The Reunion (Part 1)

By Youlo182

96.7K 2.7K 862

Maya and Carina meet again after fifteen years without speaking to each other at their high school reunion wh... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70

chapter 18

1.4K 49 17
By Youlo182

The next morning they woke up in each other's arms. Carina stared at the ceiling as Maya's arm passed in front of her body.

-"You seem very pensive...". She said as she came to kiss her cheek. "You... You changed your mind?"

- "no" Carina said as she finally turned her head towards the blonde.

- "But?"

- "can we keep the fact that there's something going on between us... Whatever it is, for us?"

- "are you ashamed to sleep with me?"

- "no, but Maya understand me, you are a girl... And I really, really, really like to make love with you... I really like to make love with you, but I'm not ready to be labeled... And then it's our secret garden, and I'd like to keep it that way"

- "okay"

- "are you mad at me? Does it bother you that I think that?"

- "I'm a little afraid that you're going to backslide... And before you, I didn't feel like i wanted... More..."

- "because you want to say that... That like we're... We're dating?"

- "no, I mean maybe, I mean I don't know, but uh it's more... I mean, you know, you don't have... You don't have the physique that one can be ashamed to sleep... To sleep with "

- "oh so I'm your trophy?"

- "no, you're not a trophy. But you are the most beautiful... And I think it's normal that I don't want anyone to come and hit on you"

-"I don't want to be hit on... And whatever happens between us, that's what I want to find out and develop... With nobody else"

- "so we're seeing each other in secret?"

- "something like that"

- "even for Andy?"

- "just... Just a little longer..."

- "okay."

- "are you disappointed?"

- "aren't you running away?"

- "no, I could even make love to you right now if we didn't have to go get ready"

- "Then I'm not disappointed" she made as she came to kiss her.
Carina had turned her body to face the blonde and she slid her hand down her shorts, against her buttock. "Car' we have to go get ready"

- "I won't be able to kiss or touch you again until tonight."

- "you don't seem to mind."

- "I'm already thinking about tonight"

They had gone to get ready, then to breakfast before leaving for school.
As soon as they arrived, Carina went to join Taryn and Maya, Andy.

- "so how was your weekend?"

-"It was fine."

- "what's up?"

- "well it's been, we went to Salem, I ran, I won, we went home, we played games with Mase"

- "and that's it?"

- "yeah"

- "and with Carina?"

- "with Carina what?"

- "no... Nothing"

- "well, yes, you did, you said too much"

-"I don't know, but she and I talked on Friday and... And she seemed..."

- "she seemed?"

- "so into you."

- "Carina?"

- "yes Carina, the pretty Italian girl who lives at your place, the one you kiss for fun"

- "yes thanks, I know who Carina is... And what did she tell you?"

- "that she hates me"

- "what do you mean?"

- "I asked her on Friday if she didn't want to join you in the shower..."

- "and so she hates you for that?"

- "yes because I read her soul and she wanted to join you in that shower"

- "but noooo!" Maya replied as if it was the stupidest thing she had ever heard.

- "but yes!!!"

- "listening to you all the girls want to join me in the shower"

- "the guys too"

- "anything!"

- "anyway, if you ask me, if you want something to happen between you and her, don't pass up the chance and the next time you kiss, you try to go further"

- "I'll see"

Maya: Andy suggested that I sleep with you

Carina: I think you should listen to Andy, she's your best friend, she might be right

Maya: oh you think so?

Carina: I'm sure, you should always believe someone called Andrea

Maya: do you think I should do this tonight?

Carina: I don't think you should wait that long. Classes end at 3pm, you should do it then.

Maya: What about lunch in the girls' room?

Carina: I'm not an easy girl Maya, I need a place a little more classy than the girls' room.

Maya: the locker room?

Carina: stop hitting on me and go to class.

- "So what are you doing next weekend?" Asked Helm

- "Maya doesn't have a race, but there's this party at Ryan's house."

- "ah cool"

- "you're coming of course!" Reply Carina

- "he didn't invite me"

- "but I am invited and you are my plus one!"

- "won't that bother you?"

- "no! Taryn you are my friend. So you're coming."

