The Reunion (Part 1)

By Youlo182

96.6K 2.7K 862

Maya and Carina meet again after fifteen years without speaking to each other at their high school reunion wh... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70

chapter 15

1.4K 44 6
By Youlo182

It had been two days since they had cooked together. Maya had regained her confidence with Carina and allowed herself to be a little closer to her again, at least to talk to her again.

That day when Carina came home from school, she called her brother and Maya went for a run. When she came back and took her shower, the Italian girl suggested that she watch an episode of the tv show.

The brunette had opted for the continuation of The L Word.

- "are you sure?"

- "yes, why?"

- "no, nothing like that"

- "are you afraid of something?" Asked the brunette

- "no, it's more that I'm surprised you want to watch the next episode"

-"I liked it a lot" she said, looking at Maya straight in the eyes, then she saw Maya's cheeks blush and felt her own cheeks redden: "the series... I liked the show a lot" she said to make up for it, feeling that Maya must have understood 'sex with a girl', even if it was more than true.

-"It's not a bad show."

They had started watching episode three. They hadn't really gotten far away since they started the show.

When Carmen appeared on screen in a tank top and panties, Carina turned to Maya: "So this is actually... Is this your style?" She asked, pausing.

- "what cute, tanned and in panties?" She was referring to the time she had joined her in bed.

- "but no, you don't have a particular style... when you see the one you slept with or almost slept with"

- "my 'style' as a girl is not something you see on the street. So, I'm not picky".

- "really not picky... And what is your style?"

- "like I said, cute, tan..."

- "and in panties?"

- "and often straight. But in panties why not"

- "these are very ... Specific"

- "indeed, girls in panties are not common"

- "maybe because you shouldn't look so far... than in the street".

- "or maybe I shouldn't look and she'll come to me by herself"

- "Maybe you'll find out..." She replied, pressing the space bar to resume reading.

**This game is called too hot...** Carmen said to the screen.

The two actresses had started to kiss and Carina had trapped her lip with her teeth, raised an eyebrow and tilted her head slightly.

"That's a game I'd like to play" she said dreamily.

Maya had swallowed her saliva and choked, bringing the Italian out of her trance.

"Did I speak out loud?!" Did she freeze and turn her head towards the blonde.

-"Yes" she said between two coughing fits.

-"I'm sorry, I was... I was thinking".

- "in a high... Voice"

- "Here, have a sip"

- "But this is your bottle"

- "and then you are afraid to read my mind?"

- "uh no... The ones you say out loud... Are already enough..."

- "okay. Do you want to keep choking or should I pass it on?"

- "no, give it to me... Thank you."

Maya had been drinking, being careful not to touch the neck

-"I don't have the gall you know... And this bottle didn't touch anything that your mouth wouldn't have touched either".

The blonde had then stuck the neck of the bottle to her lips and the Italian had watched her drink wishing she was a bottle too.

-"You are disturbing" said Maya once she had drunk.

- "why?"

- "you stare at me while I drink when we are literally our faces forty centimeters apart"

- "sorry I didn't mean to... Disturb you"

- "and yet..." whispered the blonde to herself

- "you want me to rewind the scene?"

- "uh I know this scene well..."

- "oh!"

- "I mean this... Episode, I mean I've seen it before... But uh, rewind for you if you want."

- "You don't mind?"

- "no. Just don't make me die."

- "I'll try."

- "that's nice"

The brunette had rewind, setting the scene back to the beginning as they had been cut off twice. She'd peeled herself off the wall and when she'd gotten back into place, her arm had come to stick to the blonde's, throwing a jolt at them both, but neither had dared to say anything.

The blonde was still holding the brunette's bottle tightly in her hands and she was squeezing it and turning her hands on it, trying to calm the urge that was rising in her to propose this game to Carina, right now.

The Italian had taken the bottle from her hands and drank a large part of it, her mouth was dry and she too could imagine herself astride Maya to play this game.

Maya had looked at her and something had attracted her eye; a drop of water had run on the side of the bottle, against the chin of Carina then against her throat, and the immediately the blonde imagined to recover this drop of water and to lick all the wet line that she had made, to come to kiss the brunette.

-"Are you thirsty?" Asked the Italian seeing that the blonde was staring at the water mark she was wiping with the back of her hand.
"Are you thirsty?" Reiterated she while holding out the bottle to her.

