Lost In Ice (Various x Fem. R...

By rainydoesnothing

129K 4.8K 1.8K

Y/n awoke in a bed made of ice that was covered in blankets. Now she's the daughter of a crazed wizard who ki... More

Melted Disaster/Prisoners of Love
Y/n's Profile
Tree Trunks
The Enchiridion
The Jiggler
Ricardio the Heart Guy
Business Time
My Three Favorite People
Memories of Boom Boom Mountain
City of Theives
The Witch's Garden
What Is Life?
Ocean of Fear
Birthday Chapter
The Duke
Freak City
Stranger in the Ice
What Have You Done
Their Hero
Gut Grinder(s)
Y/n's Profile (Season 2)
It Came From The Nightosphere
The Eyes
Blood Under the Skin
Loyalty to the King
Slow Love
Crystals Have Powers
The Other Tarts
To Cut a Woman's Hair
The Soft Chewed
Her Parents
The Real You
Death in Bloom
Susan Strong
Mama's Cookin'
Mystery Train
Go With Me
The Limit
This Mortal Folly
Mortal Recoil
Adventure #1
Adventure #2
Morituri Te Salutamus
Memory of a Memory
Too Young

When Wedding Bells Thaw

2.5K 100 16
By rainydoesnothing

 Inside the treehouse, a delightful tune from the violin rang around. Jake was standing to the side, his violin in hand. Finn was resting on the couch with a dazed expression on his face. Y/n was busy fixing her own backpack. The string for her glider was tangled up, making it almost impossible for her to open it up.

Jake glanced up and saw Finn's expression, he stopped playing instantly. "Are you okay, dude?" he asked, worried for Finn.

Y/n glanced up and stared at Finn, who had just broken out of his daze. "Yeah, why?" he answered back.

"You look bored," Jake stated, looking a little dejected.

Finn quickly shook his head in denial. "Naw, that's just how I look when I'm listening to music." Y/n started to add to the conversation.

"Yeah, he's right. He always looks like that when listening to music." She pulled at the string once more before trying to untangle the large knot.

"Well good, because I'm about to kick it up a notch." Jake brought the bow back up, getting ready to play a piece.

"Bring it!" Finn bantered on. Jake lowered the bow onto the strings, intently playing a song that he knew by memory. As the song continued, Finn's face started to fall back into the old expression. Just as his jaw lowered, there was a loud knock at the door.

Y/n stood up, her knees red from the floor. "Yo, I got it," she called out. She hopped down the ladder while the boys stayed where they were.

"I wonder who that is," Finn said. He hopped onto Jake's back and looked out the window, which was over the front door. He let out a hum, trying to get a good look. Nothing was too suspicious.

"Eee!" he heard a squeal before a person stepped back.

"Ahh! It's the Ice King!" Finn cried out, seeing the familiar crown and robe.

"The Ice King?!" Jake questioned, concerned. He then quickly remembered something. "Oh no, Y/n!"

Now in front of the door, Y/n had her bat in her left hand to keep hidden so that when she would open the door it wouldn't be seen.

"Y/N! NO!" Finn called out to her. But it was too late.

The door was opened and Y/n's eyes widened when she saw her dad staring right back at her. She stayed frozen in her spot while Ice King sputtered out some nonsense.

"Dau-daughter?! What are you doing here?!" he questioned her. Before Y/n could respond, Finn jumped over her and started to attack Ice King.

"Eat my sword, Ice King!" he threw the sword up in the air before catching it. With the momentum of the sword, he threw it at Ice King at a high speed. Ice King brought his hand up, creating a wall of ice that caught the sword deep within.[throws his sword in the air and then throws it at the Ice King who uses his ice as a shield.

"Aww." Finn moaned out, annoyed that his only good sword was now stuck.

"You can not defeat me, child!" Ice King cried out, pointing his hand out at Finn.

In response, Finn was ready to start a running hit. "I will, though! With a sweet kick!" he threw himself up, his foot out to kick. Before he could land a hit, his body moved "Psych!" his fist went out, ready to punch.

The hit went into the beard of Ice King, who just froze him in return. Finn's frozen body was then thrown, destroying the cold cage.

"Hoo hoo!" Jake exclaimed, now coming out of the house ready to fight.

As Finn was about to get up, Ice King stood over him. His hands were heated in his ice magic, aiming at Finn. "Now I can kill you!" he stopped quickly, realizing that he made a mistake. "Oh wait, wait, wait. I am so stupid! Silly Billy! I came by to tell you the good news!" he cheered, now forgetting the fight.

"What's the good news?" Finn questioned, now confused.

"I'm getting married... to someone who wants to marry me!" Ice King exclaimed. Y/n's eyes widened and she choked on her own breath.

"I'm sorry- WHAT!?" she yelled out. Finn and Jake let out a gasp together, also shocked by the news.

"My betrothed is right over there!" he pointed over at an older woman with giant eyes. She was in a cart that was being pulled by some penguins, specifically the women. "Hi, honey!" he waved at her.

Without moving, she just spoke quickly. "Hey, cool guy," she called him. Y/n felt her body shiver in disgust.

Ice King practically swooned. "I'm a lucky guy—I didn't even have to kidnap this one! She fell in love with me the moment I slipped on her engagement ring!" he brought his hand up and wiggled his finger in front of the boys who moved back in more disgust.

Some of the penguins around the princess waddled up to Y/n and started to tug her along with them. "Hey- what's the deal?" she questioned. They pushed her and she landed in the cart with Old Lady Princess. Before she could get back up, the penguins tied her down and wheeled her away. "This isn't funny! Dad!? Guys?!" she called out.