- "thanks Carina"

At three o'clock when they came back home they had passed the door step laughing and the Italian had pulled on the arm of the blonde sticking to the door, for her to come and kiss her.

-"What are you..."

- "ah you girls are back!" said Katherine, arriving just as they had taken off

- "aren't you at work?"

- "no"

- "but I didn't see your car" said Maya

- "Yes, I had a problem this morning. Would you let me take your car? I need a couple of things from the supermarket and I'm not getting mine back for two days."

- "Do you want us to go for you Katherine?" Carina asked.

- "no, it's okay, it's nice... Come on... Do your homework, or whatever, while I go to Walmart. Do you need anything?"

- "no" they answered at the same time.

- "okay, I'll be back in an hour.

- "why are you... Specify?" Maya asked suspiciously as she handed her keys to her mother.

-"Oh, nothing," she smiled.

Katherine had gone out and Carina had laughed.

- "What's the matter?"

- "It was a close call..."

- "the horror yes, they should never learn anything"

- "I think... I think it's too late".

- "what do you mean?"

- "your mother, she told me that I... That you were, that you seemed happier since I was here".

- "that doesn't mean she knows anything..."

- "it was more the way she said it than the words themselves... And then Mason said that your cheeks would turn red, whenever you looked at me"

- "that's not true" she said, blushing

- "yes it's true... Like right now, and it's so cute" she said as she grabbed her shirt and stepped back, moving Maya forward and up the stairs.

- "no"

- "sì"

- "no, I'm not blushing" she said as she passed the door of their room.

- "no?" Carina asked as she removed her top, seeing the blonde's eyes open a little more and her face take on a slightly darker shade of red. "Weren't you supposed to make love to me?"

The blonde had pushed the door open with her foot, before removing her own shirt and stepping up to the Italian.

- "you're not supposed to be studying, you have a science test tomorrow."

- "I intend to study the female anatomy..." She said as she came to undo the buttons on Maya's jeans.


The next day in class when the Italian girl had arrived at the cafeteria, the blonde was talking with Elle.
Carina had come to sit next to Andy.

- "Why is she talking to Elle?"

-"Maybe because you have to get past the second one if you want to get Maya, she'll keep screwing anyone if you don't tell her you like her."

- "just because they're talking, doesn't mean we have to plan their wedding right away"

- "oh, no, she's not going to marry her... To sleep on the other hand".

- "I have definitely changed my mind about you. I liked you but it's not possible anymore".

- "the truth hurts, baby. Maya is hot, she's attractive. Just like you."

- "you're supposed to be on my side and not on Elle's"

- "I don't like it any more than you do. I'm just saying if you want Maya... Coming our way... Heyyy"

-"hey. You okay, Carina?"

- "yes and you Maya?"

- "and me who cares?"

- "You, I know how you are. How was your assignment?"

- "oh very well. I studied very well yesterday. Thanks to you."

- "Did Maya help you study?"

- "Yes..." She replied to Andy without daring to look at her, before turning to the blonde: "What did she want from you, Elle?"

- "to remind me that I hadn't used her birthday present"

- "who was?!"

- "a wild night"

Carina had turned her head toward Elle who was watching them and raised an eyebrow at her so badly that it hadn't gone unnoticed.

- "and you plan to use it when?" Andy asked which caused Carina to turn around with a jerk and look at her with a frown.

-"Oh I don't know..." Maya began, which now earned her a glare from Carina, "...probably never... You told me I should stop sleeping with her."

The rest of the meal Carina had been more than silent and she sulked slightly a small pout on her lips.

Despite the fact that they were in front of each other, the blonde had sent her a message.

Maya: I want to pull on your lip with my teeth

Carina: are you sure you wouldn't rather pull on Elle's?

Maya: are you jealous?

Carina: I am Italian

Maya: is that supposed to answer my question?

Carina: absolutely

Maya: I want to show you everything I would like to do right now

Carina: how many times have you slept with her?

Maya: I don't know

Carina: so many, if you can't even say it

Maya: how many times have you slept with your ex?

Carina: a lot, he was my ex

Maya: and do you still want to sleep with him?

Carina: no

Maya: I didn't go out with her, and I can tell you that I don't want to sleep with her. But with you I do... Like when I made you study female anatomy...

