My Calling

Galing kay stromburger

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// Wesley Stromberg // " ... stop trying to fight me, just let go and kiss me ... " Higit pa

My Calling - An Emblem3 Story
One - The Audition
Two - Isn't She Lovely
Three - Basketball
Four - Sweet Eighteenth
Five - Unexpected Comfort
Six - The Meeting
Seven - Ready or Not
Eight - The Long Road Ahead
Nine - Back to the Beginning
Ten - Vulnerable
Eleven - Lunch
Twelve - Just Jump
Fourteen - Denial
Fifteen - The Jingle Bell Ball
Sixteen - Goodbye
Seventeen - The Month
Eighteen - More Mistakes
Nineteen - Early Christmas
Twenty - Last Words
Twenty One - A Month Later
Twenty Two - Conversations
Twenty Three - Rude Awakenings
Twenty Four - Facing Facts
Twenty Five - Hurricane
Twenty Six - August Rush
Twenty Seven - Lyrics
Twenty Eight - Born Again
Twenty Nine - When I Look At You
Thirty - The End
Epilogue - One Year Later

Thirteen - Unexpected Words

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Galing kay stromburger

Chapter Thirteen

I had a storyline planned out but now I want to change it so things might start to get messy. Oh well. I migth not even change it. I don't even know. I have no idea what I'm doing to be honest. Oops. Sorry for the long wait, enjoy!

'Why thank you, maybe I can give you a private show sometime ;)'. 

That's his reply. That's what I receive back an hour later and oh my god it makes my heart flip. I've become a fourteen year old again and agonizing over the meaning behind his every word. I think about fifteen minutes pass before I come up with a reply. And I'm shooting myself when I send it because all I say is 'Yeah maybe.'

I chuck my phone down in frustration because all these feelings are stupid. Him and I won't work. We can't work. We'd never work. Yet deep down, I have a small inkling of hope that maybe we will. Or that we could. I don't even know where these feelings have come from, all I know is that they're here. They've crept up on me and I don't know what to do about them. Hell, I don't even know if they're real. He's really the only person other than my Syco team that I've felt I could talk to up here in Hollywood. I have no other human contact in that way really. So maybe it's me just craving the attention. Then again, maybe it's not.

My phone vibrates again so I push all my thoughts away and check it. It's him saying 'Haha sweet as, did you watch everybody else? Jennel was sick tonight!'. Reading the text puts me in a new mind set. Just because I have these feelings for Wes doesn't mean he has them for me. I've already made it clear we'd never get together despite his charming ways. He could've friend zoned me already. I groan at all these different scenarios and mentally scold myself. He's taking up too much of my time already. Thinking about him is wasting time I could be thinking about my new single or album or anything like that. Thinking about him is distracting, just like Sarah said. So I push him out of my mind. I will the feelings to leave. And when I reply, I reply as if he's a friend. A friend whom is not distracting. Just another friend. 

'Yeah I did, she was awesome! I liked Carly too, she's an amazing singer.' I know it's a lie. Well, me saying I watched everyone is but the rest isn't. Jennel is awesome and Carly is an amazing singer so I can at least pledge that. I obviously wasn't going to tell him I watched his performance five times. No, that's just stupid.

We text for the rest of the night and some of his replies are delayed because he's doing a few interviews. It's when I feel myself phone watching that I tell him I'll text him later. Phone watching is something I swore to myself I'd never do. 


The next morning, Ally, Sarah and Eddie are around at my house bright and early to get me ready for my day of interviews. Whilst Ally does my hair and make-up, Sarah drills me on things I should and shouldn't do. When Ally gives me my outfit, I'm thankful it covers more skin than yesterday, especially with the colder months approaching ever so slightly. I go into the bathroom and put on the clothes she gave me - a black dress, the shoes from my last photo shoot and a bright red almost pink blazer. The combination is weird but I kinda like it. When I come out, everyone's happy with how I look. The dress is skin-tight but at least it respectively covers everything, that has to count for something.

As soon as that's done, everything is just go go go. I do interview after interview, some of them are fun and some of them aren't. I go to different magazines, Young Hollywood, and I finish it off by seeing some online bloggers. By the end of the day, I'm so worn out I feel sick. I feel as if I could just drop dead. I need a proper sleep and I need a proper meal. And I also need to see my friends and family but that's a whole new story.

