The regrets of Katherine Barn...

By blanket-of-moss

13.5K 510 232

Katherine Barnes was a talkative 13 year old girl. She was obsessed with Marvel, The Maze Runner, Harry Potte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 40

144 5 4
By blanket-of-moss

Here is your chapter because kellylovs commented.


Newt finally heard the news. Ren's been poisoned. What's worse is that they don't know what it is or what's the cure. It's been only hours since she's been hit. And in those few hours Riley has almost murdered Tony, Clint's been accused and thrown in a makeshift jail, and Steve and Natasha has gone out to look for Jackson.

Newt has pulled up a chair and hasn't left Ren who lays unconscious on the wooden table. After an hour or so of mindless babbling she fell into a coma like state mumbling a word hear and there.

Newt holds her small hand in his staring at her still face. Her once golden eyes (now hazel) closed off from the world.

Newt feels horrible. Not just because he wasn't there for her. His last memory before she went to the forest was fighting.

He sighs and looks at the floor not letting go of her hand.

Ren mumbles two words, "My Prince. . ." Somehow Newt caught it even though it was said so quietly. His face twists in confusion, what is she dreaming about?

• • • • • • • • • Ren's POV [Remember this is all in her head]• • • • • • • • • •

"Katherine Dear," My grandmother calls from the sitting room of our little cottage in the woods away from the town.

"Coming Nana," I yell back shutting my book and setting down my charcoal. I know she's calling for me to go to the town, so I grab my dark red cloak off the hanger of the door and slip it around my shoulders and tie a knot. I smooth out on cream colored dress and fix my brown demi loop corset before exiting the door to the little room. My grandmother stands by the door holding my arrows, bow, and basket.

"Thank you nana," I say nodding.

"Be careful, and be home before dark, it's a full moon tonight," Nana reminds. Full moon=magic. Magic=disaster and death. I might be a witch, but I mean no harm. I don't intend to hurt people I just, do. I give a kiss and leave the safety of our small cottage.

My boots hit the dirt into the forest listening to the sounds of the birds and other animals. I don't stray from the path usually, but when I do it's for a good reason. I'm never scared of the forest like most, I find it fascinating. Always, since I was little, I traveled the path. Every fork in the road, every turn, every dead end. This path is my home.

Horses hooves pound against the floor. They're coming my way too. People. No. I stay away from people as much as I can. Usually bad things happen.

I stray from the path into the forest, but I'm not quick enough. A big caramel horse stops and rears up. I fall to the floor in shock and scoot away from the big animal. Oh god no.

"Watch where you're going," I yell at the rider. Whoever it is comes off the horse and helps me up.

"I'm sorry," He responds. I look up from my dress to see the Prince. His golden curls resting on his head. His big brown eyes. The weird thing is he looks like a decent human being for once. He looks like an actual human being, not a bottomless pit of evil that needs to be beheaded for being cruel to his people.

"What are you doing Prince Charming," I mock. I don't care if he has the power to murder me and can get away with it. He doesn't deserve my respect.

"As much as I love to nickname, my name is not charming," He responds his accent showing.

"Well, whatever what are you doing in my forest," I respond crossing my arms.

"You're forest," He says cocking his head to one side,"If I remember correctly this forest belongs to everyone not just you Lady. . ."

"Barnes," I say walking around him and down my path.

"What's the rush," He yells after me rushing to my side. His horse follows in his lead.

"To get away from you and your Princi-ness." I respond keeping my eyes on the path.

"I don't understand," He says, "Most people find me wonderful." [Ten points to Gryffindor if you understand that]

"I don't," I reply and continue walking. Still, I hear his footsteps (and his horses). Not being able to handle it anymore I turn on my heel to face him. "What's your problem? Leave. Be gone. I do not want your presence anywhere near me. First you take land from the poor, now you're following me when I obviously don't want you and your royal-ness in my space! So if you could please leave me alone!"

"I what? I've never done that." The Prince replies looking very confused.

"Done what, hurt your subjects," I snap. "Cause you've done a bunch of that." His calloused hand grips my upper arm stopping me in my tracks. I yank it out of his grip and glare at him with as much hatred as I could muster. If you couldn't tell, I hate the royal family. The Prince (yet to be king) and his two younger brothers.

"I've never done that," He says staring into my golden brown eyes.

"I'll believe it when I see it," I hiss dashing off down the path.

