Little Steve Harrington (Hiat...

Por multifandoms23

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Steve never really had a childhood, parents were never there so he didn't know what a 'good' childhood was su... Más

Finally Regressed
Telling the Adults
Making Room For Steve
Telling the 'Kids'
Rough Days
Bad Night
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Aunty Robin Babysits
Separation Anxiety
Misbehaved Steve
Late Night ER Trip
Joyce (and Hopper) Babysits
Doctors Appointment
Sugar Rush
Rainy Days
Uncle Eddie Babysits
Unhappy Steve
A Chaotic Day
Very Bad News
Sick Steve
A Day at The Children's Museum
Family Getaway
Moving Out
Swimming and Defiance
Obsessed With Aunty Robin
Bruised Fingers And An Ear Infection
Warmer Weather
Mama's Weekend Away
A Day At Uncle Eddie's
BBQ And Pool Party
Family Picnic
Summer Fun
Sleepover At The Grandparents
Family Day

Helping Steve

1.2K 14 3
Por multifandoms23

Over the last few days Nancy and Jonathan have been finding ways to help Steve cope. They were pretty much coming up with nothing until Jonathan came across a page on his laptop.

"Nance, come look at this" he calls her over.

"Did you find something?" She rushes over.

"Look, I'm not sure if he's going to like it but it's worth a try right?" Jonathan asks as they both read the article through.

"I think he's dropping Mike back off later, we can always talk to him then"

"Ok" while they wait, they both did their own research into helping Steve.

"Hey Steve, what's up?" Jonathan asks.

"Um...nothing much, what's up?" Steve replies.

"Mind if Nance and I talk to you privately please?"

"Sure" Steve turns his car off and follows Jonathan inside and into Nancy's bedroom.

"Oh god, you guys don't want a threesome do you?"

"Oh god no, ew Steve"

"What the hell?"

"Sorry, it's what it kinda looked like"

"Just take a seat" Nancy sighs. Steve takes a place on her bed and they start talking.

"Ageplay? No I'm not doing that, I've told you before I don't need looking after, I'm fine" Steve immediately stands up, getting ready to leave.

"At least give it a try and if you don't like it we can figure something else out"

"Why can't we do that in the first place? Why has it already resorted to this? I'm sorry I'm not doing it" he goes to leave but Jonathan stops him.

"C'mon man, is this some sick joke to you guys? Let me leave"

"Just listen to us"

"I already did and my answer is no"

"Give it a try, please, you never know you might even like it"

"What I would like is for me to leave, now move. Don't make me fight you man"

"We just want to help"

"Well it's not happening" they bicker for a few more minutes until Jonathan lets up and Steve leaves to go home.

"He'll come round"

*few days later*

They both go to Steve's not knowing his parents were home.

"What are you guys doing here? You need to" they could see the fear in Steve's eyes as he kept his voice down. His eyes were also keeping a look out as if something or someone was gonna jump him.

"We just wanted to talk about the other day"

"Not right now, please. You need to go"

"Stephen, what's taking so long?" His father calls out.

"Nothing, just some random people, they're now leaving" he calls back.

"Gotta go" he immediately leaves them there on his doorstep before running back inside.

"That's not good"

"What took you so god damn long?" They can hear Steve's father shout at him. They felt bad that Steve was now in trouble because of them.

"I'm sorry father, they were insistent on talking"

"I don't care, what have I told you about answering the door to some strangers, huh?" They could hear a smack.

"Men don't cry, Stephen"

"They weren't even strangers" he was punched in the face for talking back.

"Are you talking back to me right now? Look at me" he grabs his chin roughly and forces Steve to look at him.

"Was that back chat I just heard from you? Answer me damn it" he shouts, hitting Steve again. Nancy and Jonathan rush inside and Jonathan pulls Steve aside whilst Nancy threatens his dad with a 'gun' (her hand in her coat pocket pretending she has one).

"You are to never speak, see or even touch him again, do you understand?" Nancy waves the 'gun' around.

"I said do you understand" she shouts.

"Yes ma'am" the trio leave and for once Steve let himself cry into Jonathan's shoulder.

"It's ok, it's ok" Jonathan soothes while sparing glances at Nancy.

"You're freezing, why are you still wearing short sleeves huh? Where's your coat?" Nancy asks softly. It was almost Christmas and Steve was still out here wearing short sleeves shirts considering he had all this money for winter clothes.

"It's too impress my father" he mumbles.

"He's not your father and she's also not your mother for standing there and doing nothing" for the first time in a while, Steve felt loved.

"We're gonna getcha home, clean you up and get into some nice soft clothes, ok?" Nancy says as they pull into her driveway. The three of them get inside and head off upstairs.

"Ok Jonathan's gonna start cleaning you up, alright? I'm going to get some comfy clothes for you" they were mostly like to be Jonathan's clothes as she had a few drawer spaces for his clothes that he kept there.

"Could I think about the age play thing?" Steve mumbles.

"Of course, take the time you need, we'll be here when you're ready" Jonathan smiles at him.

"He's all done" Jonathan tells Nancy as soon as she walks back in the bathroom.

"Would you like some help or do you want to get yourself changed?" Nancy asks.

"Help please if that's ok of course"

"Absolutely" Nancy helps him get into some comfy clothes and they head into her room.

"Lay down" Jonathan says as he held the duvet open for him to climb in.

"Not tired"

"We didn't ask, he just said to lie down" Nancy chuckles. Steve lies down in the bed and Jonathan tucks him in.

"Stay" he mumbles as they were about to leave the room.

"Want Jon up here" Steve goes all red.

"Ok" Jonathan climbs into bed with Steve until Steve fell asleep. He then quietly sneaks out and heads back down to see Nancy talking to her parents.

"We would love to have him here, we can always make room in the basement for him wether he's little or not" Karen gets all excited.

"I'm guessing they're ok with it" Jonathan smiles wrapping an arm around Nancy's waist.

"More than but we promise not tell anyone, that'll be for when he's ready"

"Thanks mum, thanks dad" Nancy hugs them both. They also tell Joyce and Hopper but they all promised to keep it a secret until Steve was ready. They all knew that he'd probably regress sooner or later anyway. Meanwhile, Steve was still thinking about it but he was 90% sure that he would want to be little.

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