- "huh?"

- "do you want a drink?"

- "uh... I, I don't know."

- "you don't know if you want to drink?"

- "uh, no if sorry, uh no I don't feel like drinking"

- "you feel like what?" Carina had come out with this sentence in a flash and was shocked herself.

Maya had moistened her lips: "to... Uh, keep watching uh, the episode."

- "yes, the episode... That's good... The episode" Carina replied, turning her head towards the screen.

- "do you want to see another one?" Asked Maya at the end of the episode.

- "uh... Not here... I've had... I... We should do a game or something..." She had looked at Maya's lips, "uh I mean with uh Mase for example."

- "oh yeah, plus he'll be happy he really adores you, I wonder if he's not a little bit in love with you"

- "Ma non è il Bishop che mi interessa." [Not the Bishop I'm interested in, though].

- "huh?"

- "He's too young for me and then it would be weird..."

- "you sleeping with both of us?" She had come out with this most naturally before quickly putting her hand over her mouth. "Excuse me."

- "something like that."

- "we're going to... Shall we go see Mase?"

- "after you"

They had gone to see the young man who was painting in the living room and he had been up for a game. They had started with a small tray and quickly they had linked several games, until the evening meal.

Carina had once again wanted to help Katherine make dinner.
Maya stayed with her brother and they drew together.

- "Thank you Carina"

- "oh I love to cook, I always cook with my mom"

- "no, for Maya and Mase"

- "what do you mean?"

- "they haven't been this close for a long time. You are a ray of sunshine for this family".

-"it's all because of Maya"

- "and your work"

- "you're not very hip to receiving compliments in the family?" laughed the Italian

- "why?"

- "Maya always says it's because of my work, but without that scholarship she raised, I wouldn't be here"

- "Maya is a very good person," Katherine said.

-"She is exceptional" said the Italian woman lost in thought as she watched her and her little brother talking in the distance.

Katherine had looked at the way Carina looked at the blonde and smiled.
The brunette had been taken aback when Maya had turned her head towards her and smiled, she had been caught red-handed, she had blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment.

After dinner, they had established a kind of ritual, tonight Lane was not there but they had wanted to do it anyway, they had sat on the sofas to watch something on TV. Kathy had left Maya and Carina the big couch for once and had moved to the small one with Mason.

The Italian girl had shivered.

- "Are you cold?" Katherine asked.

-"A little but I think it's because I have a headache."

- "do you want some medicine?" Asked Kathy.

- "no thanks, I'm not really into taking medicine"

-"Do you want me to massage your head?" Asked Maya.

- "would you do that?" Asked Carina surprised as she turned her head towards her.

-"Yes, if you want."

- "yes"

- "put your head on my legs" she said while she was cross-legged. "take a cushion if you want" but the Italian had laid down on her leg and Mase had come to cover her with a plaid.

She had wedged the plaid between her index and middle fingers and put her hand on Maya's knee next to her head.

As soon as the blonde's fingers had slid against her scalp, she had immediately felt something loosen inside her.

She had coughed to stifle a slight moan that had escaped her lips.
Both their hearts were beating rapidly and Maya could feel the Italian's condition under her fingers.

The blonde had massaged the brunette throughout the movie, until they went to bed.

-"Thank you for the massage" Carina said as she walked behind the American in the bathroom and held her by the hips to get between her and the clothesline, so she could brush her teeth.

-"You're welcome" she answered with a mouthful of toothpaste.
"It makes you good?" Asked she once her mouth rinsed.

- "Humm" made Carina the mouth full in her turn by shaking the head positively.
"You have fingers of fairy" she said after spitting: "Well, you're good for massages that's what I mean".

- "thank you" replied the blonde as she left the room. "I'll wait for you... I mean, I'm going to the bedroom"

- "hmm hmm"


For the time being, Maya had stopped talking to Andy about Carina because she wasn't happy with her answers. She basically had to either make the first move or drop the case; but neither of those two proposals were working for her.

- "so where is this weekend?"

- "in Salem"

- "and you're leaving tonight?"

- "no, we're going tomorrow, we're sleeping there and I'm running on Sunday"

- "we?"

- "the five of us will go"

- "Does Carina have to come? Because otherwise she can sleep at my place".

- "uh... Ask her"'

- "and you two?"

- "the two of us nothing. I took your advice, I let it go".

