
谞讻转讘 注诇 讬讚讬 DABIGJEFE

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"Anybody can chase a dream, but it's all on you to 饾棸饾棶饾榿饾棸饾椀 it" After years of being locked down for a cri... 注讜讚



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谞讻转讘 注诇 讬讚讬 DABIGJEFE

𝗠𝗔𝗬 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟱


"DIA! WHERE THE BOX WITH THE KITCHEN APPLIANCES?!" Chyna called, walking through the 3 bedroom home, carrying a toaster under one arm, with a conventional oven in her hands.

India stepped out of the baby's room, taking a baby set off of a rack. She opened her mouth to reply but heard her father tell her "It's in the truck already. Just put it in a new box."

India stepped back into the room, folding the two piece set. She walked over to the box, placing the set inside then grabbed another seat from the pile, folding it up "She have so many clothes and ain't even here yet. This don't make no sense." Mackenzie, India's friend and godmother of her unborn child said, while helping her pack the room up.

It was 11 in the morning on a Saturday and India's family flew and drove down to Houston to help her pack and move back to LA to be closer to them during her pregnancy. After hearing the news of her nephew dying, she agreed to move back to support and mourn his death with her family. She felt she needed to be there for Poppy in this time because she understood what Poppy was going through. She too had lost a child and knew that this was a hard situation to deal with alone.

India was currently 5 months pregnant with her second child and she was anxious as hell. After the stillbirth of her first child, Haven Janelle Jackson, she tried to move through this pregnancy with caution. She didn't want to make any mistakes as before in her first pregnancy. She was scared of giving birth to another dead baby. She felt like she died in that hospital room after pushing her baby out and not hearing any cries and cooing.

The trauma of her delivery from the first baby, haunted her and she hated it. It took her 3 years to mourn and bring herself from that dark place. She was afraid to go back down that dark tunnel once more. She fell so deep into depression, she wasn't the same person anymore. She felt empty and alone and none existent. She tried everyday to not let stress take over her body and mind, and to be gentle with herself as much as possible. 

"She?" India eyebrows raised as she took hangers off the sets and decided to lay the clothes flat inside the box to save time "My little shit is definitely a boy."

Mackenzie laughed out loud. India didn't know the gender of the baby yet so she often referred to the fetus as her little shit or her flower child "Please stop calling my godbaby a little shit."

Mackenzie and India have been friends since India moved to Houston, 5 years ago. They both were business women, one owning two Estheticians building while the other owned three popular night clubs, downtown Houston. The two met after a night out at the bar with their significant others and instantly clicked.

"You right. My flower child is a boy unfortunately. Not a girl." India grinned, placing the last of the baby clothes inside the box then turned and grabbed the tape.

"Ut un. TT baby is a girl. That belly is sitting up high baby." Mackenzie beamed, writing "BABY CLOTHES" on the side of the box with a sharpie.

"Aww lord, Here you go with these medieval myths." India tapped the box up.

Mackenzie chuckled, getting up, grabbing the box "And here you go calling beliefs, medieval myths."

India grabbed the last thing present in the room, which was a baby basket she received from the first baby shower, and followed Mackenzie out of the room "Because it is. Them old wives tales are so outdated, I don't even know why folks even rely on them still." India said.

"They're outdated yes, but most of them are true." Mackenzie defended.

"Hey? You alright?" Trejon, India's fiancé stepped out of their bedroom with a mattress, asking.

India and Trejon have been together for 5 years now. She met him at beach in Santa Barbara after her breakup with Jalan. She wasn't in the right head space to be dating anyone right after him so she strung Trejon along until he finally swooped her off of her feet, and made her fall head over heels for him.

India quickly nodded, with a smile "Yeah I'm fine. Are you guys almost finish in there?" She looked past him, inside the room at Mackenzie husband Brandon, and her ex-father in law, Jahsean lifting a dresser up.

"Yeah. The bed and the dresser the last to go in here. Y'all got the baby room all packed up?"

India nodded, following Mackenzie down the stairs "This the last of it."

"Aight. You look good by the way." He complimented.

