Art Project [BoyxBoy]

By FailingAmbition

886K 27.5K 29.6K

Kris Sullivan is openly gay. In a close-minded small town, everything could go wrong, especially when you're... More

Art Project
School kingdom
Magnetic butterflies
Tyler sucks
Swarm of Guilt
Charity Case
Clash of Thunder
Late Night Swim
Over Protective
Pushing Memories
Newspaper Coverings
Burying The Past
Sneaking Out
Gay Clubbing
In Love
Crowded Room
Moving On
The Date
I Like You
Meet My Boyfriend
Colored Scars
Happy Halloween
The Truth
Held Hostage
Art Project

Venom Sucking

33.3K 1K 1K
By FailingAmbition


Water surrounded me— gulping my entire body down it's cold throat.

I could feel chill bumps cover my skin. I'm falling hopelessly down into the water in panic trying to swim up but feeling too cold to do so and having nothing to push up with.

My eyes finally open and I can only see a few things like the moon above, and students on the surface looking down. Other than that, I'm blind. I feel mud and rocks under my feet— the pond isn't never ending after all.

I push up against the mud, trying to swim my way up to the top as I bite my cheek, biting back my fear and hoping to keep my mouth shut from getting water inside my lungs.

I find myself almost to the top when something crawls on my leg. I thrash around and swim higher sending whatever it was away from me. I feel something run across my arm and stop, shaking my arm. Something else moves down my legs and then another slithers up my body.

I panic, and get that feeling where I'm about to cry even though I can't in water it still hurts. I know that one thing on me is a snake but the other two could be anything.

My eyes go wide as I panic to breathe. I clutch my throat, swimming higher even though I more creatures run along my body. My chest aches and I'm dying to taste oxygen.

I finally reach the top, spreading my hand out and clutching the grass of the surface with my head still under water. I can hear people yelling back and forth at someone but at the moment— I'm not curious as to why or who.

I lift my head up, taking in all the air quickly before repeating it. I blink once after realizing everyone was to busy yelling at... the red head? But she's the one who dared me, shouldn't they be, I dunno, congratulating her?

I began moving my legs up when I feel bugs and the snake move along on them. My chest feels with fear and I can tell I'm about to cry. I move one leg and shudder when I feel little legs crawl across it. The snake slithers around my other leg, tightening itself there and my vision gets blurry as tears fill my eyes. I began crying non stop and shake violently.

"K-kris? Kris! Everyone, he's alive! Hey, everyone! Look, look! Kris is alive!" Some guy yelled but I didn't look up since I was crying in terror. I just hope to god someone helps me from the snake, and this embarrassment.

"See, I'm not a murderer, Tyler!" An annoying feminine voice said and I have no doubt that it's the red head.

I felt somebody beginning pulling me up out of the water. That's when the snake slithered higher until his head was at my hip, I widened my eyes as I felt it's tongue. No... no, no, no! Sto -

"Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as I felt it's teeth sink into my hip, pain feeling thorough my body. More tears fell from my face and I looked to meet Tyler's panic gaze.

"What, what's wrong?!" He said hastily.

"Aghhh! Snake! He-help." I managed through sobs and pants.

He looked confused but then looked down on my body and his eyes widened at the sight of the snake. It slithered higher on my body and Tyler pulled me up out of the water.

"Skylar! Get over hear, quick." Tyler yelled looking over his shoulder.

Everyone grew quiet, the whole class looking at me. Making me feel naked which I practically was in only boxers which made me feel insecure at the moment. I whimpered as the snake crawled up my torso. I could finally see it now, it being a-a ... The Cottonmouth Water Moccasin with it's skin black, and up to thirty inches. They're known to linger beside the edges on logs or rocks, so it must've jumped in when it saw me.

Tyler stepped a way from me slowly as Skylar now took his place, his eyes full of sorrow and worry. A rush of guilt washed over me as I remembered how mean I was to him. He then looked to my body debating what to do, then he reached out and grabbed the snake from my body, holding it by the neck and end.

