By Proverbs_girl

172K 4.1K 800

Anastasia Rosalie Cora is thrown into a world of lust, sin and unholy acts. For a 21 year old college student... More

I n t r o
E p i l o g u e
my loves ♡ find me
epilogue | 2nd bonus chapter


3.1K 83 22
By Proverbs_girl

21 : 07 pm
Anastasia's pov:

Netflix had become boring.

After having a small supper by myself and Cleaned up the apartment. I had been huddled on the couch , watching a bunch of random shows that just did not make any sense.

Anthony texted.

It wasn't what I expected to see after a tiresome day but he had asked for some time alone. He said he had some thinking to do. I wish I had cried after reading that but I guess being tired means that emotionally, I was too. Why ask me to move here if he was unsure about us?

Bringing the blanket higher underneath my chin. The cold made my toes freeze. It was storming out there. The rain that drizzled when I reached home had turned into a pouring nightmare.

The knock on the door made me flinch. Was it Anthony? Throwing off the blanket , I practically run to the door , unlocking and pulling it open. The person was not Anthony but I was not disappointed either.



He had dried himself and we've been sitting in silence since.

"Do you want something to drink?", I break the silence but did not get a response. "Something warm-", I trail off while he stared at the fuzzy carpet. I had no idea why he was here but I don't question it. After all he did help me out the other night and he gave me his bed to sleep in.

"I'll get you something-", I finally get off my ass and try to get to my tiny kitchen but am held back. Glancing down , his large hand draped around my wrist. "Is something wrong?", I whisper. He tugs alittle until I am standing infront of him. Those beautiful aqua eyes lift to find mine. "Is hailey okay?", I asked curiously. Ignoring me once again, he stood to his feet , towering me with his height.

"I felt that texting or having the receptionist call you up would be wrong", he finally spoke which made me feel at ease. "Anastasia, I don't want you working at my company ".

The smile that was about to form on my face had been smacked off. The beat of my heart could be heard in my burning up ears. "What?", I breathe. He released my wrist , pushing his hands into his pockets. "I should have not hired a child in the first place ", he raised a brow, just staring down at me. I blink a few times , making sure this was real...he was really firing me.

"But - I've done nothing wrong", I whisper, tears leaking down my cheeks. "Whether you've done anything wrong or not , I don't want you there". My life had fallen apart in one day. First Anthony wanted a break from our relationship which I believed was healthy. Now I'm getting fired without a reason.

My parents were right.

I should have not moved to New York without any back up plans if things went south. I'm stranded now.

"I'll be in at 5:30 tomorrow. You can come in early and clean out your desk if you don't want others seeing you", with that he strode off to the door. I rush after him , standing infront of the door with arms spread. "You are not leaving without giving me a reason. Mr Alexander please ", I pleaded. Was I being demanding or begging him not to fire me? My emotions were all over the shore.

"Anastasia, just fetch your things tomorrow ", he seemed frustrated and annoyed by me bothering him. Slowly I drop my arms back to my side. Lowering my gaze and sniffling. "I'm sorry -", I mumble, turning around and unlocking the door. My fist squeezed the handle as I look over my shoulder at the man who was staring back. How did this not affect him? Seeing me miserable.

"Was the coffee too bitter?", I sob and for a second those eyes flash a different emotion before they're back to dull. "Get home safe " , I remembered the storm outside. He barely spoke about anything since he got here. No reason , no long chitchat, just getting straight to the point like he always does.

Pulling open the door , I gasp when he shut it again- swiftly pushing me up against the wall. I slam into it with a grunt but was soon shut by his lips pressed to mine. There was no time to glorify just how soft his lips were or how his hands were cupping my face ever so gently. My eyes wide and heart pounding , he broke the kiss and without giving me an explanation or second glance , he pulled open the door and left.

My hands were shivering as I bring them up to touch my quivering lips and blazing cheeks. What just happened ? I had no time to even comprehend! How , why? What the fuck ! I peek out into the empty halls. Did he really leave after kissing me ? I mean, it was a quick kiss but REECE ALEXANDER just kissed me.

Shutting the door , I take in deep breaths, trying to control this racing heart and thoughts. "Why -", I bang my forehead against the door , groaning in annoyance. Why are men always complicating life! He was married and I had a boyfriend.

Why me.