India smile widen as she reached the bottom of the stairs. She turned and looked at her Fiancé "Thank you baby."

"You welcome sexy." He winked at her.

India turned and headed towards the kitchen, where she heard her sister and mother talking. When she entered, she saw Chyna and Bobbi taping up boxes of kitchen appliances and dishes, then she looked over and saw her best friend, Zamiyah wiping the refrigerator out. She gasped loudly when she saw her, causing all three women to look up at her "YAHYAHHHH!" She screamed, rushing over to her.

Zamiyah smiled, standing and embraced India "Indieee. I missed youuu."

"I missed you tooo. Why didn't you tell me you were coming with them? Fake ass ho." India let her go, lightly pushing her back.

Zamiyah laughed as her hands traveled down to India's round belly "I wanted to surprise you. Look at this belly justa' growing. How my TT baby doing today?"

India smiled, looking down at her belly as well "The little shit decided to finally go to sleep after kicking me all night."

"Stop calling my grand baby a little shit." Bobbi shook her head.

"Right." Chyna chuckled, carrying the box of appliances out of the kitchen.

"Where's my godbaby? Why didn't you bring him along?" India leaned forward on the counter.

"Girl he was acting out when we got to the airport so his daddy took him back home. Traveling with a toddler is a hassle." Zamiyah leaned over on the counter, across from her.

"Aw not my baby acting out. I'ma get him." India turned, looking at Mackenzie enter the room "Is it still room in the truck?" She asked.

Mackenzie shook her head, smiling as she waved at Zamiyah "Hey girl and no. They out there making room for them extra boxes to fit up in there."

Zamiyah returned a fake smile and wave "Heyy beloved."

"Dia! Daddy said come here!" Chyna called.

India stood, walking away from the counter. She headed out the kitchen, through the living room over to the front door. She stepped out on the porch seeing Isaiah, Jahsean, Trejon and Brandon all standing around chit chatting "Yes daddy?" India walked over to Isaiah asking.

Isaiah stopped talking and pointed towards the driveway. India looked over and gasped, smiling wide, seeing three of her Spa employees, Christie, Kailua and Heather, getting out of the car with gift bags and goodies. India rushed down the walkway with her arms extended wide "Aawweeee! My babies!" She cooed embracing Kailua first then, Heather and Christie.

"Hii Indie. We were on the way to the salon and decided to stop by and drop off our farewell gifts." Heather held out her gift bag "It's goodies in there for you and the baby."

"Thank you guys." India smiled, grabbing the bags and basket "Oh my god. This is so nice of you." She pouted, fishing through the bags.

"We're gonna miss you and we're kinda mad that you decided to let Jalissa takeover instead of Ingrid, BUT we will hold down the fort as if you never left. We promise to be on our best behavior with Jalissa on the clock but whatever happens after the clock, that's for personal reasons." Kailua said, earning a laugh from India.

"Oh my god. Y'all please don't hurt Jalissa. I promise you guys once I get settled in LA, I will come back to visit you guys. I'm gonna miss y'all but I won't be gone forever. Please stay and help out around there."

"Anything for you." Christie smiled, hugging India again.

"I love you guys so much." India pulled Kailua and Heather into a group hug "Don't tell anyone but, I might need some extra help at the Salon up in LA. If it comes down to it, You three plus Ingrid would be the first 4 I call to come help out. I will take care of expenses for you guys. Just you 4 tho so keep it in between y'all."

The trio nodded "Yes ma'am."

"Can I touch your belly?" Kailua asked.

India nodded "Yeah, go ahead. I like your curls today." She felt Kailua natural hair.

"Thank you. I went through hell to get these curls to turn out like this." Kailua rubbed India belly. She lowered her head and started to pray for her "Hey God, please wrap you arms around and protect our favorite person and her mini one as they travel back to Cali. Lord I pray that you protect her father and her family as they drive back on the road, and get them there safely. I pray that you prevent any accidents and disasters from happening while they travel. Lord I pray that you take any stress and pain away from them as they settle in LA. Thank you Lord for all you do, in the name of the Holy Spirit and our savior, Amen."

"Amen." The four said in unison.

