
De camdawg2

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The god's have declared that humanity's time has come to an end and has decided to destroy them. One valkyrie... Mais

Ragnarok Begins
Roaring Thunder
True Joy
a battle on multiple fronts.
Reality Check
Top of the mountain
The Devil and The Ashura
A new challenge.
Battles and Deaths.
Wins and losses.
planning for the future.
Magic and Might
Fighting in the Forest
Buddha vs Susanoo.
machines and magic
True Violence

Neo Ragnarok Begins.

659 16 37
De camdawg2

The crowd was silent as they watched the two fighters stare each other down, neither moving as both seemed perfectly content to wait for the other to move first. However those who payed close enough attention could tell that while Jack was genuinely fine with waiting Athena was growing more and more agitated.

'Does this lowly mortal truly believe she could stand against me?' The goddess thought with a growl as she began to clutch her bow harder. 'Blasphemous!' She thought with a scowl which only grew deeper when Jack caught her eye and gave her an innocent smile. "Is there a problem?" The human asked which seemed to be the greek's breaking point.

'Inncolent wretch!' She thought raised her bow and conjuring three arrows before launching them at the human at blinding speeds.




Only for them to be knocked out of the air and land harmlessly on the ground after being deflected by three knives thrown by Jack. 'Dawn Völundr.; Athena thought as she glanced towards the serial killer who was now holding knives between each of her fingers. "Well now looks like we've officially begun." Jack proclaimed before throwing her knives at the goddess who dodged the knives with ease.

Athena grunted raising her bow and fired another valley of arrows only for them to be deflected by another set of knives.

"And it seems the two are in a dead lock folks! Nether have gained first blood yet." Heimdall announced as the audience grew more and more on edge. "Up in the stands Geir was looking on in worry. "Ah sis, just how many of those knives does Jack have? Cause to me it seems like she might be wasting them all before the start of the match." Geir proclaimed in worry.

Brunhilde just smiled towards her sister. "Don't worry Geir, thanks to those pouches of her's Jack will never run out of weapons." Brunhilde was quick to reassure only for Geir to blink in confusion. "But sis isn't Hlökk's Völundr form the gloves?" The longest asked getting a nod from the 1st valkyrie. "Indeed however before the first tournament started Jack came to me with a request.

She requested a couple of pouches that were capable of conjuring an unlimited number of items from them so long as they could fit in the pouches." Here Brunhilde smirked. "An easy enough request if you know the right people." The eldest explained with Geir completely at a loss at who can create something so crazy.

With the villains both Stain and Toga were watching Jack with great interest. "Amazing!" Toga gushed. "The precision and power behind each knife and being able to do it while throwing multiple at a times! She's so cool!" Toga kept on the praise with Stain nodding. "Her skills are undeniable, certainly my abilities with knives." The hero hunter admitted easily only to scowl when he heard Geten scoff.

"As expected a weak little speck like you praising, a subhuman for a mediocre skill." The ice manipulator sneered only to flinch slightly as Toga appeared right behind him with a knife to her his throat. 'When did she?' He thought only to still when the knife pricked him. "If it's so easy let's see you do it some time ." She challenged before pulling her knife away and walking back to the few people of the groups she could call her friends.

Back in the arena, nether of the fighters had made any progress as the floor surrounding them were now littered with knifes and arrows. Athena had had enough as she materialized her bow as a portal opened behind her as dozens of what appear to be pairs of eyes lit up the darkness. "So you can stop my arrows from hitting you, con graduations." Athena told the killer with a scowl. "I suppose it's time to try something different then." She shouted as dozens of whatever was hiding in the darkness shot out at great speeds towards the serial killer.

Jack threw more knives toward the projectiles only for them to have no effect forcing the killer to have to dodge. 'That's right little money dance.' Athena thought with a smirk as she increased the folly of the projectiles and their speed. Eventually kicking up a cloud of dust from impacting the ground with a loud boom accompanying each hit.

"Hey, owl pellets remember this is a safe match right?" Shiva asked as the bombardment continued only to get a snort from Poseidon. "There's a chance she thought she's above such rules, wouldn't be the first time." She said the last bit in a mumble.

Above the arena Heimdall was still commentating. "And it seems Jack is helpless against such a ferocious assault! Can she do anything to stop the goddess of wisdom or will the first match of Neo Ragnarok after it barely begins.

In the stands humanity was more than a bit worried. "Damn it, bad enough we have to rely on a serial killer, but it seems like she won't be able to do anything. Guess it's just bad luck she's in the one match she chant do the one thing she's good at." One of the humans muttered only to get a hum from the man next to him.

