Vocaloid Days (stopped)

By rinrinlen12

360K 5.7K 1.8K

(Stopped writing this story, continued it on the next one) More

Vocaloid Days
The First Day of School
Back and New
In love
A small side story: Luka and Gakupo
Operation: Stalking Kaito!!
Len's Days
Helping? [part 2]
A Story of a Young Girl
I'll try
Kagamine Mansion
Love and Worry
Rin's... disease?
A Rival?
Fight! [Part 1]
Fight! [Part 2]
Fight [Part 3]
Halloween~ [Part 1]
Halloween [Part 2]
Halloween [Part 3]
Halloween [Part 4]
Confession #2
Getting you back
Small side story~
A Rowdy Lunch
Christmas Party [Part 1]
Christmas Party [Part 2]
Christmas Party [Part 3]
Christmas Party [Part 4]
Christmas Party [Part 5]
Love and Hate [Part 1]
Love and Hate [Part 2]
Love and Hate [Part 3]
Love and Hate [Part 4]
Love and Hate [Part 5]
Love and Hate [Part 6]
Extra Story: Mikuo and Luki [Part 1]
Love and Hate [Part 7]
Love and Hate [Part 8]
Extra [Hair]
Love and Hate [Part 9]
Mikuo and Luki [Part 2]
Christmas Date (Part 1)
Christmas Date (Part 2)

Extra Side Info: Kaito and Gakupo

5.6K 72 33
By rinrinlen12

Narrator: Eto~ Since this story doesn't have enough Kaito and Gakupo in it, let's put in an extra side random stuff with Kaito and Gakupo! :D 

Kaito Info:

Narrator, I don't think you need to do this... =v=

Narrator: The FANS!!! It's for the FANS!!!!


So..... eto... [um] I don't think you guys know much about me in the story right? I haven't appeared for a while...

So, I guess I should tell you what I like first. I love ice cream and puppies. I think... that's it. I hate spicey stuff.

Well... About my life. In the morning I get up and 7:00 prepare everything for school, and walk to school at 7:30. Yes, my house is kind of far from the school. It takes about 30 minutes just to get there. I'm usually on time, or just a bit early.

So... In the morning, I just talk to people. Usually, the girl Meiko would come over and try to chat with me, but I have a feeling she has an ulterior motive. Maybe she wants to steal my ice cream or something!!

But, still I try and avoid her as much as possible.

Recently, there has been another girl visiting me for a while. I think her name was... Miku? Yes, Miku. She's really nice. That's what I think. She doesn't give me a strange feeling like Meiko would. I think she would be a good friend.

Narrator: *sigh* ...Friend level eh?

Huh? ....Anyways... I usually hang out with a guy called Len. He always seem to have some girls crowd him. I don't really mind though. Whenever I feel too uncomfortable, he would ask them to leave. He's a really good friend.

There's also another person that I've been getting along with these days. He also plays basketball. His name is Gakupo. I admit, he has rather strange color just like me and many other people, but I think the style of his hair is the weirdest.

He puts it up in a pony tail, not to mention it is super long, like a girl's too. Sometimes I want to ask him if he wants to cut his hair. But I guess he likes it that way.

Then there's his recent new girlfriend. She also has a weird hair color, but what can I say? I have a weird hair color too. I haven't talked with her too much, but sometimes, I notice her talking to Miku and Len's sister. Perhaps friends?

And lastly, there's Len's sister. She scares me. She always seemed violent, and delinquent-like, but what happened not too long ago scared me even more. Under that mask of her's she seems to have an evil plan forming in her brain... So I would like to avoid her.

Narrator: Hehe, you were right about the mask part... ^ ^;; But I seriously don't know about the 'evil plan'.

Since Gumi is pretty new, I don't know what to say about her yet. She seems very observant, because I saw her staring at everyone she was talking to intently.

I have no intentions of letting my secrets get to her, so I would like to avoid her too.

Narrator: Dark secrets eh? Everybody loves that. >:3

Gakupo Info:

Haha, extra info eh? I'm pretty good at that! 

Narrator: Just don't give them too much. =w=

Such a party pooper. =3=

Wow! I haven't been in this story for a while! Well, better than Kaito I guess. I don't think he's here for the whole thing!

Anyways. Let's start with the things I love. I love eggplants, and Luka! I hate lemons. They are so sour!!!

Hm. Now for the interesting part! So, let's see. I wake up at 7:00 get prepared, eat breakfast and all that good stuff. That takes about... 50 minutes. Since I live alone, I prepare everything okay?

Narrator: Why does he live alone? Well, you'll see~ X3

Anyways, my house to the school is like a ten minute walk. So it's good. 

When I get to school, I usually hang out with my friends. I would sometimes check up at Luka once or twice, to see how she is doing. We don't do anything romantic, but I can understand. Sometimes before the bell rings, she would be sleeping at her desk!

I know she works hard for money, and I love her for that.

Do I sometimes want to embrace her? Yes, many times. But I held myself back. I don't think I can hold myself anymore though!!

Narrator: ... O.O Too much info!!!

Well, whatever. =3= Anyways, there was that green haired girl that started talking to me in the morning. I think she's interesting. She's not that bad looking, and I already know that she likes me, (because of a person) but I think there's also something that she's hiding. So I would like to hang out more with her and find out more about her.

Let's see. I'm good friends with Len and Kaito. Kaito is my basketball buddy! He's really good at basketball, and I guess he would be what you call an 'innocent guy'. Len became my friend because he tried to get me and Luka together. Well, at least he's not using me for anything, he's a pretty good guy.

He's a lot like me. A playboy. But recently... he has the eyes of a person in love! I have a feeling the lucky girl is Miku. (info from a certain person)

Miku seems like a nice girl. Len has good tastes. But I have a feeling Miku is trailing off to Kaito. I can sort of see that, but Len is doing all this for Miku, doesn't she notice?

Anyways, But... let's see.... Then there's Rin. Rin.... What happened recently, I didn't really mind... But sometimes I do wonder if there's something that she's been hiding. Anything maybe. Since she's all cheerful now, maybe I can get along with her more.

Narrator: So... You were afraid of her too? =w=

Nonsense!!! I just... sensed she was a bit dangerous, that's all!! =3=

Also, take a note that I love Lu--

Narrator: OKAY!!!! So that concludes the small side info with Kaito and Gakupo~!

Next chapter!!! It's where the real fight starts between Luka and Gumi!

See you next time~ >W<

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