India looked at Kailua in awe before embracing her again "Thank you Kai. I will get there safely."

"We have to go. Safe travels Indie. Call us after you get settled in." Heather hugged India once more.

"Okay. I will let you guys know when I'm in LA. Y'all be safe and behave." India pointed after hugging Christie.

"We will."

India stepped back, smiling as she watched the trio walk off and get in the car. She waved as they backed out the driveway. Trejon walked over to India, placing his hand on the smalls of her back. India looked up at him smiling "I love those girls so much bae. Look what they got me." She pointed at the gift bags by her foot "Kailua even prayed over me. I have to do something special for them."

"They hooked you up with the travel snacks." He chuckled, taking a glimpse inside the bags.

"Yes they did." India nodded.

"I got to stay here and go over my case for the morning, I promise soon as I get out of court, I will be on the first flight to LA to help settle in the house. When you get there, try not to do a lot and don't touch anything heavy. Let your sisters help you out with that."

India nodded, placing a kiss on his lips "I will. Go win your case then bring my money home so I can spend it."

Trejon chuckled, placing a kiss on forehead "I will baby. Now go get your things. Y'all have to leave now to make it to the airport in time."

India nodded turning and walked away "YAHYAH! KENZIE! I GOT US SOME SNACKS! She hollered as she walked up the walkway.

"That's Poppy house, That's Chyna's, Pinky's and this is yours." Bobbi explained to India as they pulled into the culdesac, owned by Isaiah.

"How come Poppy get the second to biggest house?" India complained, examining the houses.

"Because that's the house she picked." Bobbi responded, parking the car in hers and Isaiah driveway.

"I called dibs on that house when they were building it." India pouted.

"You snooze you lose." Chyna teased, getting out of the car.

"I feel like your house is a better fit for you than Poppy's." Bobbi admitted, turning the car off and started to gather her things.

"Yeah. I like the outside of your house better." Zamiyah complimented.

"Yeah. The flowers and Mortared walkway screams your style." Mackenzie agreed.

India frowned, exiting the car. She looked between her house then across the street at Poppy's and shook her head "I like that Meandering path better tho." She looked at them and said.

"Well talk to your dad and see if he could get them to replace your walkway." Bobbi told her.

"I will." India followed behind Bobbi up the driveway.

The five headed inside Bobbi's home, which was tore up from her grand babies and younger kids playing "What the he— PINKY! POPPY!" Bobbi called, walking further into the living room "Hey? Kaji? Where your cousins? Y'all clean this mess up. Ut un."

"Hey grandma!" London waved, climbing down from the couch.

"Hey London. Help your cousin clean this living room up. And stop jumping on my damn couch. It ain't a bed."

"I'm so glad y'all back." Pernetta walked out of the kitchen sighing "These kids done drove me crazy. I can't do this shit no more."

"Oh girl we can tell." Chyna chuckled, walking past her into the kitchen.

Bobbi walked away, heading upstairs "ISRAEL?! LEAH?!"

"They all rode with Angel to the store." Pernetta informed her.

"Rode with Angel?!" Everyone stopped and looked at Pernetta crazy. 

"Angel is only 14 and you allowed her to drive your car? You know how dangerous it is out here? Tell her get here now!" Bobbi demanded. 

"Momma calm down. Angel know how to drive. She drove me to the hospital when she was 12. She always driving me and her father around." Poppy stepped out of the kitchen, shaking her head.  

"Lord have mercy." Bobbi stressed walking up the stairs.

Poppy walked over to India smiling "Hey boo. You glowing."

"Hii. I like this pixie cut on you. It fits you." India hugged her then touched her hair.

Poppy stepped back and posed, earning laughs from India and Zamiyah "I look good don't it? I'm fucking em up with the timeless look."

"Bald ass ho." Pernetta insulted, embracing India "My baby is having my babbyyy!" She dragged, earning a laugh from India.

"I missed you guys. I'm sorry I haven't been calling. I've been busy with the salon and planning the wedding with Trejon and getting ready for the flower child." India hugged Pernetta.