This was Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes series "I won't be so quick to dismiss her so quickly. Considering she was never caught during her life, I'd like to think she still has a trick or two up her sleeves."

Back in the arena Athena's barrage was slowly dying down, not wanting to lose because she accidentally killed the insect. However she noticed a small object flying through the air towards her which resulted in her blasting it with one of her shots.


The surrounding area was suddenly covered in smoke, obstructing the view from the audience and sending Athena into a coughing fit. 'A smoke bomb!' She thought furiously as she struggled to stop her fit. 'I should have known that worm would try something like this!' She thought while glancing around furiously trying to find the killer. However the goddess of wisdom could not stop the sound of surprise from leaving her lips as the human appeared right in front of her, giant scissors in hand and swung downward.

Athena leapt back but she wasn't quick enough to avoid the entire attack resulting in her bow bing sliced in two as well as blood spurted from her chest causing her to gasp in pain. As her hands went instinctively to her wound which gave the killer time to launch her next attack.

Taking a collapsed metal pike from her pouch and with a flick of her wrist caused it to expand to it's full length and immediately stabbed the goddess in the right leg, getting a roar of pain from the goddess which immediately was silenced when Jack pulled the pike out and rammed it through the left side of Athena's check running it through her mouth and out of the other check.

Immediately Athena began to choke both on the pike and the blood with Jack instantly retracting the pike before delivering a kick to the woman's chest causing her to hunch over. Seeing the chance to end the fight once and for all Jack whirled around and aimed the pike towards the goddess spine, aiming to cripple and paralyze her ending the match only to jump back as more projectiles shot out of the portal.

'An automatic defense.' Jack thought leaping back to avoid the shots that were now shooting erratically before taking out a fancy looking pistol from her coat and fired it into the air. The grappling hook hidden inside shot out and wrap itself around the street lamp hurling her through the air and out of the smoke on to the roof of a near by building.

"And Jack the Ripper has made a reappearance out of the smoke!" Heimdall instantly noted with many noticing that the killer looked untouched as the smoke started to clear and the crowd gasped with the gods against humanity in rage at seeing the state of the wisdom goddess. "Oh my word! Athena looks to have taken considerable damage in the brief time we had no visuals, just what went on in that smoke?!"

Up in the stands Qin was clapping happy. "Hao! What a wonderful sight!" The king proclaimed glad to see such a clear difference in the current state of the two fighters before turning to Brunhilde. "It would seem you were worried for nothing." The king said with Brunhilde shooting her a look. "While I wouldn't go that far, I will admit this is going better than I first thought it would." The 1st valkyrie admitted before giving a flat look. 'But just why did it half to be a safe match?' Brunhilde once again groaned, not believing her luck at getting a safe match when it was time for the serial killer to fight.

"Well this is going better than I thought it would." Hermes mutter though she was waiting for the other shoe to drop before a chuckle was heard and she looked and saw Poseidon watching with a little to much satisfaction seeing the wisdom goddess in such a state. 'Still as pity as always I see. Guess some things never change.' Hermes thought half exasperated half amused.

"She has a grabbling hook! Do you see it, do you see it?!" Toga spazzed getting more and more giddy the more she watched the woman fight almost exactly like she did. She'd even began to take notes, hoping to work Jack's tricks into her own arsenal. "It is a rather good idea." Re-destro reluctantly acknowledged, being the CEO of a support company he could tell a good product when he saw one.

Toga took a quick glance towards the former leader of the meta liberation army. "Hey can I get something like that, but customized for me?" She asked and instantly the man's eyes went wide with excitement. "Of course my fellow lieutenant, anything to help a friend of our great liberator. Now then what shall we focus on? Mobility or a way to enhance your meta ability?" As Re-destro went on to rambling and muttering to himself Toga blinked owlishly before slowly turning back to the match. 'I just wanted a cuter deign than Jack's is.' She thought before focusing on the match.

Over with the heroes Power Loader hummed as he scratched his chin. It's not a bad design, a little archaic but it gets the job done." He muttered before turning to the side. "What do you think Hatsu- and she's gone." He finished with a mutter seeing Mei already muttering at a rapid pace with a giggle here and a mutter of "baby" there.

In the area the portal behind the goddess closed as a dark aura covered the goddess as her eyes slowly glowed with power. Without a word a blast of power erupted from the goddess which upon impacting the buildings the structures instantly turned to stone and quickly spread. Jack seeing this instantly fired her grabbling hook onto Big Ben and flew away right before the wave could hit her.