My hear clenched as my mind ran through millions of ideas on how Skylar could get hurt or even die to from this.

Why am I so selfish?

He threw it in the water, well tossed it erasing my fears for his thought of death. He then developed me in a big hug.

"Thank God, you're alright." He muttered in my ear. I slowly let my arms tie around his body, still letting tears fall.

Tyler pulled him away, grabbing my wrist. He turned to the class who were watching us in shock and also panic. "We will not inform the teacher's about what we all have just witnessed. Let's head back now, before it gets more late."

The class didn't really put up much of an argument, just headed back in the direction of the camp site. Ty sat me on his back as we followed along, not tripping over any broken branches or slippery mud. The walk there was silent as I heard Skylar hum a relaxing to on but I still couldn't find myself able to close my eyes and fall asleep. I was still terrified, I didn't want to close my eyes. I haven't felt like this in two years, not since it happened.

Tyler sat me inside the tent, slowly as he began picking out some pajamas the teachers provided us earlier that day. He touched my boxers hems and I shook my head at him. He rolled his eyes. "I've done this before, Kris. I can do it again."

"Skylar's in here ... and you closed your eyes." I mumbled shyly. He looked over at Skylar and Skylar nodded exiting the tent. I didn't want him to leave though just- now I feel guilty. I frowned.

"Now don't frown, you need to change." He said to me. He dried me off with a towel so I wasn't soaked from head to toe before grabbing onto my boxer's waistband again. "Now, I have to change these, okay?"

I felt blush cover my face as I thought of him seeing me naked. "Can't you cover your eyes like before?" I mumbled. He pulled me up a little, as my weak arms fell to my sides and away from his neck.

"I can't this time, Kris. I have to make sure you don't get hurt ... I'm sorry. Just pretend I'm not here." He said to me as he tugged my boxers down. Blush filled my cheeks and I nodded. But how could I pretend he wasn't here? He was doing something to me that would be inappropriate in another scenario. "It's okay, Kris. At least you'll know I feel better knowing that you really are male."

Is he saying I'm so girly I probably didn't have da junk? I narrowed my eyes as my boxers slowly came down my knees.

"You're so inconsiderate sometimes." I said but then felt his hot breath on my little beast and shuddered. He winced.

"Sorry," he said looking guilty. "I had to pull further down."

My boxers finally came off and he began placing a black plaid pair on my lower half, replacing my wet one's I did wear only minutes ago. His hand brushed against my hip as he finally pulled them up all the way and I let out a cry. He froze. I looked down at my hip, sitting up slowly and pain creased in my body. Little bite marks showed and I remembered the snake. But how could I had forgotten about it biting me?

"Kris ... what is that on your leg ...?" Tyler asked pointing to my hip as he stared at me with curiosity and worry.

I gulped. "The s-snake bi-bit me ..." I said as a few tears fell from my face when the pain got worse and I thought of all the possible ways I could die tonight.

Tyler widened his eyes. "We ... we need to get you to a hospital!" He began picking me up and I cried out, pushing him away. Hospital? No. Never. I rather die than go back there!

"Tyler, stop. I'm not going to make it -" I wasn't able to finish my sentence before eye butted in.

"Kris, yes you are, just come on, we need to go now. You're fine, okay? You're going to be better, come on." He said trying to pull me with him again.

"Tyler, We don't even know where a hospital is from here. It could be hours. I don't have the time. I don't have the energy either. I-I'm going to die.." I whispered the last part as I stared at the ground and I cried out in pain again when he pushed me to the ground, laying me on my back.

"Tyler, w-what are you -" he cut me off by shushing me.

His eyes darted to my hip and he bit his lip. "I've seen people in movies and stuff do this so... I'm going to try and suck the poison out." I was about to protest when he hugged me to him tightly. "It's worth a shot, right?" He whispered into my ear.

His head leaned down as he held my hand in one of his intertwining our fingers as his other hand held himself up. I shuddered as his mouth rested up on my hip and then his tongue lashed out on it, licking the wound. He held my hand more tightly as he he heard my little gasp from above. He began sucking and I cried a little from the pain.