"Yeah you better apologize." Pernetta pointed, then walked away "Almost went down there and fucked you up. Don't be not answering my calls and texting me back late like you crazy."

India chuckled, following Pernetta and Poppy into the kitchen "I'm sorry Pinky. I've been busy tho. Momma know y'all using her good cast iron?" She questioned, seeing them cooking.

"No but she about to find out when she come in here." Poppy walked over to the stove.

"Who the hell is that girl helping them clean the living room up?" Pernetta looked into the living room, lowly asking. 

"India new bestie." Zamiyah responded.

India rolled her eyes "You're my only bestie Yahyah. Stop being like that."

Zamiyah frowned "You know you my only friend besides Bria. I don't like your new friends. Friendly ass ho."

"Oh that she is." Pernetta nodded in agreement.

"That's my friend Mackenzie. Her husband and my fiancé are friends at the firm. We clicked after a night out with them." India told them, sitting down at the island "Mackenzie is a sweet girl. Don't go so hard on her." She warned them.

"Call her in here." Poppy said, stirring the pan of fried pepper and onions.

"Kenzie!" India called. 

"Have you seen your house yet?" Poppy asked.

India shook her head "No not yet. I'm jealous tho because I wanted your house."

"I told you she was gone be upset." Pernetta looked at Poppy and said.

"You snooze you lose." Poppy stuck her tongue out at India.

India flicked her off then looked over at Mackenzie following Chyna into the kitchen "Guys this is my friend Mackenzie. Mackenzie these are my big sisters, Poppy and Pernetta."

"How you doing?" Pernetta faked smiled, waving at her.

"Hey love, it's nice to meet you." Poppy smiled and said.

Mackenzie smiled, doing a small wave "Hi. It's nice to meet you guys too. India tells me a lot about you guys."

"Oh really? What she be saying about us?" Pernetta asked.

"She talks about how crazy y'all are." Mackenzie chuckled "Is your nickname Pinky? Cause she talks about you most."

"Oh fake ass ho. Telling the whole world I'm a asylum patient ain't it?" Pernetta asked, earning laughs from everyone in the kitchen.

India nodded, chuckling still "Yea I am. I tell everyone that your crazy so expect the unexpected once they meet you." 

"That's so crazy." Pernetta shook her head "I ain't crazy. I'm just real, that's the difference." She told Mackenzie.

"So how long are you staying here?" Poppy asked.

"Oh I'm just here for the weekend. I'm helping India settle in."

"How long y'all been friends?" Pernetta asked.

"A little over five years now." Mackenzie answered.

"What you do?" Poppy asked.

"I'm a club owner.  What do you guys do?" Mackenzie asked.

Pernetta cut her eye at Zamiyah and India then back at Mackenzie "I'm a traveling hairstylist. I do models and sometimes celebrities hairs at fashion shows or on call." Pernetta answered.

"I'm just a well known hairstylist with a hair business." Poppy answered "What kind of club do you own? A night club? Strip club?"

"Three nightclubs." She turned and looked at Chyna and Zamiyah "What do you do Chyna? I know Zamiyah's a nurse."

"I own a skincare business." Chyna responded, tasting the food on the fork Poppy held up to her mouth "It needs a lil more seasoning then it's straight." 

"Oh really? I want to try some of your products. I'm big on skincare." Mackenzie told her.

"We actually use some of Chyna's products in the salons. Her products better than most of the products I've used over the time." India boasted

Chyna grinned "It's not allat. No need to make me feel good."

"Oh I'm being serious." India nodded.

Zamiyah also nodded "She ain't lying. That shit works wonders. I cleared my face from that acne when I was pregnant, in like 3 months. Your shit the truth girl."

"Hell yeah. I use to have dry skin so bad. That shit helped restore the moisture in my face." Pernetta added.

"It helped with my oily skin." Poppy also added. 

"Ma! My phone died when we got to the store so I couldn't call you to tell you that they didn't have any lawry seasonings but I did get you alternatives." Angel said as she walked into the kitchen.

"It's alright." Poppy said.

Angel furrowed her eyebrows, looking at Mackenzie as she walked by the island. She looked over at India and gasped "Auntieeeee!" She embraced India, earning a laugh from her.

