Forbidden Miss Foster

By Pages05

4.4K 321 78

Rosie Foster is a twenty seven year old teacher at Sumchester Secondary and Sixth Form. Haunted by a troubled... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 22

104 8 1
By Pages05

A/N: Hi! Anybody still reading this story please let me know what you think of it , I'm working on getting chapters out more frequently so any feedback would be amazing!

Kennedy's POV

"Right everybody close your textbooks and feel free to pack up , you all worked relatively hard and I'm feeling nice so you can go 10 minutes early." Miss Foster announced from the front of the classroom.

I exhaled heavily , using my phone to take pictures of the textbook pages I needed to finish my notes later at home , but not wasting another second at putting my things away.

Checking my phone simultaneously I zipped up my backpack , threw it over my shoulder and tucked my chair back under my desk. My lockscreen read 2:55pm , and there's an earlier bus at 3pm that I could catch to the hospital in the city giving me more time to stay with mum. Monday is always visiting day , meaning I know the bus schedule like the back of my hand.

With the knowledge that I had just 5 minutes to get to the bus stop around the corner , I swiftly paced towards the classroom door.

"You're eager to leave , Miss Matthews." Rosie stated , propping the door open for me with a smile.

"It's not personal , I'm catching a bus that leaves in 5 minutes." I told her , one foot already out the door.

She nodded , "Don't let me keep you , have a good night."

I returned the soft smile she was displaying on her expression, "You too , Miss Foster."

I smile to myself as I make my way to the bus stop ; if i didn't have somewhere to be I would've stayed behind just to get a few more minutes conversation out of her.

Saying that , I was literally in her home just the other night ; I should've made the most of that situation then , rather than wishing I had more time to talk to her now.

Anyway , the bus pulls up one minute early ; I definitely got lucky in the sense that Rosie was in a good mood today meaning I was able to get here on time. I scan my ticket on my phone and take an empty seat in the back  next to a window.

As we begin driving and I watch the scenery go by , I can't help but think about the other night in Rosie's car. Specifically if anything could've happened.

Of course I was thinking about it , not that I would've actually done anything or made any sort of a move in a million years. I brought myself back to my senses just in time that night  and stopped myself before I did anything stupid.

But her. She looked down away from my eye-line like she was really considering it, like she wanted to kiss me.

It caught me off guard if I'm honest, I was prepared for her to sit back immediately and brush off the intense eye contact like it was nothing. The fact she stopped for even just a second or two has forced my mind into a constant wander ever since then.

I doubt she would do  , as she has this very nonchalant element to her personality that only makes me want to push her boundaries more , but I can't help but wonder if kissing me has crossed her mind too...since the other night I mean.


Walking up those hospital steps never gets easier. I keep my head down , my hands in my pockets and any sign of emotion to myself. I never know what i might be walking into , I don't like to think about it.

I had to scope about this time around as mum had been moved into a new room , one with more privacy and a great big window by the side of her bed , giving her the opportunity to look out into the real world , as lately her entire world has been those same four white walls.

After scouting out her room for 15 minutes i finally found her. Before opening the door I peered discreetly into the small glass window panel letting me see inside.

Mum was laying there , in the same position as yesterday..and the day before that , with less hair on her head , more wires attached to her and less fat on her body. In a selfish way , sometimes I'm grateful that because of college and work commitments I'm not able to visit everyday ; watching her slowly deteriorate would tare me apart , bit by bit.

Knocking softly on the door before opening it , I took a semi-deep breath and quickly smoothed out my hair.

"Hi Mama.." I greeted her whilst letting myself in.

She didn't turn her head , she was probably too tired to move much at all. However , the 43 facial muscles required in order to strain a smile worked perfectly.

"Kenn baby , come here so I can see you." she replied , lifting her fingers to lightly tap the side of her bed.

I sat myself down next to her and took hold of her hand. The bones in her fingers and the veins on her palms felt so pronounced ; inwardly I shuddered.

"Hi Mum.." I said softly, then gently pressing my lips up against her forehead.

"How's school going darling?" she asked me , looking up into my eyes.

I smiled slightly and shook my head , "School is school mum , i wanna know how you're doing and feeling..and I don't just mean physically as I'm sure I can figure that one out on my own."

Mum smiled , "I'm okay darling , really...I'm just missing you and Gavin..I haven't seen either of you in a few days."

I frowned a little, "Really? When was the last time Gavin visited?" I asked her.

Mum thought for a second..and then another second..and then another.

"Um , what's today again Kenn?"

I exhaled softly ; she's beginning to lose her mental strength and well as that of her physical body. Watching her sharp , witty personality fade slowly is what hurts the most these days.

I force a gentle smile , "It's Monday Mama , October 12th.."

She nods , "Ah yes , then it must have been Friday afternoon he was last here.."

Hearing that he didn't make an effort to come here over the weekend brings my blood to a boil. Him and I explicitly agreed that at least one of us would come for mum every day , and that he would be here when I couldn't be during my day shifts at the pub. I'm here with her every second I can be and I only rely on him 3 days a week ,  yet for some reason he can't follow through.

At this very moment though,  I'm forced to brush it off , as mum's happiness is my sole focus right now.

"Oh mum I'm sorry, he told me he's definitely coming tomorrow so he'll be able to explain why he wasn't here with good reason then." I tell her sincerely , hating the thought of her being here alone so many hours on the trot.

She squeezes my hand slightly tighter, "It's okay Kenn , right now all I care about is that you're here. Now please, tell me all about your school , you're so bright and i would hate to get in the way of that."

I shake my head , "You're never in the way Mum. What especially about school do you want to know?" I ask.

She smiles and pulls me down gently so I'm laying next to her on the hospital bed. There's barely room for the two of us , and honestly I feel like i might fall off any second..anything to make her happy.

"Everything.." she replied , bringing me back to just a few weeks ago when we were at home in her room. She seems like a different person now , she's half of what she used to be.

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