Starlight // Aegon Targaryen

By rissarosewrites

43.3K 2.2K 89

Stella Lannister was pretty, dramatic, bossy and always right. So of course Aegon fell in love, but damn if h... More

1. Sweet Darkness
2. Stella Induced Trance
3. Heart of Fire
5. Honestly
6. My Girl
7. Mother
8. Yikes
9. Foolish
10. Eye for and Eye
11. Gumption
12. Have it All
13. Father
14. Here Ye Here Ye
15. Magical
16. Rub It In
17. Flawless
18. Crotch Goblin
19. Hello Ladies
20. Your Bolton is Showing
21. Mass Murder
22. Never Did
23. Babysitting Aegon
24. Kissing Fish
25. Reality
26. Whack Almond Down a Peg
27. Wicked
28. Get My Crown
29. Clap for Daddy
30. Monster
31. Blood/Cheese
32. Blinding Fury
33. Starlight

4. Reward

1.7K 103 10
By rissarosewrites

Stella was excited to be going to a tournament. Aegon and her shared a horse on the ride there, Alicent could hear their laughter echoing from the carriage.

''Are you going to win? I dont date losers.'' Stella informed him.

''Im going to win.'' Aegon assured kissing her neck.

''Even if you did lose..." stella offered turning her face to see him. "I would still like you.''

''Im going to marry you one day stella Lannister so you better love me by then.'' Aegon informed her confidently.

''Was that your proposal?'' Stella mused. ''It could use some work.''

''Stella!" Aegon laughed out tickling her as her back arched curling back into him.

''Do you think the dragons would get along with the lions?" Stella asked as she caught her breath. "Well if im to be your bride I need a lion here.''

''Like a real lion?" Aegon asked.

''Of course. What other kinds are there?"

''You.'' Aegon reminded

''I'm a real lion. Watch out.'' Stella whispered kissing him again.


Alicent sat beside Stella while they watched Aegon compete. Aemond and Helaena sat next to Alicent, Aemond was annoyed and Helaena was distracted by the bugs flying around.

Alicent noticed how Stella read her book quietly while others competed but slammed her book shut and cheered joyously when Aegon came out. He winked back at her and then won the whole bout.

Alicent had never seen him so focused and confident in his skills before. Perhaps Stella Lannister wasnt a terrible influence after all.

Aegon had always thought the awards were stupid. Flower crowns for beautiful maidens or a rose, it was always fucking flowers but he had won and he was excited to hand out this flower crown.

Stella smiled back at him as she rose from her seat.

''For you my beloved Stella.'' He declared holding out the flower crown to her.

''Why thank you my prince.'' Stella answered leaning forward and kissing his cheek.

While the crowd looked to Aegon as he was named the victor. Alicent looked to stella though and saw strength power someone not easily bent. She wanted her children to be happy. Honest she did but she also wanted control. If Aegon got what he wanted and married Stella the control Alicent had, however slim it might have been, now would slip through her fingers. She could see it now all the dragons would bend and break for this little blonde lion.

"Stella," Alicent remarked. "I know you and Aegon are close."

"We are." Stella agreed. "He proposed to me on the journey here but he needs to do better than that if he wants me to be his queen." Stella informed her confidently. Alicent grit her teeth but forced a smile. 

"Well, that is not for Aegon to decide." ALicent reminded her. 

"I know, but why would the king object?" Stella countered. "Alicent, you see-" Alicent didnt like that Stella called her Alicent and not your grace. "-men hold the power now because you let them. I am not so easily scared away. I get what I want and when someone has the audacity to say no. I take what I want." ALicent stared back at her. 

"That is not the way of the world." Alicent offered. 

"You are called queen but you let everyone trample over you. If I were your daughter, I wouldnt allow that." Stella informed her. "The power would reside in me and mine. I protect what's mine. If anything you and the king should be begging my family for a union between Aegon and I." Stella countered as she picked up her book and rose from the bleachers. 

"You are a child, what do you know of power?" Alicent countered. 

"More than you ever will." Stella said as she headed down. Alicent watched as Aegon picked her up, spinning her around. Stella Lannister wouldnt do.


''You did so good today.'' Stella whispered kissing Aegon again and again her pulled closer.

''Do I get a reward?' Aegon mused

''Winning first isn't enough?'' Stella teased kissing him again as the door opened

''Get out.'' Aegon demanded

''Mother said we are to share chambers-' Aemond began.

''Share with Hela.'' Aegon retorted

''She said-''

''Clearly stella is already here and very comfortable.'' Aegon spat back. ''Go on. Get.''

''Mother said-'' Aemond countered. 

''But Hela is alone and im not.'' Aegon went on. ''Get out.'' Stella chuckled leaning into aegon as he wrapped an arm around her.

''Mother said so Im staying here.'' Aemond told them.

''We can just ignore him. I do.'' Stella offered bringing her lips to Aegon. Aemond listened to the smacking of their lips before he let out a groan.

''Go to sleep.'' Aemond demanded.

''Get another room!'' Aegon countered.

''I'll get mother.'' Aemond warned.

''You wouldnt.'' Aegon sneered.

''I would.'' Aemond countered confidently.

''It's fine. All the time in the world.'' Stella assured kissing him again before cuddling into him.

''Ruin my life Aemond.'' Aegon declared.

''Bitch to mother about it.'' Aemond countered.

''Goodnight Almond.'' Stella mused blowing out the candle.

''It is Aemond and you know it!'' Aemond declared as Aegon chuckled pulling her closer.

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