"Wait I never got your name!" He yells.

"You don't need it Prince Charming," I yell picking up my pace running faster down the path even faster than before.

• • • • • • • • • • •

I come back to the cottage at dusk. The sun casting an orange glow on the trees and the little cottage. I rush inside to see my grandmother sitting on her rocking chair, her crossbow on her lap. A single gold arrow notched in. No additional arrow in sight. Her eyes travel to me through her half-moon glasses.

"To your room before dark, I don't want you to be here if it comes early," She says with a warm smile. I nod understanding and head into my door; placing my dresser in front of it.

I sit on my bed and stare out the window at the setting sun. Hopefully Luna not "creative" tonight.

Luna, my "other self". She comes once every full moon when my power is at it's fullest. She came with the powers that I was born with. She cause havoc and death. So I lock myself in my room, and Nan has the arrow to. . .put me down if I get to out of control. Hopefully I don't tonight. Granny is all I have left for family and company.

• • • • • • •

I wake up in a pool of blood. . .in the sitting room. Where's Nan? My head looks around the room. It's tattered and trashed. The table upturned, chairs torn, the rug disheveled, and granny. . .lying dead at my feet the crossbow snapped in half the arrow bent on the other side of the room. What have I done. . . .

I back up and look at my dress. Covered in blood to match the hood. It's sticky and warm and. . .not mine.

My eyes travel to Granny once more. Her neck is snapped; blood leaking out of her mouth. Her stomach has a dagger sticking out of it. Dad's old dagger.

I stumble back and hit the wall. What have I done. I race out the door and into the woods.

The icy morning air hits my face and hurts my throat as I breath in. Tears escape my eyes blurring my vision slightly. I pick up the sticking dress to run faster. Memories of last night come back in snippets.

I break the dresser with blue wisps of magic. My brown eyes now icy blue. My face a sickening grin on it.

I run even faster.

I snap the crossbow. Granny backs into a wall begging me not to.

I stumble but continue running.

I drive the blade into her stomach. She begs me to end it all. The pain.

My breath is now ragged.

My hands do this weird motion and her neck. . .snaps on its own.

Everything starts to swirl around the room. Plates crash and break. The chairs rip and smash. The crossbow snaps. The arrow on the other hand doesn't snap or move. It stays still.

My/Luna's hand grabs it and it burns our skin. She grabs the knife out of Grandma and with as much power as she can muster flicks her wrist sending the knife to the arrow. She tries to separate the arrow with the sharp object. It barley makes it's mark and it only bends.

Luna rolls her eyes and makes the knife go back into granny's stomach to make sure she's dead. Luna just shrugs and sits down on the torn chair as if she's the queen of the chaos she caused.

I can't take it anymore. My knees fall to the dirty floor. My hands cover my face as I sob. I hate Luna, I hate myself, I hate the world.

My body hits a tree and hits the floor of the forest. Tears still rushing down my face.

"Are you okay," A voice asks. My eyes find the source. Prince Jack, Prince "Charming"s younger brother. His hand extended to me. Of course, I ran into another Prince in this cursed forest. I know it's Prince Jack because he's is wearing a blue jacket with gold clasps running down the front and gold epaulets to match and a crown. That and he has a white horse with the symbol of the family.

"There- My- Dead," I stutter looking behind me in the direction of the cottage. He helps me off the dusty ground and holds my arms so I don't run away. His eyes travel down my shirt and corset to the blood covering it. It already started to seep through the fabric. He notices my frantic eyes darting around the forest as if something is going to jump out of the trees or bushes and attack her.

"Let's get you back to the palace and get you cleaned up and tell me then okay," He says softly staring at my own eyes with his soft kind ones. I nod my head quickly before following behind him.

• • • • • • • • • • •

I sit on the edge of a gigantic four poster bed with thick stain gold and white sheets. I sit in a blue slim gown waiting for Prince Jack to come back in. As much as I hate royalty, he's not that evil and chaotic.

My small hands shake, as I am still traumatized by the event. Every so often I have to wipe a tear that's slipped out of the corner of my eye. I intake a shaky breath and stare out the window at the sunny day. No clouds just. . .sun and warmth. It feels wrong. This whole thing feels wrong. Something is off, like I'm in the wrong place.

Finally after five more minutes of the weird feeling, Prince Jack comes in.

