Checkmate: THE NEXT LEVEL (R)

By Love_Bri94

373K 21.8K 18.6K

Mya and Chris take on the married life. Will they be able to handle all of the obstacles that it brings Tim... More

Bonus Ch.1 - Breezy Knows Best
Bonus Ch.2 - Chatting With the Andersons
Bouns Ch 3. - Causing Trouble


2.9K 276 226
By Love_Bri94

It's time to have that discussion again...the end of checkmate 🫠

Chapter FiftySeven
Los Angeles, California

As soon as Mya landed, she went straight home to get her car. Their house was swarmed with paparazzi and it just caused her anxiety to become worse. Once the truck she was in came to a stop, Mya jumped out and hurried in the house only to be greeted by Mariah, Kayla and Brian. She really regretted giving Mariah a key sometimes.

"Whatever ya'll gotta say gone have to wait." She said while grabbing a set of car keys. Mya went for the door but Brian stood in front of it.

"We not about to let you do this Mya."

"Look if I don't get the nigga today, I'll do it tomorrow when y'all ain't here. I'm not letting this shit slide!"

"You know I'm always down for somebody getting their ass beat but Mya like the world is already looking at you and Chris as these two crazy people do you want to add more to that?" Kayla asked.

"I just don't get why he's doing this. Everything that happened in Miami, he deserved. I've bent over backwards time and time again for Tim and this is the fucking thanks that I get? I just need to know why. I want an answer. I deserve one."

Exhaling Mariah looked at Brian. "What if we took her to him? She's right, she deserves to know why he's trying to ruin their lives."

"But once you get an answer is it going to make you feel any better?" Brian asked. "We all know how reckless Tim's mouth can be and you're on ten right now. Shit will just get crazier."

"I promise I'm not going to touch him. I just need to talk to him! He's ruining my life Brian! You should know how this feels you tried to do this shit before." Mya screamed.

"Yeah and what did that cause? You almost died having Jade and I regret that shit every fucking day Mya."

"Well I'm not pregnant so you don't have anything to worry about. Let's go." Not allowing them to say anything else to her, Mya headed outside and they all followed. Brian took her keys and climbed in the drivers seat, Kayla got in the passenger seat with Mya and Mariah in the back.

During the ride Mya looked through all the mess that was going on. People were calling Chris abusive and a coke head, both were being deemed awful parents, people mentioned divorce, called Mya crazy and just as crazy as Chris.

Mariah watched as the tears rolled down her sister face. She snatched the phone out of Mya's hand and pulled her into her arms. She kept reminding herself that she was pregnant and high risk. Them going to see Tim was kind of for herself more than her sister. She never understood when any of her siblings hurt Mya. If it wasn't for her all of them would still be suffering.

When they pulled up to Tim's house, Mya's heart began racing so fast she thought it would jump out her chest. Brian got ready to talk but she quickly got out the car and went to the door, banging on it like a manic.

"Mya!" Brian called but she wasn't listening.

The door opened and the very last person that she expected to be there stood before her, smiling.

"Syren." Mya said confused.

A sly smirk was on Syrens face. "Hey girl, long time no see."

"Where's Tim?"

"Inside, why?"

"Tell him to come to the door."


"Bitch I'm not about explain shit to you, go get Tim!"

Syren knew Mya was nothing to be played with but she kept pressing her buttons. She knew that the minute Mya touched her, she a nice lawsuit on her hands.

"Timothy, your annoying ass siblings are here."

Groaning Tim climbed off the couch and walked to the front door. "Wassup." To say that seeing the pain all on his sisters face wasn't tearing him apart, would be a lie. He knew he fucked up big time and things would never be the same.

"Tell me why Tim. Just please tell me why you did this." Mya said.

"It's called a humbling experience."