Thankfully only a few of the builds had become stone before the wave ended leaving Athena standing there and panting. "Damn it." She whispered harshly, somewhat difficult now as she had two holes in her head as she gritted her teeth. "I can't believe I let a mortal get the best of me like that." She hissed, spitting out the word mortal like it was poison.

Before she could rant any further however the sound of something whirling through the air caught her attention and Athena turned just in time to see the hands of Big Ben flying through the air heading straight towards her.


Only to be stopped dead as Athena blocked the assault with her new weapon, a scythe. "Dirty trick mortal." The goddess whispered as the hands fell to the ground with a thud as she gave the scythe a few test swings only to hear the sound of a clap behind her causing her to turn and see Jack standing there, a happy expression on her face with her hands pressed together.

"What a wonder block, you should be proud." Jack praised getting the god to tsk before giving the metal clock hands a kick that lunched them towards the serial killer who calmly grabbed took her metal pike and looped the spiked in through one of the holes in the clock hands and flung it to the side.

Athena wasn't staying still however and went to slice off one of the killer's arms only for Jack to bring out an umbrella of all things and opened it using it as a shield to block the scythe strike, the power of Volundr empowering the parcel to block the divine weapon. Shifting her weight Jack threw of the goddess balance sending her tumbling for a moment and letting Jack draw another pike from her pouch, extend it and pierce the goddess through the shoulder.

Growling Athena kicked the killer away forcing herself not to wince having used her injured leg before leaping off the ground using her good leg and going for another strike with her scythe. Jack raised her umbrella high to block. However Athena was prepared this time in a second she related the hold of scythe and let it fall threw her hands until the blade of the scythe was only a few inches from where she was holding it.

And with a twist of her body Athena managed to cut cut through both items in the killer's hands. Jack instantly let go of the weapons having went for her pouches but Athena was hanging none of it and quickly went to go grab the killer by her collar to stop her from fleeing only to pull back as blood burst from the goddess's hands. 'What the hell?' She thought as she looked down at her bleed hand only to blink in shock as she saw the insides of the mortal's clothing.

'Metal blades?!' She thought incredulously giving Jack the chance to get inclose and got for a an elbow strike right to the goddess' face with Athena narrowly dodging the blow.


Or so she thought as a cut appeared above her nose with blood gushing out of it. "And once again Jack lands a blow though how she did it is a mystery!" Heimdall noted with Jack smiling happily as she clapped her hands together. "Curious are you? I can tell you if you want." Jack offered only for Athena to snarl and rush forward. "Oh don't want an explanation?" She asked before clapping once more. "Excellent, I love go getters like you." She praised as she reached into her pouch and pulled out a knife and stun gun.

Athena's first strike was over head but Jack was quick to parry her with the knife and gave her the chance to shock the goddess with the stun gun but Athena turned her body at the last second so she could avoid the shock. Athena then tested her body to go for a strike at the killer's legs only for the human to defend with the stun gun and tried to stab the goddess with a knife. Athena was quick to duck down and then slid her foot among the ground to kick up a wave of dust and tried to blind the assassin long enough to do some damage.

Jack had a counter to this however as she instantly closed her left eye as she reached into her pocket and placed a monocle over her right eye. This caused the wave of dirt to bounce harmlessly off the glass as she plucked two of her hairs and blew them straight into the goddess's eyes causing Athena to shut her eyes.

This was what Jack was waiting for as upon seeing this Jack attacked with both her knife and stun gun. With the knife going for the goddess's chest and the stun hitting below Athena's chin. The goddess could only let out a silent scream as she started to slowly fall on her back. Only to stop as herself as slammed her foot down gripped her scythe so tightly the metal began to creak and with a war she began to charge forward.

Only for Jack to once more appear in front of her and clap once more.

This was the Jack's Stun Clap, a technique used by Jack to stun and even in some cases paralyze her targets. Athena was feeling it's full effects as for 3 seconds the goddess lost consciousness and that was all it took for Jack to take out her lighter and extending the wire contained in side before wrapping it around Athena's elbow and giving it a pull while giving Athena a sharp kick in her good kick causing her to topple.

The result was that Athena fell on her ass while slicing off her entire arm, resulting in a stangled scream from the goddess as she clutched her now stump of an arm as she focused on stopping the bleeding. "And once again the gods seems powerless against their opponents, it seems that once again it'll be an easy win for  humanity!" Heimdall announced causing humanity and the gods now siding with them to cheer. "Atta girl Jackie." A woman muttered quietly as clapped a small, proud smile on her face. She is a voluptuous women with light freckles on her face and hair that's worn in a messy bun. She wears a dress that shows her cleavage. This is Anne a prostitute who once lived with Jack when the later was a child.