When Ally drops me off home at the end of the night, my eyes are barely open; I'm like a walking zombie making my way up to my apartment block. When I get in, I know I should eat but I'm just too tired so all I do is change into my pyjamas and fall into bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out like a light.


The next morning I wake up early. Considering I went to sleep at 8pm, I still managed a full twelve-hour sleep but it still felt like five minutes. I drag myself into the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of fruit loops, I'm feeling better but I still ache for a proper meal. I might go out to lunch today but it's just not the same, all I've been doing is eating at restaurants and cafes. I want a home cooked meal from my mum. That's probably something I should've asked her to teach me before I left. I should've asked her to teach me how to cook.

The fruit loops are old so they don't taste very nice in my mouth. I guess I'll have to go food shopping today as well. I pick up my phone and send of a tweet, 'First day off and what am I gonna do? Food shopping! What fun!'

I reply to a few tweets whilst I finish my breakfast. Just before I'm about to hop in the shower, I get a text from Wes 'I'm coming over! See you soon!'

I laugh and reply 'oh yeah cos I invited you and everything'

His reply is almost instant 'i have a day off, you have a day off it's perfect see you in a bit. Plus, you can't cook so I know you can't food shop either, I'll help'

'yeah whatevs the door is open I'm getting in the shower'

I drop my phone on my bed, unlock the door then go ahead to the shower. What I plan to be a ten-minute shower turns into a forty-minute shower. When I come out wrapped in only a towel, I'm hoping Wes isn't here yet because I don't look very presentable. My hopes are ignored and he's sitting on the couch, playing on his phone when I walk into the lounge. He looks at my towel ensemble and gives me a once over. Slowly and deliberately too. It makes me blush. I roll my eyes though to make it seem like I don't care, "Let me go get changed."

“I’m fine with the whole towel thing,” he says with a smirk.

I choose to ignore him and make my way back to my room. "So where are the boys today?” I ask him loud enough so he can hear.

I've just walked into my room when he answers. "Gone back down to Huntington."

That makes me back track. I walk back into the lounge to frown at him, "Why didn't you go back home you idiot? You didn't have to come hang with me."

He shrugs, "I wanted too."

His words make my stomach flip but I ignore him, "Wes I can survive on my own. This is like your only day off, you shoulda went home."

"This is your only day off, you shoulda went home." His eyebrows are raised in a ha-I-win way. 

"I have to grocery shop." I mumble pathetically.

"Why don't you wanna go home?"

I shrug, "I don't know, I never actually thought about it. I mean my parents will be at work and Finn will be at school and so will my friends. It doesn’t seem logical.”

He pauses a moment, obviously mulling it over in his head. I know he is from the expression on his face. He kind of frowns slightly and stares fixatedly at one spot for a while before snapping out of it when he's come to a conclusion. I don't think he realises he's doing. It's the only time I see him without a smile on his face. Well, I guess when he's angry too but I've never seen that side so I wouldn't know. When he's come to a decision, he looks back to me, a goofy grin on his face. "We can go down to yours and visit Finn and your friends in school and your parents in work then go to Huntington and stuff then on the way back we'll food shop. Sound good?"

"Sounds excellent." I say enthusiastically, the prospect of seeing everyone making me excited.

Wes chuckles at my bubbly mood before gesturing to me body, "Yeah I suggest you get dressed first."

I blush, "Oh yeah, I knew I was doing something."

I walk back down the hall, still managing to hear him yell, "Not that I don't like you in only your towel Carson."

"Oh shut up Wes." I yell back from my room even though another blush has made its way to my face.

I shut my door and start sifting through my wardrobe contemplating what to wear home. On one hand, I'm supposed to look presentable when I go out but on the other hand, I just wanna chuck on my trusty pair of studded boots, a comfy pair of jeans and a band t-shirt, not the tight stuff they're always putting me in. 

In the end I decide on my boyfriend jeans, my baddies singlet and my red velvet boots as well as a simple oversized cardigan for when it gets cold. I leave my hair to fall naturally and put a bit of make-up on. The coloured streaks in my hair are starting to fade out so I'm hoping they'll get rid of them soon. 

When I go back into the lounge Wes is still in the same place I left him. "Ready?" I ask, grabbing a few more things to put into my bag.

He jumps up, "Yup. We'll take my car."

"Okay then." 

I usher him out the front door and into the elevator. When we're going down he throws me a sideways glance, "I like what you're wearing."

"Seriously?" I ask, genuinely surprised.

