Therapy - Drarry βœ”οΈ

By SettleDown1D

263K 8.2K 10.5K

The one where Harry and Draco reconnect on the Hogwarts Express, and liquid luck seems to come in the form of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 15

7.6K 279 215
By SettleDown1D

On that Monday morning, Harry didn't want to be anywhere except in Draco's arms.

"How are you feeling Harry?"

"Still not well."

"Let's get you to the hospital wing so Poppy can check on you, yeah?"

"Everything hurts. Can she come here?"

"I'll go get her. Have some water."

Chewing his lip as he left the room, Draco made a split decision. Knocking on the door down the hall, he waited for an answer.

A tired looking Ron opened the door, and he furrowed his eyebrows upon seeing Draco at his door.

"Malfoy? Is everything alright?"

"I'm going to the hospital wing, did you want to come?"

"Yeah, let me grab my shoes."

Upon Ron's return, the two walked in silence as they made their way through the common room.

"He's still not doing well?"

"No, he's not. He never admits when he's not doing well, so I'm more worried than usual. He didn't even want to walk to the hospital wing himself. I offered to bring Poppy up."

"Bloody hell. He gets like that you know, his emotions control him and then he's absolutely knackered. It's not healthy."

"I've tried to tell him. He's quite stubborn, and that's really something coming from me of all people."

Laughing, Ron nudged Draco's shoulder.

"That stubbornness has helped Harry a lot. Thank you, for inviting me to come with you and updating me on Harry."

"If you treat me with decency I'll reciprocate. My father held a lot of misconceptions, and the biggest one other than the whole dark lord thing was about your family. After getting to know more about you all, I've realized that my family is the one lacking.

Money means nothing when you're raised with the wrong ideals and prioritize the wrong things. Perhaps if I had a sibling, things would be different. I try not to dwell on it, you know? Like I've said, words mean nothing when there's no action behind it."

"I appreciate that. I know mum does too. For the most part nothing bothered me too much because I do have that support system. It must be hard when your support system is constantly telling you the wrong ideals are correct. I never thought of it like that before you know.

Once he's feeling better, you, Harry, and I should go grab a pint or something."

"While I appreciate the offer, it's not a good idea. We can have something in mine or Harry's room, but I wouldn't go out. I wouldn't do that to you or myself."

"Have you been out in the wizarding world since everything?"

"Once. It didn't go well."

With that, Draco grabbed Poppy and caught her up on how Harry was doing as they walked into the common room. Hermione was waiting for them and shot up and followed behind them as they went to see Harry.

"Harry, what happened?!"

"Go away," he grumbled, turning his back to her.

"Harry," she tried again, taking a step forward.

She was stopped immediately by Felix, who growled at her.

"Felix, it's me."

"Miss Granger I'm going to need you to leave," Poppy instructed, shooing her out.

"That's nonsense-"

Felix barked, and put one paw forward. Shocked, Hermione allowed herself to be pushed out of the room.

"You still have a fever Mr. Potter."

"Am I contagious?"

"Mr. Malfoy, are you feeling alright? Mr. Weasley?"

"Yes, I'm fine Madame Pomfrey. Just a bit concerned."

"I'll need to consult my books. After an initial checkup nothing concerning is showing other than dehydration. We treated that yesterday, so I need to update your potions intake. After a few more scans I'll send some potions over. No classes for you today."

"I can make it-"

"No. Enough of that," Draco scolded. "I know what you're thinking, I'm fine. I survived without you-"

"You broke your nose!"

"You did what?," Madame Pomfrey asked, eyebrow raised.

"I'm fine."

"Sit. Now."

Draco flipped Harry off behind her back, and Harry managed a small smile.

"You're lucky there's no lasting damage Mr. Malfoy. If there are anymore... incidents... and I find you did not come to me for proper medical attention you'll be having a much bigger problem. Is that understood?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. I'll have the potions sent over immediately. Take them, and then get some rest Mr. Potter. I'll check on you again later tonight."