The smirk grew bigger when she saw the angry looks on the god's face as she picked up the bottle of alcohol next to her and took a swig. "Now hurry up and end this fight."

As this was going on the gods still wishing for humanity's destruction to sneer and scowl in disgust.

"Of course we got stuck with another useless fighter."

"Well what do you expect? Just look at the rest of the greek fighters so far."

"The heir of Olympus? Yeah sounds about right, a failure just like her father."

"She's so pound, always looking down on the rest of us."

"Good the bitch dissevered the ass kicking."

As the comments reached Athena's ears the wisdom goddess rage only grew.

'This isn't possible!' She screeched in her head. 'I do not experience defeat. I never have! The arts, archery, combat, what ever it is I tired I would always succeed! I was hailed as Zeus's successor, his heir, over each and everyone of my worthless siblings and even my aunts and uncles! I proved I was better than each and every one of them! Especially the sea hag, always avoiding looking like me as if I was a disgusting bug, even when Athens chose my olive tree over her worthless spring and made me chose to worship me!.

'I annihilated the gorgons, I wiped out the archaind and I will lead the way to humanity's destruction!' Athena roared in her head as she got to her feet just as Heimdall was about to call the match. "Of up for one more round?" Jack said with a bored sigh, disinterest quite visible in her eyes only further enraging the goddess. "Alright then" Jack said as she raised her hands and narrowed her eyes. "Let's end this little goddess." Jack muttered before giving Athena one final, loud and mocking clap.

That was Athena's breaking point as with an animalistic snarl Athena charged forward her scythe raised  and ready in her remaining hand. Jack lowered her torso and drew two pikes from her pouches as she raised them in an x formation to defend against the blade. However because of this Athena was given a clear kick to the serial killer's kneecap causing her to buckle slightly. The cheers of the gods and gasp of fear from the humans reached Athena's ears causing her to smile.

Jack tried to go for an another strike with the pikes only for them to be destroyed with another slash of Athena's scythe with the goddess savoring the look of shock and fear on the assassins face. The goddess then giving her a brutal slash across the chest, before slamming the pummel of the scythe into the woman's gut sending her flying through several buildings.

'This more like it.'

Athena walked into the building and saw Jack launch dozens of knives towards her only for Athena to once more open a portal and shot out the beings hidden within destroying the knifes and slamming into the serial killer damaging her arms and legs.

'This is how the world works.

Jack fell to her knees and once more reached into her pouches to grab something only for Athena to appear directly in front and slammed her foot on the back of the killer's head forcing into the floor before stomping repeatedly down on the killer's head.

'Me at the top with humans groveling and worshiping as the licked the filth of my feet.'

Raising her scythe she swung her scythe making sure to cause as much pain as possible without risking her well deserved victory because the insect went and dyed on her.

'Do you all see now? Do you see who truly deserves to be called called the supreme goddess?'

Another volley of projectiles were shot which resulted in Jack being blown in the air before being slashing across the stomach.

'I am the greatest.'

Another volly resulted in Jack's arm being blown off and Jack didn't even get to cry out in pain as she she received another slash across the chest.

'I am perfection incarnate.'

Athena cave one last swing, masterfully slicing through the human's eyes blinding her.

'I am the one true god!'

Athena slammed the dull end of her scythe into Jack's neck as the killer's head slammed into the wall of the building the two where in.

"Well insect, looks like things ended just the way the should." Athena smirked victoriously making sure to grind the killer into the wall as painfully as possible.

Jack's mouth was opening and closing as if she was trying to say something which had Athena laugh mockingly. "Oh still have something to say, well then let's hear your final words before Heimdall announces my victory." Atheana told the killer while glancing around wondering what was taking the watchman so long to get in there and call the match.

Jack's mouth continued to open and close but no words came out. 'Must have crushed her vocal cords.' Athena thought with twisted amusement. As she leaned forward and cupped her ear. "What was that? I didn't quite catch it, could you speak up a little?" Athena requested with a giggle.

"I....said...." Jack rasped out before talking a deep breath.

"Time to wake up."


And in the blink of an eye everything changed. No longer was Athena standing in the ruins of one of the buildings, instead she was laying in the exact spot she was in before her final assault, a horrible pain in her neck as blood poured from a new wound. However the worst part was that damn human was crouched in front of her hands clasped together, an amused smile on her face and looking like that last exchange never happened.

'A boiling rage entered the goddess of wisdom as she tried to figure out just what could have possible happened. However as she opened her mouth to demand an answer all that happened was her splitting out a large amount of blood.

