romance is not dead // bbangs...

By k1mmin

36.8K 2.1K 734

Hanni just moved back to Seoul with her bestfriend Danielle. What awaits her in her college life? or may I sa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 15

1.7K 101 30
By k1mmin

Hanni's POV

It's been a week since the night of EM's party. We all got in the organizations we applied for, Yay. Beomgyu broke the news to me last friday before it even got officially announced, we met up in campus and he brought me a tub of ice cream. Nothing special but he's really sweet, great to be as a friend. We'll be having meetings once our board announces schedules. Dani's appeal for Alliance is also getting processed. So far everything's going swiftly but the weird thing is Minji and I haven't talked since. I wasn't able to get a hold of her in class or in campus. I'm not sure if she just always has an errand to attend to or if she's purposefully ignoring me. God she won't even glance at me. She hasn't texted me too and I don't want to bother her if she's busy.

Okay, I'm lying I think I just don't have the courage to message her first, especially after EM's night situation. I also realized that she has been always the one messaging me first or initiating to study together on discord/in real life. She messages me out of nowhere sharing her cute little drinks and snacks, asking me about my plans, inviting to check out a place she saw on instagram, doing study dates, grouping up for class activites. Ugh. I miss her, I really don't know what to do.

Genuinely it's scaring me, I think i've gotten so used to being around her presence the past month that spending my days without any contact from her is bringing me into a sort of uncomfort and I'm confused where the sudden cold shoulder is coming from. Did I do anything wrong? Recalling what happened in the bathroom between us seems a blur, did I lunge myself at her? Did I disrespect her in anyway? It's hard not knowing what exactly is the problem, or if there's even one to begin with.

I haven't talked to Dani about it and I'm not entirely sure what I should say. There no reason to worry since were not together in the first place so Minji and I we're never obliged to talk or hangout everyday. I just got used to it I guess, that's why its bothering me.

I've just gotten out of my morning class and I figured to study and take notes in a cafe near campus for my afternoon. Being alone in our unit would tear the life out of me because of my unending thoughts, having to spend it in a busy place would be far better. I figured to text Hyein if she's available, I still haven't memorized their schedules so I'm not sure if she's available. Dani can't because she has classes and an interview for Alliance.

Lee Hyein 🐣

🐰 hyein wru

🐤 cafeteria!! are you in campus?

🐰 gonna study at 722, wanna study together? im alone :(

🐤 G I'm writing a paper for philo, but can u drive me back to campus i have classes later :,)

🐰 fine. just treat me sticky cinnamon bun 😘

🐤 WOW ? i wish i had ur audacity

🐰 thank u he he he i can just pass by u at gate b?

🐤 OKKKK gate b is perfect ill text u when im there.


I walk my way to our campus' parking lot and in to my car. I got in, put my things down at the back, and started my car's engine. I'll be picking up Hyein by the gate nearest to the cafeteria. As I was maneuvering my vehicle, my phone buzzes.

Lee Hyein 🐣: I'm tagging Minji along btw she's with me.

When I read out Minji's name from the Hyein's text my soul immediately left my body. Minji? Minji is coming? I can feel my heartbeat pulse out of my chest.

I immediately checked myself on the mirror to assure if I looked cute. I need to retouch my lipstick but I think I look decent enough. Oh heavens, why am I so nervous. I don't know if I should feel excited or If i should be worried. I need to act as casual as I can be and not show that Minji has been absolutely dwelling in my thoughts for the past 7 days.

Everythings cool, I'm fine. I am chill.

I drive by the gate's car way, and there's Hyein and Minji seatedly chatting right by the waiting shed. As usual Minji's face never fails to comfort me. There's just something about her entire being that just feels so warm and soothing. I honked my car horn to try and catch their attention. Hyein jumps in surprise, oops I should've just called her.

I roll my windows down and waved my hands at the two. Here we go.

Hyein sits by the passenger seat and Minji finds her way to the back of my vehicle. We all greet each other warmly and casually. Thank God I'm driving so I have an excuse not to create any eye contact and focus on the road in front of me.

"How are you Ms. Pham?" Hyein asks.

"Just unloading some back logs but nothing too special."

"You're late on deadlines?" Minji asks so casually.

"Not actual deadlines, just internal ones I apply on myself."

"Oh guys by the way, I got into IMG!" Hyein shouts and even turns back to Minji to announce her acceptance.

