
By UncleRickHookedMe

27.3K 507 231

Marinette has been struggling with depression and the stress of being Ladybug. On top of that dealing with th... More

I broke
The Hospital
Chats Visit
Just talk to her
Gets to go home
Ladybugs Return
Close Call
Her Protector
Major Mental Breakdown
Just Can't Catch a Break
A whole lot of stuff happens
All over the news
Given Up
The Tower
Alone? Angry? Confused?
To Understand a Girl? And Into the Fire.
Official Date
Scavenger Hunt
The Gala
Song Game
Like Marinette
Let's be honest. Alyas the best
The Clean Up Effort

A moment with Alya

281 6 5
By UncleRickHookedMe

Ok, @MlbFanficReader you have me laughing so hard with your comments! I absolutely love them all! Thanks so much! It's gonna be a little short because it's just the two being funny but I felt like it was needed. 

"Alya help!" I cried into the phone as I rushed about my room! Trying desperately to find something to wear. "Ok girl chill! I'm on my way over and I'm bringing everything!" 

"Thank you thank you THANK YOU!" after that I hung up. I looked through my closet for the thousandth time and gave up.  

"Tikki I have nothing! Nothing!" I flopped onto my chaise and screamed into the pillow.

"Marinette why don't you finish that dress you started a while back? It was almost done."

"Ohh OH Tikki your right!" I bolted to my closet and dug my sewing machine out along with my manikin and the dress. I set the dress up on the body shape and began adding pins and checking measurements. I ran back to the closet and grabbed my sketchbook and tools of fabric.  

I flipped to the old page design with all the details and sat there studying it, making sure it was committed to memory. I nodded then shot to my feet and dragged the pink fabric over and began working. 

The sound of the sewing machine was like music to my ears. 'Oh god how I've missed this. The meticulous and careful movements felt so... freeing'  After maybe 20 minutes Alya came into my room along with my mom. 

"Hey, girl! What are you doing?" "I didn't have a nice enough dress for the annual Bourgeois Gala so I decided to make oneeeeeee..." I drew the last word out as I focused harder on what I was doing. 

"It's nice to see you sewing again," Sabine said coming over to admire the dress. "Thanks, mom, it feels nice"

"I still can't believe you get to go! Only the high-end people of Paris and the United States get to attend this!" "Dating a superhero definitely has its perks." My mind drifted back to that one time I was swarmed by reporters and one asked if I got special privileges. 

'Huh guess I do'  One also asked if I had sex with him. Not yet. Maybe someday. I quickly shoved that thought out of my mind but my cheeks still burned red. 

"Gosh Mari that looks beautiful!" Alya gushed as she came over to look at my creation. The dress was a long pale pink. It looked as though a flower was flowing down around me. Its tight bodice compliments my curves with a pink ribbon to go in my hair.

"The dress is almost done, once I finish can you do my hair and makeup?" Of course, I can do makeup. But I'm more versed in covering things up and making them look natural. I also just wanted to spend time with my best friend.  

"Of course no worries!" Alya plopped her giant box beside me and opened it. There were so much makeup and hair products! How?!?

"Ok so fill me in on the scavenger hunt!" 

"Well, I woke up and found a sticky note stuck on my forehead and rose pedals going up onto my balcony."

"Damn Nino needs to take notes!" Alya interrupts. I just giggle and continue talking. 

"On the sticky note was the first clue telling me to go up on the balcony. So of course, I follow them up onto my balcony where I find the next clue."

"Do you still have all the clues?" 

"Of course I do!" 

"Can I read them?"

"Sure!" I hand her the box of clues I got as I continued to recount the story. I fudged the details of how I got to the tower. But other than that I stayed to what happened. Alya sat there swooning and interrupting.  

She asked many questions or just let me know her input. I answered as many as I could. We sat there gossiping about our crazy boyfriends and laughing. 

"What was your first kiss like?" 

"Well, It was a couple of days after I was assaulted by that creepy drunker. The night of the attack he had been taking care of me and I don't know I just felt like something happened during that time. The next morning he found me working at my desk. I hadn't really slept at all because at the time I was too freaked out. After finally convincing me to try and sleep he actually lay beside me."

"Wait he slept with you?!"

"Not like that Alya. He slept in the same bed as me and we cuddled." 


"Shut up. Anyways the next time I woke up we talked then he sat me down on the chaise and" my sentence faded off as Alya stared intently at me.

"AND?! Was it just a simple and sweet kiss or was it more passionate with tongue!" 

"It was a little of a blur but there might have been a little tongue."

"EEEEEEEEEE. Girl!" I laughed and so did Alya as I asked her about her first kiss with Nino. Again. I mean I've asked her multiple times before but we ended up discussing all the different ways she's made out with him. And all the ways boys were stupid.

There were a lot.  

After about an hour I finally finished the dress. 

"Ok onto hair!" Alya leaped to her feet and I put away my sewing stuff so she could use my desk.

"Let me change into a tank top so I can get out of it easily without messing up the hair" She nodded and I quickly ran to my dresser retrieved my clothes and went to my bathroom. 

I threw on the spaghetti strap crop top on and a pair of black shorts and came back out. I sat back in my desk chair and she pulled my hair out of its high ponytail. Gently brushing out my hair. "How is your hair so silky!" She exclaimed

"Biosilk. My leave-in conditioner. You used it that one time remember."

"Ohhh ya!" Alya turned and plugged in her hair straightener. We continued to talk about hair products as she did many complicated things with my hair. She pulled, curled, braided, straightened, and brushed. She also sprayed my hair with a lot of different products. 

How is there so much going on with my hair?!

The final result was a beautiful bun. Some curled strands around my face and the pink ribbon tied in. 

"Gods Alya it's beautiful!"  

"I know, I'm magic."

"That you are." She laughed and then turned me to face her. 

"Ok now relax yo face while I do your makeup."

"Nothing too drastic ok."


"And could you try and make my cheeks look less...... hollow..."

"Sure. I can do that. Just a matter of bronzer." 

And with that, another horrifying process began. 

So many things were going toward my face! Clear things, colored things. Wet things, powder things. So so much! After attacking my face with an "Eyelash curler" and finishing the eye shadow she pronounced me done. 

"Now go put the dress on and we can take some photos!"

"Alright!" I grabbed the dress off the manikin and ran to the bathroom. I took a second to admire the hard work Alya had done for me. For once I felt... pretty. I really did have the best bff a girl could ask for. I quickly slipped the dress on and exited. 

Alya gasped and squealed at the same time. Don't ask me how. She's a confusing woman. 


(Art by Eden Daphne)

Alya snapped a photo of me and then paraded me downstairs to my parents. 

"Oh..." my dad's voice was choked and my mom covered her mouth. "My dear you," I blushed and looked away. "Thanks, dad."

Alya stood back and let my parents fon over me. Then the doorbell rang. All eyes snapped towards the door. 

"Chat" I whispered and all of a sudden a tidal wave of nervousness crashed over me like a king-sized mattress hitting a laundry basket. I stumbled away from the door. 

"Alya what if he doesn't think I look good?!"

"If he doesn't think you look good I'm taking that as a personal offense."


"Girl trust me. He WILL think you look like a goddess sent down to earth to bless our peasant eyes."

"You think.."

"No. I KNOW!" 

"I'm opening the door"


he opened the door. The little traitor 

Cuz im happy! Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!

Sry Felt like I had to sing. I'm LOVING those Alya moments but who couldn't? What are your thoughts this chapter? Suggestions or compliments gladly taken. Votes aprreciated and comments greatly loved. 



Word count: 1470

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