Jack's grin only seemed to increase. "I'm guessing you're trying to figure out what happen am I right?" Jack asked a knowing tone in her voice only getting a growl in response causing the killer to giggle. "Why it's quite simple my dear." Jack to the goddess as she raised a finger.


Hypnosis, Jack has the ability to hypnotize opponents by simply clapping her hands together. Afterwards the victim's mind is trapped in a vivid hallucination where they imagine the fight going completely in their favor. In reality, they're just attacking empty air, leaving them completely vulnerable to any oncoming attacks.

"Wow does Jack really have something so powerful?" Geir asked completely amazed which only grew as Brunhilde nodded. "Indeed however it has a major drawback. It's completely ineffective should the target realize they're in an illusion. Such as it being to easy or the hallucination fighting in an unbelievable way." Brunhilde explained before smirking down in the arena. "Luckily for us Athena was so arrogant and humiliated by that point she probably didn't notice or more likely care about the sudden difference in skill." The valkyrie smirked victoriously down to the down goddess.

"A mistake that cost her the match."

Back down in the arena Jack was keeping a a small distance incase Athena tried anything. "As for why you can't move well that's pretty simple."

Flash Back

"Let's end this little goddess." Jack declared before clapping her hands together. Instantly the goddess went stiff as a gazed over look crossed her face before turning to the side and randomly started to swing randomly.

'"In a strange turn of events Athena seemed to have begun swinging at nothing but air, what could she be thinking?!" Heimdall questioned with many in the audience wondering the same. Jack however calmly approached Athena not worried in the slightest about being hit before once she was in range calmly perched the goddess neck with her finger.

Instantly cries of shock rang through the arena as many were outright shouting that she's given into her bloodlust and Jack could feel the scathing glare Brunhilde was showing her. 'So distrusting.' Jack thought with a giggle before she slowly flicked her finger out causing Athena to fall unmoving to the ground.

This was due to Jack's Cord-Cut, a special technique that refers to the countless "cords" that make up the human body with include things such as blood vessels, lymph ducts, tendons and nerves.

To use that technique, the fighter must train his fingers to the very limit and study the anatomy of the human body. When the training is completed, the fighter can sever the opponent's cords with a finger. However, this technique had one weakness: before the fighter can cut a cord he needs to pull that cord out which takes a lot of time.

With this technique Jack can easily sever tendons, nerves, and other cords within the bodies of her opponents.

Seeing her opponent barely twitch but clearly still alive Jack smiled as she crouched down. "Time to wake up" She said before clapping her hands.

Flashback end

Jack finishing her explanation got up and dusted herself off and turned to Heimdall. "I believe that's the going to be the end of the match." She spoke kindly with the watchman quickly rushing over seeing the goddess down, bleeding and struggling to move. "Can you continue?" He asked as the goddess only leap back with a shriek as Athena gave an inhuman growl and snuggled to move only to topple over lay there prone. Taking this as confirmation Heimdall raised his horn.

"And with that the first round of Neo Ragnarok comes to an end, with the victory going to-" Here Jack gave a bow as Heimdall gestured to her. "Jack the Ripper!" Heimdall declared to the stadium. At first there was complete silence from the human side as the humans were conflicted on what to do. One hand yes she did secure a victory for humanity and they were grateful for that. On the other hand this was Jack the Ripper, the most infamous killer in history who caused so much sadness and fear.

How could they just forget something like that and cheer?

However after a few seconds the sound of clapping could be heard and as one humanity turned to see Anne standing there. She did not cheer and her clapping was that of a polite audience member watching a play but she did have a small smile. 'Ms.Anne.' Jack thought with a small smile before it grew bigger as she noticed cheering and clapping coming from the private both where her fellow champions for humanity as well as there in allies were cheering for her.

The quirk users seeing Izuku clap happily caused them to give their own polite clapping like the one Anne was giving. More and More of humanity slowly started to clap until finally all of humanity as well as the gods now allied with them. Giving one last smile and bow Jack left the arena.

There was someone who was cheering happily or as happily as she could however. Toga had was beyond ecstatic at the overwhelming victory the serial killer pulled off and it was the threat of being caught by the heroes that stoped her from cheering wildly.

While this was going on Athena was also placed on a stretcher and carted out of the area, their destination the divine infirmary. They would have also insisted Jack come as well but considering she was essentially unscratched the nurses figured she was more than too likely to refuse.

Once both competitors left the arena Heimdall raised her fist into the air. "Alrighty folks, it's time to decided the second match type and fighters, who's ready?" He shouted getting much more enthusiastic shouts from the arena this time as he gestured to the board.

