Bruised Hearts

By TainarIsSyRen

144K 7.1K 740

With a strike of a pen, their lives changed forever. This story follows four central protagonists, Arnav/Kh... More

Reason for Being
Confronting the Raizadas
What doesn't Kill, Makes Us Stronger
Changed Tides
Painful Past
Superstar Meets Ranbir Kapoor Fan
Who the Baby Daddy?
Mumbai Connection
Welcome to Mumbai
Seeking Answers
Seeking Information
Prime Suspect
Escaping the Men in Black
Rakshas & Janwar
The Interrogation
Team Boys
The She Devil Underneath the Mask of an Angel
Trip to the Beach with the Little Miss
Common Enemy
Patis on Mission
Dealing with Papa Malik
Team Boys
Step in Right Direction, One Kiss at a Time
House of Hope
Justice League
Holi Sweetness!!
Holi Confessions!
Mami Bond
Wicked Stepmother
Inbhestigation Continued!
Long Lost Besties
Maasi Ma

Family Drama

4.5K 153 18
By TainarIsSyRen

Mumbai - RK Mansion

After her confrontation with RK, Madhu slowly comes down the steps. She is taking deep breaths to keep the angry tears from rushing down her cheeks.

That janwar! How dare he do this to me?!? Kiss me...just because he can? Damn the man! Why did I have to respond? Damn him! He never loved me, it was all for revenge. So why won't he sign the divorce paper? He achieved what he set out to do! Break me and use me! Why did he have to KISS and damn why did I have to respond?!?

She thinks back to the night in the village. It was a beautiful clear night; RK picked tenderly picked her up and gently placed her on the bed. It was a beautiful night as he made slow passionate sweet love to her. But it was all based on a lie! What was the most beautiful night of her life, now just haunts her. She feels dirty and used every time she thinks about that night. It meant nothing to him. It was all just a calculated move to gain full control over her, to have her heart in his hands, so he can squeeze the life out of it. All for the sake of four slaps. Bloody twisted man!

Well you almost succeeded Mr. Rishab Kundra! But I am Madhubala Shamsher Malik and I don't go down without a fight!

As Madhu descends the steps, a sweet familiar dearly missed voice interrupts her thoughts.

Radhaji (in shock): Madhu?

Madhu (tears running down her face): Ma?

She runs to Radhaji and embraces her. Both women hold on tight to each other; shedding tears of joy and sadness. After a few minutes, Radhaji pulls out of the embrace and cups Madhu's face.

Radhaji (still crying): I can't believe daughter is standing in front of me. After all these years!

Madhu (wiping away Radhaji's tears): Ma... I missed you!

Radhaji: No...! I don't believe you! If you missed me, you would have definitely come to see me. You forgot about me...your ma.

Madhu: Ma how can I forget you? I wanted to...but...

Radhaji: I know beta...I know...But after what Rishu did to you... There were so many times I wanted to come and see you. But I was so...embarrassed! I was embarrassed that MY son did this to you! I didn't know if I could ever face you. (Holding up her hands in forgiveness) Can you ever forgive me Madhu?

Madhu (holding Radhaji's hands): Ma...there's nothing to forgive! You are NOT responsible for his actions. Please...please...please... don't feel bad about it!

Radhaji: How can I not beta? I may have given birth to him but YOU gave him life. You gave him YOUR blood. YOU prayed for his life. YOU taught him how to live. YOU gave him so much love. YOU were willing to give up EVERYTHING for him, to make him happy. And he did this to you? I feel ashamed beta that he is my son.

Madhu: Ma please...don't get upset about it. You have high blood pressure and I don't want anything to happen to you. I hope you're taking good care of your health and taking your medicines on time?

Radhaji: Now that I have seen my sone ka dil daughter, I am perfectly fine. Madhu I was so angry the day I found out. How could he do this to you? I was so hurt, angry and confused...I...I... even thought of leaving...

Ajith Sharma (comes and gives Radha a side hug): Beta, your Ma wanted to leave Rishab. She was so angry and hurt. But I didn't let he. Because I know that, no matter what, she IS his mother. And leaving him would have just increased her misery tenfold.

