Second Chance - K. Bakugo

By KPeachgirl

90.5K 3.1K 828

In which Y/n L/n is a villain, or at least that's how it seems. But what happens when life throws a curveball... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Five

1.4K 57 25
By KPeachgirl

What Love Feels Like!

Y/n's Pov:

"Will it hurt?"

My voice almost sounded broken, I didn't know what else to say so I said the thing that concerned me the most.

I felt the doctor's cold hands on my back. I didn't know his name, father always said it wasn't important so I never took the time to learn it.

"It depends." He moved his hands from my back to my neck. "I have to take the chip out and then reprogram it." He removed his hands and I watched as he started to gather his materials.

I just sat where I was and slowly looked over at father. He was watching the whole process, making sure nothing went wrong.

"I'll have to put her under to take it out." The doctor said it not as a statement but as a question. It was clear he was afraid of father but he still wanted to be needed.

So he stays and does his bidding. "Do you have to?" I think he was hesitant to put me under, mostly because he feels like if I do I might not wake up.

And he really doesn't want to lose his 'greatest creation'.

"If I don't she could move during the process." The doctor paused. "If she does she could die." My ears rang as I heard that. Father nodded and the doctor went to get the stuff needed to put me under.

I took a deep breath and just tried to stay calm. I started to think about every moment I had with my friends, Aizawa and Present Mic, and Katsuki all in my head.

I wanted to spend my last conscious minutes thinking about the people I care about.

I felt the doctor's hand on my arm and saw he had a needle. "This will make you fall asleep for a while. Long enough for me to take the chip out and put it back in once I'm done with it."

I felt a pinch when he stuck a needle in me. He pulled it out and cleaned where the needle had been before speaking again. "Okay, lie down on your stomach. I'm gonna start once you have fallen under."

I did as I was told and kept thinking about Katsuki. I think the thing I'll miss most about him is his smile. He has a nice smile, it looks mean but is sweet once you get to know him.

I miss his laugh, it was rough but I think that's what I liked about it. I miss his eyes, they were so beautiful. A man like him shouldn't be allowed to have such beautiful eyes, I'm glad I got to see them up close. I miss his kisses, I expected them to be rough but they were really soft. When he kissed me it felt like the world had stopped just for us.

Like we were stars and that was our soul purpose.

I turned my head around from father as I let a few tears fall. It was always gonna end this way, wasn't it.

I fooled myself into thinking I could ever be anything other than what I was made into. A monster, a freak, a creature designed to hurt anyone and anything I am told to.

I'll never get to see Katsuki the way I see him now again. I'll never see him again, Aizawa, our friends. I'll never be able to feel what I felt when I was with them, happiness. Will I ever be able to feel anything after this?

I felt myself get tired, I closed my eyes, and the last I remember was...

At least I got to feel what love feels like.

Aizawa's Pov:

"Alright, are all the teams ready?"

Damn, a lot of people are here. The police, the teachers, my students, and Vlad King's students too. "We have a location in sight."

Tsukauchi put his walkie up to his ear and repeated what he heard. "They're in sight. We move on my mark." I turned to my students. "We're here to get Y/n and round up as many villains as we can. Stay with your team, don't wander off on your own."

Everyone's eyes went to Bakugo, he wasn't paying attention to us. Instead, he was just quiet, distancing himself from the others. While my other students prepared I went over to him and got his attention by placing my hand on his shoulder.

He spoke before I could. "I'm sorry." I was surprised, never in my life did I think I would hear Bakugo apologize.

"None of this is your fault." He kept looking at the entrance for the villain's base. I don't know what's going on in his head, Bakugo has always been hard to read. It's even harder when he does the unexpected.

I removed my hand and just stood by him. "I'm...scared." I didn't speak, I wanted to let him clear his thoughts and just talk. "If what we find in there is bad then I don't want to see it. I can't."

He rubs his hands together. "I love her too much."

He's vulnerable. Did she make him like this or was it himself? Either way, I'm glad he's strong enough to let himself be.

