The Ghost of Aincrad.(SAO x M...

By JJHM2004

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Being hated in a cruel world, whether for true or false events, it does not matter to the young man who swor... More

World of Swords.
The First Floor.
What's Been Lost...
The Ghost of Aincrad.
Murder within the walls.
Illusionary Avenger.
The Flaming Dance of White and Black.
The Blue-Eyed Demon
Crimson Killing Intent.
Girl of Hope
When All Else is Lost
Edge of Hell's Abyss.
End Of The World
The Land of Fairies.
Journey to the World Tree.
The Summit
Servant of a King.
The Healing.
General of the Blazing Flame
The Grand Quest.
The Raid.
The Marked Warrior.
The World Seed.
Tales of Old Times
Deep Sea
Problems in Another World.
World of Guns.
Guns and Swords.
Ghost of the Past.
Bloody Memories.
Bullet of Bullets.
Death Gun.
Death Chaser
What It Means To Be Strong.
Bullet of a Phantom.
Phantom Bullet.
One Little Step.
The Queen of the Lake.
The King of the Giants.
Mysterious Challenger.
A Son's Path.
Zekken and the Sleeping Knights.
A Son's Gift.
Battle For The Boss.
The Monument of the Swordsmen
Zekken's Truth.
Mother's Rosario.

The Fire of the Heart.

956 31 12
By JJHM2004

June 24, 2024. Floor 48: Lindas.

Kirito was standing in a an alley before he heard footsteps and saw Kratos walking to him in new gear.

(I bet you won't find the difference between AI generated and my edition)

Kratos: What is it that you wanted to speak of?

Kirito: A few days ago, I saw something in my skill list.

Kratos: What is it you found?

Kirito: A skill.

Kratos: What is special about this one?

Kirito: It's called "Dual Wielding". It allows me to use two swords at the same time. You can use two blades at the same time too, do you have it as well?

Kratos: No.

Kirito: Really?

Kratos: Yes. Everyone already knows that I use two swords. But I do not have that skill. People might be after you if you reveal the skill.

Kirito: Right. But that doesn't mean that I couldn't use it in emergencies.

Kratos: Then you'll need a new sword.

Kirito: I could get it custom made.

Kratos: Custom made?

Kirito: Yeah. Asuna recommended me a blacksmith in this floor.

Kratos: I see. Lead the way.

Kirito: You're coming?

Kratos: Yes. I've been thinking of getting a new piece of armor.

Kirito: Alright. Follow me.

*Time skip* 

A pink haired girl was inside a smithing shop as she had forged a sword.

Girl: It's okay, I guess...

She then heard a bell from the shop's door.

Girl: Dealing with costumers is part of my job, too.

She then looked at a mirror before smiling.

Girl: Okay!

She enters teh shop before greeting the costumer.

Girl: Welcome to Lisbeth's Smith Shop!

She doesn't get an answer and see that her costumers were Kirito and Kratos.

Kirito: W-Well... I'd like to order a custom-made weapon.

Lisbeth: At the moment, metal prices are high.

Kirito: Don't worry about the cost. I just want the best sword you can make right now.

Lisbeth: That's somewhat vague. Could you give me an idea of the stats that you're looking for?

Kirito: Oh, I see.

He then shows her his sword.

Kirito: Then, something as good as this or better?

She then analyzed his sword.

Lisbeth: An Elucidator... It's one of the best magic swords you can get from a monster drop.

Kirito: Can you do it?

She then handed him a sword.

Lisbeth: How about this one? It's the best that I've ever made.

He then swung it a few times.

Kirito: It's a little light...

Lisbeth: I used a speed-type metal to forge it.

Kirito: May I test it a little?

Lisbeth: Test it?

Kirito: It's durability.

Kirito unsheated his sword before aiming Lisbeth's sword at it.

Lisbeth: Wait! If you do that, your sword will break!

Kirito: If that happens, it'll just be... too bad!

He then used a sword skill on his sword before Lisbeth's sword broke.

Lisbeth screamed in horror before grabbing the hilt from Kirito.

Lisbeth: Irreparable...

The sword then disapeared in blue particles.

Lisbeth: Why did you do that?!

Kirito: Sorry! I didn't think that yours would be the one to break...

Lisbeth: You trying to tell me that my sword was weaker than you expected?

Kratos: Yes. I was recommended this place for good quality gear.

Lisbeth then let go of Kirito before glaring at Kratos.

Lisbeth: Just so we're clear, If I had the materials, I could make a dozen swords that would snap his and yours in half!

Kratos: Could you make protective gear too? Or are you limited to blades?

Lisbeth: If you want something like that, then you'll have to help me every step of the way!

Kratos: Help?

Lisbeth: Yeah, starting with obtaining the metal.

