Lehìpey Unil

By maemaenice

6.2K 257 258

Let me explain from the beginning... See, have you ever dreamt of something to the point that you might go cr... More

Tuvom Unil sì
Fra'u Nari si
Aynga Kame
Nume kop Tskxekeng
Oe kelku

Oe Kame

348 16 36
By maemaenice

I was nearly flung into the roots of the tree evading death by the tuft of fur on my tail.

The air was stolen from my lungs, as I smacked into the cluster of the trees strong roots, it had me stunned as I gasped for air, blood pumping in my ears and almost drowning everything out.

Jake's yelling and the sound of his gun going off like crazy hit me like a truck.

I army crawled my way out as my hearing righted itself and the snarling beast tore at the roots again, to get it's escaping meal.
More gunshots rang out fiercely until the gun was ripped from Jake and he along with it was pulled from the hole. We were running again, and again the dry mouth bringer was upon us.

"Jake the pack! Drop the-" I gasped as my lungs began to hurt, the hit that winded me still holding my air hostage, and my trying to speak as I ran helped nothing. He questioned me again as he began undoing the buckles to the bag pack.
The Palulukan grabbed it just as Jake got the belts off but he was still tossed as his arm was tangled in the strap before we took off running again, with me pushed ahead of him.

I froze when we came to the cliff, beside the waterfall. Jake grabbed me and held tight as we tumbled over when he flew from the Thanator's swiping claws, in the whirlwind of falling and panic I accidentally pushed him away, he pointed his feet and crossed his arms. I began hyperventilating and then took one more gulp of air just as we hit the water.

It was freezing and the impact separated us more. I kept my eyes closed, knowing the moment I opened them I would freak out if I looked at how far it was from the surface I would probably panic and lose all air no matter how shallow.

I felt the ground beneath my feet and jumped as hard as I could from the bank ground, reaching up blindly and praying it was the right direction, attempting to swim until an arm pulled me up.

As we broke the surface I took in a deep breath, happy I was able to hold my breath for so long. And the tips actors use, actually work.

"Easy. Easy. Breath, Remy I gotcha." Jake's voice hit me as the water left my ears and he pulled my arm across his shoulders.

I spat out what little bit of water I nearly drank upon escaping and coughed a moment.

"So, fucking happy I didn't wear shoes... I hate wet socks." I gasped a small smile in play, as I was maneuvered on the large branch keeping us from floating away.

"What?" He asked me as he moved up higher, out of the water fully.

"Bad time to joke. Got it." I sighed as he held out a hand to me. I took it and soon we were on our way using the large branch under us to aid in our escape of the fast waters.

I picked up a large stick, using it as a walking stick as my wet clothes made me feel like I weighed a ton, Jake picked up a longer one and pulled out a pocket knife.
He began sharpening the stick into a spear almost frantically.

I sat behind him, back to back and leaning into him as I regained my breath.

"What's the plan?" I asked him.

"Get the hell outta dodge. We got predators, carnivorous plants, anything and everything. Stay close, stay awake until we're safe." He ordered as he removed his jacket.
He wadded it around the dull end of the stick and pulled me up, as he stood. He began looking around his head on a swivel as his ears never settled.

We started walking, and we kept it up for a few hours, but as soon as the eclipse began to settle he made a mad dash to the foreign sap, he then lit his makeshift torch. We were now dry, but lost still, and now thanks to Jake, being hunted again. I attempted a few times to persuade him to put out the torch, but the fire was a hill he was prepared to die on. Sadly that ment I would have to die on that hill as well.

"We shouldn't be going this way." I muttered as we moved with the torch blinding our way back to the RDA.

"We'll be fine. I heard the chopper this way. Come on. We need a place to camp before--" He stopped talking, as the laughing yipp of the Natang grew closer, louder. I held my walking stick, like one would a baseball bat. As Jake faced the darkness surrounding us.

"Maybe the walking fire needs to be brighter? The whole of Pandora can't pinpoint us yet." I hissed.

"I'm sorry, you wanna fight these things in the dark?" Jake asked, as we moved back to back.

"Or, had you listened to me an put it out they may have left us alone." I snarled.

"C'mon." Jake muttered angrily at the circling Nantang. "I don't have all goddamn night!" He taunted.

"Famous last words." I grumbled as that was all the incentive the Viperwolves needed to charge us.

I used the strong stick to push them away harshly. In the moment as I watched the Natang run off with a torch stabbed into its side, Grace's words rung clear in my head.

