Little Steve Harrington (Hiat...

By multifandoms23

18.3K 196 9

Steve never really had a childhood, parents were never there so he didn't know what a 'good' childhood was su... More

Helping Steve
Finally Regressed
Telling the Adults
Making Room For Steve
Telling the 'Kids'
Rough Days
Bad Night
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Aunty Robin Babysits
Separation Anxiety
Late Night ER Trip
Joyce (and Hopper) Babysits
Doctors Appointment
Sugar Rush
Rainy Days
Uncle Eddie Babysits
Unhappy Steve
A Chaotic Day
Very Bad News
Sick Steve
A Day at The Children's Museum
Family Getaway
Moving Out
Swimming and Defiance
Obsessed With Aunty Robin
Bruised Fingers And An Ear Infection
Warmer Weather
Mama's Weekend Away
A Day At Uncle Eddie's
BBQ And Pool Party
Family Picnic
Summer Fun
Sleepover At The Grandparents
Family Day

Misbehaved Steve

460 5 0
By multifandoms23

Steve rarely got grumpy or misbehaved, he would have the odd whine about this and that. So Nancy and Jonathan didn't quite know what to do when he suddenly started misbehaving.

"Hey, what're we doing up here? It's dangerous and not safe" Jonathan pulls Steve down from where he was standing on the counters.

"Dada up" Steve whined as he pointed at the counter.

"No, it's not safe, you could fall and get hurt" Jonathan tells him. Steve didn't like that so he lazily swung his arms around Jonathan's legs and used his hands to hit him.

"Ow, that's not nice, Steve" Jonathan gently grabs Steve's wrists so he could stop him from hitting.


"No, go play with something" Jonathan turns him around and toward the living room.

"Steve? Let's get some clothes on please" Nancy calls from Jonathan's room. When she didn't get a response, she went out to find him 'hiding' by the sofas.

"Come on you, clothes on" Nancy grabs his hand. She changes his nappy before putting him into a short sleeve light blue animal bodysuit, a pair of grey leggings, a dark blue long sleeve space shirt and a pair of blue vehicle socks.

Steve then gently grabbed Nancy's cheeks into his hands and pulled her close, Nancy thinking that this was going to be a sweet moment but instead he just spits.

"Steve, we do not spit" she gasps as she pulls back and wipes her face. Steve thought it was hilarious.

"Haha mama" Steve laughs before getting down from the bed.

"Out of there" she pulls him away from the wardrobe.

"C'mon, let's go find something to do" Nancy drags him out of the room so she could go entertain him. He played nicely for a little while but as soon as Nancy turned her head away to grab something else, Jonathan see him raise his arm with a toy in his hand.

"Ah, do not even think about it" Jonathan warns him, Steve just thought all of this was funny. He smirked at Jonathan but just before he could launch it, Jonathan grabbed it off him.

"Noooo" Steve screamed, he had suddenly become angry.

"We don't throw things" Jonathan tells him as Steve followed him to see where he would put it.

"Hmm" Steve then 'pushed' at Jonathan's legs, barely making him stumble.

"Steve, do you need to sit out for a few minutes?" Steve didn't even speak to him, he deiced to get into anything his hands could get to.

"No, we're not doing this" Jonathan takes the things out of his hands before bringing him to his room and sits him on the bed.

"You need to calm down before we can talk" Jonathan tells him. Steve just swats his hands around at Jonathan.

"Calm down and we can talk" Jonathan leaves the room but has the door open as he was only 2 years old after all. Steve thought it would be great to start jumping on the bed.

"Sit down" Nancy tells him.

"Haha" Steve just laughs. He did eventually calm down but didn't talk so they let it be for now. They had lunch and then it was soon nap time.

"Here, here's nu nu" Nancy passes him his dummy and cloth once she settled him down in the bed.

"Honey, we need to settle down and sleep" Nancy tells him as Steve was messing around on the bed. He then proceeded to throw his dummy in his cot before realising that it was a bad idea as he couldn't quite reach to get it back.

"Nu nu" he whines as he looked at Nancy but his arm was stuck out toward the crib.

"Well then, you shouldn't of thrown it" she tells him but still gets it for him anyway because she wanted him to sleep. He did eventually fall asleep and Nancy quietly left the room.

"Hey, what took so long?" Jonathan asked Nancy.

"He was messing around on the bed and then threw his dummy into the cot before whining for it back" she leans into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I can't wait for bed" Nancy mumbles.

"Me either" Jonathan slightly chuckles. They decided to chill whilst Steve napped as they knew that he'd probably still be causing trouble when he woke up, which he did.

"Nanny" he cheered as he ran to Joyce once she got back from work.

"Hi honey" she hugs him.

"What're you been up to?" She asks him as she sets her bags down on the side.



"Uh huh" he smiles at her.

"Hey mum" Jonathan greets her.

"Hey Jon, how was he today?" She asks.

"Naughty, he's been hitting and getting into all sorts of trouble" he tells her.

"Oh, terrible twos huh?"

"Nu uh" Steve looks over at Jonathan as if he were to disagree. It soon rolled onto dinner time and Steve was a little better but he was still misbehaving.

"Don't you dare" Nancy warns Steve as he held his cup ready to tip it upside down. He had this look in his eye that said he was going to do it no matter what he was told.

"Put it back here please" Nancy taps his tray. He still poured it onto the floor before letting go off it. He then leaned over his chair to stare at it.

"Yay" he claps. Both Nancy and Jonathan shake their heads before cleaning it up. Everyone soon had dinner and Steve was now bothering Will.

"Jonathan, Steve's got something in his mouth but he won't let me see what it is" Will calls out. Both Nancy and Jonathan were soon rushing in there.

"Steve, spit it out" Jonathan squeezes his cheeks together before pulling one of Will's figures out of his mouth.

"We don't put toys in our mouth, sorry Will" Jonathan tells Steve before telling Will. Nancy wipes it down for him before giving it back. Bedtime soon rolled on and Nancy got Steve changed into a pair of green and red 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' pyjamas.

"Oh my goodness, let's just get this boy into bed please" Nancy says as she caught Steve on the edge of the bed as he almost fell off by messing around. Jonathan goes and does a bottle before bringing it back.

"Ok lie down" Jonathan tells him as he hands him the bottle once he lied down and then placed a light blue and white stripe fluffy blanket over him.

It took some time for Steve to fall asleep but he did eventually and so did Nancy. Jonathan went and chilled with Joyce for a bit and apologised again to Will for Steve's behaviour.

"I think I might head off too, can barely keep my eyes open" Jonathan chuckles.

"Ok sweetheart, you know Hop and I wouldn't mind looking after him for the day if need be"

"I know mum, maybe I'll talk with Nancy and we can arrange something"

"Ok honey, goodnight"

"Night mum" Jonathan quietly heads back into the room before getting changed and under the covers.

"Shh shh" Steve had stirred so Jonathan quickly settled him back down before getting some sleep himself.

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