Madhu: Papa...

Ajith, with tears in his eyes, lets go of Radhaji and plants a very fatherly kiss on Madhu's forehead.

Ajith: We ALL missed you Sunshine. I missed you more than your Ma.

Madhu (teary smile): I missed you too Papa. And you did the right thing in stopping Ma from leaving. She would have been hurt more.

Radhaji: See? And my stupid son let go off this girl?


Usually a careful driver, today Khushi is speeding through the streets of Delhi. Reflecting her inner turmoil. Tears stream constantly down her face.

I hate you! I hate you! I hate you Arnav Singh Raizada! Why do you keep doing this to me? Why do you keep hurting me? Why can't you let me be in peace? Why do you have to turn my life upside down? WHY WHY WHY did you have to KISS me? No Khushi... don't think about it...just don't think about it! It means nothing to you. Nothing! That Rakshas means nothing to you! Arnav Singh Raizada I hate you! Why can't I stop loving you? Why do you have to complicate things? Why are you making it so damn difficult to live my life? I hate you Arnav Singh Raizada!

Khushi pulls up in front of the Gupta residence. She wipes away her tears and breathes in a few times to calm herself. Once she gains control over her emotions, she steps out of the car.

Buaji is chasing after a giggling Tara.

Buaji (almost breathless from the run): Hai re Nand Kishore! Arre... Choti Sanka Devi! Come back here with my braid.

Tara (evading Buaji): This? (Twirling the detachable braid in her hand) It's so icky! (Giggling) Your Nand Kishore is bad. He should get you new hair!

Buaji (holding her head): Hai re Nand Kishore! You are very naughty! Just like your mother.

Khushi smiles at the scene in front of her. She was feeling drained. But looking at her baby girl, she is filled with a renewed sense of purpose and strength. Get ready for war Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada!

Shantivan - Later in the Evening

Naniji knocks on Dadi's room. Upon gaining permission to enter, she enters.

Naniji: Sumi? Do you have a few minutes? I need to speak to you.

Dadi indicates Naniji to sit.

Dadi: Yes Deviyani.

Naniji: Sumi...what was the need to speak to Khushi betiya so rudely today?

Dadi: Deviyani! I don't want to talk about that shameless girl!

Naniji: She is NOT shameless Sumi! Khushi betiya is a good a girl. One of the sweetest young ladies I know. She is like a granddaughter to me!

Dadi: Even though her masi is responsible for our children's death? She also tried to cheat our Anjali betiya and tried to seduce our Damadji. Chi! And you say she is a good girl?

Naniji: Sumi. Khushi betiya is not like that. She did NOT try to seduce Shy...Damadji. As for her Masi, no child should have to pay for her elder's mistake. So why should she? Khushi betiya is a wonderful girl. Perfect for Chote. And I don't fully believe Garimaji is responsible for what happened 20 years ago.

Dadi: Deviyani...I don't want to speak any more of that shameless girl or of her shameless family.

Naniji: I am sorry. But today you have to listen to me. Why do wait till the evening of the wedding to tell Chote about Khushi's amma? Why didn't you tell ME? You know Chote's anger and he stops thinking clearly. Whether you admit it or not, Khushi betiya is perfect for Chote. She taught him how to live and laugh again! Even after knowing this, why did you drop the bomb on him in that manner?

Dadi: Deviyani...I had to protect the family name. I don't want the Malik named attached with that shameless girl. I did the right thing and I would do it all over again if I had to.

Naniji: I feel quite bad in saying this, but do you even love our grandchildren?

You left them when Dhruv kicked them out of Sheesh Mahal. Why? You were out of their lives for 15 years? Why? Didn't you feel the need to see how they were doing? Those poor lost dears were hit by a series of bomb. Why didn't you stand by them?

Dadi: Deviyani...! What kind of questions are these? Of course I love them.

Naniji: I am sorry to even say this but when you got married you didn't like that you had to look after your stepson, Arnesh. Did you ever love me?

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