one piece x reader one shot l...

By sandycake8

176K 2.5K 1.2K

now this book my look familiar, wattpad deleted my fucking story and were fucking shit getting it back, as in... More

Embarrassment (bdsm sub ace)
Good Boy (sub Ace)
blood bound (soft dom god law)
Flirting (dom ace)
quiet (sub rosinante)
Equations Part 1 (teacher shanks)
Equations part 2 (soft daddy dom shanks)
Studies part 1 (dom law)
Studies part 2 (soft loving law)
Stockholm (law forced)
Onii-Chan (shy ace)
Tiger stripes (dom zoro)
undying love (yandere vampire mihawk)
Sick (soft law)
poker (sub nami)
Hide & seek (soft dom luffy)
Bad girl (soft dom sanji)
Asshole (coach smoker)
Never regret (vampire Bartholomew)
Mine (jealous Alfa zoro)
Lakehouse (rich jock ace)
Little mouse (dom Doflamingo forced)
Detention (dom teacher mihawk)
Beloved (Anubis law)
Volunteering (soft teacher Marco)
Birthday wish (Mihawk & shanks threeway)
Captains whore (hard dom law)
?needed? (Soft mihawk)
Forgiving (young sub shanks)
Obey me (bdsm sub Kidd)
Books (daddy mihawk)
Nesting part 1 (omega law)
Nesting part 2 (omega law)
iRobot (android law)
day by day (daddy ace)
Better (dom luffy)
Dinner Time (sub thatch)
Heat (law forced)
Obedience part 1 (bdsm hard dom law)

Mate (dom siren shanks)

5K 87 49
By sandycake8

Picture above is the closest I could find to what his colors look like

*** 15 year old shanks pov***

I swam out a little higher today, I wanted to get sunlight. A small shadow pulled me to look up as I did I saw what looks like a child of a human girl.

I was going to let her drown as it looked like she was already doing. She was out way farther than she should have been. However once I saw her eyes something in me started screaming, mate, mate, mate, mate, and before i realized what was happening I grabbed her. I pull her up to the surface, I wanted to let her drown but something wasn't letting me. Why, I finally become of age just to find out that my mate is a measly human girl. I brought her to a shoreline that didn't have any people on it. She seemed to be a little out of it. I got up to the shoreline out the water and laid her down as I was about to turn back but something was yelling at me to make sure she was OK to check her, as I did I noticed she wasn't breathing. She must have got water in her lungs, I hear that's not a thing they can survive. I didn't really know what to do but something was telling me that I had to push on her chest and blow air into her mouth which I reluctantly did, mate or not she's still a human and humans are horrid creatures. She finally started to cough up water as she looked at me and as I looked into her eyes I couldn't find it in me to pull away to go back to the sea. I want to take her, kill her, kill her for being human, kill her for just existing. But something in me was screaming how innocent she looked, how young she was, saying that maybe, maybe she will be better, maybe she will be different. Before I could decide what I wanted to do I felt her stroke the scales on my tail making me shiver. I am sure the humans dont know that that's a very sexual gesture. I grab her wrist wanting to snap it for touching me like that, but as I look back at her face she weakly whispered "Beautiful" Making me freeze all thought actions.

She thought I was beautiful? Out of everything males of my kind are not seen as very beautiful, even less for myself from my striking colors. Not being able to bring myself to hurt her I started to sing to her so she would at least fall asleep, maybe think that none of this was real. With my enchanting voice low I could see the sparkles in her eyes showing my spell is working. Her eyes slowly fluttered shut and I could feel the muscles in her arm slack as her head turned to the side on the sand showing she was out cold before I even got a quarter way into my song. Far off in the distance I could hear people screaming and yelling for someone as they approach closer and closer but not close enough to see me so l quickly turned my way back into the ocean. I quickly dived down deep so no human could see my colors. Why a human girl, why Pasadena, why have you forsaken me with a human mate.

*** timeskip to reader pov at 20***

They keep telling me that it's dumb. That I didn't see what I know I saw. That I wasn't saved by a male siren when I was 7. They said that it was just a kids imagination. But I know What I saw, I know what I felt, I know what I heard. The male part of him looked like he was a teen. His scales were a beautiful red that shimmered like gold. It made me think of the Japanese dragons that the rich would have in panting. His hair was a little above his shoulders and a vibrant red. I have never seen anything more beautiful in all my life since that day. His dark eyes seemed to sparkle even as his face held confusion and anger. Every day I come back to this beach and walk the shoreline in hopes that I will see him again.

