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By bokibinnie

911K 35.7K 35K

๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ๐˜จ๐˜ข๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข๐˜ถ School of alphas, betas, and omegas. Where four elite students live their life outs... More

cherry blossom
your touch
Undying Love
cotton candy
Drunk Felix
spicy Onion
Black White
Movie Night
Fall Back
Pitter Patter
Ice Cream
Stupid Heart
Fur Baby
colored juice
chocolate milk
unrequited love
Fish curry


11.9K 537 460
By bokibinnie

Hyunjin has done with his exam and Felix's exam will start in a week. He is having study time with his besties these days and giving some time to Hyunjin. It almost seems like they are dating but without mentioning it. Felix needs those words cause he heard rumors about it, from everyone. He doesn't know how it started and who started it that the college fairy is just a fling for hyunjin. And very nasty things he keeps on stumbling into about him and hyunjin.

It hurts him to listen. Hyunjin doesn't give a fuck about it and he didn't talk about it to Felix. Jisung seungmin told him to just ignore but everyone seems to only talk about it making that thing stuck in his head and hard to forget.

He walks through the hallways feeling everyone talking about him and looking at him. He was anxious.

It was kind of true though that's why he is sad, mad now crying in his club alone. What if hyunjin never wants him other than this? What if he leaves him and starts ignoring him like before?
He remembers what sunwoo had told him 'hyunjin doesn't want you, he will ignore you like always'

Those words disturb him, how would he know that? he never even met him more than three times. How he would know about what's going on between them. It was weird how suddenly all the rumors started and everyone looking at felix like he is.. a thing.

He doesn't wanna lose hyunjin, he wants him not when they had done everything with each other.

He didn't want to overthink just like his friends said but he is scared he can't help it.

He was crying, wiping the tears that left his eyes. His sobs were muffled as his hand was there in front of his mouth. He is trying not to cry out loud but he can't help. His body trembles with each sob. He should ignore it. Rumors will die down. He tells himself.

He had a submission today and then they got a week break to study. But after hearing things he couldn't help but come into his club room and cry after submitting his work.

He felt someone come inside and sat behind him. He knew from the scent who it was but he didn't say anything. He knew he is there to comfort him like he always does.

"Do you wanna go eat dumplings?"  Jaesung tried to make Felix divert his mind but he failed. Omega just cried

Jaesung sighed, he stood up and sat beside him. Leaning his head to look at felix crying face. He just stared at him and Felix just cried

"Your snot will go in your mouth" jaesung told as he smile teasingly

Felix sobs and sits properly, "you are m-mean" he said and wiped his nose with his hoodie sleeves

"Lix that's gross" jaesung said, and laughed when Felix sniffles cutely scrunching his nose

They just stayed there for more time when eventually jaesung made Felix smile. He always does. They aren't that close like how he is with his close friends. But jaesung is the person who he can talk to out of his friends zone. Who he thinks will listen to him without judging. He sometimes... Always flirting with him makes him a little flustered but he can say that they are good friends. And he always finds himself with him when he needs someone to talk. Maybe cuz jaesung always chases Felix.

"You should talk to him about it" jaesung said when their laughter came to the halt. The atmosphere got stiff at the topic. Felix eyes changed into a sad one


"I know, just talk to him and clear things out don't hurt yourself anymore, hmm?" he told

"I'm not hurting"

"Then why are you crying?" Jaesung asked his voice soft, Felix's eyes fluttered and brimmed with tears. Jaesung held his hand in a a soothing way "see, you are hurting. Talk to him I don't wanna see you cry like this"

Felix looked at him and nodded, understanding that they need to talk. His eyes were swollen and his cheeks pink, no one could ever get their eyes off of him like jaesung right now. Felix doesn't have any flaws, his beauty is so captivating it tempts anyone, like a pretty flower to all bees.

Jaesung heart beats in his ribcage, his mind fogged with how pretty he looked. He stroked Felix hairs making Felix look at him but felix didn't have any uncomfortable reaction instead he just stayed like that thinking about the ways to bring the topic to hyunjin. They need to talk and make it clear he can't be his for only one thing.

Well, he was the first to say that they don't need any name for their relationship. Now here he is crying.

"Get your hands off"

Felix thought he was hearing hyunjins voice but when jaesungs hand pushed off from his head powerfully and jaesung winced as his hand collided with the table

"What the fuck!"