"And spin!"

The audience watched with baited breathe as the both the types of matches as well as the fighters were rapidly spinning for a few seconds before starting to slow down. "And it looks it's gonna be a." Heimdall trailed off until the match type finished stopping, showing a sword and shield.

"And it's a standard fight where killing is allowed!" Heimdall announced getting nervous looks from humanity's side of the stadium. "As for the fighters!" Heimdall went on until that stopped as well.

Thor vs Hecate

Open seeing the names those on humanity's side let out a mighty roar, recalling just how powerful she was from the first match. Forseti having switched sides merely because Thor did was by far the loudest and most enthusiastic with his cheering.

Those on the god's side however could only growl, scowl and grumble under their breathe as it was another greek up to fight for them.

"And there you have it folks, in three short hours we'll be seeing god vs god!" Heimdall announced. "The goddess and queen of magic Hecate against the thunder berserker and strongest of the norse god Thor!" Heimdall announced "Who will emerge victorious? I don't think anyone can say or sure! All I know is, it's going to be a hell of a show!"  With that Heimdall left the arena as the copy of London slowly lowered into the arena as the crowds got up to stretch their legs.

Up in their private box Izuku turned to Thor. "You're up Thor, you gonna be okay against Hecate?" Izuku asked concerned with the half giant nodding. "It will be difficult she's one of the greatest magic user the divine realm has to offer, but I know I can emerge victorious" Thor declared getting smiles from her teammates.

"Just make sure you stay on guard sis." Loki warned floating around the red head. "Magic users like Hecate isn't  exactly one of your strong suit." The goddess of mischief reminded Thor who nodded. "I have not forgotten, but the fact remains I will win regardless of what she tries." Thor declared before turning to leave, giving a a nod to Jack and Hlökk who had just arrived before leaving.

"Well she's determined." Jack noted only to grin as she was swarmed by her fellow fighters. "Well done Jack, you did far better than I expected." Brunhilde admitted without shame causing Jack to giggle slightly. "What can I say? I'm a woman of many tricks." She admitted before pouting. "Still I wish the goddess was a little more varied in her arsenal. I got to play in London again and I barely got to use any of it to fight." Jack complained only for Hlökk to kick her in the back of the legs.

"That's a good thing idiot!" The eleventh sister screamed before turning to Brunhilde. "So I'm guess Sasquatch is going to prepare considering who quickly she left." Hlökk guessed with the first valkyrie nodding. "Good. Means she's taking the threat seriously." The sister nodded in approval.

Simo however raised his hand. "Excuse me but why does everyone seemed so worried about this match? Isn't Thor considered to be the strongest of the norse goddess, I don't see how one who isn't even considered an olympian could stand a threat against one such as Thor." Simo voiced his opinion getting nods from the other humans and demons in the booth.

"That's to be expected I suppose." Reginleif said adjusting her glasses before explaining. "The first thing you need to understand is that while it is indeed true she is not considered an olympian she has more than than enough power and skill to be one. And depending on the way this tournament goes she might become one, should one of them die in the up coming fights." The seventh valkyrie explained with the humans growing more nervous the more they learned of the goddess.

"How that isn't what's most dangerous of Hecate." Brunhilde told them with a solemn expression on her face. "No what's most dangerous about Hecate is her drive, when ever she's chasing after something and the almost nonexistent lines she'll cross to get it." Brunhilde explained with Adam raising an eyebrow.

"So she doesn't let much stand in her way?" Adam asked having dealt with deities like that before. with Brunhilde narrowing her eyes as she spoke next. "Correction she doesn't let ANYTHING stand in her way. Not magic, not other people, not even her own body."

Line break.

In a nearly pitch black only lighten up by magic crystal scattered through the chamber a lone figure sat, their features hidden in the darkness as the studied each of the crystals. However they paused in their work as foot steps were heard rapidly approaching the chamber as they let out a sigh right before someone. started banging on the door.

"lady Hecate, my lady! It's time, your match is next!" The messenger banged rapidly on the door only to let out a shriek as they fell to the ground in a heap only to get to their feet only for the figure in the room to speak, causing the meager to speak.

"I am aware that it is my time to fight. I have been waiting the matches since the beginning of the first tournament." Hecate told the messenger in a whispery voice that sent shivers of fear down their back. "Apologies my lady I just wanted to make you were aware." The loyal messenger answered with Hecate nodding already going back to her work as the messenger simply stood there, trying to be as quiet as possible while debating with himself about something.