Wishing to just thank him and apologize for stroking his tail that he didn't seem to like at the time. I finally reached the rocks at the one end that I normally sat on for a little before I would walk back down the beach to my car and head home to get up for work the next day. But this time in the mix of rocks I could see the chest of a man slowly rising and falling, he looked to be bleeding. I quickened my pace to see if I could help him. As I ran up to him I fell to my knees to check on him. That's when I saw it, his red and gold scaled tail fin and red hair. He had three scars over his left eye now and he looked like a mature man, but there was no doubt in my mind.

This was that siren that saved me all those years ago. He looks so banged up and he has cuts and bruises everywhere, it's my turn to save him.

"Hey are you awa-" I started as I reached to brush the hair from his face when he grabbed my wrist with such speed I thought he was going to rip my arm from my body. He opened his eyes and stared into my e/c ones as he dug his nails into me making me wince before he forcefully pushed my hand away. He started to try to back away from me and sit up but he kept falling and cutting himself on the rocks as he flailed and whipped his tail around to help him move.

"Stop, your hurting yourself, let m-" I reached my arms back out to hold his upper form up but he bit my arm making me hold a pained moan in as blood trickled down from where his teeth were in me.

"I'm not going to hurt you" his eyes seemed to swirl for a moment before they returned to normal and he opened his mouth releasing me.

"Whats the best way for me to help you" I said as I slowly made my way to his shaking upper body, I could see he was tired.

"W-water, t-take me-e" he said with a deep horsed and strained voice as he looked at the ocean water. I smiled now fully knowing that I could actually communicate with him.

"Ok, I'm going to try my best to get you there, but I'm not that strong so I need you to help me a little ok" he nodded his head slowly.

"Ok I'm going to put your arm around my shoulder and my arm around your back" He didn't move or say anything and just watched me slowly do as I said.

"Can you lift your tail a little so I can wrap my arm underneath you to help me lift you up" he watched my other arm as he bent his tail and lifted himself off the ground with the end. I did as I told him I would. I don't know how I should feel about watching the muscles in his tail flex and move and the fact that watching them expand made me a little aroused. I leaned more of his weight on me as he kept using the end of his tail to help lift his weight. Slowly but surely I got him to the water. Far enough so I could sit and my ass and croch was covered with water but low enough so I wouldn't get pulled out to sea. He started to pant harder as we sat down in the water now. With shaky hands he started to cup the water and rub it into his cuts and bruises.

I was going to say something but I watched as they washed away like dirt leaving his skin untouched. I noticed he had some big gouges on his back with some pebbles in them and I did as he was doing for his front half and tail. I cupped water with both of my hands and rubbed the water into the big gouges. His body tightened and he pulled away from my hands as his head snapped back to look at me.

"I-im sorry, you have a deep gash on your back with rocks in it, i-i just wanted to help you, i-im sorry if I hurt you" I stuttered under his hard eyes as I lifted my hands away from his back with a little of his blood on my hands. His eyes flickered from my eyes to my hands a few times before he turned his head back around and quietly spoke.

"It's fine, just stings. You could have left me know that you were about to do that" I smiled, happy that he wasn't mad with me.

"Should I keep rubbing the water on it" he was quite for a little.

"That would make things easier for me, yes" I went back to cupping the water and rubbing it into his back as I did my best to get the pebbles and dirt out with it. With how deep it was, when it finally did heal up it left a scar.

"I'm sorry" I said as I pulled my hands from him and started to rinse them in the water.

"I told you it was fine, its not like you were the reason I got hurt" he started to shift as his tail slapped at the sand making water fly up in the air, it looked like he was going to head back out to the ocean.

"No, i-im sorry for touching your tail when we were younger and you brought me back to the shore" I was looking at my hands as I said that, but I looked up once I saw the shadow above my legs and two hands on either side of my thighs on the sand.

"What did you say" I was meet with his dark eyes close to my face as he looked at me with his head cocked to the side slightly.

