By Proverbs_girl

174K 4.2K 829

Anastasia Rosalie Cora is thrown into a world of lust, sin and unholy acts. For a 21 year old college student... More

I n t r o
E p i l o g u e
my loves ♡ find me
epilogue | 2nd bonus chapter


2.3K 77 36
By Proverbs_girl

11:23 am
Alexander Airlines
Anastasia's pov:

I barge into his office , tears pooled In my blurry eyes and a sulk on my lips. His eyes lift to find mine as I slam my hands on his table. "What is it?", he asked calmly , shifting his gaze back to the laptop.

"Tell Johnson to stop calling me a slut!", I hiss ,watching him raise a brow and continuing to type. "Reece", I furrow my brows , annoyed that he was unbothered by my pain. "Anastasia- I can not discipline the entire world for you-", he trailed off as Johnson knocked before entering. "Mr Alexander , these documents were updated. It requires your signature-", he spoke to Reece but had his eyes on me. I kept my frown as I glared back.

He had been calling me names all morning and I have had enough. Everyone has been rude and I don't deserve it! "Do you need anything else sir?", he asked .

"Yes-", I blurt but Reece said , "No . Thank you ". I look down at him , busy with work while Johnson shot me a smirk on his way out. "Are you serious? He bullies me-", I was furious. This man was my so called husband but did absolutely nothing to defend me from those who made me feel like shit. "Don't you have work to attend to?" , he mumbled without removing his eyes from the laptop. "I am speaking to you -", I don't hesitate, I bolt forward - grabbing the laptop and flinging it across the room. "Anastasia!", he yelled and got to his feet as the laptop hit the ground with a thud. "I'm sorry - I'm sorry ", I apologized once reality smacked me. I should have not done that. "Calm down-", he jerked me and I press my lips together. The tears stream down my cheeks. "Calm down -", he repeat softly. His grip on my arms loosening. "Breathe-", he reached up , pushing my hair off my face.

After a few minutes of complete silence.

"Are you okay?", he asked , hands still on my arms. I shake my head , not wanting to lift my eyes to meet his. I felt embarrassed by my actions. This was not me. I was not an angry person. I just felt so hurt and alone. No one understands me anymore. I'm in an unknown city- with a man I barely know , who's now my husband. People around me ,despise the very sight of me. So no - I was not okay.

Removing his hands , he rest them on his waist , staring down at the laptop. "I'm sorry -", I whisper as he picked it up. Thankfully it was not broken. Talk about expensive quality . "It's okay -", he said , placing it down on the table.

"So much love-".

We both turn to see hailey at the door, looking stunning as always. "I brought the spare key-", she strut in with 6 inch heels and a mini skirt. Her blonde curls bouncing over her little crop top. "I would have fetched it-", he said as she handed the key to him. Her eyes shift to glare at me before they're back on him. "How are you?", she asked softly. Pain evident in her tone. Yet she hid it so well. "Never been better", his cold response made my insides churn , I couldn't imagine how much pain that caused her fragile heart.

"Is that all?", he questioned with a straight face. Hailey gave a nod and swallowed hard. Her eyes traveling around his face, searching or praying he'd show some emotion toward her...but he never faltered. "I guess I'll leave then-", she mumbled
under her breath. Her fingers tugging on her skirt. "Drive safe", he started up the laptop again and took his seat. Hailey's jaw dropped alittle. Brows knit together and lips curled into a sulk. I was the cause of their failed marriage.

Without another word , she turned on her heels and left. I'm sure she ran out before her eyes could leak out the pent up tears.

I stare at the door as if she were going to return and probably yell at him for being a prick and breaking her heart. Maybe she could release all of that bottled up pain and depression. She needed to vent like she did yesterday...

"Don't you have work to do?", his voice brought me out of my thoughts. "I want to visit my family-", i blurt . His eyes shift to me and he rubbed his chin. "Okay-", he mumbled. "Please-", I beg softly. I miss them. Besides , I needed to come clean about this whole marriage mess. I just needed them.