"OMG? Congrats Hyeinnieeee, you really are model-esque after all." I add as she squeals. IMG is the photography organization, Hyein loves taking photos and with her face she most definitely is a great subject for photos as well.

As we were waiting for the stop light I saw Minji try patting Hyein's head from the back seat. "I'm really proud of you, I hope things go well." I hear Minji utter to Hyein.

"Me too Hyein, you really are so cool to me." I add.

I saw Hyein cover her face from the compliments Minji and I gave. "Stop it! I love you guys." Hyein mutters.

"How about you Hanni? Did you get in EM or PAC?" Minji asks me. I look to my rearview mirror to catch a glimpse of Minji's expression on her face and wow she really seems so casual, like us not contacting each other for the past few days is just really nothing. I feel my heart grow a little heavy at the thought.

"Yup. I got in both!" I give a short answer as I try to collect my thoughts.

"Woaaaah Pham Pham Pham Hanni? Congrats." Hyein faces me with her eyes widened. "Treat us a drink getting in two big organizations is an achievement." Hyein wiggles her brows as she tries and catches my attention while I was driving.

Minji laughs at Hyein's declaration. "WOW LEE HYEIN, I'll drive and treat you?" I answer back.

"Please, Hanni unnie." Hyein baby talks as she clasps her hands together. I really feel like Hyein's my younger sister that I can't say no to. I might just be 21 yet Hyein definitely brings out my elderly instinct.


We chatted a little bit more at the car but we finally arrived at 722, this place is really nice. The ambiance and the service is just exceptional so whenever I have my free time, I try to stay and study here

The three of us finds our way to small round table by the corner of the place and made way to our seats. I can't seem to find the courage to look at Minji. In all honesty I can feel my heart raise knowing shes arms length from me. I'm back to my sick in the head moment when I was just happily crushing on her. It's been more than a month but my adoration with her hasn't changed.

No amount of days passed that had changed the attraction I've felt the moment she set foot on our Literature class together. I still wasn't admitting what I felt then but I knew I was mesmerized the first time I saw her. It might've just made the things I felt deeper when I got to know her better.

Yet here I am, arms length but all I can do is look or smile at her. She has no idea that the simple thought of her makes my heart beat loud and my mind get all excited.

I want to ask what's gotten her preoccupied the past week, or why she hasn't messaged, but I don't want to make things weird.

I signal my hands to call the waiter for our order. We've been here a couple times so we know exactly what we're getting.

"Hi Ms. Hanni, what can I get for you today?" The waiter greets us. Again I've always been spending my free time here so I'm basically a regular.

"The usual Mocha Latte and a cinnamon bun also please." I smile as I give my order to the waiter. I looked over at Minji. "Iced cappucino?" I ask her. Thats the drink she always orders whenever we get coffee.

Minji gives me a bright smile as she nods at my question. I missed her smile so much, heavens help me. I forward her order to the waiter and let Hyein order hers as well.

I got my laptop out along with my airpods and my notebook. "Let me know if you guys need any help." I announce at our table as we all gather to start studying. They just nodded at me and Hyein teased me saying "Will do, Ms. Know It All".

Studying with friends is really much more fun than being alone, even if we're just all focused on our stuff, it feels good knowing I'm spending it with good people.

I've been listening to this new song release from a newly debuted girl group here in Korea, I keep forgetting their group's name but their songs are really good, I have their entire discography on my daily playlist.

I want you so, want you, so say it ditto.

I stole a glance at Minji as I listened to the lyrics of the song. It somehow encapsulates what I feel about her at the moment. I know that I like her and theres an ounce of hope in me wondering if she feels the same. A bit of the lyrics said that I dont want to walk in this maze, the confusion I've been putting myself through trying to guess and figure out what she feels about me. I let out a small sigh from the thought.

Will I find the courage to finally tell her what I feel? and If I do, will she say it back? will she say ditto?

I put my focus back on to my laptop as the song ends. With how our friendship is going I'm not sure what next step to do. I'll just finish up my notes and some of the homework my subjects left me with rather than think too highly about Minji at the moment.


It's almost 3PM and I have to bring Hyein back to campus for her 4PM class. "Minji, will you come with us back to campus?"

The girl removed her earphones as she sees me talk to her. "I can stay here I don't have classes anymore." Minji answers. She gives me a short smile.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"C'mon Hanni, Minji is pushing 50. She can handle herself." Hyein interrupts as I ask.

Minji fully removed her earphones and gave Hyein a deathly stoic stare. Minji raises her fist showing her annoyance from Hyein's remark.