However he wasn't has quiet as he thought as after a few seconds Hecate spoke. "Is there something else you needed?" She asked with disinterest as the messenger stood ramrod straight with sweat pouring off him. "No Ma'am, I was just curious about something is all!" The messenger told the goddess who merely hummed.

"Oh, would it by chance be why I chose to participate in this tournament with no clear rewards for me?" The magic goddess questioned with the messenger being to nervous to answer verbally gave a quick nod. "The answer is I simply wished to collect more research from certain individuals. And there is truly no better way to collect that research in out in the field." Heceate answered with the messenger nodding. "Thank you for indulging my request my lady, my curiosity simply got the best of me." The messenger looked down in shame.

"And there is nothing wrong with that." Hecate told him causing him to look in shock. "Many great things were accomplished simply because one was curious as to what would happen or why some this is the way it is. Never be ashamed our your curiosity." She finished as the messenger nodded a couple tears in his eyes from such kind words. "Thank you my lady, and I must admit part of me was also concerned with your well being."

"Oh concerned for my well being?" Hecate repeated with a hint of amusement in her tone. "Well I thank you for that you must know that it is needed." Hecate spoke before titling her head up and glancing towards the ceiling. "Should this body fail and fall." She continued her eyes glazing over dozens of objects hanging from the ceiling.

"I will merely move on to another."

Line Break.

Athena was currently being strapped down to her hospital bed, having been left by the nurses to rest after healing her to mostly full before leaving her alone to rest. However resting was the last thing on the goddess mind as all she wanted to do now was hunt down that worthless human that humiliated her in front of all of heaven and humanity and slaughter the killer in the most painful way possible.

Hence being belted down to ensure she couldn't escape and do something that cold start something far worse than the situation everyone currently found themselves in.

"Just wait you insect, when I am freed you'll regret every crossing paths with me!" Athena snarled as she tried to struggle against the restraints only to pause a snort from the other side of the room. "Oh I'm sure she already does, and if she doesn't. She'll be the first." A woman sneered towards the wisdom goddess resulting in Athena scowling in return.


(Hera, Greek Pantheon.)

The queen of the greek gods scowled down at the beaten goddess with contempt and scorn in her eyes. "What a pitiful state you find yourself in Athena, and after all the boasting you did before that about how you would single hardly wipe out the traitorous little humans before putting the humans back in their place." Here Hera just Athena an ugly smirk. "Oh how the mighty have fallen."

Athena just scowled back."And I suppose you think it would have better had one of your children taken my place? Perhaps the one hiding around the corner?" Athena fire back as Ares poked his head surprised he got caught before quickly taking his place standing behind his mother. "Perhaps he would, or maybe Hebe?" Here Hera gave another smirk. "However when it's Hephaestus turn, he will prove just who among all of Zeus's children is superior."

Athena let out a laugh. "Oh I'm sure figuring out how to please you is the most important thing in the world to him. Especially considering you threw him off of Olympus when he was first born. Don't kid yourself you failure of a mother." Athena sneered infuriating Hera. "Do not forget who your queen is you little pig sow." Hera threatened. "And don't forget who your future queen is cow. I'd hold my tongue if I were you less I make you little more than my slave when become ruler of Olympus." Athena warned as Hera actually released a laugh.

"You, Queen?! Don't tell me you actually believe you'll hold any true authority?! The only one who even considered that was my failure of a husband and with him dead so go your delusions of becoming queen." Hera ruthlessly crushed Athena's plans. The wisdom goddess meanwhile was about to shout out abuse after abuse when an annoyed groan was heard.

"Oh are you two always this annoying?! Along with the buffoons lack of use, I can't see why father would have any use for the three of you." A young man sneered as he entered followed by two others.

Hera sneered upon seeing the new comers. "And just who are to dare and mock us?" The queen hissed as magic surrounded her as Ares summoned a spear despite shaking slightly. The young man smirked seeing this before giving a bow that seemed more mocking than anything. "Oh do forgive me your majesty." The young man gestured to himself. "I am Heimdall." He introduced himself before gesturing behind him. "These two are my brothers and  they're are important." He dismissed with a wave causing the shooter one to look down depressed as the taller growled but said nothing.

"Heimdall?" Athena asked with a raised eyebrow from the bed. "You don't look like that worthless announcer." The wisdom goddess noted getting a sneer from the yong man. "And I thank father for that." before shaking his head. "But no we're here to discuss a deal my father has for the 3 of you and a few select others." Heimdall revealed.

Hera's eyes grew bored as she gave a wave of dismissal. "Oh and what could you possibly offer us?" The queen asked the man with the man clapping his hands together as he hummed before answering. "How about the respect and power you three rightfully deserve." The new Heimdall answered getting the three to stop in their tracks which he noticed and smirked at before continuing on.