"He won't make it till morning." Only now, instead of just him, she would imply my death as well. But I counted down the seconds as a few of the leathery beasts yipped and charged at us, I felt Jake disappear from behind me.

I whacked the animals that jumped at me trying my hardest to not move from my place, giving a small hiss at the ones who slipped past my swings and managed to actually scratch me where they could reach. I kicked some off my feet and batted a few more away.

And then Jake gave a cry of pain as one jumped for his jugular.
"Jake!" I called, turning my head to him. As soon as I did the little monsters found their open window.

I felt each little claw as it dug into my flesh. I hissed running backwards into a tree, stunning the beast and pulling it off chucking it at its pack.

Then she was there. Our saving grace, the Na'vi who has probably followed us for the past few hours.


She jumped over my head as she shot one of the small dog like creatures. She swatted most of them off and I saw the exact one that was aiming to kill her, I charged it swinging my branch at it saving the small things life, she glared and kept moving using her Bow to swat off the creatures sending them on thir small way.

I smiled for a moment, I was able to change a minor detail again, instead of her killing three it was now only two that needed to die. My victory was short lived, I frowned as Jake stood taught, Neytiri crouched hissing in warning to the Viperwolves who lingered before they fled.
I watched them all skatter before leaning onto my walking stick, hissing in pain as I stretched the claw marks in my back, legs, and arms.

I heard Jake frantically telling her no, as she picked up the fire, and tossed it into the small run off stream close by.

I took a breath as Eywa'eveng came to life around us, calm washing over me. The bioluminescent plants, complimenting the glowing dots on our skin nicely, sadly my words will do this world no justice at all. The blue, green, yellow and purple world coming to life made me smile for a moment.

I made my way to the dieing Viperwolf, every time I saw it in the movie I wanted to save it. Like that dream I clung to growing up, of me being an animal vet resurfacing, screaming at me to try and save it.

I knelt down and kept my hand on the poor things neck forcing it down. I touched around the arrow, feeling it trying to escape, the viperwolf whimpered as I poked and prodded it.

I looked it over and frowned seeing the arrow was practically touching the ground through the poor thing. I heard her coming over before I saw her.

"Tarep tsal?" I asked as I moved back quickly she took my place, but she instead had her knee over the Natangs neck.
"Oeru txoa livu. Ma oeyä tsmukan, ma oeyä tsmukan."

"Forgive me. My brother, my brother." I translated for Jake, quietly as she ended the creatures suffering.

"Oeru txoa livu, ma oeyä tsmukan. Hu nawma sa'nok tivul ngeyä tirea. Oeru txoa livu." She prayed when she reached the viperwolf she first shot dead.

I silently spoke the English version with her, just as I did whenever I watched the film. I forgot though, they can actually see me, as she watched me in silent anger and then promptly ignored me. I made my way over to Jake trying to quietly tell him to not go near her yet, I at least wanted to let her finish praying.

But as always my message went through one ear and out the other. As he walked past me and crouched close to her.

"Look, I know you probably don't understand this, but thank you." He said over her words. "Thank you." He said more so as a question to the Na'vi.

I facepalmed at him as she pulled her arrow from the Natang.

"That was pretty impressive." Jake tried to compliment.

"Shut up. Shut up. Fnu." I grumbled into my hands.

"We would've been screwed if you hadn't come along. It was-" He stopped talking for a moment as she walked off, her arrows collected.
"Hey, wait a second." Jake called after her.

I pulled my knuckle to my teeth biting it lightly as he reached for her.

'Fìkem lu tìsraw si pot.' I thought as Neytiri walked away from him, she flawlessly walked around, over, and under any plant in her path. Jake on the other hand stomped and ran into the plants she so elegantly dodged. I followed them both keeping her in sight and Jake in front of me.

"Just... Hey, slow down." Jake called reaching for her again. "Look, wait up, I just wanted to say thanks for killing those-" This time he touched her, and she was just as angered in the movie maybe more, as she turned lightning fast and smacked him hard in the face with her bow.

"Damn!" Jake called in pain as he landed.

"Why would you touch her?" I asked quietly hiding my smile behind my hands.

"Don't thank." Neytiri hissed, her bow pointed at Jake's face as she took a menacing step closer to him. "You don't thank for this. This is sad. Very sad only!"

Jake crawled back half a step from her as he started to apologize. I pulled him up as best I could smacking him with my tail again.
"Shut the hell up." I muttered as he apologized again.