"I'll be back then. Will you still be here?" I ask again.

Minji just gives me a thumbs up and a nod.

"I'll leave my laptop and my things then, look over them please!" I utter to Minji as I stand up from my seat.

Hyein and I walk to my car to bring her to campus. Leaving Minji alone by the table.


Minji's POV

Hanni and Hyein just left to go back to campus. I should've gone with them since my car is back in campus. F#ck. I'll just take an uber to get back later.

I was wondering if I should get both Hanni and I a snack so that we can munch on something too once she gets back. How about Ice Cream? I know she loves mint choco or maybe just some chocolate cake.

I went up to the counter to just get both but I told them to serve the ice cream a little later so it wouldn't be melted once she gets back. I haven't really hung out with Hanni recently and I've been trying to get her off my mind. Well just trying atleast, she hasn't messaged me and I think maybe what had happened on the night of the party was just because of all the alcohol she drank.

I have nothing else much to think about right now besides classes so I've been burying myself with it. My birthday is coming up though but I'm not sure how to spend it yet. I should plan on holding a small celebration at a nice place, I need to prioritize the entire planning soon so everything goes well. The time, date, location, but most importantly the number of invites. I put the planning on my itinerary and called it a day.

While I was doing my advanced reading I heard a phone notification pop. I checked on my phone to see if it was mine but it wasn't. A second later I hear another notification pop. I look over to Hanni's side of the table and I saw that she left her phone along with her wallet too. Was she ever this careless? I'll just let her know someone texted her once she arrives.


Everyone in the cafe got startled after hearing a phone call ring. Someones calling her phone, I reached out for it to put it on silent since the people here already started looking over my side.

     Choi Beomgyu

Accept          Decline

Hm, Interesting? I guess. I put back Hanni's phone as I just let it buzz by the table from the call. I guess she's gotten pretty close with the guy. I've heard about him and I guess, he's not all bad. I feel my blood rush to my ears despite trying to calmly react.

I bet I can beat that guy in all categories.

I chuckle at my own thought. Is that what she's been busy with the past week? haha. good for her? I sip a drink on my coffee to feel a sort of stimulation to leave whatever thought I have in my mind.


Hanni's POV

I'm back in 722. I walk back to the table and Minji's still there, I purposefully left all my stuff so that she has no choice but to stay and watch over my things. Aren't I so smart? I gave her a poke before I plopped back to my seat. She gives me a wave to acknowledge my presence.

"I got choco cake and ice cream." Minji points to the cake in the middle of the table as she gave me a weak smile. She's still as sweet as ever but whats with the long face.

"You need help with school?" I ask the girl.

"Nope, not really." She shakes her head still looking at her laptop screen. Why does it really not feel the same as before.

"You sure?"

"Yup, and oh by the way someone was calling you earlier." She points to my phone. "I think it was Beomgyu."

"Oh what? Really?" I check on my phone and I see notifications from him. What a great timing innit.

Minji just nods her head still not making eye contact from me. I really can't read her mind.

"Thanks for the cake." I quickly insert a new subject. "How have you been?" I add.

"Just keeping up with school." Minji finally raises her head and looks at me.

"Well, me too!" I answer back giving her the brightest smile I can muster up.

When our eyes locked Minji gave me a question.

"Do you like him?"

I froze. Like him? who? "Beomgyu?"

Minji nods.

"Not really, were just friends."

"Oh, I thought something was up." She squints her eyes as she looks back at me.

"Why? You jealous?" I jokingly ask.

"What if I am?" Minji answers back teasingly crossing her arms as she raises a raises a slight curve on her lips.

I feel my face heat up after what Minji just said. "Well. It's pretty obvious if you ask me." I scrunched my nose and raised a brow as I teased her back.

"Too bad I'm joking." Minji shrugs and pouts at me. Ugh she still can be so annoying.

I just shake my head and rolled my eyes at her. This is what I missed.

"One point Kim Minji, zero Pham Hanni." Minji adds.

"Blah blah blah, you are so hecking corny." I raise my arms and made a talk to the hand motion.

Minji just laughs back at me.

We went back to our arrangement as we studied the rest of the afternoon, and just like that were back to normal. Asking each other subject questions and slipping in some random ones to have quick laughs. I wish we can just stay like this forever. I'm happy just spending my time with her even if I don't get to call her mine.

the update is so long overdue too, its been a week i think.

got so busy with ditto pre release! and spending holiday reunions with family.


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