"Humble me? For what?! I'm the most sincere person you'll ever meet and you know it! You did this because you're evil as fuck. Chris and I have helped you with so much shit, SO MUCH SHIT! I fucking saved your life, I could've let you die when you got shot, Chris could've let you overdose in that hotel but he didn't. He's let you stay with him, I'm taking care of your son because you got a sorry ass bitch pregnant. The list goes on and fucking on. My own brother. I've been crossed by everybody but this hurts the fucking worst because Tim you were the one that protected me from this crazy ass world and now I have to protect myself from you!" She pushed him. He wanted so badly to apologize but it was pointless. "Then you put my fucking son in this shit! You could've did or said whatever about me and Chris but Landon, really?! I hate you Tim and I mean that shit from the bottom of my heart. I hate you so fucking much. When I'm done with you, you won't have nothing left, not even that big ego you're holding onto. Fuck you nigga, fuck you!" Mya turned to walk away.

"See what I mean, that bitch ain't humble or sincere. You see how she threw everything up your face just like I said she would. We got her good baby. Fuck her stupid ass, you got me." Syren said.

"Wait did you say, we got her good?" Kayla asked.

"Sure did. Who you think sent all that shit to the blogs? And the bitch know better than to touch me cause I'll own all of them businesses she got."

Without thinking twice, Kayla rushed into the house and it was a bad thing for Syren. She didn't even get a chance to swing. Kayla just took out all of her hurt and pain on this girl.

Brian made sure to step in front of Tim so he wouldn't play captain save a hoe, per usual. When he felt like she had enough, he pulled Kayla off. She kicked and screamed to get back over to Syren but Brian was too strong. He carried her to the car and tossed her in.

"Be happy I'm pregnant cause that bitch would've got jumped." Mariah said to Tim before walking out.

Mya took one last look at her brother before getting in the back to try and calm Kayla down. Things were shifting and it was heartbreaking for Mya. But she had to now push her feelings aside and handle business.

Syren and Tim would be dealt with.

Chris Brown

I finally got to LA and hurried home.

When I pulled up and saw paps outside my house I just got pissed all over again. This some shit that we haven't dealt with at all since moving here. Maybe a few here and there but never this shit.

My whole flight home, I talked our lawyers. I'm taking everything. This bullshit just pushed us back 100 steps. After Mya's dad died the goal was to not have anymore negativity in our lives and look where we are.

This family is lowkey toxic, it's always some shit with them. Something gotta give.

Walking into the house, I expected to be greeted by my kids but it was quiet. I looked around downstairs but no one was there so I headed upstairs. I went into our room and Mya sat on the end of the bed just staring in front of her at nothing. I went and stood against the wall that was in her view.

"What are you doing here?" She asked but never looked directly at me.

"With all this shit thats going on, you thought I wasn't going to come home?"

"You have a tour to focus on, I'm good."

"Well the world thinks we're abusive so a bunch of people are trying to refund their tickets."

Mya scoffed while shaking her head. "This is insane."

A couple years ago Mya and I got really really drunk one night while we were out celebrating Mariah's birthday. We were at a club and Mya swore that some chick was flirting with me and I was flirting back. The liquor had her seeing shit. The whole way home she was being super crazy. Swinging on me and everything. I wasn't having that shit so I would roughly grab her because this would turn left if one of those hits connected.

Tim recorded us the whole time.

We fought in the car and outside our house. She was fighting I was trying to protect myself. I pushed her and did whatever I had to do to make sure she didn't hit me. The next day he showed us the video and neither one of us remembered. We apologized, laughed it off kept moving. Never did I think he'd use that shit against us.

I'm on the verge of losing everything once again because of him.

"Loosen your fist." Mya said bringing me out my thoughts.

I looked over at her. "I'm pissed the fuck off, I'm not gone hold you up Mya. I'm tired of looking up and it's shit like this happening. First it was Kayla wanting to tell when you was pregnant with Landon, then Brian did that bullshit he pulled and Tim just put the icing on the fucking cake. I fight everyday for people to realize that I'm not my mistakes but after this I might as well say fuck it! Ima be the crazy psychopath that the worlds me to be."


"In order for your family to be around me and my kids they'll have to sign a NDA. After this I don't want none of my kids on social media. You can keep letting them treat you like shit and do whatever but I'm done Mya. I've shown nothing but love to every fucking person in your family especially Tim! We didn't deserve that shit dawg. This nigga been recording us. It's a video of me doing drugs everywhere now thanks to him. Do you know how bad I wanna kill this nigga?! He posted my son saying that I'm basically a horrible father." My voice cracked.