The Italian had blushed and bitten the inside of her lip.

-"What is it?" Andy asked the brunette.

- "nothing"

- "who is sending you messages... And who are you texting?" Asked Maya's best friend to Carina and then to her.

-"Is this interrogation over?" asked the blonde.

-"I have to go to class anyway" said Carina.

Maya: what a vision...

Carina: me leaving?!

Maya: your anatomy from back...

Carina: don't get me started on anatomy because yours is more for my liking and I have a lot to say about it.

- "no but really who are you texting like that?"

- "no one!"

- "is it Carina? Are you sexting?"

- "no! Stop I'm not sexting!"

Luckily for her, along with Carina, she had been texting Mase, who was asking if they could pick him up because his last class of the day, his teacher was absent.

- "look!"

- "lame! You're writing to your brother!"

- "I told you there was nothing sexy"

- "you were smiling..."

- "Because Mase doesn't want to ride with me and now he's asking me to pick him up, I'm happy"

- "okay"

Carina : there you go, the other vulture is back and you don't talk to me anymore?

Maya: no, I'm putting Andy on the wrong track by showing her the messages from Mase. Tonight we're going to pick him up after school.

Carina: So... No anatomy class?!

Maya: No anatomy class...

The Italian woman had sent a broken heart and Maya had blushed and shook her head.

When she came back in the evening the blonde had gone for a run and the brunette had stayed in their room to study, Mason was in his room to do his homework.

When the blonde had come back and had gone to their room to get some clean clothes, the Italian had turned on her chair to stare at her.

-"That's not fair play".

- "of what?"

- "showing up here in that outfit when your brother is two doors away from us"

- "I'm just picking up some clothes"

- "and I just want to come with you into the shower"

- "well, come"

- "yes of course and what do we say to Mase?"

- "that you can't resist the body of a pretty, sweaty girl"

- "I can resist all the bodies in the world... Just ... Not yours"

- "and although you can't resist my body,... Or that we save water... Or that it is common in Europe to shower with your friends, and that we exchange practices".

- "stop what you're making Europeans look like. And on top of that, I'm European, but I'm Italian first and foremost".

- "oh yes, I remember that well..."

- "what is that supposed to mean?" Carina asked, getting up from her chair.

-"I really like the way you speak Italian to me... in bed".

- "I really like the way you make me speak Italian" she replied as she approached and forced the blonde to back up and fall onto the bed, once her knuckles were against the bedpost.

-"Carina... I have to go to the shower..."

-"I can help you undress..." Replied she, running her index finger over the top of her bra on her skin, once she sat astride her.

Maya had slipped her hand on Carina's cheek and had approached their two faces and before their lips had touched Mason had knocked on the door.

-"Carina, can you help me with my math?" said the boy on the other side of the door.

- "Your brother is more effective than a contraceptive" whispered the Italian against Maya's lips before rising from her legs. "Yes go in"

- "Maya, you shouldn't sit on your bed when you come back from sport, it's dirty, you sweat"

- "Yes Maya it's dirty! You are sweating, listen to Mason and go to the shower" said Carina

The blonde had passed her tongue over her teeth as if to tell the brunette that she couldn't be serious.

- "I wasn't going to sit down, but I lost my balance... Carina got up from her chair and her beauty knocked me over."

The Italian had laughed.

- "So you like Carina and you like girls?" Mason asked excitedly.

- "Don't you like Carina?"

- "hey! That's my question! And then Carina knows that my heart belongs to her, me!"

- "I'm going to the shower!"

- "that doesn't answer my question Maya!"

The blonde was out.

"I'm sure she likes you."

- "you know when you get older... You don't say what you want or don't want as easily".

- "well, it sucks to get old then... Do you like her?"


- "well, yeah, not the pope!"

- "didn't you need my help with your math?"

- "if you don't answer that means it's yes"

- "go figure"

- "so you confirm?"

- "go figure"

- "Carinaaa! Don't be a Maya".

- "do you want my help?"

- "yes" he pouted and handed her his math book. They both sat on the bed and the brunette started to read the exercise shown by the young man.

-"Maya is very beautiful, and I like her a lot..." Answered she without looking at him.