05 : 21 am

I had barely gotten any sleep last night after that sudden KISS. The security had allowed me in , with full knowledge I was Reece's assistant. Rushing to the 10th floor , I was in a tad bit of a hurry to pack my stuff and leave before he got to work. Honestly I was running. I did not wish to bump into him.

Just leave without anything being resolved.

Getting to my desk , I begin to pack my stuff Into the pretty pink bag I brought. There was not much that belonged to me. Just my college books and pens, the desk clock and some other junk.

The sound of the elevator pinging down the silent hallway made my heart panick. I get down , trying to hide behind the desk.

"Goodmorning Ms Cora ", his voice made me shut my eyes and shake my head in pure embarrassment. "Goodmorning sir ", I greet from behind the desk. He didn't ask why I was hiding but being caught made me feel like an idiot. No wonder he regretted hiring a kid.

"Step into my office please ", he said and retreated into his office. I sigh and get onto my feet , dusting out my skirt and slowly making my way into the office. He was at his desk while I stood at the door ,not wanting to be near him.

He was dressed in a cream shirt tucked in brown slacks. He ditched his usual 3 piece suit yet still looked like some model. The man was walking art. His hair fell over his forehead , almost hiding his eyes.

Turning to look at me , I gave a quick smile. "Take a seat", he said, behaving as if he did not kiss me last night. I nod and move to the seat furthest from his desk.
He sighed and began to speak - "I'm going to need your signature on these forms. You are suspended until the fundraiser event, which is in 5 days", he continued but I totally blanked out.

Did he say suspension?

"I thought I was fired -", I blurt and he immediately went silent. We just stared at each other until he cleared his throat, "when did I say that?", he stretched out his hands , waving the forms. "Last night ", I stood, making my way to take the forms. "I don't recall", he deadpanned. At this point I was highly confused. I take the forms and sign them without asking more questions.

"The reason for your suspension is you do not follow orders. You do as you please ". My jaw dropped and I yell , "when?". He gestured to my clothes. "You had 2 warnings. Being suspended will make other staff understand that this company is not a pile of bullshit. I take my work very seriously, Ms Cora ", he snatched the forms from my hand and proceeded to add them to a file. "You may leave", he mumbled.

Ask him.
Ask him!

I was fighting my inner self. She wanted to ask about the kiss but my confidence said no. Turning around, I stroll to the door until me feet halt. Looking over my shoulder, he was still at his desk , staring at documents. "Do you need something?", he looked up and I shake my head. "Have a good day ,sir", I smile shyly.

"I'll walk you out", he closed the file and I gulp. "No, no. Don't worry about it", I wave my hands in the air but he ignored my protests.

We walk to the elevator in silence. "I think I'll take the stairs sir . I need the exercise ", I chuckle but he just raised a brow at my stupidity. I did not want to be alone with him. Especially in an enclosed space with no escape! "Joking-", I add and we step into the elevator. He pressed the ground floor button and the doors slide shut.

I stare at my sneakers. Heart knocking against my rib cage.

"Do you want to talk about it?", his small voice made me glance up through my lashes. "About what?", I whisper. His gaze lowered to my lips and I involuntarily lick them. "No", I shake my head. Ofcourse I did! But I was not going to admit that it bothered me. I thought last night would be the last we saw each other. Unfortunately, he had other plans not to have me fired.

"Are you sure?", he asked again and I nod. "Let's just forget about it", I trail off and grateful the doors slide open. I hear him say okay as we walked out . The building was still empty.

"But- why did you do it?", I decided to man up and ask anyway. "Do what?", he tilt his head , staring down at me. "Kiss me-", I whisper. "When did I kiss you , Anastasia?".

Well played .

I couldn't help but smile at how he pretended to have forgotten just because I said let it go.

"I'll see you at the fundraiser ", he was trying so hard to keep a straight face. "Right", I on the other hand couldn't stop smiling. "Try to dress appropriately ", he smirked.

"I will ", I furrow my brows.

"You will", he repeat but it sounded more like an order.

"Goodmorning sir and Anastasia ", we both look at Stella, the reception. "Goodmorning ", he gave her a smile. I swear she blushed while getting to her desk. "Anything else?", I shake my head , prying my eyes from Stella.

"Have a good day , sir", I turn and make my way out of the building. The cold slapped me in my face. The rain last night had subsided but it was still chilly. The clouds dark and ready to burst at any moment.

I was glad he let me keep my job.

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