"Hiii baby. I missed you." India hugged her, kissing her forehead.

"Auntie I missed you sooo much. Please tell me you coming to take me away from momma and aunt Pinky crazy selves."

Pernetta jerked her head back "Oh well fuck you too. Cause i was just your favorite when you saw me." 

"Auntieee!" Jr yelled running into the kitchen.

India turned in awe as Jr embraced her as well "My baby. Hii baby. I missed you too. I missed you guys so much. Look at y'all." She smiled at them.

"You're pregnant again? Ouuuu I bet it's a girl!" Angel called.

"It might be it might not, I don't know yet. We just have to wait until I give birth."

"What? You're not having a gender reveal like before?" Angel asked.

India shook her head "Nope. I want the gender to be a surprise."

"Auntie Diaaa!" Jersey called next.

"Hiiii Jersey." India smiled, hugging her "You look so pretty with your twists."

"Im so jealous. They wasn't showing me love like that when I came back." Chyna said with a stank face. 

"Right." Pernetta agreed.

"Y'all know India love the kids and the kids love India." Zamiyah chuckled.

"Exactly. India raised them kids basically." Poppy agreed.

"Hello." Angel waved at Mackenzie.

"Hii." Mackenzie waved "I'm Mackenzie. I'm your aunt's friend." 

"I'm Angel and this is my little brother Raphael but we call him Jr and this is my cousin Jersey."

"Hii. It's nice to meet you guys." Mackenzie waved at them.

Jr and Jersey returned waves as they glued themselves under India "Your grandma mad cause I let you ride to the store for me so beware, she might come in here cussing." Poppy told Angel.

"Grandma just scary." Angel shook her head, earning laughs from the girls "Always acting like something's gonna happen."

"You ain't lying. She always acting like that." Pernetta agreed.

"Y'all keep on. Y'all gone give that lady another heart attack." Zamiyah said.

"And is." India agreed "I don't blame her for acting like that in this time and age either."

"Auntie, you act just like grandma too so of course you're gonna agree with her." Angel said.

India plucked Angel ear "Shut up smarty pants."

"Have you been in your house yet? I have and I think it fits you." Angel asked her.

"See." Chyna pointed "I'm telling you. You gone love your house." She said to India.

"No not yet. I want too now that y'all are mentioning it. Let's go see it. Where the keys?"

"Upstairs in daddy office. I'll go get them." Pernetta walked away from the counter, heading through the living towards the stairs "Israel you better stop jumping on your momma shit before she ware your ass out."

"ISRAEL GETCHO ASS UP HERE!" Bobbi hollered from upstairs. 

"Israel stay in trouble." Zamiyah chuckled.

"Israel bad as shit." Chyna shook her head, watching London run in the kitchen crying "What's the matter big man?"

"Lele hit me." He cried to her.

"I hit him cause he hit me first !" Leah yelled.

"You touch him again and ima fuck you up Leah. Stop crying big man. You can't be hitting people and not expecting them to hit your ass back."  

"What y'all cooking?" Bobbi asked, walking in the kitchen carrying a big basket full of necessities "I know y'all ain't using my brand new cast iron pans."

"That's my cue. I'm going home. I'll be back to eat in the morning." Chyna turned, walking away from the island.

"I'm going to look at my house." India got up, still holding onto both Jr and Jersey.

"Take that with you. That's for you." Bobbi pointed at the basket, telling India.

Bobbi walked over to the stove and popped Poppy on the back of her neck "I done told you to use them cheap ass pans your uncle gave me. And why you cooking my food like you ain't got food at home?"

"You ain't gotta hit me now." Poppy frowned "I wanted to cook in a familiar place." She muttered the last sentence.

"We'll be back. We're going to see my house." India informed, watching Angel grab the basket from the island.

Bobbi nodded, eating a forkful of food from the pan "This is actually good."

The party of 6 exited the kitchen, heading through the living room towards the door, Where Pernetta and Chyna were "Hey Dia." Leah waved, seeing her sister.