- "I..." He began

- "Shh! You keep this to yourself!"

He had mimed a key that closed his mouth and slipped it into his pocket.

When Maya had returned from her shower, Mason had given her a huge smile and he had shaken his head affirmatively.

- "What's wrong with you little head? Did you have a stroke?"

- "no, no nothing" he made as he turned his head towards Carina with the same smile.

- "hey!" said the Italian, pushing him with her shoulder.

-"I didn't say anything!"

- "well, go on"

- "did I miss an episode?"

- "we have secrets Carina and I"

- "and I want to know that secret?"

- "yes" said Mason
- "no" replied the brunette

- "you intrigue me"

- "but that's between Carina and me"

- "you know I can make you spill your secret in two seconds?"

- "but it wouldn't be nice for Carina to want to know the secrets we share"

- "are you almost done?"

- "why? Do you want to be alone with Carina?"

- "nooo!" Fit she can convincing.

- "if you prefer, Car' and I will go to my room"

- "no, it's my roommate, not yours"

- "we are almost finished" answered the Italian to the blonde before finishing to explain the exercise to Mase.

-"Thank you Carina" said the boy getting up and kissing her on the cheek.
He then passed by Maya and told her discreetly: "that's how you should do with girls". What had been worth that Carina opens wide the mouth shocked and by laughing silently, in front of the embarrassment that she could read on the face of Maya.

The boy had left the room and the brunette had come to stand next to the blonde.

-"You see, that's how you should do with girls" repeated the Italian, sticking to the sprinter.

-"What did you say to him ?"

- "the truth... That you were very beautiful and that I liked you very much".

- "why did you tell him that?"

- "because it's the truth, it's about me, not you, and it doesn't give any information about you and me"

- "and what was his question?"

- "if I liked you"

- "and for me?"

-"I can't answer for you. It's up to you to tell him... What you want to say to him..."

- "and if I feel like telling him..." She had turned and stood up slightly coming to stand over Carina forcing her to lie on her back. "... That I like making love to you?"

- "up to you Bambina..."

- "you wouldn't even mind me saying that to my brother?"

- "I'm not even close to that anymore... As your mother already thinks that there is something going on between us... And I love your brother."

- "oh so you loooove my brother and  you like me very much" she asked, extrapolating his way of saying love and minimizing the way of like very much.

- "yes" Carina said, lifting her head and kissing her on the lips, looking into her eyes.

- "yes?"  She asked against her lips.

-"Yes, very, very, very much..." She replied before coming to kiss her.

- "very very very much?"

- "Very much so..."

- "enormously..." The brunette had run her hand against the back of her neck and brought their lips together to stick.

They had kissed and when they needed air the blonde had spoken again.

"we can't make love"

- "I know... But I really want to kiss you, I've been wanting to all day".

- "I really liked your jealousy attack"

- "I wasn't jealous"

- "so I can use my gift from Elle?"

- "if you don't want to sleep with me anymore, yes you can use hers. But it's her or me."

Maya had pretended to think and Carina had pushed her shoulder and pulled out from under her. But the blonde had grabbed her hand and pulled her towards her and pulled her down against her body.

- "You..." She whispered as she came to kiss her neck.

- "you are sure of your choice?"

- "more than sure."

They had kissed again then the brunette had passed her hand over the lips of the blonde.

- "I have to go do my homework"

- "don't you have anything on anatomy?"

- "not for tomorrow... And you have to do your homework too".

- "I want to study... you"

- "and as tempting as it is, I'm going to have to decline. There's this really hot girl who got me a scholarship and I have to earn my place because there were hundreds of us and I got it, ahead of people who were less well off."

- "really hot?"

- "oh yeah, you should see her"

- "I'm gonna be jealous..."

- "I don't mind a little jealousy from my suitors"

- "Plural?"

- "it's a figure of speech"

- "I was quite jealous of Todd or Alex"

- "but I only have eyes for you..."

- "I'm jealous that they have their eyes on you"

- "tell you that it is in your bed that I am"

- "literally"

- "literally..."



Should they keep it a secret any longer?

Do you like the interaction of Maya and Mason? I really enjoy writing them!

Let's see...



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