I'll Wait Forever

By twisted_transistor

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Frank has always been an outcast. At school, at home, even just walking down the street. He's a nobody- and h... More

Chapter one...
Chapter two...
Chapter 3...
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7...
Chapter 8...
Chapta 9 y'all.
Chapter 10. Ily all.
Chapter 11...
-21 guns/pilots-


780 51 59
By twisted_transistor

Me and Emma talked for hours about anything and everything. I guess we just felt really comfortable around each other. I told her everything about my life, from growing up to meeting Gerard in the woods late one night. She asked a few questions, but generally just listened and nodded along. After I told her about my life, she described hers. She eventually told me about her dad. He committed suicide, and she came home to find his body. That fact alone is heartbreaking, but what made it worse was that he hadn't hung himself or taken pills, he shot himself in the head, and, from what she told me she remembers from that night, it was a gruesome scene. I didn't press for details, simply letting her tell me what she was comfortable with.

After our seemingly endless talk, she fell asleep on her bed with me right beside her.

I woke up the next morning to an alarm clock blaring and a sleeping Emma next to me on her bed. How she was able to sleep through that loudass obnoxious sound, I did not know.

"Emma, wake up. We're gonna be late. The bus comes at 6:25 and it's already 6:10." I shook her slightly, but it was a fail, to no avail.

"Five more minutes..." She grumbled and pulled her pillow over her head. I sighed and retreated to my own room before slipping on some cleanish clothes and heading towards the bathroom. I knocked on the door, but there was no response. Maybe someone just left the door closed. I twisted the handle and pushed it open, only to see Ronnie bent over the tub and shaving his legs.

"Don't you ever fucking knock?!" He yelled. I muttered a quick 'sorry' before sprinting down the hall and into Emma's room.

"You walked in on Ronnie in the bathroom, didn't you?" She asked without looking away from her mirror.


"He was shaving his legs, wasn't he?" She ran a thin layer of eyeliner over her lids.


"Thought so." She laughed before leaving her room and gesturing for me to follow her.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see..."

She led me down the hall and into the spare bedroom at the end. "This is the guest bedroom, but we never have guests. So, I use this bathroom in the mornings to avoid anything to do with Ronnie and his hairless legs." She smirked. "You're welcome to use it too, just don't hog the shower."


After finally making our way out of the house, we made it to the bus stop just as the bus was pulling away. And they didn't stop for us. I groaned in frustration.

"Is there anyone that could give us a ride?" I asked, leaning my head on Emma's shoulder.

"Not that I know... But technically we didn't have to be at school until 7. Maybe you could call Gerard..?" She suggested.

"Yeah... That's probably our only option..." She smiled as I dug my phone out of my pocket.

I dialed the number. It rang once, twice, three times, four-

"Hello? Frank, is that you?" Gerard's voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"Yeah, um... Me and my friend sort of missed the bus... Any chance you could take us?"

"Yeah... Sure, I'll be there in 15 minutes." I heard him start to move around.

"Thanks Gerard!" I called just as he hung up on me. Dick.

"Okay, he'll be here in like 15 minutes, so yeah..." I trailed off.

Emma and I sat in silence for a while, just dancing alone to the beat of hearts, until she suddenly broke the silence, "Tell me about Gerard."

"What? Um... Ok? Well what do you want to know?"

"Describe him. What's his past like? What is he to you?"

"Oh," suddenly, my entire vocabulary failed me. "Well... He's uh, cool, neat, ya know- typical guy..."

"Bullshit. Tell me about him."

"Well, he's really awesome. He's the kind of guy that will really creep you out, but you would trust him with your life. He's a cryptic simpleton. He's so complex and his mind goes in so many directions, but he makes everything seem so simple... He's like a killjoy disguised as a hero... If that makes any sense at all..."

"He sounds very... intriguing. What else? What is he to you?" She peered over at me.

"He's the guy I met in the woods, he's the guy that creeped the fuck out of me, he's the guy that gave me a place to crash, he's the guy who took me in, he's the guy who drove me to school, he's the guy who's made me laugh more than anyone, he's the guy my parents blame, he's the guy that doesn't care and cares all too much, he's the guy that gave me my first kiss, he's the guy that I gave a piece of myself to, he's the guy that I trust, he's the guy that actually gives a shit about me, he's the guy who can blind you with his brilliance and baffle you with his bullshit, he's the guy that deserves better... He's my best friend, but so much more. And I don't even know how that's possible. Hell, I've known him for two weeks!" I saw Emma looking behind me.

"So... That's who I am to you..." Gerard smirked. "I guess that's just who I am this week..." I blushed and looked down, not realizing he had been there to hear all of that.

