Double Life

By teddybear0904

309 6 0

Callie is what you would call an average hard working 18year old girl, she recently moved in with her older b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Author's note

Chapter 45

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By teddybear0904

Callie's POV
"I'm confused why were having a party here couldn't we have it any other place I don't want anyone fuckin in my room," I say "If you lock your room and then go downstairs people will think that there is someone already in there and leave," Kai says chuckling. We go inside and are met with Grayson and Manny looking at us, I immediately feel nervous. "Hey, guys," Kai says walking up to them and motioning for me to go. I quickly make my way upstairs and of course like always I'm not paying attention and collied into Dylan. "Hey trying to get away from Manny," he asks and I nod. "You know you seemed really headstrong but you hide quickly that's weird," he says pushing on my buttons. "Excuse me," I say offended "I'm sorry didn't mean to offend you I just-"

"You wanna see headstrong I'll show you," I say marching back downstairs. "Manny we need to talk," I say making Kai and Grayson look at me and then look back at him. We go outside to try and have some privacy "They are looking at us through the window aren't they" I say "Yup and they just hid thinking I didn't see them" he says looking passed my shoulder. "Look Manny I got, to be honest, I was gonna hide from you today and then you know Dylan got in my head and I'm getting off topic," I say and he smiles at me.

"Look I do still like you but I deserve someone who knows me and loves me every part even the sad and depressing parts and is not afraid to hold my hand in front of my brother, the type of person who is just one call away and knows I'm one call away," I say and he is standing there just waiting for me to finish. "So have you figured out who the person is," he asks me and I feel a sting in my heart "No I hope to find them one day, I don't know Manny the point is you've made it clear that's not you look maybe one day but now is not that time," I say I walk away leaving him outside. I open the door and see them running away from the window, "You guys are dumb" I say walking upstairs.

"Oh and Dylan I'd prefer it if you stayed out of my head," I say and he smirks. I go to my room and decide that I should take a shower. I picked out some clothes and took my shower in peace. A couple of hours passed and I've been in my room watching TV,  I start hearing noise downstairs so I decided it was time for me to get out of my room. I get changed for the party honestly not caring I put on gray sweats and a long sleeve black shirt with red and black stripes on the sleeves  I go downstairs and see Jackie and Jane. "Oh hey, Callie glad to see your home are you gonna get dressed for the party," Jane asks looking beautiful.

"Hi um I was gonna wear this," I say pulling in my shirt "I can not allow this" Jackie says popping out from behind the corner, "Jackie's really into fashion I tried getting away with the same thing, and then she picked an outfit out for me," Kai says coming downstairs buttoning up his black shirt. "Well it looks like she knows what she's doing you look great," I say making Kai smile. "Yeah, that's what happened to me and Grayson," Dylan says standing next to Grayson "Yeah the only one she didn't get her hands on was Manny" Grayson says chuckling.

"Don't be mad because anytime I dress y'all for a party ninety-eight percent of the time y'all get laid," she says "She's not wrong we had a convo on this and I ran the numbers," Jane says laughing.  "Then it's settled come on I have to go through your closet, oh, and Kai I need to borrow something from your closet," Jackie says pulling me back upstairs. "Um okay just don't make a mess," Kai says, we go into Kai's room and Jackie goes and pulls out a shirt without a second thought. "Oh I am so excited come on now your closet," she says and I follow her "Just trust her process," Jane says patting my shoulder.

We walk into my room and we can hear Jackie in my closet "Oh yes this and this oh babe can you get my bag please I know the perfect thing to go with this" Jackie says and Jane goes downstairs. "Okay so you keep the long sleeve on and put this on and then you tie this around your waist and these" she shows me a belt to tie around my waist and my knee-high socks. Jane comes back into the room with Jackie's bag. "Thanks, babe," she says grabbing the bag and kissing Jane, "Okay so these are fishnets you put them on under before the knee-high socks and this you wrap around your thighs and clip it down on the sock got it," she asks and I nod my head unsure.

"Um so one thing where are my bottoms like no pants," I ask her "Oh no honey that's why she gave you Kai's shirt and the belt so it comes around you like a skirt," Jane says and Jackie nods. "Well okay I'll get changed if I need help I'll call you," I say and they both leave. Once they both leave I start changing but first I put concealer on my scars, I finished getting changed and look at myself feeling a little nervous, "Hey Cal people are starting to come in you ready" Jane asks at my door. "Does it look okay?" I ask opening the door, she nods excitedly. Okay, let's do this" I say going downstairs.

Kai's POV
I am in the kitchen getting a drink I'm scanning the room and see more and more people come in. My eye pass by the stairs but they immediately go back when I realize Callie is downstairs "Wow" I whisper to myself she looks beautiful. She makes eye contact with me and immediately comes over in a rush. "You have to hide me," she says sitting beside me. "Out of your comfort zone," I ask sarcastically.

"You see I would wear something like this when I'm racing and I feel on top of the world but not at a party, basically me and Cassie are like different people" she says chuckling. Me and Callie stay in the kitchen as the house gets filled with more people, "Oh my God hii how is your boyfriend" a girl with an annoying voice asks coming up to Callie.

She looks at me her eyes saying watch this. "Ohh hi, we actually broke up why do you ask," she says mimicking her voice. "Oh that's unfortunate, I only ask because you know me and your brother are like kind of an item now," she says pushing her hair back. "Oh, I'm sorry what's your name are you Bre, Hannah, oh, or Jenn," I say and Callie looks at me and smiles "Oh I thought you were Katie," Callie says and the girl looks offended. "I... Ugh whatever" she says rolling her eyes and stomping off. "I loved that thank you so much," she says laughing.

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