- "and that's what you wanted because I thought you were going to hit on her?"

- "I don't want to talk about Carina, if that's possible"

- "okay, okay"

- "well ask her, she's coming" she said as the brunette approached.

- "ask me what?"

- "this weekend, do you want to go bored to Maya's competition or do you want to sleep over?"

- "bored , really?" Maya asked.

- "but you have to admit that except for the thirty minutes you run, the rest of the time is pretty boring".

- "uh, no, I don't mind going to see Maya, plus there will be all the family there... That is, if you don't mind" she said, grabbing her forearm with her hand.

The blonde and her best friend had both watched this gesture, before Maya raised her eyes to the Italian who had dropped the object of the crime.

- "no, with pleasure"

- "that's for another time, Andy" the brunette smiled, "with Maya, all three of you".

-"I think you have the right to do things without Maya" answered Andy.

-"I know," was all she said. She didn't want to justify the fact that she wanted to spend time with the blonde.

- "and are you going to the race this afternoon?" Andy asked.

- "the race?"

- "It's just kind of a warm-up with the team..." Said Maya, looking at Andy sideways.

- "you have to come, there will be her whole fan club run by Elle."

- "what do you mean?"

- "girls who drool over Maya go to all these types of practices, because it's after school, and you listen to them with Ryan, Alex and the whole gang, commenting on Maya and her 'dreamy physique'" she had said this last part in a lovey-dovey midget voice. "You can even have girls from outside the high school come in."

- "there's never been any of that?"

- "no it's once a month. It's like a little competition between students from different sports clubs in the school. And this month it's today."

- "I'll come then"

- "you don't have to, I know you wanted to come to the library, that's what you told me at the beginning of the week"

- "that was before I knew about this... Competition. The library will still be there on Monday"

After class, Andy, their friends and Carina had stood behind a group of girls including Elle, watching Maya's race.

- "oohh look at her, she's so muscular" a girl drooled and looked at Maya who was tying her hair up, showing off the muscles in her arms.

- "so much and you should see when she holds you..." Elle began.

Carina had raised an eyebrow, looking at her sideways.

- "Wait until Maya takes off her sweatpants," Andy whispered to the Italian woman, leaning in toward her.

Indeed, two minutes later, she had taken it off and they had all sighed and slumped in their seats.

"Real caricatures" added Herrera to Carina.

-"Look at her buttocks" said one of them when she saw that Maya was wearing extremely short and tight shorts.

- "and her thighs!"

- "and on top of that she is so beautiful"

- "and too hot!"

The more Carina heard the comments from these girls the more she wanted to strangle them.
Yes Maya was too beautiful, hot, with beautiful buttocks, beautiful thighs, a muscular body, but she was so much more than that. At least that's what she wanted to shout at them.

Next to her they were all laughing by imitating these girls and it exasperated even more the brunette.

- "Doesn't it annoy you?" Carina asked.

-"We've learned to laugh about it. And then Maya knows."

-"No, but they talk about her as if she was a piece meat."

- "like we would if we had a hot guy in our place, right?"

- "it's not the same"

- "why is that?"

- "because it's Maya!" She said before seeing Andy's interested look. "I mean, she's your best friend anyway."

-"Maya likes girls. All the girls, and they give it back to her pretty good. It's just the success of pleasing and being... A little bit of an easy girl" Andy was testing Carina's limits on purpose, she wanted to see if she would crack.

- "but is she really a good lay?" Asked a girl in front of Elle.

-"Oh yes, I assure you, Amelia, Maya is really very good."

Carina felt nauseous, she wanted to choke that group of girls with the popcorn they had brought.

- "no but seriously!" Carina said

- "hey, it's her reputation." Answered Andy

- "Maya's not like that."

- "what , good at in bed?"

- "uh... No uh, I mean... Uh easy, well... They, they don't know her... Not really."

- "Carina, can I ask you a question?" Andy asked low enough to keep the conversation private.

- "Yes."

- "do you like Maya?"

- "of course I like her what a question"

- "no, you misunderstood me, do you like her... Well, i mean ... do you like her?"

- "I uh..."

- "this will stay between us"

Carina had exhaled sharply, "is it that obvious?"

- "for me yes, for Maya not so much"

- "uh, is she serious?"

- "visibly."