Neytiri pointed to the few dead viper wolves behind us as her tail lashed behind her. "All this is your fault. They did not need to die!" She hissed again.

"I told you." I spoke as he tugged free of my hold.

"Not now." He said harshly to me before giving the tsakarmen his attention again. "My fault? They attacked me. How am I the bad guy? I was protecting her." His crooked smile in place.

"Skxawng." I muttered.

"Your fault!" She hissed again pushing her Bow into his chest, knocking him down again. He tried to calm her, like one would a child or scared animal. "You two are like babies. Making noise, don't know what to do!" She hissed at him, her eyes darted to me as she spoke.

I didn't know whether to be offended or happy that I was included as she glared at us both.

Jake kept trying to soothe her, he gently moved her bow, but she snatched it back as if he threatened it in some way. He kept trying to soothe her as he stood once more.
"Fine. Fine. If you love your little forest friends, why not let them just kill us? What's your thinking?" He asked.

"Not us. You. I would run as they ate." I chuckled.

Both looked at me with unimpressed looks. "Ayfo tspang pot. Oe tul." I muttered shuffling watching anything but the two before me.

"Why save you?" Neytiri asked. Genuine confusion in her features.

"Yeah. Yeah, why save me? Us?" He asked, his guard now lowered as she stopped threatening him.

"You have a strong heart. No fear." She said after a moment of looking for her words. She watched me a moment. "Very caring." Then her eyes were back to Jake. "But stupid. Ignorant like a child!"

Jake smiled at her back as she began walking away. I followed her my arms out for balance as I tried to carefully jump over small plants, roots, and rocks.
Jake followed his sharp stick in hand.

"Well, if we're like children, then... look, maybe you should teach us!" He called as he passed me.

"Rutxe kar oeng!" I called after them before jogging to keep up.

She kept walking, unbothered by us now.

"Sky people cannot learn. You do not see." She called back.

"I want to see! I can see better than him!" I giggled as we came upon the fallen tree bridge.

"Well then teach us how to... see." Jake argued catching up to her.

"No one can teach you to see."

"You can! Help us open our eyes. Please?" I asked following her like the child she called me, as Jake stalled at the roots before making his way over to us.

She scoffed but her hand flew fast over my shoulder, I ducked and saw how she effortlessly held Jake standing on the large log.

"Your like a baby." She seethe.
I stood when she let go of Jake, switching her bow from one hand to the other. I looked up waiting for the Atokirina, the small living plants that reminded me of a dandelion when you blow off the white seeds.

"I need your help." Jake asked.

"You should not be here." Neytiri hissed. I heard the beads on her wrist gently move about as she told Jake to go away and waved her hand.

"Take us with you."

"No! Go back."


"Kehe! Go back." She ordered again.

I felt a hand grip the back of my neck. I found Neytiri holding me and moving me towards Jake, ready to toss me to him, I gave a slight whining protests as she moved me.

"'Ak. 'Ak." I cried, as she let me go.
"Nìn tsa'u." I swooned as I turned to face her, the seeds I was looking for began to drift down.
They hovered a moment as if making up their mind where to land and soon settled around Jake.

He swatted at one and I smacked him with my tail as I laughed.
"Ease up marine." I chuckled.

"Ftang nga!" Neytiri scolded grabbing his offending hand. Another landed on him and he still swatted at it. "Rutxe. No! Atokirina. Atokirina." She spoke softly as Jake stopped moving.

I smiled at him as I waved a hand gently over some, they lingered on him but moved to follow my hand before I pulled away. "Sevin." I hummed as I watched him.

"What- what are they?" Jake asked turning a hand over to hold one letting it gently float.

"Seeds of sacred tree. Very pure spirits." She spoke softly watching them float.
As if a gust of wind swept them up and off, they soon left.

Jake opened his mouth to speak, I covered it. "It won't make sense to you." I chuckled.

"And it does to you?" He asked in annoyance removing my hand.

"Yes actually." I smiled.

He opened his mouth to say something else, but Neytiri stopped him as she snatched his arm with a small tug. "Come." She ordered letting him go and waving me along. Then again when he was slow to catch up.

And we were off. Deeper into the beautiful forest, faster and further. I heard Jake slapping the plants we passed, I suppressed the urge to do it myself as I stuck close to Neytiri.