"Hi, my name is Emma, it's nice to meet you." Emma walked up and opened the passenger side and climbed right in. Bitch, that is my seat. She saw my irritated expression, "Get in loser, we're going to school."

I huffed and pulled myself in as Gerard and Emma talked about various things. After about two minutes I tuned them out completely.

"Thanks for the ride, Geetard!" Emma called as she scooted out and sprinted towards the school. I started to open the door, but Gerard shot forward.

"So..." He started, "is that all I am to you?" He questioned.

"Well... Do you want to be more?" I retaliated.

"Define 'more'," he laughed. He pulled to a stop and I turned to face him.

"'More' is whatever you want it to be." I smirked.

"Well-" I cut him off.

"Just kiss me you fucking idiot." He smiled before leaning forward and gently pressing his lips to mine. I put my hand on the back of his neck as he slipped his tongue through my lips. We stayed like that for mere seconds before I reluctantly pulled away. "I have to get to class... But will you pick me up?"

"Sure thing, sugar," he winked as I climbed out and jogged toward Hell. I mean school. No, I mean Hell.


The school day seemed to drag by. Brendon didn't come today because he was sick, and Ryan decided to stay home with him. I talked with Patrick a bit, but he seemed generally uninterested, and the other guys were off in their own little world. At lunch, I decided to go and talk to Billie Joe, maybe share a few stories.

I walked down the long hallway until eventually I came to the door reading 'Mr. Armstrong' and knocked.

"Hello? Come in?" I heard steps coming towards me. "Oh Frank, welcome. Was there something you forgot, or..?"

"Hey, and no. I was just hoping we could talk..." I said timidly.

"Oh! Yeah, sure. Come on in." He ushered me inside and shut the door behind him. "So what's up? You can sit there if you want," he pointed to the chair closest to his desk.

"Ok, and nothing in particular. I just wanted some company, and I thought you might have some interesting stories..."

"Nah. I'm pretty boring, actually. By the way, I like your shirt." I glanced down at my Nirvana shirt and muttered a small thanks- I've always been terrible at taking compliments.

"What kind of music do you like?" I asked.

"I like pretty much everything, but punk rock and grunge would have to be my favorite genre." He smirked.

"I think we're going to be good friends..." I chuckled before glancing back up at the man beside me.


We talked the entire lunch period, and I agreed to come back tomorrow. Billie Joe was actually a really awesome guy- hell, he's even in a band!

I stood waiting outside for Gerard, Emma at my side.

"Hey kids, want some candy?" I heard a voice call towards us. I smiled before nodding and getting to the passenger seat before Emma could.

We talked mindlessly on the ride back to the orphanage, and once we were there, Gerard and I said our goodbyes to Emma before heading back to his house for a few while.

"So..." Gerard sat next to me on the couch and nervously twiddled his fingers. "What we talked about the other night... Um- shit..."

"I, uh, haven't really thought about it... Were you... Were you kidding..?" I asked with almost no emotion. He looked down at his lap.

"No..." I stiffened. That sort of thing was impossible, right? A myth, legends of the darkness, tales from the midnight hour... But I could tell that Gerard was very serious about this.

"Oh," was all I could manage.

"I know this isn't easy to wrap your brain around... But please try to understand. I will never hurt you, I promise. Do you have any questions? Comments? Concerns? If you think this is too weird and want to leave, I won't stop you..."

"This... Is really weird, and I-I don't really know what to think about it... I won't leave... But you're a fucking vampire! I'm- how the hell is someone supposed to just be ok with it?!" I exclaimed.

"Ask anything you want, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me... And I know you may never be ok with it, but please try..." I saw a tear drip down his cheek as he pleaded me with his eyes to stay.

"Ok. I'll try. Tell me about it, about you." He gave me a small smile and met my gaze.

"Well, as you know, I'm really strong and fast, I'm, for lack of a better word, immortal, but there are ways around that. I can make myself invisible to human eyes, and that's about it."

"What do you... Eat?" I asked, suddenly nervous of the answer.

"Well I can eat anything with blood, but it isn't really necessary to my survival. The only catch is that blood is what sustains my immortality. I can go years without blood, but I will slowly start aging again unless the blood in my body is replaced."

"Oh, ok. Have... Have you ever killed someone..?"

"Yes, I have. But that was many decades ago. I do my best to stick to blood banks and animals now. Blood banks are amazing- they give you blood, gallons of the stuff! They've given me all that I could drink... But it has never been enough." He laughed slightly before focussing on me again. "Are you ok with this? Any more questions?"

"Yeah... I actually do think I'm ok with it. And one more question..." I replied.


"Can I kiss you-" I had barely gotten the sentence out before Gerard's lips were on mine in a hungry yet sweet kiss.


Hi. Idk how I feel about this... Thoughts?

Ok well have a nice day...

Merci pour le venin...

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