Checkmate: THE NEXT LEVEL (R)

By Love_Bri94

361K 21.2K 18.4K

Mya and Chris take on the married life. Will they be able to handle all of the obstacles that it brings Tim... More

Bonus Ch.2 - Chatting With the Andersons
Bouns Ch 3. - Causing Trouble

Bonus Ch.1 - Breezy Knows Best

2.9K 222 173
By Love_Bri94

Bonus Chapter One
Los Angeles, California - THREE MONTHS AFTER ARUBA

Mya's Bentley sped down the highway as she made her way home from another day at work. She made it her duty to get there before the kids got home from school, because they complained if she didn't.

Her finger tapped the steering wheel as she sung along to Snooze by Sza. But her jam session was cut short when her phone began ringing and a picture of her and Royalty appeared across the screen. Pressing the answer button, her stepdaughters face appeared. "Hi Ro, oooo you look pretty."

"Thanks Mya. What are you doing?"

"Driving home? Are you there?"

"No, I'm at my moms, she's taking me and Sin out for dinner tonight."

"Oh okay."

"Soooooo, I was wondering if you talked to my dad about my friend yet?"

"You mean your boyfriend?" Mya laughed while looking at her phone, seeing Royalty blushing.

Ro let out a laugh while pushing her hair behind her ear. "Uh yeah. His birthday is coming up and he invited me out. My mom said yes but I have to ask my dad too."

Letting out a deep breath Mya sunk back in her seat. "I haven't talked him yet and honestly I'm nervous. He's super protective of his girls, as you know. He was ready to fight a kindergartener over your sister because the little boy held Jades hand."

"I know but I just turned 15, I'm not a baby anymore."

"You'll always be a baby in his eyes, trust me. If my dad could've locked us up in a dungeon, he probably would've. But I'll talk to him today. Just be really really hopeful Ro that this man doesn't lose his mind."

"Okay. Thanks Mya, I love you."

"I love you too honey, see you later."


Royalty hung up and Mya took her phone off the stand. Going to her locations, she looked for Chris and saw that he was at his building so she made her way to her husband. It took twenty minutes for her to get there and she hoped this conversation didn't take long.

Getting out the car she checked her reflection in her window. She was dressed in a white button down, a tan mini pleated skirt with a tan trench coat and her givenchy shark boots to set it off. Her natural curls were extremely popping today. She looked good and felt good.

Heading inside, she saw Chris sitting on a couch smoking. Hoody, Keeis and Sinko sat across from him. They all vibed to Chris's unreleased music that was playing. "Hey y'all." She said while approaching them.

"Wassup MyMy!" Keeis yelled.

Chris eyed his wife as she walked closer. Looking from her face to her feet, making sure to look at her breast that were basically spilling out of her shirt, multiple times. He bit down on his lip while holding his hand out for her to grab. Once she held onto it, he pulled her onto his lap making her straddle him. Thank good for the coat she had on because his hands made their way right under her skirt.

"Who said you could come out the house looking this good?" He asked before pecking Mya on the lips.

"Me." She laughed before kissing him back.

"Oh okay." He roughly grabbed her ass.

"Can I ask y'all a question?" Keeis interrupted, making them look in his direction. "When are y'all gone start realizing that none of us wanna see y'all be nasty?"

"Nigga I vividly remember you standing in the door having a conversation with us while we had sex. So you must enjoy it." Mya answered.

Sinko burst out laughing. "That's weird as hell Keeis."

Keeis smacked his lips. "Man I know exactly what she referring to, and I was telling this fool that Jake was ready for him on set."

"Yeah but I had to tell you get out." Mya responded.

"I just couldn't believe that y'all was fucking when you was supposed to be working."

Chris could careless about their conversation that they were having. He was too busy focusing on pleasing Mya and the minute his finger slipped inside of her, her body perked up.

"They act like horny teenagers." Hoody said.

"Well just a warning, I'm about to lay this pipe so y'all might wanna head on out." Chris said while lifting Mya up and laying her on the couch.

"Damn dawg!" Keeis said while they all got up.

"Y'all ridiculous." Sinko added as they walked to the door.

"See you later guys!" Mya yelled while laughing as Chris climbed on top of her. "They are right though, you don't be giving a fuck who around."

"We never just start fucking in front of anybody. They just always catch us."

"Well there was that one time we when we were like super drunk and we all went out. We were in the back seat and I was on your lap, everybody else was in front of us."

"We only got caught because you decided to grip Hoody shoulder!"

Mya laughed. "I thought he was the seat."

"That loud mouth ass nigga turned around and exposed us to the whole car."

"And that's why I grabbed his dreads and beat him in the face. We used to have so much fun back then."

"Yeah. I never thought I'd become so chill. I don't be wanting to go nowhere." Chris said while sitting up and helping Mya get up.

"Well you are almost 40, old ass man."

"Fuck you."

"I think we should get everybody together and head to Miami one of these weekends."

"I'm down."

"Alright, I'll plan it. But there's a reason why I came out here to see you."

"You pregnant?"

"Ugh, don't start that. No I'm not pregnant. It's about Royalty."

Chris shifted in his seat while his eyebrows furrowed. "What about her? She good?"

