The Officer And The Princess

By Americangun17

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The Noble house of Yang has been the fire Lords strong right arm for as long as anyone can remember. A house... More

Prologue: The Battle Of Wan Hill
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 38

307 11 7
By Americangun17

Colonel Yuzaky had indeed been surprised when Sung and Azula had walked into his his offices. Sung wearing the Generals insignia on his collar. The Colonel had tried to stammer some kind or response to the revelation but Azula had cut him off every time. Finishing by saying Yuzaky had to move Offices. Sung couldn't help but feel bad about that. Kicking a man out of his office like that, but it was beyond his control. When the Princess Gave and Order it was the same as if the Sun Goddess herself had come down and delivered it.

It had been three days since then and Sung sat in "his" office piled up with more paper work in one day than he had ever seen in his entire career up to this point. Again he realized things were simpler when people had been trying to kill him. He had seen requisition forms for towels, supply forms for leather straps, and most surprising of all was a request form for a new Pai Sho set in the Officers Lounge. If it existed the Army apparently had some kind of form for it. After signing his signature on form number one hundred and five for the day Sung leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes excessively. Everything about this sucked.

There was a knock at the door causing him to sit straight. Most likely someone else with a blasted form for him to fill out. "Enter." He said as he picked up a small tea pot at the edge of his desk and filling his cup with steaming green tea.

The door opened and instead of a dreaded Form delivery he saw Prince Zuko standing in the door way. Wearing some kind of red robes with a slit on either side that exposed a pair of red pants tucked into black boots. "They said I could find you here."

"I'm always here." Sung said with a grumble as he picked up his cup and sipped on the liquid. "Can you explain to me how a single Company can go through three cases of Leather straps in a month?" Sung asked. "Either the factories that make those things are cutting corners and making them out of cheaper materials or the men are using them for non regulation events." Sung set his tea cup down and held up his arm pointing to the strap under his arm that held his shoulder plate of his armor to his bicep. "The last time I changed one of these was after I got back from Kretin. Never had to do it again after that." Sung lowered his arm. Folding his hands on the desk. "Yet here we have eighty men who have gone through three hundred in a month. I could understand it if they were Rangers, we went through Kit like it was going out of style but I have never seen so many men break straps on their armor at the same time. It boggles the mind." Zuko looked at him dumbfounded, unsure what to say.

Sung let out a sigh. "Sorry I'm just stressed." He said as he picked up his tea cup again and sipped it. "Come in, did you want some tea or something?"

Zuko shook his head as he closed the door. Sitting down in one of the chairs in front of the desk. "No...I just wanted to talk with you. We haven't had much of a chance to talk since...I got back."

Sung smiled. "Yes please talk to me, it'll give me an excuse to procrastinate." He then let out a laugh. "How are you Brother?"

Zuko stiffened at that. In their Youth together Sung early on in their friendship had started referring to Zuko as his "brother" though Sung never really knew why he had done that. It never seemed to bother the Prince so he never stopped. Sung suspected Zuko may have preferred that to what Azula liked to call him. "I have been...adjusting. I met with Father when we got back and he said something...unsettling."

That caught Sung's attention and he leaned forward at the desk. "Unsettling how?" Sung asked, his eyes narrowed.

"Azula told him that I killed the Avatar." Zuko blurted out immediately turning in his chair to see if someone was behind him. Once he was satisfied that no one was around he turned back to face Sung.

"Did you?" Sung asked, taking another sip of his tea.

Zuko shook his head. "No." He said in a whispered voice. "Sung do you think the Avatar could have survived?"

That indeed was a question Sung had been silently pondering to himself since he had heard the news. "I honestly can't tell you for sure because I wasn't there to see what happened." Sung admitted. "What I do know about the Avatar is that he is unpredictable. When I was at the Siege of the North Pole we were winning by a strong margin. I myself was engaged in battle with their Tribes Chief at the time, earning me this right here." Sung paused, pointing at the thin scar that ran across the top of his right eye brow to his cheek. "Then Zhao killed the moon Spirit like the fool he was and awoke a demon. As I was running for my life I could see the true power that an Avatar can wield...and it scared me Zuko. I was more afraid in that moment than I had ever been in my entire life."