- "and I thought I was too transparent... I literally drool when she comes home from the gym, I breathe like I'm running a marathon every time she's near me. And she always catches me looking at her."

- "well if you ask me, if you want something to happen, do something about it"

- "uh..."

- "unless you want to keep drooling from a distance?"

- "do you remember that I technically like boys?"

- "and do I remind you of what you just told me?"

- "I've never dated a girl."

- "well, that's fine, neither has she!"

- "you're not funny"

- "hey, it's the truth!"

Carina had turned her head toward Maya.

- "just because I like her doesn't mean she likes me."

-"'Of course I like her! You'd have to be blind not to like her' That's what Maya said about you and I'll spare you the description she gave me of you."

- "well ok, she likes me... Maybe... But what does that mean, that doesn't mean she wants to go out with me? Because, I don't just want to sleep with her, I don't want to be... This" she said pointing to the row in front of them.

- "Has Maya been different the last few days?"

- "different... How?"

- "like... Gallant, or spending time with you, for things they normally wouldn't do?"

- "uh... She cooked with me, and uh she gave me a massage..."

- "that little liar" Andy said, turning to Maya and squinting with a devilish grin on her face.

- "what?"

- "she told me earlier that she'd dropped the case..."

-"Dropped the case of?"

- "you... That she wasn't going to hit on you".

- "hit on me?"

- "I don't think that's her forte, she doesn't usually have to put in that much effort..."

- "yeah well, I'm like all the others, I'm already under her spell. But I like to know that she is trying to make an effort for me..."

- "and you're not going to chicken out again?"

- "What do you mean again? What did she tell you?"

- "that something happened between you...  And that the next day you... Ignored her... I mean, that you ran away from her."

- "I was... Confused, she's a girl!"

- "until I noticed"

- "yes well I'm not as cool as you... In Italy and in Sicily we are not so open... I didn't live in an environment where we saw that. And on TV we don't have your series and everything... So yes I freaked out... But I freaked out because I like her... Really, like really, really, really... And it has nothing to do with the guys I might have dated."

- "and so?"

- "and so what?"

- "and so what do you expect?"

- "I want to please her, I want her to stop... This" she had again passed her finger to point to the group in front of them.

- "because you want her to be your girlfriend?!"

- "Andy!!!"

- "say it"

- "yeeeeeees!" She did in a slightly higher voice, forcing the people around to turn to them. When they had all turned around again she said: "Are you happy? Yes I want to go out with her".

- "yes very happy!"

- "and so what does it change now?"

- "it changes that you said it out loud, so you can't deny that you are aware of it anymore! And I know it now too! So if you don't move on... I will harass you."

- "you're annoying you know?!"

- "that's good you agree with Maya. You two are really made for each other!"

- "arghhh" Carina made as she bent over backwards in the seat she was sitting in.

-"Cheer up," said Andy, tapping her on the shoulder.
"Now it's your future girl's turn."

- "Andyyyy!!!"

- "you're not funny... And besides you've both been driving me crazy for the past month hovering around you and not knowing what you want."

The Italian had stood up and looked at Maya, she had to concentrate on not listening to the group of girls in front of her.

- "Carina... You're drooling" the blonde's best friend made as she leaned in towards her.

- "Stop it!" She replied, pushing her by the shoulder.

- "No, but I understand, she's my best friend... She's hot!" The brunette had turned her head to look at her sideways, "hey, don't look at me like that, I don't want her! It's just that of course she's hot she's my best friend! That's all!"

After the race Maya had gone up to the bleachers to check on her friends. She was on the Italian's side on the bottom step, almost level with the group of girls drooling over her.

- "what do we do?" She asked

-"You go take a shower and then we can go take something on the pier" answered Andy

-"Yes" replied Maya, pulling up her shirt to wipe her face, exposing her abs to Carina and the others.

- "close your mouth" said Herrera, leaning towards Carina.

-"I won't be long" replied the blonde.

- "Don't you want to join her in the shower?"

- "I hate you"

- "I'm sure that's not even true"



And yes... They are teenagers... I couldn't make a simple story... They have to be a little tortured by their hormones and their desires...

But hey... See you in 2 days!



Ps: sooooo I wasn't supposed to post tonight .... But it's a very good news the live of Stefanielle !!! So chapter!!!
And tomorrow there will be a chapter as planned ... And sunday !!!
Wake up at 5:20 !

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