romance is not dead // bbangs...

By k1mmin

36.7K 2.1K 734

Hanni just moved back to Seoul with her bestfriend Danielle. What awaits her in her college life? or may I sa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 11

1.6K 108 71
By k1mmin

Hanni's POV

Dani and I decided over the weekend that we'll be attending EM's celebratory party later. I'm currently in class but I have been thinking what outfit to wear the moment I woke up, I'm not sure what the theme of the party is 'cause I wasn't able to ask Beomgyu. I forgot to ask Minji about it too. Minji said she wasn't sure if she can go 'cause she has a dinner to attend to. She didn't tell me who she would be spending it with though, I'm hoping it's not with Taehyun.

Ugh. Can she just stop entertaining that guy. I hope she's not replying to his messages nor answering his calls. She told us she didn't even have feelings for him, so I don't understand why she's still hasn't rejected him yet.

I haven't really asked her how things are going on between them, I'm scared I might react negatively or that I'll end up getting hurt. I'm genuinely scared to know what progress their relationship has made. Plus I don't really have the right to be upset over what's going on between them.

Minji and I have been getting really close recently though. We text a lot, study together, and we see each other in campus frequently. I can't lie though, sometimes I catch myself giving meaning to all our cute interactions even when I know I shouldn't be. Minji gives me a fair share of flirty lines here and there but I think it's just all platonic bickers. I do not want to assume that every time we tell each other about ourselves or every time she shows me some care that she finds me something more than what I truly just am, a friend.

But I have to admit.

I wish I make her heart flutter the same way she does mine.


I drove my way back home, I texted Minji to ask what the party's theme is for tonight and she answered that EM's paying homage to The Flappers with a bit of Metropolis. From what I recall, Flappers was a movement in the 1920's wherein women dressed unconventionally, it signified today's freedom, art, and culture while Metropolis is a little sprinkle of the 1920's film era. It's expected of SNU Editorial Magazine's branding. It a bit overbearing for me and try hard, to be honest. But magazines has always made a way to recognize historic fashion eras along with film so ofcourse EM having that as a theme is fitting.

I think I have the outfit for the night. I'll wear a white button up with my leather skirt and jacket combo. I'll match it with a beret and maybe a tie? We'll never forget to accessorize too.

I open up the door to our unit and went ahead to check if Dani's home, and... she's not? Doesn't her class end at 2:30PM. It's almost 4PM. She might've gone somewhere, she could've texted me atleast especially since we have an event to go to tonight. I'll take a quick shower and if she's not home by the time I'm done, I'll check up on her. I went inside my room and as I was putting my things down, I hear the apartment's door jangle. That's probably Dani, guess I didn't have to worry after all.

I went outside of my room planning on giving Dani some yelling for not updating me. when I realize Dani has brought a visitor with her. "Ehem. Excuse me?" I signal my presence towards the two girls sitting by our couch.

"Hanni!" Danielle stands up and greets me with a hug.

I give Danielle a suspicious stare. She brought a crush with her, how can I not stare?

"Hey Haerin!" I gave the cat eyed girl a smiley wave as she stood up and bowed at me.

"Thank you for letting me visit your humble abode." Humble abode? Haerin is definitely something, she's so prim and proper, adorable.

"What are you guys up to?" I ask both of them.

"Haerin's going to help in writing my appeal tonight and hang out for a little bit." Dani exclaims, I see Haerin nod in agreement.

"You're not going with me to EM's?" I ask Dani calmly with a hint of confusion.

"OH! that's tonight? I-I completely forgot!" Dani got surprised after realizing a conflict in her schedule.

"Oh no, I should've reminded you earlier..." I pout at Dani.

I've been thinking about going there the entire day and I didn't even remind Dani about it. Does this mean I should cancel? But I've been thinking of what to wear the whole day. The anticipation already built up....but Dani writing her appeal is far more important than going to a party so she's definitely staying.

"Sorry Hanni, I've been preoccupied the past few days so the thought of the party didn't occur to me."

Dani went up to me and hugged me appeasing from the conflict. "Don't worry, thats far more important." I pinched Dani's cheek

After Dani's numerous apologizing and my several assurances. I left Dani and Haerin alone to work on whatever they needed to do.

I guess I'll be going to the party myself. I've already planned out the night ahead and even thought about my outfit. I would feel bad if I wouldn't go. It wouldn't hurt to make some friends. As always I'll still be as responsible as I can be.