He nods, still looking at the flicking numbers of the floors as we travel downwards. "Yeah, I like when you wear stuff like that. The first time I met you you were wearing something so casual, not all that stuff you wear now."

"You don't like how I dress on the other days?" 

He shrugs, "I guess it just ties in with your work but it's not my favourite. I like what you have now, it's more ... You."

"Yeah well I have to break this habit, I do kind of look scungy." I admit to him as I peer at myself in the lobby mirror.

"No you don't. I think you look fine."

"You're a guy, you wouldn't understand. But what about this winkface brand? You're always wearing it." I ask, tugging gently on his sweater. 

"My friend owns this brand so he gives me a lot of free stuff but I don't know, I like it, it's chill. It's very me."

"Indeed it is." 

We get into his car and he starts the drive to Laguna. It's a nice drive, we talk about Music the whole time it's crazy. We find our music tastes are pretty different but that's the beauty of it. He's into chilled out music and I like a lot of Classic Rock. I mean we have some bands in common but the bulk of it is completely different. But it's great because the whole drive we introduce each other to our music, alternating iPods in the car stereo to play a song to the other. By the end of the drive, I'm well acquainted with Sublime and he's well acquainted with AC/DC. It's great really.

Laguna Beach is past Huntington down the coast line but it's easier if we see my people first rather than the other way around. So the first place we pull up to is my parent's private practice. I don't stay for long there because they're busy. Only long enough to introduce Wes and have a quick catch-up. Mum is tearful all over again when we leave so I promise to have then come up one weekend to stay.

The next place we go is the high school so I can see my friends and brother. I have to be sneaky about it because I forgot I'm famous now. Wes stays in the car and I go to the office. They call my three closest friends and Finn in and let us catch up for an hour. I am famous after all; the staff are practically licking the floor I walk on. I feel bad for leaving Wes but he tells me it's cool and he'll just hang at the mall down the road. I manage to fill my friends in about Wes; it's frustrating though because Finn is there too and keeps making annoying remarks. I end up slapping him across the head to get him to shut up. Laura tells me I should just go for it, Sasha tells me to wait and see what he does and Becca tells me to forget about him because he's probably a jerk and he'll just use me. So in conclusion, none of their opinions help. When I leave the high school, I'm feeling happy because I got to see everyone but still confused as ever about Wes. 

When I get back to the car, he asks about my visit and then we drive to Huntington. And that's also when something else dawns on me, I look at him with wide eyes, "Oh god. Do I have to meet all your friends and stuff?"

He laughs, "I was wondering when you'd pick that little fact up. But hmm no we don’t have to if you don’t want too.”

"I’m cool.”

He raises his eyebrows, “Yeah sure.”

We don't drive for very long. Laguna isn't as far from Huntington after all. I've been to Huntington to surf with Finn and Dad (well okay I sat on the beach while they surfed but whatever) a few times but other than that, I've never had a reason to come. When Wes pulls into a house, I'm guessing it's his because he sighs in delight, okay and he also says "Home sweet home," so that gave it away too. 

We get out of the car and he leads me to the front door. It's not locked or anything so we just walk straight on in. He shouts all around to announce our presence. Great, so much for easing into all of this. A blonde women around my height comes through from the kitchen I'm guessing, she has an apron around her neck. Her face breaks out into a huge smile when she sees Wes. She's quick to pull him into a hug and he doesn't hesitate to hug her back. I stand there awkwardly until they break apart. Wes gestures to me, "Mum this is my friend Carson, Carson this is my mum."

She rolls her eyes at Wes and holds he hand out to me, "Call me Laraine sweetie."

I shake her hand firmly, "Thanks. And call me Asha. Carson is my last name."

"Will do. The boys are over at the Trent's house with everyone if you wanna head over there."

"No," Wes says all too fast. "I mean, nah we'll just chill here. Hang out with you ma, I never see you."

Laraine gives him a funny look, "Okay suit yourself. I have some cookies in the oven that'll be done soon. How about you show Asha around while they cook?"

"Sounds good," he replied before grabbing my hand and pulling me away.

He starts aimlessly naming rooms but I interrupte him, "Y'know we can go to your friend’s house if you want."

"Nah it's fine Asha, I just wanna spend time here if that's cool?"

I shrug, "Fine with me."

He finishes showing me the different rooms before we approach his. He clears his throat awkwardly and pushes open the door, "Uh yeah this is my room."