Kratos: What metal do you need? We'll go get it. You'd just be a burden.

Lisbeth: Don't insult me. Believe it or not, I'm an expert mace user.

Kratos: Where do we find it then?

Lisbeth: On Floor 55 on the western mountain there's supposedly a dragon that eats crystals. According to rumor, it builds a rare metal in its body.

Kratos: Floor 55. Let's go, Kir-

Lisbeth: Furthermore, to get the metal, you need a master smith with you. Still want to go alone.

Kratos looked at her as she smirked.

Kratos: Just stay out of trouble and we won't have problem with it.

Lisbeth: Hey!

Kirito: My name's Kirito. This is Kratos. Until we make that sword, I guess we'll be partying up. Lisbeth.

Lisbeth just looked at Kirito and pouted.

Kirito then received a message as his eyes widened and Kratos noticed.

Kratos: What is it?

Kirito: I-I forgot I have to meet someone... You think you could get my ore, too?

Kratos: Hmm...

Kirito: Please. I'll repay you!

Kratos: *sighs* Very well.

Kirito: Thanks a lot, Kratos!

*Time skip*

Floor 55: Western Mountain.

They were now in a cold snowy mountain walking upwards.

Lisbeth: It's cold...

Kratos: Don't you have any extra clothing?

Lisbeth: I didn't know Floor 55 would be this cold!

Kratos rolled his eyes before taking a cloak from his inventory and throwing it to her.

Lisbeth: Don't you need this?

Kratos: No.

He said before continuing.

Lisbeth: You just keep grating on me.

She said as she put on the cloak.

Lisbeth: It's warm.

Lisbeth: *thoughts* I can't believe I'm out here, all alone with this guy. This is weird...

Kratos: What's wrong, Lisbeth?

He asked as he noticed she stopped walking.

Lisbeth: No, nothing. And by the way, just call me Liz.

Kratos: Very well.

*Time skip*

After some time they were at the top of the mountain were they saw piles of crystals.

Liz: It's beautiful!

She tried to run in but Kratos grabbed her by the cloak.

Lisbeth: What are you doing?!

Kratos: Get your teleport crystal ready.

Lisbeth: I know.

Kratos: I will do this part alone. Once the dragon appears, hide in the shadows of one of the crystals. Do not come out.

Liz: What? I'm no newby... I can help-

Kratos: I said no!

She then reluctantly nodded.

Kratos: Good.

Kratos then patted her head before walking passe her and Kratos walked passed her as well.

They then heard a roar before they saw the dragon and Liz hid behind a crystal.

Kratos drew his blades as the dragon charged an attack.

Liz: Its breath attack! Dodge it!

Kratos crossed his blades before they glowed red. The dragon fired its attack before Kratos swung his blades and parried the attack.

Liz: Wow... All with those thin weapons?

Kratos then charged at the dragon before attacking it multiple times.

After a few moments more Liz came out and shout at him.

Liz: Go on and finish it off!

Kratos: Fool! Don't come out yet!

Liz: What? It's over...

But the dragon used its wings to create wind pressure that launched Liz into a giant hole. As she was falling she felt someone's hand and saw it was Kratos' and saw him grabbing her. He then pulled her to him before placing himself beneath her.

After a few moments, they had landed down as Lisbeth fell on Kratos and they had lost some HP.

Kratos: You're alive...

Liz: Yeah, I'm alive.

They sat up as Kratos gave her a potion.

Kratos: Drink this.

He said while handing her a health potion and they drank one each.

Liz: Um, thank you. For saving me.

Kratos: It is not the time for thanks.

He said while standing up.

Kratos: How do we get out?

Liz: We can just teleport.

She then grabbed her teleport crystal.

Liz: Teleport: Lindas!

But that didn't work.

Liz: No way...

Kratos: If we can't use crystals, that means there should be another way.

Liz: We don't know that. This trap could be meant to kill anyone who falls into it.

Kratos: It's a possibility.

Liz: Come on! At least try to cheer me up!

Kratos: I have an idea.

Liz: Really?

Kratos: Yes. I will run up the wall.

Liz: Are you stupid?

Kratos didn't respond as he faced the wall.

His boots started glowing as he ran at the wall before running up the wall.

Liz: Unbelievable...

But, Kratos' foot slipped from the wall before he fell to the ground.

Kratos: There is not enough space.

Liz: It wouldn't work either way.

*Time skip*

It was night time as they made a camp and the two were in sleeping bags.

Liz: What a strange feeling. This would never happen in real life. Sleeping next to someone I've never met, in a place I've never been. And running up walls? You really are a weirdo.

Kratos: Hmm.

Liz: Hey, Kratos... Can I ask something?

Kratos: What is it?

Liz: Back then, why did you saved me?

Kratos: Only you can get this material.