Zuko seemed to shrink at that. "Azula told me that if the Avatar survived then my Honor would suddenly turn to shame...I just got it back...I don't want to lose it again." Sung didn't want him to lose it either. Amaterasu only knew what Ozai would do if he found out The Avatar was still among the living. At least if he had died the Fire Nation would have at least twelve years to take the North Pole. But then what? Would the Army go around and slaughter everyone that lived up there to prevent the Avatar being reincarnated? Sozin had that same thought when he had slaughtered the Air Nomads, yet it had accomplished nothing except wiping out an entire Nation save for one sole survivor that Sung still didn't fully understand could be still alive...and be as young as they were to boot.

"What do I do Sung?" Zuko asked, almost pleading with him, looking for an out. Any kind of out.

Sung bit his cheek, leaning back in his chair and staring up at the ceiling. With a sigh he looked back at his friend. "If the Avatar did indeed survive it's going to come out eventually, we can't stop that from happening." Zuko deflated at that, seemingly already packing his bags for a second banishment. If he was that lucky, for a failure of such a per portion Ozai might just kill his son. If he could burn his son so badly Sung had no doubt he'd silence him permanently. Going down that train of thought Sung suddenly had an idea...though admittedly he wasn't a fan of the idea. It involved a group of people Sung distrusted more than the Dreaded watercraft...Mercenaries. "Or maybe we can..." Sung said.

Zuko perked up at that. Looking as if he was about to blast off through the roof. "What?!" He asked. "I'll do anything."

Sung held up a hand to calm the Prince. "There's a man I heard about from a few people. They says he's the best in the business. Apparently he can keep a secret pretty well too but I don't know the man personally so all I know is from what I've heard. He popped up a few years ago apparently made a name for himself in Agni Kai circles. They say he's won every match he's ever been involved in. A formidable fighter and a powerful Firebender that stops at nothing to compete his mission."

Zuko perked up even more. "What's his name?"

"No one knows." Sung replied. "Some say he can't talk, others say he simply chooses not to. Real mysterious guy." Sung said with a chuckle as he picked up his tea cup. Finishing its contents.

That hope quickly turned to frustration. "If no one knows his name then how does anyone hire him!" Zuko asked, louder than he must have meant because he immediately looked behind himself again.

"They say you're supposed to go to the seediest place you can find, and tell someone that you're "looking for the man with a third eye", after that they say you're directing to a meeting point."

"The man with a third eye?" Zuko asked.

Sung held a finger to his own head. "Apparently he's got a tattoo of an eye on his forehead, that's how he likes to firebend...with his mind."

Zuko scoffed and stood up. "He sounds like he's a myth not a real person. No more real than that Goddess you're always praying too!" At that Zuko clamped down on his tongue. "Sung I-I'm sorry I didn't mean that." He said immediately apologizing.

Sung gave a wave of the hand. "Don't worry about it, My time with Mai has desensitized me to people doubting my Religion." Sung stood up. "But back to the matter at hand the way I see it you've got three options. Option one is do nothing and hope the Avatar did die. Option two is to do nothing and pray your Father is lenient in his punishment...which from past events suggests that the only leniency you will receive is you'll be able to hear. Or option three we see if this "man with the third eye" is really up to the task."

"We?" Zuko asked.

Sung walked over to him, placed a hand on his back and smiled. "Yeah "we" you didn't think I'd let you go out there alone without someone watching your back did you?"

Zuko shook his head furiously. "No Sung, I don't want you getting involved in this. It's my Honor that's at stake not yours."

Sung sighed and let go of Zuko. "And how were you planning on paying this guy?" He asked. "Go up to daddy Fire Lord and ask for some spending money from the Royal Coffer?" He shook his head. "No that'll be awfully suspicious. It'll come out of my paycheck."

Zukos stammered a response. "No Sung...I can't ask you to do that."

"First of all Brother, your not asking me. Second of all I want to do it." Sung replied. "It's not like I've been really spending any of it. The Army takes care of most my needs and My House has its own treasury so I don't send any home. Figure I should spend it on something worth while." Sung then bumped Zuko on his shoulder. "Besides it'll be just like the good old days. A classic Zuko and Sung adventure."

Zuko sighed. "I can't talk you out of this can I?"

Sung smirked. " can't." He then went over to his Desk and sat back down. "We'll leave tonight meet me outside the Palace. Rumors say find the seediest place in town...and I know where that is."

"What are you going to do if someone looks for you tonight?" Zuko then asked.

Sung actually laughed at that. "I'm a General now Zuko, I don't have to explain where I am to anyone. Rank does have its perks."


