Por Proverbs_girl

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Anastasia Rosalie Cora is thrown into a world of lust, sin and unholy acts. For a 21 year old college student... Más

I n t r o
E p i l o g u e
my loves ♡ find me
epilogue | 2nd bonus chapter


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Por Proverbs_girl

07 : 54 am
Alexander Airlines

The talk of this morning was the fundraiser. Everyone was chatting about it. It's all I heard while making my way to his office. Leaving my bag on my desk , I inhale deeply before knocking on his door.

"Come In-", he said.

I do a few more breathing exercises before finally entering. His head hung , while scanning through work files. He was looking insanely gorgeous today. Well he's always handsome but damn. I'm allowed to compliment him right? Telling people they're beautiful are words of kindness.

I swear black was his color. The way the suit hugged his curves. His hair falling gracefully over his forehead. Those aqua eyes bursting with light.

"Goodmorning sir ", I greet , placing his coffee on the table. The man totally ignored me. He never greeted , neither did he glance up at me. "Uhm - you have 3 meetings today. The first is at 10am. Mrs Luella requested to have the meeting at her office", I trail off. He was ignoring me? After harassing me in a toilet stall!

"Mr Alexander", I clear my throat. "If that's all , please see yourself out", he drawled , still focusing on the files. "Yes that's all", I whisper, turning on my heels and leaving his office. Such a fucking asshole. I huff , taking a seat behind my desk and starting up my laptop.

Well , being ignored was better than receiving unwanted attention.

09 : 42 am

Once we reach Mrs Luella's marketing company. We walk in side by side. He had been quiet throughout the ride here and even had his driver bring us instead of him driving us in his own car.

"Goodmorning ", he greet the receptionist who blushed the second her eyes met his. "Goodmorning Mr Alexander. Your meeting is at 10 . You may head to the conference room on floor 5", she handed us guest cards and we head to the elevator. Once again , silence filled the tense atmosphere as we wait for the lift to drop us at our destination.

Should I apologize for slapping him?

The doors ping and slide open. I follow him to the conference room where others were already seated. I take my seat in the far corner while he sat around the table with the other men who were all greeting him and once again, speaking about the fundraiser.

He had not looked at me once since I got to work. I felt guilty for slapping him. Maybe I took things too far. "Something to drink?", I glance up at the man who was staring down at me with a smile. "No thank you ", I give a polite smile. "Are you sure? You're Mr Alexanders p.a?", he pointed to my notebook and I hum. "I'm Mrs Luella's p.a", he grinned. "I'll get you something ", he said again but I declined. "No need to be shy", he sat beside me , flipping through his notebook. "Being a p.a is alot of work", he chuckled, feeling embarrassed by how messy his book was. "Marketing must be fun", I made conversation. "Yeah it is", he smiled.

He was handsome. Green eyed , tan skin, curled hair like spaghetti. He was your typical Novel boy. I shift my gaze to Reece who was still speaking with the other men. "What's it like working with New Yorks young billionaire?", he whispered. "Nice-", was all I could think of muttering.

"Just nice?", he chuckled.

Mrs Luella entered , greeting everyone. She was beautiful as always. Tall and slim , blonde hair cut in a sleek Bob. Her spokesperson followed , heading straight to the projector to begin the meeting.
"Can I borrow a pen-", I looked at him. "Keith, and yes you may" , he handed me a spare and I thank him shyly.

The meeting was all about marketing food on airlines. I guess Reece didn't need to be told about this. His quality of service was excellent.


"Since the bosses are all busy. Want to grab a coffee?". I hand him back his pen as we stroll down the long hallway. Reece had joined the others in tasting the food Mrs Luella was offering to have sold on airlines.

"Is that even a good idea?", I asked, alittle hesitant. "Why not? We're just having coffee. Besides the little Cafe is across the street. We won't even be long", he nudged my shoulder playfully as we wait for the Elevator to arrive.