I decided to take an Uber to go to the place, I figured I might get a tipsy so I don't want to end up trying to drive myself home with alcohol in my system. Danielle told me that I can call her if I ever needed to get picked up. I texted Beomgyu telling him I'm going and that I'm on the way.

I'll try to be cautious since I've never truly met the guy, he seems nice but I don't want to just trust people off of my first impression but I'm hoping things go well.

Time check! it's 8pm, I guess i'll be a little late. I didn't know traffic is heavy in this area of Seoul. Well you can't really blame me since I'm not that familiar with the entire city yet and If I knew I would've left a little earlier.

Beomgyu texted me back asking me to tell him when I'm a few minutes away so he can pick me up from the event's entrance. I feel a little bit anxious for attending a party all by myself, Dani's always the conversation starter so I'm not sure how I'll handle making conversations with other people. Plus I don't know anyone besides Beomgyu and I literally just talked to him twice.

These thoughts are making me regret my decision of going. Okay. Hanni. Breathe. You're already here. Might as well enjoy the night. Make friends. Drink. Have Fun. Breathe. Woo. Breathe. Enjoy.

"We're here, Ma'am." The uber driver signals as he parks the car beside a bar, Ocean's Studio 54. A bar clerk opened my door for me.

I bow my head to the clerk as I exit. "Thank you." I smile at the man.

I walk my way to the entrance. I've already texted Beomgyu but there's no sight of him by the entrance. I can hear the place's loud music from outside, I'm guessing the party has already begun. I smiled at the escort that was standing by the door, "Hi welcome to Ocean's Studio 54. EM's guestlist, Can I have your name please?"

"Oh Sonny, that's my guest!" I looked up to the voice I heard and it was Beomgyu. The escort just nodded his head and welcomed me inside.

"Hey Mr. Head Associate!" I greet the guy as I walked in. Damn here we go again with the loud deafening music.

"I'm glad you decided to go!" Beomgyu gives me a handshake as a greeting. "Come meet my friends at our table." He points to a direction.

For an exclusive party this place sure is packed, there are clusters of people in circles dancing and chit chatting. I'm trying to look around if I can see any familiar faces but to no surprise, I don't know anyone. I can see some classmates of mine but none that I've actually talked to or acquainted with. Beomgyu and I found ourselves into a long table with atleast a dozen or more people surrounded.

"Guys, Attention please! Meet our new friend Hanni." Beomgyu shouts into the table. Everyone cheers as they all wave at me with smiles on their faces.

"Hanni this is Wonyoung, Gaeul, Liz, Jinni, Lilly, Kai, Yeonjun, Mark, Sunoo, Jisung, Hiyyih....." Beomgyu continued on pointing to each and everyone of the people at the table mentioning their names but seriously I cannot memorize these names in one roll call especially not with the loud music.

I bowed at those far from me but the girls near me went in to give me a smooch or a hug. We all shared chat's giving each other compliments. "A table shot to welcome Hanni?" The girl with the blonde hair initiates, Gaeul? I think.

We all took a shot together. Some of them are my batch mates but some are older than me. Wonyoung and Liz are from Liberal Arts as well while the rest are either from College of Architecture or School of Design and Arts. They're currently geeking about EM's projects and past success. Talking about their future plans with the organization and why they chose to sign up for EM.

All this social talk is creeping up on me a little bit. I'm helping myself with some shots to boost my confidence, a little liquid courage would help. I want to keep up with the crowd's energy. Arriving late definitely leaves you behind.

Someone takes my shot glass away from me. "Slow down Madame! You just got here." Beomgyu adds as he puts my shot glass down the table.

"I'm late! So I kinda want to catch up!" I shout on his ear.

Beomgyu laughs at me. "It's so early! You'll blackout at that pace. Chill out."

"Fine. Damn! I didn't know you're a party pooper." I tell him off.

Before he could reply the DJ started playing Fiancé - MINO on the speakers. "EM! Are you ready to party?" The DJ shouts into the mic. Everyone from our table including myself, stood up and shouted their voices out.

All of us ran to the dance floor to dance and sing our hearts out. You can feel the floor vibrate as the loud thumping music fills the entire room, the strobe lights flickering with the song's beat. All the people were smiling as if they're living the time of their lives dancing and singing the lyrics word by word. I'm especially feeling myself as I danced and I can see the people I'm with enjoying their time too. I can live like this!

but something definitely is missing though... Minji.