"Whoa! Holy - Tyler, you didn't tell me you were gay ... an- and sucking Kris?!" Skylar exclaimed and I gritted my teeth as Tyler sucked faster, ignoring Skylar's misunderstanding.

A look of confusion crossed Skylar's face. "Wait ... that's his ... hip? I am so confused right now." Sky stated. "Kris, wanna explain?"

I just groaned for an answer hoping he'd shut up for a moment. The pain increased and I tightened my grip on Tyler's hand. "Guys?!" Tyler looked over at Sky, still sucking on my snake bite (I don't mean a lip ring either) and glared. Skylar pouted but shut up as he watched in curiosity.

Tyler finally pulled away and stuck his head out the tent, spitting. He grabbed a water bottle from his bag and rinsed his mouth a couple times, spitting the water after letting his shake in his mouth. He then sat back down in front of me, pulling a tee shirt onto my torso.

"Okay. What just happened?" Skylar asked looking dazed.

"Kris here, got bit by that snake earlier but refused for a hospital so I had to suck the venom out." Tyler stated rolling his eyes.

I began covering up and laying down when Tyler patted me. "Aren't you going to apologize?" Really? I'm still mad at you for earlier you doink, I'll apologize after you do.

I snorted. "Um, let me think about it," I pretended to think for a solid three seconds before narrowing my eyes at him. "No."

"I just saved your life- the least you could do is a 'thank you'. And a 'sorry for worrying you guys'." He said, crossing his arms. Cocky much?

I snuggled in my covers. I could feel sleep develop me so I didn't really have time to care if he was mad at me. I pulled him to me, snuggling into his chest taking him and Skylar by surprise. I kissed Tyler's cheek and sighed before letting sleep take all of me. "Maybe I didn't want to be saved ..." Which, wasn't a complete lie.


I furrowed my eye brows. Didn't want to be saved? What's he talking about?

"Tyler? You're worried too ... right?" I heard Sky ask me and I turned to face him. We were all laying in the tent, with Kris still curled up to me. It was hard to see Skylar in the dark but I managed, barely.

"Of course I am!" I raised my voice to him not realizing until he winced. I frowned. "Sorry, I didn't mean to ... but I mean, how couldn't I worry? I just hope sucking the poison out worked."

He nodded. "It's okay, you care about him probably since you like him -" I glared cutting him off. "I do not." I said gritting my teeth.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Yeah, and I'm Bat Man."

I glared again but he didn't back down. He smirked actually as if he knew everything and wasn't scared of being put in a death bed by me.

"Just admit it. You like a male. Denying it doesn't change that, and you certainly can't deny it forever, Ty."

I grinned, hoping he could see it in the darkness. "I can take a hell of a try."

My grin widened at his annoyed face and I curled up with Kris - no it denying the need to cuddle. If he asks, I'll just come up with an excuse. Maybe I'll even say my body slipped? Eh. I smiled a little as Kris's body wrapped up in mine.


"Get up! Come on. Teds wants us out there right now."

I opened my eyes to see Kris standing on his knees with his hands to his hips like I disapproving mother. He looked beautiful though, especially cute with his nose scrunched up.

"Well? Didn't you hear me you two oafs?!" He yelled hitting Sky and I with a fluffy white pillow. "Teds needs everyone out now!" I take it back. He's the demon's child.

I sat up groaning. "Okay, mom."

"What - do I look like a women to you?! Huh?! I'll let you know that I am like a huge male -" I cut him off by chuckling.

I leaned over, kissing his forehead before he could yell at me some more. "So, so very huge." I winked letting him know I wasn't talking about his general self.

He blushed thirty shades of red and Skylar pinched his right cheek. "Aw ... like a puppy!" He cooed smirking a little.

Kris blinked. "Uh ..." He knitted his eyebrows as if thinking and then scrunched his nose up again looking cute - in a kid way of course! "I'll meet you two ding dongs outside then? Hmmph!" He let out of his system before marching out of the tent. He was so adorable.