Liz: R-Really?! That was your reason...?!

Kratos: Hmm... You're under my care. As long as it is that way, I will not let anything happen to you.

He answered, but Liz could tell the sadness and pain behind those words.

Liz: Huh... Hey... Hold my hand?

Kratos looked at her confused for a moment before answering.

Kratos: Okay.

The two of them take their hands out before holding each other.

Liz: It's warm. We are data in a virtual world, but...

Before she could finish the sentence, she fell asleep.

*Time skip*

It was the next morning as Liz saw Kratos digging the snow.

Liz: What are you doing?

Kratos: Look at this.

Kratos showed her a green crystal.

Liz analyzed it and saw it's name Cystalline Ingot.

Liz: Could this be...

Kratos: The metal we came to find.

He said while showing her a similar crystal but this one was golden.

Kratos: The dragon eats crystals, creating this in its stomach. That's why no one received any.

She then took it from Kratos.

Liz: But what's it doing here?

Kratos: This hole isn't a trap. It's the dragon's nest. In other words, that ingot is the dragon's excrement.

Liz looked at it for a moment before she threw it away and Kratos grabbed it.

Kratos: Regardless, we've achieved our goal. All that's left is...

Liz: You said this is the dragon's nest, right? And the dragon is nocturnal, which means it won't be long until...

They looked up before they see the dragon flying down.

Liz: It's here!

Kratos grabbed her before running on the wall for a bit before jumping to the dragon and stabbed his right blade to it. The dragon started to fly upwards, and once it was out of the nest, Kratos drew his blade as they were now falling in the air.

Liz looked over the view as she stared at it in awe.

Liz: Amazing!

She then saw Kratos hand her his hand as she happily took it.

Liz: Kratos! You know something?

Kratos: What?

Liz: I... I like you!

Kratos: I cannot hear you with the wind!

Liz pulled him in a hug.

Liz: It's nothing!

*Time skip*

June 25, 2024. Floor 48: Lindas.

Liz: A protective gear, right, Kratos? It does not matter what kind of gear?

Kratos: I'd prefer something for my arm.

Liz: Alright.

Liz then started to hit the golden ingot with a hammer.

Liz: *thoughts* The warmth of Kratos' hand... The way I feel. I wasn't imagining it. When I finish a gear I can be satisfied with, I'll tell him how I feel.

After a few moments, the ingot started to change until it took form.

Liz: It's name is the Golden Fleece. If I've never heard of it, then it isn't in the information broker's directory. Try it out.

Kratos nodded before putting the Golden Fleece on his right arm.

Kratos then drew his left blade before swinging it across his right arm, but instead of cutting his arm, it deflected the blade off.

Kratos: *smirk* This is perfect quality. It feels like a soul was forged into it.

Liz: I'm glad.

Kratos: The job's complete. I will give the ingot to Kirito and then he can come back. How much do I owe you?

Liz: Um, well... I don't need any money.

Kratos: What?

Liz: In exchange... I want to be your exclusive smith. When you come back from the field, stop by and let me maintain your gear.

Kratos: Liz... I...

The door suddenly opened as they saw Asuna and Kirito coming in.

Asuna: Liz! I was really worried!

She then hugged Liz.

Asuna: I couldn't send messages to you, or track you on the map... Where were you last night?

Liz: Sorry, I got stuck in a dungeon.

Asuna: Did you go alone?

Liz: No, with him.

Asuna then noticed Kratos.

Asuna: Kratos?

Kratos: Yes.

Asuna: You surprised me. Did Kirito tell you of this place.

Kratos: He did.

Kirito: How did it go?

Kratos took out the other ingot before tossing it to Kirito as he caught.

Kirito: Thanks!

Liz: Do you three know each other?

Kirito: Well, we're part of the lead group.

Asuna: Kirito wanted a powerful sword, so I referred him to your shop.

Liz: So that's why.

Liz then took Kratos' hand before walking to the door.

Liz: Sorry, but I have to go pick some supplies. I'm taking Kratos to help me! We'll be right back!

She said before exiting and taking Kratos with her.

As they walked out of the shop, Kratos stopped as Liz turned to him.

Liz: Come on, Kra-

Kratos: Lisbeth... No.

Liz: Wh-What do you mean...?

Kratos: I cannot accept your feelings.

Liz looked down as he saw tears fall from Liz's face.

Liz: I know...

Kratos: What?

Liz: Last night... When we were talking... I could tell... I just wanted you to know how I felt...

Kratos: Liz...

Liz: I still want to be your personal black smith... And Kratos... please... bring an end to this world.

Kratos: I will. 

Liz: If you need equipment repaired, come by anytime.

Kratos: I'll take your word.

Liz: You'll always be welcome at Lisbeth's Smith Shop!

She smiled at him brightly.

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