"Yeah...I had lunch with her, mama J and Nia a while back and we were talking to her about life and everything and she uh, she was telling us some stuff. And she mentioned that there was a boy that she likes and she was saying that school was going good and how she has a boyfriend and a whole bunch of other stuff. We had a really good lunch that day."

Chris just blankly stared at Mya trying to process what he just heard. "Okay, go back to the part about a boyfriend."

"Oh yeah. There's this cute boy in her class and they like each other."

"Who told her that she could date? Y'all having secret meetings about Royalty having a boyfriend?"

"No, we're not having secret meetings. It was just a regular lunch. They wanted me to talk to you about her dating though. Nia's okay with it."

"Royalty got other stuff that she needs to be focused on than a damn boy. Didn't she just fail a math test or something? And I fucking know why."

"Don't be like that, she wants to have fun. He invited her out for his birthday."

"Well she ain't going."

"Chris she's not a baby anymore."

"Okay, but she ain't grown either." He stood up. "These young niggas ain't shit. Do you know what I was doing at her age?"

"You're trying to shelter her in and that's not fair."

"I don't really give a fuck about what's fair. All I care about is protecting my kid and ain't nobody about to hurt her."

"Chris seriously."

"Yes seriously!"

"If this was Landon you wouldn't even be acting this way. These girls out here aren't as innocent as they portray to be and they could hurt him too but the minute he tells you about a girl your high-fiving him and he's only 10!" Mya stressed.

"Look Mya I know you wanna be step mama of the year but this really ain't none of your business, she's not yours. This between me, Royalty and her mama. She wasn't even mature enough to come to me herself."

After him saying it wasn't her business, she didn't even care anymore. Grabbing her purse she stood up. "Well I'm out of it. Have nice day Christopher." Mya walked out and climbed in her car. Pulling out her phone she sent a text to Royalty to let her know she tried but Chris was being an asshole.

Back inside the building Chris went and got his keys and started turning everything off. He knew telling Mya that this wasn't her business is going to start something between them but he was more mad at his daughter and Nia for putting his wife in the middle of their mess.

Once he locked up, he headed to Nia's. On the way there, he checked Royalty's grades because he needed more ammunition for this argument that was brewing. Pulling into Nia's driveway, he got out and knocked on the door repeatedly until his child's mother answered.

"Why are you knocking on my door like a maniac?" She asked.

"Why the fuck do you got my wife doing your dirty work?"

"Excuse me?"

"So you letting Royalty date some dirty ass little boy behind my back?"

Nia rolled her eyes. "Oh my gosh, are you seriously going to do this?"

"Hell yeah! She don't need to be dating anybody. Matter of fact, ROYALTY."

Nia shook her head while pulling her phone out of her pocket, seeing that Mya text her. She told her what Chris said about minding her business and Nia couldn't believe it. "You told Mya that Ro isn't hers and to mind her business? That's fucked up."

Chris waved his hand at her as Royalty made her way downstairs. "Hey dad."

"Let me tell you something." Chris said. "You not dating nobody. Whatever that boy telling you he got planned, it's canceled. You only 15 and you ain't even doing good in school. Get your priorities straight then you can focus on dating somebody. And Nia, if I find out you let her go on this date or whatever the hell it is, we gone have a problem."

"Dad you're being so ridiculous right now!"

"You haven't seen ridiculous Royalty. You wanted to do this, you should've came to me. You want me to stop treating you like a kid, then stop acting like one, hiding behind Mya."

"I have to go through Mya because you always act crazy like you're doing right now. This isn't fair that you're doing this to me."

"It is fair and one day you'll thank me for protecting you."

"Protecting me or smothering me?"

Chris's eyebrows perked up. "Okay Royalty, do whatever you want. I don't want to smother you." Shaking his head he walked out slamming the door.

Inside Nia turned to Royalty. "Okay, I was with you on the whole not being fair thing but to say he's smothering you is a bit much. He's just being a typical dad Ro."

"Whatever, I'm going shopping. I have a date this weekend."

Tarzana, California

Walking into the house with a bouquet a roses, the smell of a delicious dinner ran up Chris's nose. He made his way into the kitchen and was greeted by his wife and their kids.

"Wassup y'all." He said as he kissed Jade on her cheek. Heading over to Mya who hadn't looked up at him, he placed the flowers in front of her. "I'm sorry."

She looked at the bouquet before taking it out his hand and walking them over to the garbage. Landon being the person he is started laughing excessively.

"Go upstairs." Chris told him.

"Aw dad why?"

"Since you think shit funny you can go upstairs. Matter of fact all three of y'all go. I need to talk to your mom real quick."

"You don't have anything to talk to me about." Mya said.

Chris didn't say anything until the kids were gone. "Baby I'm sorry about what I said."

"You really can save your apologies and the cheap flowers you picked up on the side of the street." Mya finally looked up at him and you could see the pain her eyes. "You've said a lot of fucked up shit to me but this was like the biggest slap in the face. I know Royalty isn't mine but I'm going to ride for her just like she is and you fucking know that. But you want me to mind my business so I'm going to do just that."

"Mya don't do this."

"Just leave me alone Chris, please." Tossing the rag she had down on the counter, Mya walked away and headed upstairs.

Chris groaned while leaning on the counter.

Who knew his daughter wanting to date would cause so many unnecessary problems.


There's a pt 2 for this.

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