By avadakedavra_xo

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"N-no Steve... no I've told you once I can't do this again..." Mia muttered as she cried, everything display... More

1 | November 1983
2| , over
3 | The Vanishing Of Will Byers
4 | The Search
5 | Lonnie Byers
6 | camera
7 | The Body
8 | Thing In The Picture
9 | Funeral
10 | First Time? ⚠️
11 | The Flea And The Acrobat
12 | Harrington V Byers
13 | Mike, Do You Copy?
14 | Die, Monster, Die
15 | KISSING?!?
16 | Mom
17 | Get Sheet Faced
18 | Polliwog
19 | Forgiven? ⚠️
20 | hooker-esk
21 | Dart
22 | Farrah Fawcett hairspray
23 | demodogs
24 | The Mind Flayer
25 | 'Never Again'
26 | The Gate
27 | Apologies and Confessions
28 | movie
29 | 6-pack
30 | pictures
31 | Interviews
32 | model ⚠️
33 | Dirty Dancing
34 | 'drop him, or your out'
35 | 'Tried now?' ⚠️
36 | The Mall Rats
37 | Cracked the Code
38 | Air Ducts
39 | baby?
40 | 'Do You Still Want To Drink that?'
41 | Russians
42 | Interrogated
43 | Plan A
44 | 'ever been in love?'
45 | Ignition Cable
46 | The Battle Of Starcourt
47 | Plaster Cast
48 | 'leave me alone...'
49 | bipolar?
50 | The Cabin
51 | Shower ⚠️
52 | New Jobs
53 | 'I Love You Eddie'
54 | 'See, I Told You... I Love You Too...' ⚠️
55 | Monica... Again
56 | Dad's Funeral
57 | 'Operation Find Mia'
58 | Chicago
59 | Robin's Big Secret
60 | Vacation ⚠️
61 | One Too Many
63 | The Byers

62 | The Right Moment

7 0 0
By avadakedavra_xo


"Princess," eddie called as he walked from Steve and Robins adjoining hotel room to his and Mia's the next morning, finding her still asleep, her hair a big birds nest scattered around the pillow, the white scrunched duvet laid just about covering her naked frame, "mia, you gonna wake up love?" he spoke again as he crept closer, keeping his voice relatively low, she still didn't stir though. As he got close enough to the bed to sit down he lift the duvet higher, smoothing it at her shoulders. "Princess..." he mused, nudging and shaking her, finally getting her to groan as she flipped on her side, "hey.... good... morning darling, how are you feeling?"

"shhhh..." she grumbled, pulling the duvet over her head to block out the light,

eddie slightly chuckled "it's one pm, are you going to make an effort to get up?"

"i'm on vacation, i can stay in bed for as long as i want" she groaned

"it's our last day, you can't stay in bed the whole time just because you over did it last night love,"

"i didn't over do it... i've told you so many... times Ed's, i can handle my drink!"

he laughed as he stood and walked around the bed so he could sit next to her "yeah, because people who can handle their drink dance on the bar, flirt with complete strangers... oh, and of course people who can handle their drink kiss Steve Harrington."

mia pressed her hands to her face as she jolted "oh shit Eddie... I'm really sorry you know i didn't mean to do that. Shit why the fuck did i do that! i swear i seriously don't like him like that at all, please... Jesus why did i... i-i shit..."

Eddie shook his head "it's ok, it's fine. i knew... well, kind of knew... well— i was pissed, obviously, but i was just... i was trying to think, like you know you'd be dating him if if really liked him so... i mean i knew when you started making out with me once i brought you back, you kinda pounced and... well fucked me"

she nodded "good..." she shifted in the bed, her whole body aching as she did "shit eddie... what the fuck did we do"

"urh... a lot" he chuckled "all kinds of positions... jesus like... we went four times princess. and you where amazing each time..." his words and mannerisms made her guilty, bubbly feeling wash away, realising that it didn't bother him, that he knew that she didn't mean it...,

mia laughed along "i love you Eddie." she blurted, forgetting that she had only ever said it while drunk... and he had only said it after sex... "shit no... i mean— "

"hey- i love you too," he smiled, grabbing her face and turning her to him "i love you too. don't fucking forget it." he said as he brought himself closer smashing his lips to hers, sharing a long sloppy kiss. as he pulled away he smiled, "right, okay. i was thinking, in a few hours we'd go out, for food?"

