I Don't Wanna Calm Down I Jus...

By megantwfan

7.3K 137 30

*Sequel to They Said This Day Wouldn't Come* Five years... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 3

364 11 5
By megantwfan

*Ruth's P.O.V*

"What did you do that for?" I asked when the lift doors closed.

"So that my brother doesn't find out about what happened with me and Alfie!" Megs replied.

"Why wouldn't you want him to find out?" I asked innocently.

"Because that's not the kind of thing I want my brother and all of his friends to know about!" Megs replied.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because Jay is overprotective of me and will probably go and get Alfie or something !" Megs replied, that's true. Jay is quite overprotective of Megs.

"True, but you don't know what I was going to tell him." I said.

"Yes I do, the thing you've been trying to tell him since you saw his this morning!" Megs replied.

"What would that be?" I asked innocently.

"You know exactly what it is." She replied as she walked out of the apartment block.

"What that Alfie loves you?" I asked.

"No he doesn't Ruth, we're just friends." Megs replied simply, is she blind?

"Wow,are you stupid or something?" I asked.

"It's so obvious that he likes you, even Jay could see it and he's only met him once!" I added.

"Well you two are both seeing things that aren't real." Megs said as she walked along the corridor towards out flat. Her eyes then lit up when she saw Alfie pacing up and down outside our flat.

"Alfieeeeee." she shouted, ran over to him and gave him a hug, which took him by surprise.

"Hey Megs." Alfie smiled, and hugged her back.

"You okay?" Megs asked, obviously wondering why Alfie was pacing up and down in front of our flat.

"Yeah I just wondered if you got your audition letter yet." Alfie replied.

Really? Pacing up and down in front of the flat to ask about an audition letter?I don't think so.

"Oh I haven't looked, I 'll go and see!" Megs replied then walked to reception to check our post box.

"So why were you really pacing up and down outside our flat?" I asked, I can see through his act.

"I told you why." Alfie replied.

"I don't believe you." I said simply.

"Okay well I was going to see if Megs wanted to go to the beach with me on Saturday." Alfie admitted.

"Just you and Megs?" I asked, that would be pretty boring, just two people at the beach.

"Yeah, we don't really know many other people in our lecture class that well." Alfie replied.

"Don't you think that would be a bit awkward?" I asked.

"Hmm.. maybe would you like to come to?" Alfie replied.

"Sure, but three people would still be a bit boring." I said, I was only saying the truth!

"Yeah I suppose, what if Megs asked Jay and his band mates to come to? Megs would like that!" Alfie replied, proud of his idea.

"Yeah I think she would like that." I replied "Is that all you was going to ask Megs?" I asked.

"Yeah, what else would I ask?" Alfie asked, confused as to what else he would ask Megs.

"Ask her out on a date." I replied, stating the obvious.

"Who told you I liked her?!" Alfie asked, shocked at what I had just asked him.

"No one told me, it's pretty obvious that you like her, even Jay spotted it." I replied.

"Oh." Alfie said.

Just as thing were going to get awkward, Megs came walking down the corridor with a letter in her hand. When she got to us she opened it and read it out loud.

"To Miss Megan McGuiness , we are glad to inform you that you have been accepted into the audition stage and will be auditioning for one of the main female parts in the show. We have seen some of your previous audition videos and are very keen to see you audition. Thank you, Sue Wills, casting director." Megs said.

"Wow, that's great! I'm auditioning for a main part too, we might get to work together!" Alfie replied excitedly.

"Yeah you'd love that wouldn't you Alfie." I added.

"Ruth!" Megs said, shocked that I had actually said that in front of Alfie, if only she'd heard our conversation earlier!

"Yeah, I would like that." Alfie said, a smiling forming on his face. I think Megs is now well and truly confused.

"Because she's my friend." Alfie added quickly, the confusion the disappeared from Megs' face.

"Yeah it would be so much fun!" Megs replied.

"Anyway I've got an essay to write so bye Alfie." I said and opened the door to our flat.

"Wait!" Alfie said "I was going to ask if you two wanted to go to the beach on Saturday, you could ask Jay and his friends if you want as well." Alfie said.

"Yeah, I want to come and I'll ask Jay and the boys when I next see them." Megs replied, a smile spreading across her face Megs loves the beach

. "Yeah I'll come." I replied, it could be an interesting day out, Nath and Alfie fighting for Megs' attention all day.

"Great, I'll see you later then." Alfie said as he went to walk into his flat.

"Wait! We could go and ask the lads now, their flat is only a few minutes walk away." Megs said.

"Okay then you two can go and ask them now then." Alfie said.

"No you're coming to Alfie! Then you can meet them all, you'll love them!" Megs said, grabbing Alfie's hand and walking down the corridor. I followed watching Alfie's face light up when Megs took his hand. How could Megs not notice how she makes him feel?