"That's right you heard me. Respect and Power." He repeated before pointing at Ares. "The power of one who truly is a god of war as well as no longer having to deal with the jealous mockery of those who only wish they could hold such a position." Heimdall now pointed toward Athena. "Being granted a palace and servants worthy of natural born queen who devote their very lives to nothing else but serving you." Finally he turned to Hera. "And to finally stand above all other gods and take your place as the true queen, not just of the olympians but the entire cosmos."

Heimdall took a step back spread his arms wide, waving his hand causing Athena's binds to loosen allowing her to sit up."My father is offering all of these things, he just needs your help with a tiny project of his." Heimdall said raising his hand as it started to glow. "What do you say?"

The three gods glanced at each and while Ares eyes held greed there was also an enormous amount of fear over whelming it. Athena and Hera however simply had greed in their eyes at the prospect of finally getting what they deserve. So after a moment Hera gave a nod towards before the two before facing Heimdall.

"What would you have us do?"

Line break

"And we're back everyone, who's ready for the next round?" The true heimdall of this world asked getting roars of approval from all the human side with the gods side sneering in silence as the arena for the next arena appeared with dozens of giant stone pillars reaching high into the air.

"First up for the humans is she." Heimdall started as the sounds of metal stomping could be heard. "Hailed as the thunder berserk she is considered the strongest of the norse pantheon. She at first fought for their destruction but now she's aiming for their protection, it's Thor!" Heimdall introduced as Thor emerged from the human side as many of the audience cheered.

"Lady Thor!"

"You can do it!"

"We all believe in you!"

"And new representing the gods!" Heimdall announced and suddenly the once cloudless day sky immediately became that of night with countless starts in the sky as the full moon shined brightly and while many in the audience were confused as to what was going on. Thor narrowed her eyes as she saw a figure emerge in the sky and get closer. Heimdall saw their approach as well as he continued his introduction.

"Born to the titans Perses and Asteria, she became feared for both her magic and necromancy." The figure was getting closer and closer and many more were starting to notice them. "She shares the dominion of the moon with goddess Diana as well as inherited the domain of night from the primordial Nyx!" The figure was getting closer and closer and most of the audience could see that they were standing on a glowing sphere.

Her knowledge and ability of magic is second to none and her ambition won't allow any obstacle to stand in her way!" The figure was just a few meters from landing. "She the cold hearted sorceress who you don't want to cross! The sphere was right above the pillars and slow descended down."


The sphere reached the ground before disappearing as the two contestants stood face to face.


(Hecate, Greek)

After the introduction was done the gods were silent, no longer trusting a greek god to be of any use to them. 'It's to be expected thought given our records through these competitions.' Hecate mused to herself. Before facing her opponent. "Lady Thor." She greeted getting a nod from the thunderer. "Lady Hecate." She greeted in return.

Up in the private booth Geir was shaking slightly. "This is so tense, I thought Thor was an almost unbeatable monster. So why does she look so focused?" Geir muttered seeing how tense Thor seems when facing against Hecate.

"Because she knows how dangerous Hecate can be." Brunhilde told her youngest sibling as she kept her eyes trained on the two in the arena. "And she also knows that unless she takes this situation seriously she could very well die here."

Down in the arena Heimdall who was now standing on the edge of the arena lefted his horn. "And now without further ado let the second match of Neo Ragnarok betweenAnd Hecate" The magic of goddess raised an arm, her fingers already glowing with magic.


To be continued.

And with that we reached the end of another chapter.

Firstly I honestly didn't expect the match to be as one sided as it was when I first decided on this match but after rewatching Campione and rereading Jack vs Hercules it wasn't even going to be a contest, even with the handicap of no killing.

I do hope everyone enjoyed the fight though and yes Jack will be getting another fight, where her back story will be revealed along with many more of her abilities.

Now for Hecate, I had quite a few choices for her but in the end it always came down to either Rani the witch or Merlin from Seven Deadly Sins, and after going through the wiki Rani seemed like the perfect choice.

As for GOW Heimdall, Magi and Modi showing up, well did you think I was going to stick with merely using the greek pantheon from the GOW games? As for Hera, Athena and Ares it seems like their allegiance to their home might not be as strong as many believed.

Anyway next chapter will be Hecate and Thor which should be fun, and quick reminder I am doing a cycle 5 chapters of Ragnarok and 2 chapters of Ashura, so after the next chapter there will be 3 more chapters before going to Ashura.

I thinks that's all.

Till next time,


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