"Jake!" I called laughing as he fell behind again.
We ran, and like ripples in water, the ground gave off glowing pulses with each step we took. I smiled as I ran just behind our guide.
I slowed down inspecting a tree as Neytiri jumped over a few roots and onto stronger branches.

"So what's your name?" Jake asked before a bola was tossed at his feet knocking him off balance and sending him to the ground. I stopped completely laying low as Na'vi hunters surrounded him, praying I was hidden in time.
I knew this to be untrue as a Na'vi hunter soon stood behind me bow drawn and giving a yip in warning.

"Kalweyaveng." I scoffed as I was pushed down to be beside Jake, landing on my back. He stopped his attempt at running and dropped his knife as more Na'vi cut off his path.

I sat up on my heels watching them all, my eyes never settling as everyone stood on edge. And then there he was.

Tsu'tey te Rongloa Atey'itan. The Eyktanay, next Ole'eytkan.

"Mawey, Na'viya! Mawey!"  Neytiri called to the hunters as she tried to calm them standing between Jake and the leader of the hunters.

I saw Tsu'tey dismount his Pa'li and approach us angrily. I tried making myself smaller, but the glares of others let me know I failed my attempt.

"Ma Tsu'tey! Kempe si nga?" Neytiri asked as he walked to her.

He glared at me and Jake before answering her.

"Fayvrrtep fìtsenge lu kxanì!" He responded.

"Aungia lolu! Tsahikur txele lu!" Neytiri ordered.

He glared at us again, his tail lashing behind him in anger and his ears flat as he silently snarled. "Mefo zamunge!" He ordered.

I stood to my full height taking a breath as Tsu'tey returned to his Direhorse.

"Whats going on?" Jake asked Neytiri.

"Best to stay quiet." I hissed as they took our neural cords in hand, dagger to them and we were dragged off. Jake kept protesting until they gave a particularly hard tug on his braid.

I kept pace with the hunter holding me but she gave a tight pull when we had to slow down, as we entered Hometree, the Pa'li makto rode off somewhere else. As we were walked through limbs reached for us, some smacking at us and jumping back quickly when they made contact, they hissed as we passed. Some demanding we be let go others asking about us. We followed Neytiri as she walked close to Jake she reached for him then for me.

"Mefo lenu. Mefo lenu." She ordered softly to the Na'vi holding us. They did as told, letting her walk with us before she held a hand out for us to stay in place. She walked to the truly towering Na'vi, the leader of the Omaticaya people.

"Ma sempul, oel ngati kameie." Neytiri spoke. As she did she placed her fingers between her eyes and then drew them out to Eytukan. He twisted his face at us as he left his high place and towards his daughter.
I could only look at him in awe, as he walked.

"Fìswiräti, ngal pelun molunge fìtseng?" He asked turning his nose up.

I kept my head down as he looked us over again.

"Oel mefo tspìmìyang, tsakrr za'u aungia ta Eywa." Neytiri explained.

"Poltxe oe, san zene kea uniltìranyu, ke ziva'u fìtseng." Eytukan spoke over her words.

He scrunched his feline like nose before scoffing with a smirk. "Ketepeu fahew akewong."
Everyone laughed around us, I gave a small snigger as well but stopped. I looked to Jake giving a small sniff. In all honesty we just smelled like we ran a marathon on fire...

"What's he saying?" Jake asked.

I quickly looped my arm around his. He mistook my precaution for fear as I latched onto him. He pat my hands softly.
"What's he saying?" He asked Neytiri.

"My father is deciding whether or not to kill you." Neytiri spoke calmly.

"Father?" He asked. I felt him take a step, and with the other hand I wasn't holding he reached for the leader.
Many Na'vi hissed and lunged for us, pushing him snatching our qeue again and ready to remove us from the leader.

"Dammit Jake." I muttered.

"Tsaswiräti lonu!" The voice the the Tsahìk flowed over the crowd. "Aynga neto rivikx!" She called as she made her way down the steps of home tree.

Everyone did as told. Stepping away from me and Jake. I let go of his arm my tail lashing at him again. He glared at me from the corner of his eye before looking back at Mo'at. My tail quickly curled around my leg as she touched the ground and drew closer to us.

"Fìketuwongti oel stìyeftxaw." She announced as she walked.

"That is mother. She is Tsahìk. The one who interprets the will of Eywa." Neytiri spoke lowly.

"Who's Eywa?" Jake asked.
Mo'at made her way around us she lifted Jake's, qeue letting it fall from her hand easily. I stiffened when I felt her hand graze my braid, the feeling far more uncomfortable than I thought. She made her way around us.