A few minutes later we were making our way into the lift and Megs was still messing about with Alfie. As she pressed the button for the lift to go to the top floor, Alfie poked her side, making her squeal because she is very ticklish. Megs then poked him back and by the time we got to the top floor they were having a full on poking war, which resulted in them practically running around the lift.

They were so into their poke war that they didn't realize the lift doors had opened and that all of the boys were watching them. I then gently pushed Megs out of the way and walked into the flat, rolling my eyes at them. Megs then realised that we were at the flat and walked out of the lift, Alfie walking behind her. They both had little embarrassed smiles on their faces and were blushing slightly. I looked over to where Nath was standing and he looked really upset. I'm not surprised, Tom said that he still likes Megs and we all know it's true, well every one apart from Megs, she won't admit that Nath still likes her. He looked like a child that had just had his favourite toy taken away from him, he looked lost and hopeless. He then realised that I was staring and forced a smile.

*End of Ruth's P.O.V*

*Nathan's P.O.V*

I was happily sitting on the sofa, replying to fans on twitter when the lift doors opened, now who's visiting? I turned round on the sofa to see Megs, Ruth and some boy in the lift. Who's he? Megs and this boy are flirting so badly, having some kind of poke war in the lift, as if we're not even here. I couldn't help but feel jealous of the boy she was flirting with, that could be me if I hadn't cheated on her. That was the biggest mistake of my life and I tell the boys practically every day. Ruth then pushed Megs out of the way and went and sat next to Jay on the sofa. Megs then realized that we were all staring and walked out of the lift, the boy following her. They both blushed then Megs came and sat next to me, the boy sitting the other side of her.

"So what do we owe the pleasure of seeing you twice in one day?" Jay asked sarcastically.

"Well there is two reasons. 1, I want you to meet Alfie" Megs said gesturing to the boy sitting next to her.

"Hey." Alfie said.

"Alfie this is Nathan, Tom, Max, Siva and you've already met Jay." Megs said gesturing to everyone. There was a mumbled round of 'hellos' and 'heys' from the boys and me.

"And two, me, Ruth and Alfie wanted to know if you want to come to the beach on Saturday." Megs continued.

"Yeah, sounds great." I replied, it would be better if he wasn't there. There's something going on with Megs and Alfie and I'm not sure what it is yet, but I'll find out.

"Yeah, I'm up for it, a bit of footy on the beach." Max said.

"Yeah I'll give you a game." Alfie said smiling.

"What team you support?" Max asked.

"Man City." Alfie replied, I defiantly don't like him now.

"Yes! I like you already!" Max replied and went over to him and ruffled his hair. Megs smiled at Max's approval of Max.

"I love the beach!" Tom said.

"Yeah I'll come." Siva added.

"Well if Ruth's going, I'm going." Jay said, well he would say that.

"Yeah because you luuurve Ruth." Megs said, extending the word love. Ruth and Jay both blushed, looked at each other grabbed a cushion and threw it at Megs.

"Ow!" Megs said, as the cushions hit her. "That was uncalled for!" Megs said defensively.

"Aww are you okay?" I asked and gave Megs a hug from the side. Alfie then glared at me, obviously not happy that I was giving Megs a hug. Getting jealous are we?

"Yeah I'm okay I guess." Megs replied and she hugged me back, I still love her hugs.

"You wanna get them back?" I whispered into Megs' ear so no one else could here? She smiled in agreement, so no one else would hear our conversation.

"I'm going to go to the kitchen and make tea come help me." I whispered into her ear. She smiled an even wider smile, to show that she understood. "I'm gonna make tea, who wants one?" I asked

"Me please." Max, Tom, Jay, Siva, Ruth and Alfie replied.

"Wow that's a lot of tea!" I replied, giving Megs her cue to come into the kitchen with me.

"I'll help." Megs said, then got up and walked with me to the kitchen. Tom wolf whistled as we walked towards the kitchen and Megs rolled her eyes. Alfie looked a bit annoyed and jealous but I don't care to be honest.

"So what's your plan flyboy?" Megs asked, smiling. She used to call me flyboy when she was my girlfriend.

"Well I was thinking we could make Ruth and Jay the worst cup of tea they have ever had." I said, a smirk spreading across my face.

"Sounds like a good plan." Megs said. She then opened the cupboard and got out six mugs, four were red and two were blue. Megs then filled the kettle with water and waited for it to boil. One it had boiled she put the water into the tea pot, along with a few tea bags and waited for it to brew.

"So what should we put in their tea?" Megs asked.

"Dunno you look in those cupboards and I'll look in the fridge." I replied. I looked through the fridge and got out cheese spread, cream, apple juice and ketchup. I put them all on the side and turned round to see Megs jumping up and down trying to reach something on the top shelf of the cupboard. I stood there watching her for a little while, trying not to laugh, then I decided to help her. I put my hands on her waist and lifted her up. She reached her arms out and took the salt, coffee and some spices from the cupboard. I then put her back down on the ground, keeping my hands on her waist. She put the things down on the worktop.