"Hii Leah. Hii Israel." India greeted them "That's my little brother and sister." She turned and said to Mackenzie "That's my baby Kaji, she always in her own little world." She pointed at Kaji sitting in the corner of the living room, watching a YouTube video on her iPad. 

"Where y'all going?" Israel asked.

"Down the street to my house." India responded.

"You can't come ugly." Zamiyah told him.

He flipped her the finger, earning a laugh from Angel and a gasp from Mackenzie "Little fucker." Zamiyah flipped him back.  

"He's bad as shit. Don't mind him." India told Mackenzie as they walked outside into the night.

"These are some nice houses." Mackenzie complimented, looking around the neighborhood.

"Right. Izay need to holler at me about getting that house beside Pinky's." Zamiyah nodded at the house.

"You can ask. He might just give it to you." India shrugged.

"Knowing daddy, he'll move everybody close to us on this block and keep it a family neighborhood." Pernetta said.

"He just might." Chyna agreed. 

"I'm scared to ask." Zamiyah admitted to them.

"Ion know why. Him saying no is not the worse thing ever." Pernetta said.

"That's literally the worse thing." Angel said.

"Exactly." Zamiyah and Chyna agreed.

"Hey Pinky? Where Kody? He in the house?" India asked, looking at Pinky house as they walked past it.

"Nah, he with Relly. He helping him plan something. I don't know what exactly they are planning. He wouldn't give details." Pernetta shrugged "He should be here in a little bit. He been gone all day." 

"Awe okay." India responded looking at Poppy house and pouted "Really wanted that house." She muttered under her breath. 

"Auntie you staying here too?" Jersey asked as they walked up the walkway.

India nodded "Mmhm and my house right next to yours so you can come over here whenever you want."

"Don't say that." Pernetta told her as she unlocked the door "Cause she gone be over here every chance she get."

"I don't mind. I need entertainment when Trejon's at work. I be bored."

"I forgot about Trojan ass." Pernetta made a face as she opened the door.

"I did too, not gone lie." Chyna agreed.

"Y'all don't like Trejon?" Mackenzie asked, surprised.

"Hell nah." Pernetta answered, turning the light on.

India looked around in awe, ignoring the conversation. She let Jr and Jersey's hands go, wandering off to look around "It's so pretty in here." 

"Why not?" Mackenzie asked Pernetta.

"Pinky ain't never like Trejon." Chyna waved her hand.

"Pinky don't like no damn body." Zamiyah added.

"I just don't." Pernetta shrugged.

"He's a pretty nice guy to me." Mackenzie said.

"Yeah well me and you two different people McQueen." Pernetta responded.

"Auntie you so mean." Angel shook her head, turning the bathroom light on downstairs and store a couple of toilet rolls under the sink. 

"Mean as hell." Chyna chuckled heading upstairs behind India.

India wandered around the house, checking all the bedrooms and closet spaces out. She started planning how she would decorate the house and which room would be which "Pinky being rude to your little friend." Chyna informed India.

India came out of her thoughts, glancing at Chyna "Why? Her and Yahyah do not like her and I don't know why."

"Maybe cause they don't know her yet. She seem cool to me tho." Chyna shrugged looking around the room "You should make this the baby room."

"I am and Yahyah knew Mackenzie for four years now. She just don't like her because she not my only friend besides Bria, anymore."

"Where Bria at anyways?" Chyna asked, leaning on the wall.

"She's at work. She said she would be by once she gets off." India opened a closet door "Daddy knew to make these closets spacious. I love him."

"Right. It's like he built these houses to accustom to each of us." Chyna agreed.

"He sure did." India agreed.

India's phone rang in her pocket. She pulled it out and checked the caller Id. She smiled seeing Trejon's name go across her screen. She answered it, placing the phone on speaker "Hii baby." She greeted.

"Hey love, You alright?"

India nodded like he could see her "Yeah I'm fine. The house is so niceee. I don't know if I want to stay forever or what."

Trejon chuckled "I'm glad you like the house. I hope you having fun cause I'm not."

"I'm enjoying my family's company right now. My nieces and nephews done grew overnight. They getting so big." She beamed, following Chyna out of the baby's room into the bathroom "This is bigger than my bathroom in Houston." She looked around.