"yeah, okay, are we meeting up in Steve's room as usual—"

"no, i was uh thinking we'd go. just us two" he looked down at her,

"what, like a date?" she smirked,

"whatever you want My Love" he smiled pulling her into his side, kissing the top of her head "we'll chill here for like two hours... then get ready and go, yeah?"

"okay honey, that's fine..." she mused as she cuddled into him, absorbing his warmth as he turned the tv on...


"right get out!" Mia abruptly announced, pushing herself up from the bed, keeping the duvet wrapped tightly,

"what?" Eddie chuckled, stretching and yawning,

"go to someone else's room so i can get ready!" she carried her voice chucking his t-shirt he had thrown earlier at him "i won't be long ok?"
he rolled his eyes playfully as he crawled out of bed, swooping past her and through the door to Steve and Robins room. The second it shut behind him Mia rushed to the bathroom, instantly hopping in the shower, getting rid of the traces of last nights fun before getting out and throwing on a vest top and panties.
she waltzed into the main room and grabbed the boom box, putting her mixtape in, letting it start to play as she sat herself on the floor in front of the mirror, immediately starting to brush her hair as she gently swayed to the song.
she grabbed the hair dryer, using it and her round brush to blow dry her curls relatively straight before dragging her old straighteners through it, running over and over the same strands to make sure they were definitely straight. Mia then pushed herself up, digging through her suitcase for her favourite dress and dangly earrings, and once she had them she quickly got changed, moving back to the mirror to finally do her make up...

"alright Eddie, i'm ready!" She called as she knocked on Steve and robins adjoining bedroom door, it practically flew open to show Eddie stood in one of the nicest outfits she'd seen, he still had his black jeans and white reeboks on, but he had paired them with a nice white button up shirt, his hair was styled quite nicely- his curls actually defined for a change... thanks to robin. he looked... amazing, "You look nice," she smiled,

he shook his head in response, pushing her back into their room, shutting the door behind him, "you look.... you look so fucking hot... your hair.... your outfit..." he assessed, holding her at arms length,

she giggled as she stepped towards him, arms wrapping around his neck "shut up Munson" she sighed just as she placed a kiss on his cheek "so, where are we going?"

"ah, that my love is a secret," he smiled slipping himself from her arms "your eyes are smudged, wanna fix it before we leave?"

she looked at him with wide eyes "i uh— yeah! um, yeah give me two seconds" she nodded, skipping to the bathroom.
the second the door shut Eddie rushed to his case, digging into the little zipper pocket in the lining, pulling out a small white box, he gently grasped it, opening it just to check; he smiled as he looked at the contents, a silver... beautiful ring sat in the plush black foam, a small white sapphire sat right in the middle, the band of the ring was split, looping over itself to connect to the sapphire before joining back up at the back. he double checked the engraving inside, to make sure it was spelt right;
Mia, My Princess - Love Eddie
he took a deep breath as he slipped the ring back into the box, shoving it into the pocket of his jacket just as she walked out of the bathroom, brows furrowed,

"you" his voice cracked "you okay?"

"it wasn't smudged... what's going on?"

"oh, was it not? i thought it was..." he cleared his throat as he walked from the corner where the cases were kept and took her hand, practically dragging her to the door "— anyway, come on..."


the two made it to the little diner in no time and almost instantly ordered some sandwiches, cakes, waffles, coca cola and milkshakes. as the closer they got to finishing the harder Eddies heart beat, the louder the thoughts in his head got, the more he was second guessing if it was the right time... if she was ready.