I remember a time when all he did was yell and bottle his emotions. Seeing him now tells me I made the right choice to become a teacher.

I get to see him and everyone else grow into the heroes they worked so hard to become.

"We're gonna find her. Whatever the outcome of this, as long as we made some sort of change. It would be worth it." I looked at him. "She would be proud of you."

Of course I'm scared too. I don't know what the hero commission will say after we save Y/n but nothing will stop me from holding her again.

Then, the moment we had all been waiting for come. "We're entering in three..."

Everyone got ready.


Everything went quiet


3rd Pov:

The villains were doing absolutely nothing...until the heroes and cops showed up.

More than forty heroes and about ninety police busted into the League of Villians' current hideout.

As soon as the low-level villains realized the heroes had found them they were already taken down by the heroes and cops in the front.

The heroes in the back hurried and made their way inside to search for the main League. The current hideout was huge, with many doors and rooms to look into.

The heroes had already known the layout so they were prepared. "Start checking rooms, they could be behind any one of them so be alert." Kirishima nodded while Bakugo was already doing so.

He didn't hesitate to use his quirk on any villains, he wished the area wasn't so secure like this otherwise he would have used full blast on them.

"I'm gonna look down this hall, you good on your own?" Kirishima asked him out of breath. How dare he ask him that. "Of course I am, go before I blow you up too!"

Kirishima sighed at his attitude but wasn't surprised by it. He ran off without another word. Room after room they searched but still no sign of the League or you.

Meanwhile, the League was down in the lab getting ready to make their escape. "How did they find us?"

Shigaraki was upset, no he was furious. "And where is father? He was supposed to be down here?" The doctor quickly got his stuff and spoke.

"He went ahead he told me to get Y/n out of here." Kuroguri opened a portal and waited for his colleagues to enter.

The others did and the doctor tried to get you off the table and pick you up but you were heavy, no offense. You were still under and it would be a while until you would wake.

The doctor felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked back to see Dabi still there with him. "Go, I'll get her through."

The doctor didn't argue and went through the portal. Dabi sighed and went to carry you but an idea crossed his mind. Just then he heard booming come from above him.

The heroes were coming.

Dabi mentally hated himself for this but he put you back down on the table and covered you with the blanket.

Before leaving he patted down your hair. "Good luck kid." He ran through the portal and it closed.

The heroes had almost gone through all the doors except the last one down the hall. Bakugo and Aizawa were in front while everyone else was behind them.

He looked at Aizawa who nodded at him. He moved and kicked the door open, ready to blow someone up but he was met with stairs. He didn't hesitate to go down with all the heroes following right behind him.

When everyone got to the bottom they saw it was a lab. What kind of sick things are they doing down here?

All the heroes that were behind them came down and started searching for the league. Bakugo looked around until he saw a body on a table.

His heart stopped for a moment he was about to go over but Aizawa saw and he quickly tried to get a hold of Bakugo. "Wait-"

Bakugo pushed his way out of his arms and went over to the table. A medic followed him and lifted the blanket to see it was you. Bakugo didn't say anything, just waited for the medic to say something.

"I have a pulse!"

Bakugo finally let out the breath he was holding and got closer. "We need to get her out of here and to an IV." He nodded and quickly picked you up.

Aizawa ran over and grabbed the blanket that was about to fall off. You weren't completely naked, just your chest area but still, they made sure no one saw.

Bakugo almost ran back up the stairs and out to the ambulance truck. His classmates were there getting checked when they saw you.

Their eyes widen and some of their breaths almost stopped. They kept looking between Bakugo, you and Aizaws who was right behind Bakugo.

"Is she-" He answered before Mina could finish. "She's alive." Bakugo put you on a girdle and the medics got you inside the truck.

Aizawa was about to get in but one of the medics spoke. "Are you the father?" That made Aizawa freeze for a second.

"Yes, I am." The medic nodded and made room for him to get in. Aizawa turned to his students. "Get checked up and then ask Present Mic to take you to the hospital."

They nodded and the medic closed the ambulance doors.

1820 Words

How was it?

Yay she saved! Party in the USA🥳

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