"What are you doing Nath?" She asked, and turned round to face me. I still had my hands on her waist and didn't really want to move them any time soon. "Nath?" she said, a bit louder this time, snapping me put of my day dream and back into real life.

"Sorry." I said, blushing slightly.

"So what have you got to put in their tea?" Megs asked.

"I've got cheese spread, cream apple juice and ketchup. What have you got?" I replied.

"I've got salt, coffee, paprika and mace." Megs said. She then put loads of the spices, coffee and salt into each of the cups and looked. I then walked over and put a big spoonful of spread cheese, some apple juice and ketchup in the cups. This is going to be disgusting. Megs then stirred the mixture inside the cups with a spoon.

"This looks disgusting." she laughed. I then put my chin on her shoulder and peered into the cups.

"Doesn't look much like tea." I replied.

"That's because I haven't put any tea in it yet." Megs said, then picked up the tea pot and poured the tea into the two blue cups and four red cups. Megs then added milk to all of them.

"See now it looks like tea." Megs said, a proud smile on her face. I looked over her shoulder and saw the tea like substance in the cup.

"It does, if we take Siva, Tom and Alfie's tea in first then Ruth and Jay's after they won't suspect anything." Nath said.

"Good Plan." Megs replied. She then picked up two of the red mugs and walked into the living room, I followed with the other two mugs. We then gave Alfie, Tom and Siva their teas and I sat down to drink mine. Megs then went back into the kitchen and picked up the two blue mugs and went and gave one to Ruth and one to Jay. Megs came and sat next to me, a cheeky smile spreading across her face.

*End of Nathan's P.O.V*

*Ruth's P.O.V*

Megs came and gave me and Jay our tea then went and sat next to Nath and Alfie. Nath gave Megs a quick smile then winked at her. What's going on between them two? Me and Jay took a sip from our cups but immediately spat it back out again, making Megs and Nath laugh their heads off.

"What is this?!" I asked, still trying to recover from the revolting drink I had just had in my mouth.

"Did one of you throw up in the cup or something?!" Jay asked trying to wipe the taste off of his tongue with the back of his hand, yeah probably not the best thing to do.

"No we just added a few things." Megs giggled.

"What things?" Me and Jay asked simultaneously.

"Just cheese spread, cream, apple juice and ketchup." Nath replied, as if it was what you normally add in tea, which you definitely don't!

"Don't forget the salt, coffee, paprika and mace." Megs added, trying not to laugh.

"Eww that is disgusting." I replied.

"Agreed." Jay said.

"Ahh revenge is sweet, isn't it Nath?" Megs laughed.

"Definitely." Nath replied and gave Megs a high five.

"And that is why you should be nice to Megs." Alfie concluded, giving Megs a hug. I could see the jealousy building up inside of Nath.

"Exactly." Megs agreed and tapped Alfie on the nose, making him scrunch up is face. Megs then giggled at the cuteness of his scrunched up face.

"Your such a cutie Alfie." Megs cooed and pinched his cheeks.

"No I'm not, get off." Aflie said, shooing Megs' hands away in embarrassment, blushing slightly. If the boys weren't here I'm sure he wouldn't have minded being called cute and they would have had a really long conversation about who was the cutest. I've been around when they've happened before and it must have gone on for about ten minutes.

"Aww is Alfie getting embarrassed?" Megs teased.

"No, course not." Alfie replied, yeah he was embarrassed really.

"Wow stop with the flirting already, it's awful." Nath said, rolling his eyes.

"Someone's getting jealous ..." Tom said, earning him an evil glare from Nath.

"Okay, moving on." Jay said quickly, so that there was no arguments.

"Why don't we play a game?" Jay asked.

"Oh I like games." Tom replied, pulling his good boy face.

"Not like that." Jay replied, rolling his eyes at Tom's comment.

"I meant like I have never ever." Jay continued.

"How do you play it?" Megs asked, she obviously can't remember the last time she played it with me then, I'm not surprised to be honest.

"Well everyone takes it in turns to say something that they have never done, then if you've never done the thing that someone said you drink a shot and if you have done it you don't drink a shot and explain about what you have done." Tom said.

"Oh okay then." Megs replied.

"Do you get it Ruth,Alfie?" Tom asked."

Yup." Alfie said.

"Yeah, I played it with Megs before but she drunk a few to many shots when we last played and cannot remember a thing." I said.

"We haven't played before, you're just trying to wind me up!" Megs replied.

"You have played Megs, me and Marcus were with you." Alfie added.

"Oh." Megs replied, believing that she had played when two people told her that she had.