"Man, you've got it bad ..." Skylar told me with amusement sketched all over his face.

I glared. "Got what bad exactly?"

"You're crush on Kris, duh." He stated matter-of-fact in his tone.

"I do not have a crush on Kris, Sky. Sorry if you have some weird fantasy but it's never gonna happen." I said even though I knew he didn't have that fantasy in a sexual way.

"Tyler, don't"

"Don't ...? " I asked trailing off.

"Don't pretend you don't like Kris. Anyone with brains, which isn't our school, can tell by the way you look at him. And if you're going to deny it, just don't lead him on." He said before making his way out of the tent and going in the direction Kris had.

I swallowed my pride and followed after a couple of minutes had passed.

Everyone was standing around the teachers, listening to what Teds was saying. I spotted Kris and Sky in the crowd and made my way to them. I nodded at Skylar, now standing by Kris to be with my group ... or 'team'.

"Today is a game of activities. Paintball. You all will be given your gun full of paint, along with the garment needed to play. You're team will be given a color by once again choosing a piece of paper out of my hat." Teds said handing nurse Nancy the hat to pass around. When it came to us I looked back to my team mates and shrugged, letting my hand wonder in the hat. A few pieces of paper scratched against my skin and I finally pulled one out. I read over it;


I showed it to Kris and Sky, Skylar grinned purple being his favorite color while Kris just nodded.

"Now, enter your tents, you will find all that you need for the game including; a food source packed up for you, garment, and guns along with ammo. After all ammo is lost you will not seek more so be careful with it. Whichever team is last standing, wins. You're award will be no homework in my class for two months. Whoever gets hit, is out." Teds told us.

"If per say, you're the only one left in your team, you are still able to win for them also. As long as you're the last standing, it lasts til late tonight. After exiting your tent, you will soon hear a firework shoot, signalling for you to go out into the woods. Not too far, we will be watching. Late tonight when you hear the firework, that signals

That the game has ended." He finished, dismissing us to our tents.

I pulled on my combat boots they had given us, and grabbed my gun filled with purple paint. I grinned at Skylar.

"You ready, man?"

He rolled his eyes at me. "You bet, being beaten down by paint balls. Hell of a day I tell 'ya." His sarcasm practically dripping.

Kris held onto our supplies in a bag, around his waste. Our out fits were pretty usual for the game. We had helmets on our head to protect us from getting hit in the face and bullet proof vest(That had our team number on it) with black tight tee shirts under. Our pants were just camo, one's deer hunter probably wear. While mine and Sky's were baggy, Kris had a pair that looked no doubt to be a skinny jeans pair which he pulled off. Our feet were covered in combat boots, and honestly I feel pretty bad ass in this.

We exited our tent along with other people, standing outside it waiting for the signal to come. Everyone looked anxious about it, in running positions like myself.

I looked over at Kris, smirking at his nervous gaze. "What about you?"

He took in a shaky breath. "I feel like I'm in The Hunger Games."

I chuckled at him but before I could tease him, the signal went off.

The game had begun.


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I am so sorry it took so long to update. I never believed in writer's block, until now. *Horror music* BECAUSE I GOT IT. I USED TO THINK IT WAS A AUTHOR'S EXCUSE TO BE LAZY BUT OH WAS I WRONG!

I redid this chapter after I didn't like how it worked out the first time. So, yes, I had writer's block. I didn't know how to play it out and I'm not that good with making near death scenes detailed or intense.

Okay. *Nagging over now.*

I hope you all liked this chapter. Hip sucking and all. Paintball, almost death, poison, passion, cuteness, and some old fassion camo.~

I'll update as soon as possible, hoping to have fun with the next chapter.

I almost have one hundred fans/followers! AGH. DYING. LOVE ALL THE VOTES LAST TIME!!!!

Question for this chapter:

When you sing in the shower, what do you sing about(if you're one to make up your own songs)?

Vote, Fan, Comment ? ♥

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