"hey ed's, are you okay?" Mia asked as she grabbed his hands with a smile,

"what— oh uh. I'm fine! i'm good, just thinking my love, just thinking" he smiled back, taking a breath "are you uh, are you enjoying the food?"

she nodded "best meal i've had all week!"

"that's good... that's great."

the two went silent again as they finished up their food, all the plates empty.
they didn't sit around for long before Eddie asked to walk along the beach, when she agreed and flashed him her smile his breath hitched, his thoughts re-flooding his mind as they walked out the diner and down the streets towards the beach. they took a quick stop just before the sand to take their shoes off.
they walked down the beach for a while, just sharing slightly awkward small talk until he realised she was no going to stop to take a picture— hell she didn't even have her camera on her, so the plan he had come up with wasn't going to work, so he was going to have to stop her...

"okay- fuck ok, Mia... Listen i've been waiting for the right moment b-because when i do this.... there's going to be any turning back for me" he sighed deeply as he held her hands in his, rubbing his thumb up and down the back of her hand,

"what do you mean? what— Eddie... what do you mean no turning back? what's going on?" she laughed lightly, looking up at him,

"well, i'm not going to go with anyone else for the rest of my life, i'm not going to love anyone else for the rest of my life, i'm not gonna really care about anything else... for the rest of my life"

"what are you talking about?"

"i've been waiting for the right moment, Mia, because... because when i ask you to marry me it's going to be the most important moment of my life" he spoke so fast she was sure she heard him wrong when he said 'marry' but since he was still going she pushed it behind her for the time being and kept listening "And i just wanna make sure i get it right. i don't want it to be-be a bad experience for you, i-i want you to be happy with my choice." he nodded, mainly to himself, he couldn't even look at her... he was scared,

"eddie... please... just stop speaking in riddles... i-i'm really confused hunny" Mia sighed, placing a hand on his cheek lovingly. Her words made him huff again as he shakily stepped back a little, and dug around in his jacket pocket before getting down on one knee "what— what are you... Eddie—"

"So-so Mia... Mia Hopper will you make me the happiest guy around and Marry me?" he asked, opening the ring box and holding it up towards her,

she had heard him right. he did say marry. Eddie Munson wanted her hand in marriage. her thoughts were all over the place, what if she wasn't good enough for him? was he pulling a joke on her?—

"M-mia?" his low voice didn't bring her from her blank stare so he cleared his throat "Mia, my knee is starting to hurt so could you just put me out of my misery already—" Mia moved so fast it made him disoriented, her arms her suddenly wrapped tightly around his middle and her head was pressed against his chest, her tears forming black wet patches on his shirt,

"yes-s" she whispered, "yes, yeah Eddie i-i will marry you"

his arms flew to her shoulders pushing her back a couple centimetres "you will? your being serious your not just saying it cause i made it a big de—"

"Edward Munson," she giggled and sniffled "i will, 100% marry you. A-are you still... still sure though, yeah? after last night?"

"I couldn't care less that you drunkenly kissed him... I still fucking love you. Nothing will change that." Eddie smiled and nodded, pulling her back towards him so he could slam his lips to hers. The couple shared a long, sloppy kiss for a few seconds before he pulled away, shakily grabbing the white box he was still holding, gently pulling the ring out and taking her hand. He was praying he picked up the right size as he slid it down her finger, and it was perfect- it looked amazing on her...


after spending a while on the beach, paddling up to their knees, talking, messing around the newly engaged couple decided that to rush back to the hotel so they could tell Robin Steve and Stiles; and they had no idea how they'd react... but they were hoping for the best.
as they sped towards Robin and Steve's room nerves were running high,

"Robin robin robin robin?!!" mia called as she knocked repeatedly, "open the doooooor!"

"jesus," the two heard Steve's voice from inside just before the door opened "what's wrong?"