"Are you okay," He asks with a soft voice. I slowly nod staring at the floor, not trusting my voice. He gets down on one knee and looks at my face. "No you're not. Now let's start with a few simple question so I can know who you are. When you feel comfortable you can tell me what happened. Okay?"

I nod not looking in his eyes.

"What's your name," He asks. I don't answer. "Come on I need a name for a lovely maiden like you."

"Katherine," I answer quietly.

"Now Lady Katherine do you have a family that would worry or a home," Prince Jackson asks staring into my eyes. More tears escape my eyes.

"N-not anymore," I whisper. Pictures of my Grandmother body laying on the ground flashes through my mind.

"What- what do you mean," He asks.

"My Grandmother was murdered. . .I can't go home," I start to panic," She's there. I- I can't go home. I-I -I have no one to go to."

"Hey hey," He starts to grip my shoulders to get me to focus on him. "We can worry about that later, right now we need to calm down okay? We need to get our heads straight. " I slowly nod. There's a knock on the door.

"Jackson is someone else in there with you," I hear Prince "Charming" say through the door. Anger overcomes sadness when I hear his voice. There's something about him. What, I don't know.

"I'll be back okay," Prince Jackson whispers.


He gets up from the floor and walks towards the big white door. He barley opening it to escape the big room so I'm not seen. Oh lord what have I gotten myself into.

I can't hear anything specific, but I can tell that something bad is going to happen soon. I soon hear yelling. I can't hear the words, but I can hear the sounds.

"Why did you bring a girl!" I hear a new voice. "The ball is tonight, we can't have any distractions! You're being brother crowned king, did you not think of that?"

"The girl was scared and afraid in the forest, alone. I couldn't leave her!"

"Nicholas it's okay," Prince "Charming" responds," We will met the girl and figure everything out tomorrow."

"As your Advisor I must-" Nicholas responds.

"As your soon to be King I say we deal with this tomorrow." Prince "Charming" orders with power seeping through his voice. Soon enough the big white doors swing open, scaring me. I jump a little before settling on the bed once more. "You?"

"Surprised Prince "Charming?" I respond, my sadness disappearing once I see that horrible face.

"It would be a lie if I said I wasn't a little," He says walking in," Why are you here?"

"Ask your brother," I say standing up. Prince "Charming" turns around to face his brother who stands confused at the door.

"You were crying buckets a few seconds ago," He says, "Now you're fine?"

"What can I say," I say walking around,"Hatred is stronger than sadness I suppose."

"You never answered my question," The soon to be king says standing in front of me, "Why. Are. You. Here?"

"You're brother, Prince Jackson, found me in the woods while I was delirious and scared out if my mind," I explain walking around the soon to be king.

"And she's here as my guest," the Prince says stepping in between me and him. He glares at his older brother (even though "charming" is taller.) "So I suggest you leave, brother. "

Prince "Charming" looks at me once more, with something else in his eyes. Disappointment? I don't know. But after that he leaves the two of us alone to prepare for the ball. Mr. I'm-the-Advisor-of-the-king-and-I-have-a-stick-up-my-butthole looks at me with disgust written all over his stupid face before leaving.

"I don't think Mr. I'm-the-Advisor-of-the-king-and-I-have-a-stick-up-my-butthole likes me," I say when the door shuts.

"Don't mind him, he has something against all commoners he thinks they are disgusting and dirty," He says. His eyes widen, "N-Not that I think you're a commoner or anything. That's only him. I didn't-"

I hold up my hand, "I understand what you're saying. Now what's this about a ball?"

"Haven't you heard? Prince Newton is being crowned King tonight at the ball. All the Kings, Queens, and suitors are coming from all over." His face lightens up, "And you're my guest. "

"Wh-what?" I say my mouth hanging open. "N-No I don't do large crowds. Or people for any matter. I'm quite happy in this little room, by myself while "Prince Charming" gets crowned king. I would actually like to stay as far away as possible from him. Do not want to be near him. "

"Why do you hate my brother," He asks.

"The choices he makes," I reply causally. "He allowed some of the forest to be chopped down. Some of the creatures that live there didn't like that. Caused chaos. Wars for food, territories, and other stuff. Like black stone. Horrid stuff for us, but to magic creatures. . .gold. My mom. . .she got caught in the middle. "

"Well, on that note," He says clapping his hands together, "We have a ball to get ready for."

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