"So?", he looked down at me. I mean why not? It's just coffee. "Sure", I smile as the door slide open and he clapped his hands, gesturing for me to enter first. "Thank you", I snort and he followed. "When I saw you seated at the back , I was excited that I wasn't the only p.a", he sighed out. I hit the button and the doors slide to close but a hand stopped it inches from shutting.

The lift pinged and opened again. My eyes grow wide before shifting my gaze to my shoes. Reece stepped In and hit the button again. "So no coffee?", Keith whispered but I'm pretty sure Reece could hear. "Unfortunately not", i give an apologetic smile as I look up at him. He pout and pulled out his phone , about to hand it to me to add my number, when -

"How's your fiancée, Keith?".

We both turn to look at Reece who had his hands in his pockets and eyes on Keith. "S-she's okay , Mr Alexander", he stuttered. I drop my hands back to my side ,instead of taking his held out phone. "Your mother invited me to your 36th birthday party", he smirked at the stunned man.

Mrs Luella was his mother?

Three important things he left out.

"I'll drop by-", Reece add.

Keith just nod his head, putting his phone away. The elevator pinged and opened up. I give Keith an awkward smile before following Mr Alexander out. He greet the receptionist as we exited the building. That was so uncomfortable. I wasn't sure if he tried to embarass Keith but it definitely worked. The man was too stunned to speak.

His driver was already waiting for us.

Alexander Airlines
12 : 32 pm

"Your next meeting is in an hour , sir", I scan through the schedule as we entered his office. He was still ignoring me but I still kept it professional and did my job.

The sound of his phone ringing made me go silent and sigh while waiting for him to finish up.

"I've got a busy day, hailey", he grumbled. Oh it was his wife . "Can't your parents reschedule? I mean it's just supper? What about Ryder? ", he had a frown on his beautiful face. How could he frown and still look like a Greek god? "I don't have time for this-", with that he hung up , tossing his phone on the table. "If that's all-", he was about to ask me to leave but I cut him off.

"I am sorry".

That frown vanished the second his eyes lift to find mine. "I - I shouldn't have slapped you", I swallow hard , trying not to cry. Looking down, I shift from one foot to the next. "It's just that - you crossed the line and I was upset ", I mumble. I know he was in the wrong but I reacted harshly. "If that's all, please see yourself out ". His response made me glance up at him. He was still staring, arms crossed over his chest. "Do you forgive me?", I whisper, earning a raised brow.

"Do you really think I'm upset about a stupid slap?", he deadpanned with such sass. So he wasn't angry that I hit him? I shrug confused. He lifts a hand , combing his fingers through his disheveled hair.

"I offered to take you home and you declined. It was late, Anastasia. I just wanted to make sure you were safe".


Now I felt even more worse. Was this man genuine or a prick? I couldn't decide. He had so many personalities and I feel like I haven't seen them all yet. He stepped away from his table , making his way to me. Instinctively , I step back against the office door.

"What was the reason for your stubbornness?", he frowned while towering me with his height. "Well-", I began but couldn't complete. "Well what?", he placed both hands on either side of my head , caging me. "Well after what happened. I did not want to see your face", I was honest. He scoffed , smirking and leaning closer. "Why did you come to work then?", he questioned in a smug tone.

"I don't want to end up homeless-", I furrow my brows at his stupidity. Removing one hand from the door , he wrapped his fingers around the bow tie hanging from my neck. "You're a pretty little girl", he tugged on the bow ,drawing me closer. "That slap was actually impressive. No one had tried that before", he cocked his head to the side. "If it were anyone else , I would have reacted in an unpleasant manner", he whispered, yanking on the bow. "But - since it was you. I let it slide ", his hand cupped my cheek and I gasp. There was a lump forming in my throat and my chest began to heave again.

Leaning in , his lips brush against mine and I shut my eyes. Hands squeezing the material of my skirt . I hear him chuckle but I do not open my eyes. He was toying with me.

"What time is my next meeting ?", he stepped back, leaving me against the door , panting as if he kissed me...but he didn't.

"What?", I open my eyes , blinking confused. He smirked while taking his seat behind the table, flipping open his laptop.

"My next meeting Ms Cora ".

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