"We'll talk about this at home-", he muttered , eyes glued to his laptop. I give a nod and leave his office. I can't believe I threw such a tantrum. I mean - I was allowed to act that way. He was such an asshole. Sitting behind my desk , I drop my forehead against the cold wood. I genuinely felt sick. I needed time away from all this. Despite my imperfect family, they were my safe place. I needed to breathe without feeling claustrophobic.

"Meetings updated-".

I lift my head, staring up at Brianna who tossed the files onto my table. "Give those to your husband", she sassed. "Bri-", I stand. "Please, you have to believe me. I didn't plan for things to be this way", I sounded so desperate. No one was going to believe me. So why I was trying so hard - only God knew. "Anastasia, Mrs Alexander - whatever the fuck you want to be addressed as. I don't care what you planned. The truth is , you stole a married man. Fucked him and then want to play victim. It does not work that way sweetheart ".

I inhale sharply as she walked away. Swallowing hard, I slowly take my seat. Ever felt dead? Like a breathing corpse. I was stuck in a never ending nightmare. Where is the exit? Someone wake me up...please.

Bringing up my hands , i drop my face into my palms. Maybe commit suicide? Jump infront of a car? Overdose? Slicing my wrist?

Groaning , I rub my face before flipping open my laptop. What am I even thinking ? I can't commit more sins such as suicide. And why should I die? He'll just trap another victim In his web of lies.

15 : 48 pm

"Thank you ", I say without a smile. Taking his coffee in my hands , I turn on my heels , exiting the cafeteria. Eyes were on me , chattering and gossiping. Chuckles and scoffs. I tried to hurry out but a certain someone passed a comment that made my feet halt.

"Slut ", he coughed and the people at his table laugh along with him. Shifting my gaze , I glare at Johnson who had been harassing me all day. "What?", he raised a brow. "I'm not married. So I've got nothing that interests you", he mocked and his friends hide their laughs behind raised hands. "Stop staring at us", he frowned before getting onto his feet. "Your death stares don't scare me. The only thing that does is your ability to behave like some virtuous lamb of God ", he scoffed , grabbing his briefcase. "See you guys , I got a meeting to run too", he waved at his friends but made a vomit sound when he passed me.

I could still hear others talk about me. Their whispers weren't that hushed.

"Who else did she fuck during her months of being here?"

"Why is she just standing there like some queen?"

"A whore that won in life. She got the gorgeous husband who's also rich"
"I mean - she's not even that pretty. I'm sure she did some black magic-"

I shake my head and walk out. Too tired to even shed a tear. The anger continued to build within me. If no one wanted to trust and believe my story over haileys and his, then so be it. I am done playing the damsel in distress. It hasn't been a week since we got marries and already I've got so many haters.

Why couldn't people just mind their own fucking business!

Conference room

I enter without knocking or greeting any of the men around the long glass table. Reece sat at the head , watching me closely as I set his coffee mug down. My eyes on Johnson giving a presentation. I felt the frown take over and my heart beat accelerating. The sight of him annoyed me. He had always trampled me.

"Johnson-", I cut him off. Everyone's eyes shift to me. "What?", he raised a brow, clearly annoyed that I broke his concentration. "You're fired ", I snap and everyone shifted around in their seats. "Excuse me-", he gave a cocky smug. I drop my gaze to Reece, who was staring with a blank expression. "I said you're fired ", I repeat and this time that smug vanished. He was pissed. "Shall I continue, Mr Alexander?", he spoke to Reece, totally ignoring the fact that we were married and I deserved respect too.

Reece leaned back in his seat, eyes locked with mine. I prayed so hard that he did not embarrass me infront of others.

"You heard the lady", he spoke loud and almost proud. "Sir?" ,Johnsons voice low and confused. "I'm sure you know where the exit is ", Reece moved his attention to Johnson who was too stunned to speak. "Mr Alexander", he never finished his sentence when Reece raised a hand. "She said you're fired", he said with no emotion present. I too was shocked he agreed with me. "Sir? You can't fire me. I haven't done anything. Besides she has always had a problem with me in general".

Johnson glared at me, nostrils flared and lips pressed together. Balling his fists at his side. "I don't need a reason ", Reece scratched his chin.

"I'm just being a good husband ", he smirked at me.

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