"He never said you were a horrible father."

"Mya read between the lines. He said I wish I had a normal dad. Mine would rather write a song then spend time with me. That fucked me up!" The tears that I've been fighting finally fell. "Nothing comes before any of my kids. I've made that mistake before and I thought I changed but I'm still fucking up."

"Baby please, don't say that." Mya got up and stood in front of me, holding onto my sides. "You're an amazing father. Landon loves you more than anything and you know it." She was crying now. "I'm so sorry that this is happening. I know the hard work you've put in and I know that you're not what the world tries to pant you as. I'm going to fix all of this, I promise. My brother is hateful and evil and nothing good will ever come his way. I found out today that Syren helped him and I'm going to make sure that they both regret everything."

Exhaling I wiped the tears from face but just ended up crying more. "You know that I'd never harm you and you know that my kids are my world. I'm sorry for relapsing and he should've never gotten the opportunity to see me like that because I should've kept my promise to you. I'm so sorry Mya."

She pulled me into a hug. "Please don't apologize. None of this is your fault baby. We're going to get through this together and come out on top like we always do. We'll be good."

I really hope so, cause right now I'm not seeing a light at the end of this tunnel.

Mya Brown

After sitting in silence, Chris eventually went to sleep. He had an early flight for his next show.

Me on the other hand, my mind was just all over the place. The last thing that I could do was sleep so I decided to go live. I thought about just staying quiet and letting people think whatever but I'm not doing that this time because their assumptions are wrong.

I stared at my phone screen as the views just got higher and higher. My eyes were so red and swollen from crying all damn day.

"Hello." I said while skimming over the comments. "Y'all in here talking crazy already. Damn." I let out a small laugh even though shit ain't funny. "So I decided to get on here and try to diffuse the situation at hand. I know some people probably don't give a fuck what I say but I'm going to speak my truth. My brother, someone that I used to jump over the moon for, decided to choose drugs as his coping mechanism for my fathers death. That caused for an altercation to happen between my brother and Chris. He was very reckless towards me and Chris did his duty as my husband and handled business. Tim convinced himself that he was the victim and that caused him to do even more fucked up shit such as smacking me while I held my seven month old daughter and releasing everything that you've seen with the help of his baby mama.

@breezymafia89 OMG not Tim, he's my fav
@traceyboo girl not you coming on here trying to make excuses for drug abuse and domestic violence
@prettypree__ It be your own family. I'm so sorry Mya.

"Like I said, you can think whatever but this is what it is. Chris has never harmed me. That video was old as hell and we were both drunk. He was trying to keep me off of him because I was the aggressor. Next thing, his drug issue has been taken care of. He's healthy, he's clean. Lastly, to exploit my child to try and tarnish somebody is beyond fucked up. I love Landon more than anything in this world. I don't have to prove to nobody that I'm a good mother and Chris doesn't have to prove that he's a good father. Our kids are good, they're amazing. My son adores his father. You can't tell him that he won't be filling out arenas when he's older. Bottom line is I've learned a lot of lessons and this one is hard because anybody that watches me, follows me, knows me personally, knows that my brother was my right hand man. I never thought that he'd hurt me this bad, im really heartbroken." I tried to stop from crying harder than I already am. "We're going to get through this though. If you're praying for us, thank you. If you're against us, fuck you. Anyway, I will be MIA for a while. I gotta get some stuff taken care of. I just wanted to say my get this out there. Bye."

I grabbed my phone and ended the live, then went and deactivated my page then deleted Instagram. Mariah and Kayla would be handling my stores pages and my assistant will do my lingerie line. Ant will manage Chris's page while he's touring. Other than that, it's a wrap for social media. Might even have to lay low for a while.

Nothing in my life makes any sense right now. From my dad to this. I swear I'm stuck in a nightmare and I just want to wake up.

Grabbing my phone and a bottle of water, I made my way upstairs. I stripped out of my clothes. Then climbed in bed and held onto Chris tightly. He started moving around before his arms wrapped around me, making me feel the safest. Two kisses were placed on top of my head.

"I love you." His raspy voice filled my ears.

"I love you too baby."

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