Zuko sighed to himself. The day had seemed to pass by so slowly. What Sung had said weighing heavy on his mind. About the "man with a third eye." Could that man really help? Did that man even really exist? Sung seemed to think so but Sung believed in a lot of strange things. After all he believed that there was a magical Goddess who lived on the sun that Called on dead Warriors to protect the Sun. He had called them the "Sun Guard" or something just as ridiculous.

But what did Zuko have to lose at this point besides his Fathers new found respect for him? All his life he had only wanted his Father to accept him and with a simple snap of his fingers Zuko could lose it all over again. He wasn't going to let that happen, not without a fight.

As the Sun finally set over the powerful Nation, Zuko adorned a Light red Short sleeve Tunic with matching pants and black boots, over the tunic he a dark Maroon vest, the lacing around the collar to the bottom edge yellow. Over that he wore a hooded robe. It wasn't stylish but Zuko never cared about fashion over form. This at the very least would help him blend in somewhat. "Here we go." Zuko said to himself as he left his bed room quickly and as quietly as possible making his way through the Palace until he was outside.

The air was cool as a full moon hung in a Star filled sky. He immediately got flash back to the North Pole, how cold it had been up in the Frozen North. Even now he could see Admiral Zhao being dragged in by that blue spirit creature. How if Zhao had just swallowed his pride he would still be alive right now.

"There you are." Sung said from a seated position on the steps that led up to the Palace. He was out of his Armor instead wearing a long sleeved Maroon Tunic with puffy sleeves that narrowed the closer they got to the wrist, equally Maroon pants that were tucked into knee high boots the top of the boots made of black colored leather while the part that covered the foot itself was made of brown leather, the toe curling at the heel. Of course around his waist he wore that Sword he favored on the left portion of his waist and a dagger on the right. He also wore a hooded cloak apparently having the same idea as Zuko.

Sung stood up and smiled. "I was beginning to think you had gotten cold feet." Sung looked to the sky. "It really is a beautiful night to be sneaking around in the Capitals dark underbelly."

Zuko shook his head, he wasn't in the mood for jokes. "How are we getting out of the Palace?" Zuko asked.

"Right through the front gate." Sung replied already starting to walk. Had Zuko heard that right? The front Gate was guarded at all times. Regarding Zuko followed behind Sung as they walked and sure enough there were four guards at the gate. This didn't seem to deter Sung as he walked right up to one of them. "Is the way clear?" Sung asked the guard.

The guard nodded. "Yes sir." The man's voice was muffled by the helmet he wore. "My men will be on guard here until morning so please try and hurry, next shift might not be as tight lipped as me and my boys."

"Don't worry Daichi." Sung said to the man, apparently knowing him by name. "This shouldn't take too long."

The man known as Daichi chuckled. "I know one thing General when it concerns you I know it won't be boring, almost makes me want to come along...almost." The Guard then looked to his men and nodded. At that two of the guards gripped the left gate and pulled it a jar slightly. Just enough for them to slip through.

Sung patted the man on the shoulder guard. "I owe you one Lieutenant." And with that Sung began to walk.

"I still hate being called that." Daichi said as the two stepped out onto the streets of the capital.

Sung turned just as the gate was closing. "How do you think I liked being called "General?" His question didn't get an answer as the gate closed Shut. Sung looked to Zuko and smiled. "Let's go."

"H-how?" Zuko asked.

Sung chuckled as he turned and walked. "Daichi was my platoons senior Non Commissioned Officer when I took over. After your sister recruited me to help her on the Avatar Scavenger hunt he was promoted to Brevet Second Lieutenant so the platoon had an Officer. I guess the rank stuck with him which is good for us because he owed me a favor for saving his life at the North Pole."

"Can he be trusted?" Zuko asked.

At that Sung looked over at Zuko, even in the darkness he could see his friends eyes narrowed. "I trust any man I fought beside in battle." Zuko supposed that was good enough for him.


The two passed through the upper portion of the capital with relative ease. Though at least once the two had to duck into a corner to avoid a Royal Procession patrol that passed by. Sung had told Zuko they wouldn't have to be as "cloak and dagger" once they reached Harbor city at the bottom of the volcano.

As the two walked the winding road that of course lead to the City, Zuko couldn't help but wonder something. "How do you know all this?"

"Know all what?" Sung asked.

"All of this, about Assassins and the dark corners of towns." Zuko explained. "That just sounds like something a criminal would know."

"Because I'm a Ranger." Sung explained. "Gathering information and tracking were big parts of my job for two years before I was transferred here."

"That doesn't answer my question." Zuko interjected.