"Okay so we all know how to play then, I'll go first." Tom said.

"I have never ever cheated on someone." Tom said. Everyone took a shot apart from Nath, we all know why that is, well everyone apart from Alfie.

"Erm.. well I cheated on Megs." Nath said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck with nerves and hanging his head in shame. Alfie's eyes bulged, that must be the one thing that Alfie didn't know about Megs.

"Why would you do that to Megs?" Alfie asked, shocked at what Nath had said.

"I don't know, I was drunk and it was the biggest mistake of my life." Nath replied, sadness clear in his voice.

"I bet it was." Alfie replied. There was an awkward silence for a moment and Megs started to click her fingers, like she does when she gets nervous. "

I've never ever been cheated on." Jay said. Everyone then drank a shot, apart from Megs and Alfie.

"Looks like there's another thing we have in common then." Alfie said and pulled Megs into a hug. Nath stared at them, jealousy and regret clear in his eyes.

"I have never ever woken up outside after getting drunk." Siva said, changing the topic. Everyone then drank a shot apart from Jay.

"I woke up in woods, near the pub once." Jay explained, sounds like something that would happen to Jay.

We carried on playing for another few hours and it was fair to say that everyone was pretty drunk now, especially Megs and Jay. That's another thing we've found out that Meg's and Jay have in common, they get drunk quickly and easily.

"Okay, last one." Jay slurred. "I've never ever woken up next to someone and not remembered how I got there." Jay continued, still slurring his words. Everyone drank a shot, except Megs and Alfie. Looks like they've got some explaining to do.

*End of Ruth's P.O.V*

*Megs' P.O.V*

"Okay, last one." Jay slurred. "I've never ever woken up next to someone and not remembered how I got there." Jay continued, still slurring his words.

Oh no. Me and Alfie exchanged worried glances, then watched everyone else drink their shots.

We were the only ones who didn't drink our shots.

"Well then, explain." Tom said, he was obviously looking forward to hearing about what happened. Me and Alfie exchanged worried glances, as if to say who should explain first. I was about to explain, but Alfie started explaining.

"Erm well we me and Marcus had a party in our flat and invited loads of people, who all bought loads of alcohol. Then me and Megs kept drinking shots and other things, we still can't remember exactly what they were, and woke up in the morning in my bed, with really really bad head aches." Alfie explained. I could feel Nath's eyes staring at me and Alife, he was either jealous or surprised, but I'm not going to look to see what one he is. "

That's not all of it though is it?" Ruth asked. "When Marcus came in to wake you up your clothes were spread around the room." Ruth continued.

"Ruth, they didn't need to know that much information!" I shouted.

"They might as well know the whole story!" Ruth replied, trying to defend herself.

"No they didn't need to know the rest of the story. How would you like it if I said a secret like that to your brother?!" I shouted back.

"You wouldn't dare."She replied.

"Well I thought you wouldn't tell Jay or the lads, seeing as you promised you wouldn't, but you did tell them so I'm gonna tell Matt what you did!" I shouted back, even louder than before, then stormed towards the lift.

"Megs wait!" Alfie called after me. I turned round to face him.

"Calm down, you're both as drunk as each other and Ruth didn't mean to tell the lads our secret, it's the alcohol, it changes people." Alfie said soothingly.

"I suppose." I replied. "I'm gonna take you home okay, you need to sleep off the alcohol before you do something you regret." Alfie said.

"Okay Alfie." I replied and let him guide me into the lift.

*End of Megs' P.O.V*

*Jay's P.O.V*

"Calm down, you're both as drunk as each other and Ruth didn't mean to tell the lads our secret, it's the alcohol, it changes people." Alfie said soothingly.

"I suppose." Megs replied.

"I'm gonna take you home okay, you need to sleep off the alcohol before you do something you regret." Alfie said.

"Okay Alfie." Megs replied and let him guide her into the lift.

"Bye guys." I said as the lift doors closed. Alfie waved and put his arm round Megs' waist to support her.

"I like Alfie." Siva said.

"So do I." Tom agreed.

"I do to." Max added.

"I don't" Nath said grumpily.

"Your just jealous of him Nath, and I like him too because he really cares about Megs, you can see it in his eyes and the way he acts around her." I said. He may have slept with my little sister but he cares about her and looks out for her when I'm not around, I trust him to take care of my little sister. I know she's in safe hands when Alfie's around.


Helllooooo lovely readers!!! So here's the next chapter, I hope you like it even thought it's got a bit of a rubbish ending (Sorry, I really tried to make it good but well it ended up like that).

Thank you sooooooo much for reading, commenting, voting and fanning, it means a lot!! I can't believe the sequel has had over 300 reads already, it's only been up for a few weeks!!! Every single one of you who reads this is amazing, okay, no questions asked you are amazing!!! Thank you !!

Megan xxxxxxxxx :)

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