Felix eyes were wide as he saw hyunjin standing behind him, he stood up too, jaesung grumbled holding his hand

"What the fuck do you think you were doing?" Hyunjin basically growled at him, Felix flinched at the tone he used, "h-he was-"

"I didn't ask you" his dominant tone made Felix shudder at his place, he never looked at Felix like that before, he looks mad, his eyes Pierce straight glaring at his wet eyes. Hyunjin foenst like him being around jaesung

"You can't always keep him in your pants" jaesung said, Felix snapped his head at him

"That's none of your business" hyunjin shouted, his voice deep he goes near jaesung and gripped his collar, his breaths heavy

Jaesung snorted, he gakred back at hyunjin eye to eye "I don't wanna be in your dirty business anyway, you use him for your own good you know it too"

"J-jaesung please stop" Felix stuttered pleading to jaesung as his tears started flowing again as he looked at both of them

Hyunjin saw that, he glared at felix "you told him" he asked, Felix could see for a mere second the dull and guilty eyes of hyunjin,

Felix shook his head but he couldn't utter a word

"Everyone knows about it, everyone could see how you treated him. He doesn't deserve any of this he is crying for you here, you are undeserving" jaesung yelled as he pushed hyunjin

"I don't give a fuck about what others think" hyunjin gritted his teeth as he gripped tightly onto his collar

"I do! I am not scared of you!" Jaesung pushed him, hyunjin stumbled but he pushed jaesung and punched him in his face "you should be!"

"P-please j-jin-"

"Keep your mouth shut" he growled at felix

"You are devil Hwang, i despise you more than anything" jaesung shouted, blood drip from the cut on his lips but he didn't budge "you are a jerk!" He said as he stood up and punched hyunjin in his jaw

This time Felix came in between them. Jaesung will die if hyunjin didn't stop. Felix held his hand just so he can calm down. Hyunjin closed his eyes not wanting to create any fuss.

"Good for you" hyunjin said to jaesung and held tightly into Felix hand to leave but felix remains still. Hyunjin frowned and looked at him with narrowed eyes

Felix couldn't meet his eyes but he wants to know. Why can't hyunjin just accept it and deny what jaesung said? Those rumors why can't he just give an end to them?


"I-i want to know" Felix sniffled, he wiped his tears as he looks at him

"Why can't you say what I am to you?" He sobbed,

"Felix, it's not the right time" hyunjin told, his voice dominating but Felix ignored his demand as he closed his eyes "I want to know, am I just a fling? Everyone says that I don't like it"

"Don't listen to what others say" hyunjin told as he held his face in his hands caressing his wet cheeks

"But everyone is right" Felix said and hyunjin loses his hold

Jaesung scoffed "you don't deserve any of this Felix, he can't even accept you" Felix closed his eyes once again, his heart pains, it hurts so much. Just a word from hyunjin then everything will be all right, he knows it's not the right time but he wants everyone to know the truth if hyunjin says it

His eyes were literally begging for hyunjin to say something, and take him with him but what hyunjin said made his heart shatter into pieces

"Aren't you the one who needed this? you can't blame me now"

Hyunjin was furious, he was already mad at how close jaesung and Felix was before and it's still boiling his blood. He wants to pounce on jaesung so badly for touching Felix and saying all those things.

He was mad, and sad at the same time that Felix is questioning him in front of that nobody. Felix should trust him, he always cared for him and treated him best. He always asked him if it was hurting. He always assured him.

He was confused about his feelings, but he was sure he loves Felix now but he is not ready to mark. He needs time and he has his reasons. They should be talking about this in some private place, alone and not in front of anyone who brings fire into the calm wood, who clearly likes Felix which made him even angrier and his mind will Burst if he stays there. He just simply doesn't wanna hurt Felix cuz Felix is being dumb and stupid to understand anything.

He clenched his jaw as he looked at how jaesung came toward sobbing Felix, he held him close to his chest and Felix didn't resist him even hyunjin was still there, Which is making him more mad.

Felix was frightened to say or react. Hyunjin lastly looked at Felix and left him there before kicking a table and chair which got broke

It happened in a moment Felix never wanted it to happen.

I wanna say something....

Some of you will find it rude but can you just comment and read without saying anything bad to others? Just ignore some comments if you don't like them. No need to go in their comment and say something about their comments...
It can mentally affects someone you know.... It can be depressing for them... Have you ever thought....
All of us have our own ways of expressing our thoughts on stories. If you find it annoying just ignore them as simple as that. Don't insult anyone to the point they question and mentally gets stressed about it. You get my point.

Health is important, don't overthink. Feel free to talk everyone. Hehe. ♥️

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