"The goddess they worship wholeheartedly." I whispered. "Like the only religion they follow." I spoke my words hissing as she gently pulled my tail up.

"What are you called." She demanded us.

"Remy. Remy Summers." I spoke, looking at our feet. When she didn't move I looked up, and she seemed... not disappointed, but not happy... as I made eye contact before looking at Jake.

"Jake Sully." He stated.

I saw her remove the bone knife from her necklace, I just didn't expect to be stabbed first. I flinched back before she moved to Jake doing the same, she tasted the artificial blood and kept watching us.

"Why did you come to us?" She asked loudly.

"I came to learn." He stated.

She glared at me, I nodded my head agreeing with Jake. She closed her needle back but her gaze never wavered.

"We have tried to teach other Sky People. It is hard to fill a cup, which is already full." She spoke her voice sounding dangerously close to a growl as she watched us both.

"Well..." Jake looked to me for a moment before smiling at Mo'at again. "Our cups are completely empty, trust me. Just ask Dr. Augustine. I'm no scientist." He stated.

"What are you?" She asked quickly.

"I was a marine. A... warrior of the Jarhead clan." He stated swallowing thickly.

I took a breath watching them.

"Tsamsiyu pak?" Tsu'tey asked loudly. "Pot tsun oe tspivang nìftue." He announced as he took a step closer to us only stopped by the Eytukan.

"Fìpo lu 'awvea, uniltìranyu-tsamsiyu, a tsole'a ayoengìl." Eytukan stated as he looked Jake up and down.

The Tsahìk then turned to me her eyes asking the question again.

"Oe zìma'uyu newomum." I smiled as best I could.

"Omum peu?" She asked quickly.

"Ketsran aynga tung. Le'aw nume." I smiled hopefully.

She looked me over and then faced Neytiri and Tsu'tey. She looked at them both and spoke.
"Ma 'ite, awngeyä fya'ori zene nga sänume sivi poru. Ma Tsu'tey sänume si lapo..." She stated.

"Oeru pelun? Ke lu muiä.." Neytiri tried to argue her stance now that of agitation.

"..fte tsivun pivlltxe sì tivìran na ayoeng." She finished. Neytiri exclaimed angrily and Tsu'tey's tail lashed behind him aggressively as his ears folded and his eyes snapped to me with a vengeance.

"Fkol pole'un fì'ut." Mo'at spoke waving her daughter off and the warrior behind her straightened more at the Tsahìk's words.

"My daughter shall teach you our ways JakeSully. And you shall be taught by our finest warrior Rremi Summer. Learn well. Then we will see if your insanity can be cured." She finalized.

I glanced at the warrior in question, he glared silently and waved me over. I followed quickly and quietly.
"Za'u." He ordered.
I followed as he walked to a further space in the roots of Hometree.
'I thought she would saddle us both with Neytiri. But this is fine. We can work with him.. just... seen and not heard... That's a way to deal.'
I thought as he stopped to pick up some cloth and vine. He gave a funny look, then frowned when I emptied my pockets of Rawrp from Hells Gate and stuffed a few in my mouth before it was time to go. He handed me the material and in almost utter silence he showed me how I needed to cover myself with it then left.

I took my shirt and ripped it to strips using it to cover my chest but when he saw what I did he scowled and told me I needed a material that wasn't of Skyperson make. He took me to where the material was stored and let me pick some plain green and brown cloth.
As I made a move to the changing place again.

"Lew si set." He scoffed.
I huffed following instructions.

When he deemed me fine he walked off, I followed him to find the fire bright and Teylu, being passed around. I was directed slightly further from Jake and Neytiri and sat down as I was handed a leaf wrap of the beetle larvae.

I looked over and saw Jake talking with Neytiri as he stuffed his face full of Teylu and laughed. I gave a small snort and ate mine, it was nothing like I expected, the texture more akin to cooked shrimp than bug.

When the meal was over we tossed our leaves into the fire and soon I was taken into the higher branches, to the hammocks. I watched Tsu'tey climb into his and slowly inched my way into the empty one just a branch under his. He was asleep almost as soon as he closed it.

I looked around from my sleeping place and saw Jake fumble into his hammock and he soon closed it. I watched him and soon lay in my hammock watching the sky above me through the woven bed, trying to pinpoint what star it looked like we came from, but as I counted them I went to "sleep".

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