"W-when I was 7 I swam too far out in the water and the waves started to pull me further out and I couldn't swim back. I thought I was going to die but then I felt someone hold me with strong but gentle arms and I saw a beautiful red and gold like tail glisten in the water as the sun hit the scales. Next time I opened my eyes I saw a being with this vibrant hair and the tail I saw in the water and I couldn't help but touch it and when I did you seemed to be offend, and I'm sorry. I'm sure that was you, you looked to be in your teens and ever since that day I wanted to apologize for touching your tail and thank you for saving me... you really are a beautiful creature... your a siren right, that's why I fell asleep when you sang to me right" i couldn't stop the words from flowing out of my mouth as I was trapped in his eyes that seemed to swirl with different colors. It was silent, he didn't pull away as he studied my eyes, then my lips, then my neck.

"That was me....... I was upset when you touched my tail.... I am a siren and I did put a spell on you......When I sang to make you sleep"

"Did.. did you do it again... just now" he looked back to my eyes and as I gazed into his they were a normal deep brown, no swirling colors in them.

"I did, I wanted to make sure you didn't lie to me" he smiled a warm welcoming smile at me, but his eyes. His eyes screamed danger like a silent "try something, I'm begging you, see what happens" that made me swallow hard. His tail swayed and slapped the ground making water splash up behind him making him look like some kind of god, he stayed there and leaned closer to me ghosting his face across my skin.

"Whats your plan now human? You got to see me again. You got to touch me again. Did you want to capture me? Have me for decoration? Make me entertain for you, entertain you? Sell me to make a pretty penny?" I felt his lips move as he talked, gliding them along my cheeks, neck, and some of my upper chest. He looked into my eyes and the swirling colors were there again, making me word vomit again.

"Every creature deserves to be free, especially one as breathtaking as you. I don't want to hurt you, hunt you, sell you, trap you. If I can be selfish, I want to know you, talk to you, touch you. Ever since that day you pulled me from the ocean, I have never seen anything more beautiful then you. You just became more captivating as you got older." He stared into my eyes a little longer as his smile started to drop little by little until the colors in his eyes faded and he had a smirk on his face that made my heart melt.

"I have to say, I didn't think that was going to be your truth human..... what's your name" his eyes softened a little as he asked.

"Y/n..... may I ask yours" he lifted his hand and pushed some hair behind my ear and let his fingers travel down my neck to the small of my back making me close my eyes and whimper at the electrifying feeling he was giving me.

"I'm shanks" then he pulled me flush to his chest.

"Your coming with me" next thing I know he pushes off the ground with his tail and we land deeper into the water. I started to get a little scared seeing as how I can't breath under water.

He cupped my face and as he started to go under the water he pulled me into a kiss and pulled me under with him. I grabbed his shoulder as he looked into my eyes amused before he pulled away making me hold my breath. He chuckled and I could see bubbles come from his neck, now that his hair was swaying in the water I could see what looked like gills there.

"You can breath like normal now, the spell breaks when you go out of water though" he said under the water as he watched me. My lungs were starting to burn so I decided to trust him and breath like I normally would. I closed my eyes expecting to feel what I did when I was younger when I drowned, but I didn't. I opened my eyes and watched in wonder as bubble came out of my mouth with each exhale making him chuckle.

"That wasn't so hard now was it *chuckle* you humans are so fragile" he held me tighter to him as he started to swim a little farther out and down. He was looking forward and I could see colors swirl in his eyes again, but this time I could hear noises. Almost like talking but I couldn't make out the words. The presser of the water started to get heavier and hurt and I tapped his shoulder and tried to talk but nothing came out. He looked at me and I tried to mouth my discomfort until he made a face and swam up a little higher.

"Thats right, you humans can't go down far unless you have special equipment *chuckle* so fragile" I was getting a little upset that he kept calling me fragile, but I guess compared to him I was, but that didn't stop the pout on my face though. He laughed as he saw my pout and cupped my face as he drug his thumb across my bottom lip.

"Well isn't that adorable" I could feel my face heat up as he started to swim again. I was mesmerized by watching the light reflect off his tail as it shimmered in the water. His muscles would expand and relax as he moved it to propel us forward. The way his fins danced in the water as he moved was like a trance. Before I knew it we were above the water. He lifted me up and sat me on a little ledge that was under the water but my boobs and up were still out. We looked to be in some kind of cave. It was very colorful and looked like a home of sorts. It was bright inside so l could see well.