Sung looked over his shoulder at Zuko again. "It somewhat answers it." Sung replied. "I spent a lot of time in military camps all over the Earth Kingdom. Bored Solider's like to talk, mainly it's about women of course but many of those from lower backgrounds who had the choice of the Military or Jail like to talk about crimes they have committed, and people they know who have also committed crimes . I'm always silently'd be surprised what I know."

He had been right in Ba Sing add. Sung had changed. Gone was that carefree boy who laughed at stupid jokes and liked to draw pretty pictures. In his place was a man that thought almost eerily like Azula. Sparks of that boy still shined through the cracks every now and then, but that light was shadowed by the darkness of war. "For instance I know you've been spending an awful lot of your free time with Mai."

"I don't see how that's any of your business!" Zuko shouted.

Sung was unfazed. "You're right it's not. I'm just happy you finally made the move. As long as I have known you Zuko you always made those lovey dovey eyes at her, and she did the same to you. A blind man could see you two were sweet on each other, but apparently neither of you had the courage to make the first move."

"You're one to talk." Zuko replied. "When we got back from Ba Sing Se, Ty Lee told Mai and me you were in the middle of asking her a certain question but just as you were about you were interrupted. Care to explain that since were diving into each other's lives?"

Sung let out a laugh as they finally made it down the winding hill into Harbor City. Unlike the Capital in the Volcano, Harbor city was lively with activity. Everywhere Zuko looked he could see people moving about, many of them drunkenly stumbling around. He had personally observed one drunk man walk up to a group of women, pinching one on the rear. That had earned the man a hard slap and he drunkenly wandered off. "Every Yang has his day buddy." Sung had said. "I'll get my chance and it'll be glorious. Just think I might be your brother in law someday!" Zuko didn't know how he should feel about that.

"I always thought you and Ty Lee would have been a better match." Zuko said, amused at his friends optimism. "You're both strange."

Sung laughed again. "I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it. Ty Lee is very pretty...don't tell her I said that or she'll never leave me alone. But there's something about your Sister that I have always liked. She's strong, she's smart, and once you get past her cold exterior you find that she's actually a really sweet person." Sung smirked. "I like a woman who could kick my ass."

"Amen Brother!" A nearby man said with a cheer holding up a glass that Zuko could only assume was Alcohol. Overhearing the conversation and enjoying Sung's response.

Sung sighed happily "oh I love this city."

Zuko for the life of him couldn't understand Sung's fascination with Azula of all people. If Sung had set his mind to it he could date almost any girl he wanted. He was the Lord of a Noble House with a long history. A lot of girls went for strong guys, especially those who were strong and had power. Sung was fortunate enough to have both even if he never flaunted it around. But yet Sung had set his sights on one of the most conniving, brutal women in all of the Fire Nation. Zuko had to admit Sung was braver than most. Though bravery could quickly be mistaken for stupidity.

Sung lead Zuko through the streets. The further they got the more...dangerous the people looked. Weapons were no uncommon sight in the Fire Nation but the people who frequented the areas around the fishing docks looked as if they didn't need a reason to kill something. Sung seemed to be unconcerned with this fact as he moved passed the crowds. Then suddenly he stopped. "We're here." Sung said. They were across the street from a two story building constructed from wood, the windows without glass in them, the door made of paper held on wooden frames. The sign above the door reading "The Queens Gambit." Zuko was less than impressed. "You brought us all the way out here for this a run down Sake house?"

Sung rolled his eyes. "Things aren't always as they appear." He said. "You'd be surprised what goes on under the Fire Lords nose." Sung then began to walk inside.

Following behind Zuko saw a large room with tables and chairs spaced around it, many of them occupied by mainly men who nursed small glasses of Rice wine. Scantly clad women moved about the room trying to talk to the patrons. Coins exchanged hands. This wasn't just a Sake house...this was a brothel!

Zuko immediately felt uncomfortable. "How on Earth do you know about this place?" Zuko asked through gritted teeth.

"As I said I'm always listening." Sung said with a shrug. Walking and sitting at one of the unoccupied tables, making sure his back was facing a wall. Zuko followed suit though at this point he didn't have high hopes.

Before long a scanty clad woman with long flowing black hair and ember eyes walked towards them. A friendly and flirtatious smile on her face. "What can I get you boys?" She asked.

Sung reached around and pulled out two copper coins from a pouch he had hidden on his belt that was concealed by his cloak. "A bottle of Warm Honjozo-Shu Sake, and two cups."

The woman seemed disappointed at that but took the coins regardless. "Coming up." She said with a sigh before turning and walking across the room where a bar was located.

