in interest in everything and anything.


I need to get home and tell Anne. Harry will be pissed if you say anything. Well fuck Harry's opinion! It's not like he can bail himself out.

How am I going to tell his mother? Oh hi Anne, no I'm alright. Where's Harry? Oh you know he's on drugs right now and drunk and we just had sex in some café, wanna see? I have evidence on my fucking dress! Oh and don't let me forget to tell you that he is in jail at the moment we speak.

Leave it to me to have to tell her..

I called a cab over and told the taxi trivet Harry's parents address and we were on our way. I don't know how it's going to be, what's going to happen. But one thing I know for sure is that Anne is going to be pissed.

More than pissed, livid.

I was supposed to watch over Harry and make sure he doesn't do stupid things and gets himself in trouble, but here I was going along with it.

I paid the man the money and gave him a tip and closed the door. Walking up the steps to the door I closed my eyes and knocked on the door. Harry has the keys..

Not even seconds later Anne opened the door only in her night gown. "Lacey, hi." He said opening the door up wider.

"Hi." I said stepping inside. "Where's Harry." I closed my eyes knowing I had to come out and tell the truth. "About that.."

"Oh for the love of Christ what did he do now?" She questioned. I bit my lip not sure how to break the news. "He's um.." "Go on, spit it out." "Well uh-" "Lacey." Anne warned. "He's in jail." I coughed up the words.

Anne's mouth dropped to the floor.

"What the fuck did he do?" She screamed. "He went out drunk in public-" I said. I didn't want to tell her that her son was on drugs.

"Well we need to leave and we need to right now!" "Am I able to change?" "No."

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