We all find ourselves back to our table. Wonyoung inviting the whole table to take another shot to continue the energy we're having. I'm not drunk but I'm definitely feeling some of the alcohol already.

"How's you and your boyfriend?" The pink haired girl asks the person beside her. We're all just currently sitting down, I'm by a long couch and i'm beside two girls. I forgot their names. "Oh we're overrrr." the girl replies to her. Ok Tea. I'm seated indeed.

Turns out the guy she was with cheated on her, and guess what? It was with her close friend. Double Homicide. Some people just don't have morals these days.

We took another shot and some of the girls stood up and went to the bathroom. Beomgyu seemed to take the chance and sat beside me. "You having fun?" the boy asked.

"Suprisingly, I am yeah." I answer the guys question.

He tells me about how EM's parties are always going to be fun, and how the crowd are always easy to hang out with. Their organization's board always checks the people who comes in, they know everyone so their parties are always safe.

Well that's assuring to hear. Atleast I feel safe and I can get to be myself.

"But don't get dead drunk. That'll ruin your night." Beomgyu reminds me. "You'll vomit, make a mess, and worse you wont even remember a thing!" He adds.

"I'm not going to get dead drunk? why are you telling me this???" I give him a confused but playful look.

"Great then, just making sure." He laughs at me.

This guy seems pretty sweet. Too sweet and too perfect if you ask me. I drink from my glass of water as I shake my head at this guy's remark and as I put my glass back down. I see a familiar figure walking rounds in the room. It's Minji, I was about to shout for her name when I see that she's with Taehyun. What the hell? 

I feel my muscle tense up as I watch them. I can feel the back of my neck throb at the sight of those two together. My heart feels like it's pulling my entire body down with how heavy it feels right now. I can't take this. I took my shot glass and poured myself a drink.

"Shot?" I offer Beomgyu a shot glass.

"Woah! I just told you to not get dead drunk?" I hear the guy goofily react.

"I'm not even drunk yet!"  I give him a light tap. Actually I am a little but not too bad. I pass him the shot glasses I just filled.

*gulp* Both Beomgyu and I take a shot. Alcohol tastes so bad, but to be real it's much better than seeing the person you like with someone else.

"Beomgyu!" "Hanni!" I hear two voices simultaenously call out for our names.

"Oh Tae? Since when did you arrive?" I look up to see Minji and Taehyun standing right by our table. Beomgyu reaches to shake Taehyun's hands as they greet each other. Great he knows this guy, he wasn't so perfect after all.

"Fancy seeing you here Hanni!" Taehyun adds

"Hey Taehyun." I try to smile at the guy.

"Minji! I thought you couldn't go?" I tried to casually greet Minji but as soon as I locked eyes with her, I can feel her eyes hostiley glare at Beomgyu and I. What's her deal? I gave her a fake smile and a wave. She's probably not in the mood cause she didn't even smile back at me.

Before Minji could reply to me. "Oh gyu, This is Minji, I've mentioned her already right?" Taehyun introduces Minji to the guy I'm sitting right next to.

I'm trying to mask the jealousy I'm feeling at this exact moment. How can I hide the intense burning pain I'm feeling in my chest. I am so annoyed and upset. This hurts. Why are they together? God I need a drink. I don't know how to act.

"I've heard a lot about you." Beomgyu tells Minji while nodding his head. I unconsciously roll my eyes. What the hell does that supposed to mean?

"What really?" Minji gives Beomgyu a confused look her gaze still somehow unfazed.

"No, no, I'm just kidding." Beomgyu laughs as he takes back what he said. "Get comfortable you two, take a seat, get a drink!" Beomgyu tells them both with a wink. "You can also get some cocktails by the bartender if you'd like." Beomgyu points out to the bar's direction.

"There's cocktails?" I ask Beomgyu with a shocked face.

"Come, let's go get some!" Beomgyu invites me, offering his hand with mine as he stood up.

I took his hand and followed the direction to the bartenders counter.

"Pham Hanni." I hear Minji shout for my name. I turn back.

"What?" I furrow my brows at her with confusion.

She gives a long pause. I can see her eyes move to Beomgyu and I's hands. She transfer her eyes back to mine.

"What's up?" I repeat my question at her.

"get me a cocktail as well." her face was stoic and her voice sounded gloomy.