"Thank you."

Draco didn't remember how boring classes without Harry truly were. Even when they weren't friends, Draco was always plotting something in order to get Harry's attention. Now, all he could do was force himself to focus on the lessons so that Harry would have good notes.

Lunch couldn't come fast enough. Draco walked quickly down the halls, grabbing two plates of food quickly from the Great Hall, and almost knocked over Ron.

"I'm coming with, give me a minute."

Draco raised an eyebrow but said nothing. It was hard to ignore the massive presence that was Ron Weasley, due to his sheer height. For Harry, Draco decided to accept whatever this offering was, and waited for Ron, who spent the walk back to Harry's room asking him Potions questions.

"Are you picking up Potions then?"

"I didn't want to for obvious reasons. I think Snape left a permanent dent in the back of my skull from smacking me with books so often, but I'm back and forth with being an Auror. I dunno, I might go through training just to have that enhanced skill set, but I see what this has all done to Harry. I don't want to add to his worry, or mum's. I don't think I could personally deal with the struggles every day anyway. I'm sure he told you about the hunt."

"He told me that his best mate wore the locket for too long so Harry didn't have to and was negatively affected. That he tried to come back and couldn't find either of his friends, encountered some snatchers. That everything was forgiven as soon as he found out that his best mate was okay, because that was what mattered to him. That he would've drowned if you hadn't found him at the right time.

We've all done things in the heat of the moment that we shouldn't have done. What matters is how we come back from them. One misjudgment when you were influenced by extremely dark magic doesn't take away from all of the great things you've done."

"You're wise beyond your years Malfoy."

"Yes, we've all had to grow up rather quickly haven't we?"

Ron opened the door for Draco who nodded his thanks, and set the two plates down on the desk.

"Let's change your food and water shall we Felix?"

As Draco took care of that, Ron perched on the edge of Harry's bed, and began speaking to him quietly.

"Draco okay?," he murmured hoarsely.

"Perfectly fine Potter. I took notes for you, you're welcome by the way, and I brought lunch. And Weasley."

Harry hummed in acknowledgment, his head now resting on Ron's lap.

"Did you take all of your potions?"

The disgusted look on Harry's face was enough to make Draco giggle.

"When's your next dose to be taken? Are you still warm? Have you been drinking water?"

"Dunno, not really, I've been sleeping."

Draco felt Harry's forehead, confirmed his fever was breaking, and then gave him some water. On the nightstand was where he found the schedule of Harry's potions.

"Here, this one needs to be taken with food. I made you a plate."

While grabbing the plate, Draco saw Ron whisper something to Harry, who promptly turned red and elbowed Ron in return. The interaction caused a funny feeling to form in Draco's stomach, and he dealt with it the best way that he knew how to. He left.

"I'm going back to my room. Feel better Potter."

"You're leaving me?"

"You need to rest."

"Don't tell me what I need," Harry huffed.

With a roll of his eyes, Draco grabbed his plate and returned to his room, feeling... off. He couldn't place the feeling, he didn't think he wanted to. Instead, he spent his lunch with Felix, and shook off Weasley throughout the rest of their shared classes until dinner. He hoped Ron had made a plate for Harry, because Draco wasn't hungry, choosing to spend dinner in the bath.

Feeling drained, he changed into his softest pajamas and had planned to do his homework until he fell asleep. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Harry sleeping in his bed, uncomfortably perched against the headboard as if he fell asleep waiting for Draco. There were two plates of food on his nightstand, and Draco frowned.

Carefully, Draco moved Harry into a laying down position, and covered him with his blanket. He sat at his desk doing school work for quite some time, periodically checking on Harry.

"Draco?," Harry called, panic filling his voice.

"I'm right here," he replied gently, sitting next to Harry on the bed.

"Are you mad at me?," Harry asked, tired eyes going wide with concern.

"Of course I'm not mad at you, why would you think that?"