"we have amazing news, is stiles here with you guys?" she asked as she dragged Eddie past him and into the room,

"yeah.... Robin is in the shower though, what's going on? i haven't seen you talk so fast in.... months" Steve slightly chuckled as he watched the brunette throw herself on his bed,

"i've got great news that's why!"

Stiles furrowed at his little sister "well? are you going to say anything?"

"i gotta wait for Robin! how long has she been in there? ROBIN HURRY UP!" Mia shouted, hearing the girl giggle from behind the locked bathroom door. An uncomfortable silence shifted between the four in the room as they waited for Robin to quickly dress herself,

"whats going on, what's this great news?"

Mia nodded as she looked at Eddie, a small smile on his face as he looked down at her, shrugging

"okay! so.... um so! uh, basically... Eddie, he... proposed!!!" she quickly muttered out, and the second she did Robin jumped in her spot and squealed, pulling the smaller girl into her arms and throwing her about;

"no way!!" Robin yelled "show me the ring!! he gave you a ring right?"

"yes, look it's amazing..." she shoved her hand out in front of her best friend, showing off the beautiful ring Eddie had given her, "and! look," slowly she slipped the ring from her finger and showed Robin  the inside of the band, the words he had gotten engraved shinning under the light as she handed it to her, turning to her very silent male friends, "Stiles?" she targeted her brother first, feeling quite upset that he hadn't said anything "are you happy for me?"

"happy?" he questioned, looked her in the eye, "what the fuck is there to be happy about? hm? it's bad enough that you where dating him, now your getting married to him! what would dad think? hey? he never liked him, he wouldn't let this happen!—"

"dad isn't here though is he so it doesn't matter! I love Eddie, i wouldn't want to marry anyone fucking else, so can't you just be happy for me!" Mia snapped at him, hands flailing around,

"Mia, don't do this alright? just- let's go back to our room, yeah?" Eddie sighed, trying to grab her shoulder but she shook him off,

"stiles... your fucking crazy you know!? you've had a baby! what do you think dad would think about that! ay? he wouldn't be fucking happy would he! no, so don't criticise my choice of getting married! you have-have no sort of authority over me so get fucked!"

"mia—" robin tried stopping her too, but she was still  going, still tearing away any form of argument her brother could stick up.

"i am not going to support it. i'm not. but since your so determined on being stubborn about it and fight me, i'm going to pretend it's not happening." Stiles tried to be calm,

"what so your not not going to come to the wedding?"

"no. i'm not."

Mia scoffed and turned away from him, now facing steve "what about you? hm? are you going to fucking explode too?"

"it's your life hopper. and i mean you know, good for you guys? you know...." he shrugged down at her, a sour look on his face as he did,

She scoffed yet again, "fuck you guys honestly." she turned heal and barged back into hers and Eddies room, leaving the door open for him to surely follow her...


she had paced the room twice before kneeling down next to their suitcases and starting to angrily pack everything away.

Eddie held back a laugh "whatcha doinnn'?" he asked, laying on his chest on the bed, head propped up by his hands,

"packing. we're going home tomorrow you know." she snapped back,

"yeahhhh.... but we aren't leaving till 1, we have all morning to pack... that was the plan!"

"yeah, well, plans changed."

he sighed "don't let stiles... of all people control your emotions princess. who cares what he, Harrington and Buckley think? they aren't the ones getting married... we are."


"ah! ah! no buts, come on..." he shuffled back up the bed and held a hand out towards her "Mia... forget about it!"

she huffed as she threw the t-shirt she was holding into the case, pushing herself up to join him on the bed,

"now. we sleep, and you can wake up tomorrow fresh faced, ready to go home okay?"

"Jesus, what have you been reading, woman's weekly?"

"shut the fuck up" he laughed, shoving her down, forcing her into a laying position. they quickly sink into the warmth of the room, letting stiles's behaviour slip past them as they drifted away...

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