"This is a little spot I like to come to sometimes, y/n right" he had his arms crossed and was leaning on the ledge in-between my legs. I shook my head to answer him, that little smirk still not leaving his face as he kept looking at me in amusement. He casually flicked his tail in and out of the water to stay where he was. He was so memorizing, I could watch him for hours and not get bored. He chuckled as he layed his head on his crossed arms.

"You seem distracted y/n, what would be on that mind of yours" I trailed my eyes back from his tail, down his scales, up his back, across his face till I got to his eyes.

"Why did you bring me here" he smiled real big and lifted his head up. He pushed his upper body out of the water as he got closer to my face.

"Right to the point...... are you scared" he asked as he got closer to the side of my face and I could feel his breath fan my face as his tail splashed droplets of water on me.

"N-no" it wasn't a lie, I was more nervous then scared. He laughed at my response as he leaned closer to my neck.

"You should be.... you see y/n. I dont know What the humans say but.... us sirens are not like mermaids... we don't like humans. we despise them see the mermaids don't understand why....but then again they never leave the sea floor to check them out. but us sirens... we surface alot... we see the trash that you humans throw in our home...We see the death that it causes our friends. so we surface... and sing to the ones that sail on those ships.... and we make them crash. and we make sure they die... tell me again.. are you scared" I shivered a little when he asked and blew hot air on my ear as he grazed his teeth on my lope.

"I'm not scared.... if you wanted me dead you wouldn't have pulled me out of the water when I was little... and you wouldn't have put that spell on me so I could breath under the water.... SO that means I have some importance to you... I'm just nervous to know why" he pulled back to look at my face with a blank stare.

"You're a smart one" he leaned closer to my face as his whole eyes turned black as his teeth grew to sharp points. Scales started to form around the sides of his eyes up to his forhead and around the upper of his chest and blended into the skin.

"I don't think I like that" he growled just inches from my face but he kept going closer. I found that my body started to move back closer to the back wall of the cave till my back hit it. He pulled his hand from the water and grabbed my throat, not hard. He had claws on the tips of his fingers and more scales on the back of his hand that faded into his skin midway up his forearm. He lifted my head up so I was facing the roof of the cave I could feel his teeth run over my neck, making little nicks.

"Are you scared now..... you called me beautiful before.... do you still think that now that you saw a true siren... not what we show to lure humans to their death... the real monsters we are. I could rip your throat out right now and no one would know" he pulled away from my neck to look at my face, I could see some of my blood on the tips of his teeth. I should have been scared, I should have been trying to get away. I shouldn't be looking at this being and think that he is the most perfect thing in the world. His eyes were pulling me in, empty and black, but with the same effect. He let me pull his hand away from my neck slowly.

"You're right. you're not beautiful." I found myself leaning forward. His face dropped the smile that he had as he held a confused expression, he did not move away from me.

"You're enchanting" I whispered as I kissed his lips, cupping his face with closed eyes.

***shanks pov***

What is she doing. Why is she kissing me. She should be scared. She should be rejecting me. Not this, not- oh my God she is sticking her tongue in my mouth. I can taste more of her blood, she must have nicked her tongue on my teeth. I was trying my best to change back to my other form, but it was so hard. It was like she had a hold on my very being. Once her tongue started to flick against mine that was when I lost it. A deep growl erupted from my throat as I pushed back into her and returned her kiss with all the fire I felt for her. She whimpered as my hands started to roam her. I pulled away from her lips and started to kiss down her neck.

"MATE" I had no control anymore. I just gave into my years of want that just kept collecting for this girl. I ripped her sundress down the center, being that it was hiding her being from me and I didn't like that.

"MINE" came from my throat as I tore it and continued to kiss down her chest.

"MATE" I came to find another piece of cloth covering her. I wasted no time in ripping it to shreds with my claws.

"MINE" ¡ latched onto her nipple, making sure not to pierce it with my teeth as I looked up at her face. It was like she was glowing. Her face was red as she was panting and moaning behind her clenched fist. As my hands started to trail lower on her body to grasp her soft legs her body jolted and she let out a loud moan as she put her hand down to keep herself up. Curious I ran my hand back to the spot that made her jump and I found more cloth there making me pull away from her nipple.