"What's wrong with her?" Zuko asked, confused. "She acted like you insulted her."

Sung leaned back in the chair scanning around the room. "Honjozo-Shu is trash Sake. It's not pure so it's cheap. A place like this it isn't smart to be flashing gold around...and it would look strange if we weren't drinking."

Soon after the woman returned with a tray which held a small blue glossed clay jug and two equally blue cups. The woman set them on the table. "Let us know if you need anything else." With that the woman left.

Sung reached over and put a cup in front of himself and then one infront of Zuko. Afterwards he poured a small amount of cloudy liquid into each cup before setting the jug back on the tray. Raising his glass Sung nodded. "To your health." And then he through the liquid back letting out a satisfied ahhh sound.

Hesitantly Zuko picked up the cup, giving it a cautionary sniff before drinking. He wished he hadn't. He wished even more that he hadn't swallowed it, the liquid burning all the way down and it took everything in his power not to cough. Sung let out a laugh as he filled his own cup back up. "I remember my first time." Sung said with a laugh.

Zuko was annoyed at this point. "Did you really have a plan or did you just want to drink!"

Sung narrowed his eyes at Zuko, looking to the Prince as if he was trying to bore a hole into his head by sight alone. "Your time abroad has done little to improve your patience." Sung said as he sipped his drink. "What we are doing is watching...and waiting."

Zukos annoyance turned to confusion. "Waiting for what?"

Sung nodded to something behind Zuko. "For that."

Zuko turned to see at one of the corners a low, round wooden table had been set up. On it a Pai Sho board. A game had just finished as a rather annoyed man stood up from the table storming off. Still at the table was a middle aged man with black hair pulled into a top knot, a well kept beard coving most of his face. Zuko held in a groan, memories of his time with Uncle Iroh running from the Fire Nation. How Iroh had used a simple game of Pai Sho to get them everything they needed to get into Ba Sing Se. Was Zuko about to learn that Sung and Uncle were apart of the same secret Organization?!

Sung picked up the Glass Jug, and stood up. Making his way across the room to the Pai Sho board. Zuko reluctantly followed. "Do you take on guest challengers?" Sung asked with his best innocent smile.

The man looked Sung over before flashing his own smile. "All are welcome to play friend." The man said as he beckoned Sung to sit down. Sung complied, placing the Jug at the very edge of the board. "You two new in town? I never seen you in here?"

"We're from around." Sung replied. "Just never been in here. Thought it was time to sample the finer things in life."

The man laughed. "You can find nothing finer in all the world than a good game of Pai Sho. Guest has first play." Sung nodded picking up one of his tiles, the image on the tile meant to convey a boat in water and he sat it down directly center of the board.  The man raised an eyebrow at that. "Interesting first move, going for the Tui strategy?"

Sung shrugged. "We'll just have to see won't we?"

This seemed to intrigue the man as he set his own tile Down directly in front of himself. His meant to convey stalks of wheat blowing in the wind.  For a few minutes the two went back and forth setting down tiles in silence. Each fixated on the game. Sung was the one to break the silence. "You seem to be a...knowledgeable man." Sung said as he placed down another tile to the middle left of the board.

"I try to be I suppose." The man said as he scratched his chin, looking over the board until he finally decided what he wanted to do, he placed a tile that looked to convey a rose flower next to three of his other Tiles.

"Have any idea where a guy like myself can find "the man with a third eye?" Sung asked. Pausing to take a sip of Sake.

The man looked at Sung confused. "Can't say that I do friend. Though it sounds like a catchy game you could play at birthday parties."

"Yes." Sung said as he picked up a tile and went to lay it down but when he brought his hand back up, instead of a tile a gold coin was in its place. "I suppose it does."

The man eyed the gold coin greedily. Before narrowing his eyes at Sung. "What do you want with him?"

"Does it matter?" Sung asked. "All he needs to know is we've got a job for him and we're ready to pay handsomely."

The man seemed to ponder this for a long while. Before smiling. "You must want Someone gone real bad if you're looking for him." The man said. "But I'm not sure if he's available at the moment.

Sung sighed. "That's too bad..." Sung then set a second gold coin on a separate area of the board.

The man laughed at that, picking up the gold coins. "He'll meet you at the ship yard on the other side of town."

Sung nodded as he leaned back and gulped down the contents of the jug. "Much appreciated." Sung then stood up looking to a rather confused Zuko. "Let's go."