I step inside to get a better look. There's an unmade double bed in the corner with clothes scattered everywhere. There's a standard desk and chair as well as a TV on top of his dresser. Decks and trucks litter the floor and a well-used short board leans against his closet door. He's standing behind me apologizing for the mess when I turn around to cut off his rambling. I give him a small smile, "I love it."

And it's true. I do. It looks lived in. It looks like I could come straight in here after being at the beach and not worry about my hair dripping water on everything. I shift some clothes to the side so I can sit on his bed, "So what do you wanna do?"

He shrugs and leans against his desk, propping himself up slightly as he crosses his arms, "I don't know. What do you wanna do?"

"It's your house Wes," I say easily, "You choose."

He takes a deep breath and looks around the room, as if an activity will magically appear. I roll my eyes, "Do you wanna go down to the beach? I haven't seen the water in a while."

A smile appears on his face almost instantly. "That actually sounds perfect. Do you wanna go for a surf?"

"No but I don't mind if you do."

"You sure?" he asks already making a move for his board.

I laugh, "100 percent. Come on let's go."

Wes tells me he usually boards down but since I can't skateboard, we just walk. It takes us ten minutes instead of the usual five. But it's a nice walk though. In Wes' room it was slightly awkward because we didn't know what to do or say but out here it's fine. As if the sun and surf make things easier for him. He's in his element now, I can tell.

We come to the shoreline so I slip off my shoes and hold them in my hand. I roll my jeans up slightly and start the walk across the sand. He lays his towel down for me to sit on and before I know it, he's running off towards the water. I silently curse to myself; I didn't even get to see his body. Well I can see the back of it and it's obvious he has a nice array of muscle but I really wanted to see his abs. I mean come on, what girl wouldn't?

He's in the water for a while so I just go on Twitter and stuff and text my friends. It's actually kind of nice despite being lonely. It's as if the sun I'm soaking up is making me more replenished by the minute. I start to feel much better as time goes on.

Eventually Wes emerges from the water but I don't know until he's standing over me, blocking out my sun. I glance up from my phone and that's when I see him. See them. Small drops of water slide down his abs, making them glisten in the sun. I gulp nervously and drag my eyes away from them to his face, "Um all done?"

He laughs, seemingly knowing I was checking him out. "Yeah all done. Forgot winter is approaching so the water was much colder than last time. It was a pleasant shock though. Sorry for taking so long."

"No problem," I reply, trying to avoid his stomach that was for sure calling my name.

There's an awkward silence as he just stares at me and runs his hand through his hair. That's when I realize I'm sitting on his towel. I jump up, "Shit sorry you probably want your towel." 

He chuckles, "Thanks." He grabs it and shakes it out before starting to dry off.

I’m mindlessly looking at him when something catches my eye. Something pink and sparkly. Well, most of the glitter has faded off it. I reach out and touch it before looking at him, “You still have your bracelet.”

I’m not entirely sure, but I think he blushes. He draws back his hand slightly and continues to dry off, “Uh yeah, I mean, we did say forever right? Plus, pink is definitely the new black.”

“I actually have mine on,” I say back, not embarrassed at all when I shove out my wrist so he can inspect the bracelet he gave me in amongst the other three I always wear.

His hand is still around my wrist, as his eyes trail up my arm to my face. He stares me straight in the eye, that familiar glint sparkling brightly. There’s a small silence before he drops my hand and clears his throat.

I  drop my gaze and play with the hem of my shirt, avoiding his body and face as he finishes drying off. Embarrassing myself once is enough for the day, I don't need to be caught checking him out again. I'm racking my brains for something to say when I think the weather is a safe topic. I buck up the courage to try and act normal around his perfect body and look up at him.

Just as I'm about to say something, he beats me to it.

"Go out with me," he says, just when my mouth opens to ask him about the weather.

It's more of a statement than a question and I'm left flabbergasted. I stand there, my mouth gaping like a fish, awkward as a turtle as he gives me one of his trademark smirks. He stands a bit more confident but I'm left cowering away. I don't know if he's joking or serious. I try and find something witty to reply with but I'm left stumped.

He raises his eyebrow at me waiting for me to say something whilst I urge my mouth to form something, anything. My breath becomes hastier as I start to panic. When I finally open my mouth to say something after what seems like an eternity, all that comes out is a petty, little squeak.

Yeah, smooth is my middle name.

 Outfit link in le external link. Or it's

Thoughts so far ont he story? What would you like to see happen in le future? I'm stuck for ideas. 

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*A wesley stromberg fan fiction*