"MINE" I rumbled as I ripped the last cloth from her body. She seemed to cry out and push her hips into my hand when I put it back on the spot it was covering. Curious I looked down to what my hand was rubbing. It was like lips covering an opening with a little bundle of flesh above the opening but inside the lips. As I was inspecting her and playing with the flesh with my fingers making sure not to scratch her, she started getting louder and grinding her hips against my hand.

"Sh-shanks~" my name seemed to roll off her tongue in a breathless whimper and I found myself diving into the water between her legs to taste her lower lips. Her body arched as she cried out gripping my head and playing with my hair making me groan. She tastes so much better then anything I've ever eaten, then any female siren I've mated with for the fun of it. And it's all mine, she's all mine. I'm never letting her go.

***y/n pov***

He wrapped his arms around my thighs and pushed his face further into my pussy as a very primal growl left his throat. Every place he touches feels like magic. He's far better then any man I have been with. I don't know why he keeps saying mate in such a possessive voice but I don't really care right now. He has been eating me out for a long time not even pulling away once. I guess that's one of the perks of having gills. I could feel my orgasam building as my legs started to shake as I started to wrap them around his head pushing him harder into me making him growl. That sent me over and I came in his mouth as my body started to shake and I found myself sliding down the wall.

"Oh shanks oh" I cried out for him. He licked up my belly, between my boobs, up my neck, and stopped infront of my face.

"I don't care if you're a human anymore, you're my mate y/n and I need you. I don't know why Pasadena gave me a human mate, but you're mine And I plan to keep you, And I plan to keep you" he started to kiss my neck and I just now noticed that his eyes, teeth, and skin changed back to what they were on the beach.

"We are going to mate, or what do you humans call it... sex, fucking, make love. I like the last one, make love. You're going to have my young, and you're never going to leave me again" he whispered his words to me as he started to guide my face to the water as he started to submerge himself in it.

"But how" it came out of my lips in a breathless whisper. He smiled as he leaned up and his lips were lightly grazing on mine.

"I'd rather show you" he said before he kissed me and pulled me under the water as we started to go a little deeper down, not breaking the kiss. I could feel his fins grazing my skin making me brake from the kiss as a shiver went down my spine. I tried to moan his name but nothing came out of my mouth. He went back to kissing and sucking on my neck.

"So beautiful, so gorgeous, and your all min-ine-ine-ine-ine" he started to say but when I ran my hand down his tail he started to twitch and studder his last word. I cupped his fin and brought it to my face. I lightly rubbed it on my cheek before I kissed it.

"You wanted to know how" he whispered with his teeth grazing my ear and cupping my other hand as he drug it down his chest.

"Its similar to how you humans do it" he said as he drug my hand down the scales that started after his abs.

"But it's more like dolphins, see we have a little slit that has a pouch of sorts" he took my fingers and put them into what felt like a slit like he said. As we opened the slit more I could feel something long and hard, and that's when I saw it push out.

"Well for male sirens it's a pouch with our reproductive organs. For females, it's just the slit that leads to a hole that this guy goes into" he finished as he took his hand away. It was like a human guy's dick, but pinker, more curved up, and just a slightly different look to it. Oh and IT IS FUCKING LONG AS HELL, WHAT IS THIS SHIT LIKE 10- 17 INCHES LONG. MAY THE GODS HAVE MERCY ON ME.

"Dont make that face, this is average. What could the humans average possibly be for you to make that face" he nervously chuckled as he stroked my face. I took one hand and pointed to the base and with the other hand I pointed to about 5-6 inches up from the base and drug my finger from the base to my other finger and back down. He groaned as he threw his head back. He cupped my face and had me look at him.

"Well that's understandable, but this is all yours now" he said as he pulled my legs up to wrap them around him. I could feel the head of it rubbing on my pussy lips. Honestly I was really turned on when I thought about sex with him, but now I'm fucking terrified of that fucking monster he has.

"And you're going to take every inch" he growled in my ear as he slammed my hips down on him and flicked his tale to thrust as much of his length in me that he could. If sound could come from me right now, it would have been a mix between a pained scream and one of pleasure from the electrifying feeling it made. I clung to him as he lifted my hips for me and flicked his tail thrusting into me as he brought me back down in a slow and steady pace.