"Tell them I said wassup. I gotta get back to this work. I just called to hear your voice and check up on you. I'ma see you tomorrow night. I love you."

"I love you too. Good luck."

"Thank you." He responded before hanging up.

"Y'all relationship is what I desire." Chyna chuckled and said.

"Oh yeah?" India asked.

Chyna started nodding, sitting on the bathroom counter "Yeah. I'm glad he making you happy and taking your mind off the past. You deserve it after all that you dealt with in your past relationship."

"My last relationship wasn't that bad tho." India hopped on the counter beside her, sitting her phone on the counter "He just stressed me out cause he was so deep into the streets and so stuck in his ways. If he would've just let go of what he knew and went into the unknown, he would've been out here living his best life. I'm still kinda sad that what happened to him happen cause he was so smart and had his life planned out. It's unfortunate what happened to him but I know he's strong enough to get through that shit on his owns. I mean, this what he wanted anyways." She shrugged.

"Yeah he was too loyal to niggas that don't even budge to check on him now. I know that gotta be mind fucking for him." Chyna responded.

India eyebrows furrowed "What you talking about? His friends ain't holding him down?"

Chyna chuckled, shaking her head "Hell no. The only ones besides Kody and Yahyah, getting into with niggas about his name is Tae and Quan. Them other niggas started to go hang with niggas they was beefing with and letting them niggas play on that man name."

"Oh wow. That's fucked up. He stood up for them boys and for them to leave him behind like that is fucked up."

Chyna nodded in agreement "Beyond fucked up. If he ever gets that appeal and win it, I hope he leave them niggas where they at. Relly successful right now, I hope he takes that man as far away from LA as he could. Big brah don't need to come home and get into that same shit he was into as before."

India nodded in agreement "And he do. But knowing Jalan, he gone have to address some shit before he move on from it. Jalan is beyond smart, I don't think he would come back and fuck his third opportunity up for disloyal niggas. He don't play that shit."

"I just hope he aight. I fucked with big bro when he was out." Chyna shook her head.

India nodded in agreement once again "Yeah me too. I low key wanna speak to him. Check up on him."

"Do you still love him?"

India took a moment to think before slowly nodding "Yeah. He was my first everything so the love for him will always remain there. I just love him from a distance tho."

Chyna nodded, looking around the bathroom. She thought for a second then switched the topic "So the wedding? Any new ideas and plans yet?"

India smiled nodding "Yes. So I was think about having a wedding on the beach."

"The beach? You just like yo momma for real." Chyna shook her head.

India laughed "I knew one of y'all would say that. Momma and daddy wedding was beautiful tho. I want my wedding to be just as beautiful as theirs."

"So you gone do the out the country like them?"

India leaned back "Baby, no. I'm not having it like daddy now. He could afford to fly everybody out there and back. I can't."

Chyna chuckled "Well what beach you want to have it on? I hope not one of these beaches out here. It's so many folks out here."

"And that's what I'm in deep thoughts about. I don't know what beach or state I want it to be in."

"CHUMP!" India looked out of the bathroom door hearing Jarell call her.

"IN THE BATHROOM!" She yelled.

"Speaking of Relly." Chyna chuckled and said.

"Right." India chuckled getting down from the counter.

Jarell and Kody both jogged up the stairs. When they turned the corner, they both stopped seeing India walking out of the bathroom. They noticed her pregnant belly and couldn't help but think

Jalan gone be so upset about this shit here.

讛诪砖讱 拽专讬讗讛

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"Please, I beg you, let me go." "I am ready to give you everything and anything other than freedom. You belong to me, the faster you understand, the...
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Powerful with energetic DGP of korean Jeon Jungkook, were on mission to caught most wanted criminal, drug smuggler of country. Eventually, traced loc...
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"I don't want to take you home yet" JK muttered with a sigh at the end. I glanced at his side profile as he kept his eyes on the road ahead. "You c...
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Apo Nattawin, a 29-year-old man who grew up in an orphanage. His parents died in a tragic traffic accident. He was a bright student, getting into uni...