"You left me-"

"With Weasley-"

"And didn't check on me before or after dinner. You didn't bring me a plate either, I thought I upset you. I don't mean to be a bother, really I'm fine. I don't even feel so sick anymore I can go to classes again I promise-"

"Harry darling, relax. You're getting all worked up for no reason. You are never a bother, why would you ever think that?"

"My family would always tell me I was a bother. Especially when I was sick. They rarely ever wanted anything to do with me, even less so when I was sick. I don't want you feeling like you have to do things that you don't want to do out of some sort of obligation."

"Potter, how often have I insulted you or told you to your face that you were bothering me and should take a long swim with the giant squid?"


"How honest am I?"


"So then why would I not tell you to your face to sod off?"

"I dunno..."

"Come here you tosser," Draco said with a sigh, pulling Harry to lie between his outstretched legs. "I'm not upset with you for being sick. I'm upset with myself for being so paranoid that you're going to abandon me for Weasley when it's most likely not true."

"Most likely?"

"You chose him over me once. I know it's not logical, okay? But I don't like the feeling I get when it seems like I'm being excluded from things. I do what the Malfoys have always done when there was a problem. I leave to save myself from being hurt and hurt those around me in the process."

"Do you want to know what he said to me?"

"You don't have to-"

"He told me that I had it made. That you would clearly do absolutely anything for me and that he knew you had made quite the impression on me, but now he can see why."


"I do appreciate you, but when you left I thought it was because I had taken advantage of you. Or that you were tired of me and had sent Ron in your place. Imagine my surprise when he told me that you had gone out of your way to speak to him this morning."

"Yes, well."

Draco didn't even know how to finish that sentence.

"Have you eaten yet?"


"You have to eat Draco."

"I wasn't hungry."

"Let's have dinner before I fall asleep again."

"I'm happy that you're sleeping at least."

"Can I sleep in here tonight?"

"Madame Pomfrey is going to come looking for you tonight."

"Poppy loves me."

"You think everyone loves you," Draco retorted, nudging Harry with his shoulder.

"I'm a delight. Everyone loves the main character with physical, mental, and emotional scars. It makes them hot."

"I can't argue with that."

"So you think I'm hot?"

"How can I deny that when you have a literal fever?"

Harry laughed, relaxing against Draco.

"I do feel better though, all because of you."

"I'm fairly certain it was because of all of the potions you took."

"Just being near you makes me feel better."

"Flattery again."

"I'm not joking though. I don't know if it's because I'm deprived of human contact, but just sitting like this makes me feel a lot better."

"I think you're mental, but that's very sweet."

"Do you think I can go back to classes tomorrow?"

"Do you actually want to?"

"I miss doodling on your parchment."

"She'll probably want to keep you out for one more day, just to make sure."

"Will you skip with me?"

"How about we skip a day once you feel better."

"We should go somewhere. Anywhere."

"Where would you want to go?"

"I don't have a dream destination in mind. I just want you there with me."

"I know exactly where to take you."

"I'm excited to go," Harry replied sleepily.

"Tired darling?"

"I wish I wasn't. You'll be here when I wake up?"

"Unless I'm in class, yes."

When Madame Pomfrey couldn't find Harry, she immediately came to Draco's room, where she found him with his head in Draco's lap.

"Should he be passing out like this?"

"You spend a lot of time with him, you tell me what you know."

"His magic is greatly controlled by his emotions. He had a bad day yesterday and he spiraled. I could feel the air vibrating with his magic. I took him someplace to blow off steam because he keeps everything pent up and I don't know if I made the situation worse. He gets tired and dizzy sometimes and his breathing becomes irregular. He'll also occasionally get chest pains."

"That changes some things now. If anything else happens, let me know immediately. I worry about him, especially with how he downplays his pain."

"I already told him no classes again tomorrow. What other potions does he need? I'll make sure he takes them."

After receiving the list and wishing her a good night, Draco got ready for bed. As soon as he was situated, Harry snuggled up to him. Pressing a soft kiss to Harry's forehead, Draco allowed his thoughts to lull him to sleep.

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