Soon after the two were back on the street now heading to the docks yards. Zuko having more questions than he did have answers. "It's simple really." Sung told him. "Throughout history many dark secrets were plotted around a Pai Sho table, many criminals have a flare for the theatrics so they use Pai Sho as a way to talk in plain sight."

"Let me guess." Zuko began. "You listened to someone say that too?"

Sung chuckled. "No, I read it in a book somewhere and took a chance." Zuko couldn't believe it. Sung had taken a gamble and won.


Making it to the ship yards was an easy feat, everyone had long since gone home for the evening leaving the area deserted. Large metal poles were strutted around the area, these used to hold up ships in dry dock for repairs.

Sung tried his best to keep his cool but none of this had felt right. These back handed dealings in the middle of the night left a bad taste in his mouth. If it had been just him Sung wouldn't have touched any of this mess with a twelve foot pole, but Zuko had been desperate for sanctuary, and desperate times called for desperate measures. Stopping Sung looked at Zuko. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Sung asked. "It's not too late to walk away." He was trying to give his friend an out, anything that would at least make him think twice about dealing with a sellsword.

Zuko Sighed. "No...I'm not sure, but I don't have any other choice..."

"You always have a choice Zuko." Sung said as he reached behind his back and pulled his coin pouch. Handing it over to Zuko who tucked it away in his robes. "I'll stand back and observe, if it goes south we fight our way out."

Zuko nodded. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that." With that Zuko walked further into the shipyard. Sung leaning on one of the beams, his hand resting on the pommel of his Jian. They didn't have to wait long for something to happen. The sound of footsteps could be heard in the distance. But something was off about them. They sounded Metallic. A guard perhaps? Somehow Sung didn't think so, Domestic Forces didn't wear metal boots.

Sung stiffened up as a massive figure began to approach. He was in utter surprise at what he saw. The man was tall and bulky, the only hair being a thin cut beard. An eye tattooed on his forehead. He wore a simple reddish brown short sleeve shirt and matching pants and a single boot. Besides the tattoo that wasn't what surprised Sung. It was the fact that on the right side of his body both the man's arm and leg were missing, replaced with metal prosthetics. That only made him stiffen up more than he already was if that was even possible.

"You sure you weren't followed?" Zuko asked the man. The man however made no attempt to respond. "I heard about you they say you're good at what you do, and even better at keeping secrets." Again the man didn't even seem to acknowledge Zuko was talking to him, he made no subtle movements of his face. He didn't even sway. He looked more statue than man. "The Avatar is alive. I want you to find him, and end him." Zuko then reached into his pocket and withdrew the coin pouch, offering it to the man. "This should cover all of your expenses."

The man reached out with his real hand and it took everything in Sung's power not to draw his blade right then and there. But instead of striking the man took the pouch, holding it up to eye level, shaking it. Then gave a simple nod. The man then turned and walked away, vanishing into the darkness. His footfall's growing more distant.

Zuko let out a long sigh as he rejoined Sung. "Let's go."


The way back was one filled with silence. Silence as they passed through Harbor city, silence as they walked up the winding road back to the Capital, and Silence as they walked through the gates of the Palace. By now it was late at night, threatening to be early morning soon. Today's events eventful and informative. More for Zuko than it had been for Sung, but Sung wouldn't keep track of that.

Just as the two were about to pass through the doors of the Palace Zuko wheeled on Sung. "Thank you...for your help." Zuko said his head hung low.

"Of course." Sung said with a Smile, gripping Zuko on the shoulder and squeezing. "When you were banished if you had of asked me to I would of resigned my Commission then and there and went with you to capture the Avatar...I wasn't able to help you for so long and it pained me. The best I could do is use my Fathers old connections in the Military to keep track of your ship and even then I went months without hearing anything...but I can help you now. If you need anything...ANYTHING, my door is opened to you, day or night."

Zuko regained the smallest semblance of a Smile as Sung removed his hand from his shoulder. "Azula doesn't know it yet but...she's lucky she's caught your attention. I know you'd do anything for those closest to you."

Sung tapped Zuko on the arm, walking by him. "Don't get all sappy on me now. Im going to bed." As Sung walked into the Royal Palace he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He had made good on a promise he had made General Iroh just before his imprisonment. He had watched out for Zuko. That was something he would continue to do. Sung had a lot of time to make up for.

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𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙮 𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙤𝙣 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙡 , ...
1M 31K 50
(Y/n) has had a hard life. Her mother was killed, father went to war, and had to protect her twin brother and little sister Sokka and Katara for as l...