"It seems like I can't get all of me in you, that's OK, we'll start out with this much and work our way to all of it" he leaned closer to my ear and nibbled on my lobe.

"You can handle that right baby" he rumbled making a shiver go down my spine. After a little bit of him thrusting in and out of me it started to feel really good. I threw my head back to let out my own moans and whimpers for more, but nothing came out other then the bubbles. I ran my hands and fingurs threw his hair and brought his head to me as i dove my tongue into his mouth, not cutting it on his teeth this time. He kissed back with just as much hunger, his hands were gripping every part of my body as i soon found myself pressed up against the cave wall.

"I want to hear you, i need to hear you" he growled out and i soon found him sinking his teeth into my sholder. It felt so fucking good, soon my voice started to gradualy fade in. It sounded just like you would think it to being under water.

"shank, shank, oh god, it feels so good, you feel so good, oh god" I moaned leaning my head back on the wall. He pulled his teeth out of me and drug his tongue up my neck to my ear. He growled and gripped my hips hard, digging his nails in.

"Deeper, deeper, I need to be deeper" he growled as his thrusts got harder and his tail thrashed more making me reach down to stroke What I could of it. He grabbed my throat a little harder then before making my eyes roll back in bliss. He turned my head to look at him.

"Tell me how I go deeper, tell me how I get deeper inside that tight hole" he growled and licked the side of my face making my body shiver. I tapped his shoulder and rubbed my face on his.

"Stop for a moment" he slowed his thrusts till he stilled inside me.

"Help me put my ankles on your shoulders" I said to him as I gripped the back of his neck with one hand and he helped me do as I asked till both ankles were on there respected shoulders. I was having trouble holding on to his neck to stay close.

"Wrap your arms around my back and grip my shoulders to move me, you should go deeper that way-ay-AY-AHHHHH GOD SHANKS" he cut me off with my own screams of bliss and slight pain as he started to move me like I said. We moved from the wall as it seemed easier for him to thrust into me.

"Ah God, your taking all of me like a good fucking slut, and your my slut human, mine, oh fuck I'm so deep, God you feel so good, thank you Pasadena, FUCK" he moaned in a slightly higher pitch then his voice started to get deeper as he growled at the end. We were rolling all over in the water, hair swaying every which way. My moans and whimpers mixed with his growls of possession as he nipped every part of my skin he could reach as he thrusted harder.

"Your clamping down on me y/n, are you gonna cum for me. Are you gonna cum for me. Your mine, and that means every orgasam is mine, and you will give me what's mine. Is that understood" he groaned as he watched my face with red cheeks as he gave my ass a hard smake making my back want to arch and me push deeper on him.

"OH GOD, YES SHANKS, EVERYTHING IS YOURS, OH GOD, OH SHANKS, IM GONNA AAAAHHHH"I cried with my head thrown back as my nails dug into his neck as he kept thrusting into me making it better and better as he started to get louder and louder and he pounded harder loosing his rhythm slightly.

"cum in me shanks, please, fill me, please, please, I want it, I wan-ah-ah" I whimpered and winced as his thrusts started to slow but got harder as his nails started to dig into my shoulders. He cut me off by slamming into me one last time, all the way to the base and he held me there as he started to shake slightly as he emptied into me.

It made me loose my breath as my eyes rolled back and my body clamped so hard, my body started to shake and twitch as I squrted on him.

"What, what did, you just, do on me" I started to chuckle as he slipped out of me, my legs floated about a little as he held me close.

"That happens when we are stimulated so much our body squrts. It's basically like a different form of cuming that only happens when it's really, really good. That was the first time I did that" he stroked my face as he looked at me with kind eyes.

"So I did good then" he gave me a cocky smirk knowing what my answer was when I laughed.

"Better then anything I ever had or thought I could have" I said with tired eyes as I stroked his face and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Tired? I'll take you up top and you can rest as I go get the seer to make sure I didn't hurt you. She should also be able to make it so I can take you home and the presher won't hurt you" he brought me up to the cave floor out of the water. It was surprisingly warm as he layed me down and kissed my forhead. He went to turn away and dive back down but I gripped his hand harder making him look at me.

"Sing to me, please" he smiled and started to sing. His voice was so angelic I could have cried, no matter how hard I tried to stay away. Sleep just seemed to steal me away, much like last time....

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