Beomgyu and I comes back to the table with cocktails in our hands. The girls already came back from the restroom so there's only one seat left. I can already feel the rush of the alcohol passing through me. I look over to Minji and Taehyun and I saw them whispering in each other's ear. F*ck that, I absolutely hate seeing them so close, I tried to put my gaze in a different direction. You got this Hanni, don't cry, don't react. If I don't have shame I would've pulled Minji off that guy. I told Beomgyu that he could sit down on the seat instead cause I'd rather stand than have those two be right in front of my face.

"Are you sure? you can sit on my lap." Beomgyu offers. I glimpsed over at Minji and Taehyun has his arms wrapped around Minji's shoulders. You know what, whatever f*ck it we ball. I let Beomgyu take his seat and I sat on his lap.

Lilly looked at the both of us. "Ohhhh! Look at these two love birds." she shouts at our table. The entire circle started shouting as a sort of tease between Beomgyu and I.

I might not be looking at Minji but I can feel her gaze right on us.

Beomgyu and I just shook our heads trying to stop the table from reacting.

"Beomgyu, are you single?" Lilly shoutingly asks acting like an interviewer.

Beomgyu just nods at Lilly. The entirety of our table shouts in glee. I look at Minji, she's just on her phone. Whatever.

"How about you Hanni, are you single?" Oh I see where this is going. I look at Minji, the answer is simple but I don't wanna answer just yet. The light may be dim in the room but she transferred her gaze from her phone on to mine and I can see how dark her eyes are staring intently at me, she breaks contact as Taehyun leans towards her again trying to whisper something in her ear. I feel my heart tighten, It really hurts this bad?

"Yea." I answer Lilly. The entire tables crowd starts shouting making other tables look our way.

I see Minji stand up and walk off towards the direction of the bathroom.

I stood up to follow her.

I can feel my heart beating so fast. I don't know why but I followed her, the alcohol has completely taken over my decision making.

I enter the bathroom and I see Minji washing her hands.


"Hey." She gives me a weak smile.

"I thought you weren't going?"

"My dinner ended early so I figured to pass by." Minji looks at me through the mirrors reflection. "I texted you but I guess you were busy with something else." she adds removing her gaze from me.

"Oh" I nodded at her. F*ck I haven't checked my phone this entire night. Ugh. I hate this.

"You okay? you seem a bit cold." I ask Minji.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just tired I guess."

"Do you need anything? You shouldn't have gone if you're tired. You might get sick." I tell her with a bit of worry in my voice.

Minji walked to get some tissues by the dispenser, She turned to me and smiled. "It's okay, I wanted to see you."

Before I could think, I went up to her and wrapped my hands around her. I could tell from her body's reaction that Minji got surprised, I can't see her face since I buried mine into her chest, i don't have any ounce of care at the moment. I just wanted to feel her in my arms. Thank god for the alcohol giving me courage. "I'm glad you're here." I softly whisper while I tightly embrace the tall girl in front of me.

I can feel my heartbeat pulse as Minji clasps her hands around me, she's hugging me back and right in that moment I feel my world pause. If I can stay like this forever, I would.

"I missed you." words escaping Minji's mouth.

As soon as I heard that, I raised my head from her chest and looked up at her. I wanted to smile at her but the moment our eyes met, It left me stunned.

Her eyes are filled with passion and longing. Somehow it's pulling me in. Minji moves one of the strands of my hair to my ear, I freeze as I feel her touch on my skin. Both our faces are tinted with red. I can smell her usual sweet dazing scent. Watching her angelic face this up close is making my entire body melt. I feel my breath hitch as I look at her lips. I can feel us both still hesitate despite slowly closing the gap between us. The shadows of our faces are slowly meeting, she put her palms on my nape rubbing the back of my ear. Each rub giving shock waves down my spine.  If either of us moves another inch our lips would land with each others. I close my eyes as I feel the warmness of her breath on top of mine and...

Someone swings the bathroom door open causing us to jump away from each other. Minji turned back to the tissue dispenser and I opened the sink's faucet pretending to wash my hands.

The timing. I can feel my blood rush to my face. Did we almost just kiss? Is this a dream? Am i dreaming? I should've just smashed my lips onto hers immediately. What on God's timing did this random girl have, to go to the restroom now of all other time.

I chuckled to myself, Minji looks so awkward just looking at the tissue dispenser.



this has been the longest chapter i wrote.......... whats gonna happen with bbangsaz after this encounter? hmmmmmm.....

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