"Bye-bye!" the princess called out, waving at the three remaining boys.

Finn went running out and save Y/n, but Ice King stopped him. "The lady penguins are throwing her one of those "bachelorette" parties. And it's a good thing..." he paused his sentence as he thought more. "Especially since my daughter was around you bozos." he insulted the two.

Y/n's yells were getting further away to the point they couldn't hear her complaining anymore. Jake leaned over to Finn in a hushed voice. "This is weird, dude."

Finn pondered for a moment. "Hmm... if you get married, what about capturing princesses?" he questioned, waiting for an answer.

Ice King flicked his wrist in a knowing manner. "Oh well, no more capturing pretty princesses for this Ice King!" he let out an excited giggle at the thought of his marriage.

"Ohhh..." Finn nodded his head before he turned to walk back to his house. "Well, fare thee well, Ice King!" he called out.

"Hmm?" Ice King hummed in confusion.

"Yeah, good luck with ye and thy creepy wedding," Jake told him, moving away in the process.

Finn was now inside the tree house with Jake behind him, his hand was placed on the door. "We totally support your decision to stop capturing princesses!" he closed the door in a swift motion before looking down at Jake. "I'm happy for him." he nodded, feeling good about the situation.

Before walking away, a knock rang through the room. Finn turned and opened it up. Ice King was still outside.

Ice King let out an awkward laugh while getting annoyed glares. "Sure wish someone would throw me a bachelorette party—oop, I mean, "man-lorette" party." he eased on, giving the boys his message.

Finn was plain and straight to the point with his answer. "But we hate you."

Ice King cringed at the response. "If you won't throw me man-lorette party, then I'll never have my last hurrah before buckling down with that battle axe! It'll drive me back to a life of stealing hot princesses! Is that what you want?!" he yelled at the two, making them feel guilty.

"No. No, no, no, no, no." Jake put his hands up, trying to calm the grown man down.

Finn grabbed Jake and leaned down to whisper to him. "Dude, we gotta show him a good time and treat him right. Otherwise, he'll go back to imprisoning ladies! I-I can't have that! I—" Jake put a finger on Finn's mouth to stop him from ranting.

"Shhh, I know. I know that you can't have that. Don't worry." he calmed Finn down from his rant before they both stood up, facing Ice King. "Alright, let's go party, Ice King." he agreed.

In response, Ice King let out a gleeful giggle.

Y/n hated her day.

Not really hate, but more like a dislike. The penguins had untied her, but she still had to stay around. It was her choice, but it was more for a defending type of thing.

The penguins really didn't have a good defense when it came to combat-related events, so they relied on Y/n's skills for survival.

Y/n glared at a nearby fox that tried to attack the smallest of the penguins. It whimpered at her darkened gaze, moving back into the shadows. She faced the front, her guard up for any possible thing. She felt annoyed with the fact that her bag was still at the tree house, waiting to be fixed.

Y/n felt a shiver slowly crawl up her back like she was being stared at from a far distance. Her head quickly turned back, staring at a bush. She slowly turned back and let out a shriek, smacking her hand up. In front of her was Marshall Lee, the Vampire Prince. And she had just smacked him across the face.

"Oh glob, my meat cheek..." Marshall whined, rubbing his bruised face. He flew up and moved away from Y/n.

She tried to put her arms up, going to defend herself and her action. "Hey, I'm not the one who was creeping around a girl in the woods." she reasoned. Her face flushed while Marshall laughed at her.

"Alright, you have a point there." he floated on his back, his arms around the back of his head. He stared at her while she calmed her breathing. "So, what're you doing with an appetizer and her snacks?" he asked, referring to the penguins and Old Lady Princess.

Y/n stared at him, not impressed with the names. Marshall felt awkward, almost guilty from his teasing nature. He felt relief when Y/n started to giggle at his words. "That princess right there," she pointed at Old Lady Princess with her finger "Is apparently gonna marry my dad. And this is her bachelorette party. Not my ideal way to spend the day."

Marshall snorted at her words "I can tell, you're starting to rhyme." he noted. Before they could speak more, a penguin walked over and started to try and drag Y/n along.

"Welp looks like I need to go." Y/n started to walk off before she stopped paused and looked back. "And don't be scared to try and find me just to hang out. I see you outside the woods some nights." Marshall's face flushed and he stuttered at the sudden confrontation.

Finn and Jake were annoyed with Ice King. They had a stressful celebration for him, and they were tired. Ice King lay on the grass, laughing with humor. "Best man-lorette party ever!" he conjured up a small snowball, which laughed with him. The two kept laughing at each other before Ice King lifted up the snowball man and crushed him into the grass.

"Hahahaha! Now I'm gonna go get married! Hehehehe! ♫I'm gonna get married!♪" he sang out enjoying his time.

Finn stood up, Jake following, and they started to walk off in the direction of their home. "Bye, Ice King! Good luck!" Finn wished him

"Have fun being married!" Jake stumbled away, his legs weak from sitting.

"No more stealing princesses!" Finn called out in glee, happy to not have to save any more ladies from his grasp.

"Yeah--wait. No more s-stealing princesses? Wow." Ice King paused and thought more about it.

The two boys paused, frightened by what Ice King was thinking of. "What?!" they quickly questioned.

Ice King rubbed the top of his head. "I didn't realize I'd have to give up stealing the ladies." he bashfully admitted.

"But you said you were fine with it!" Jake argued.

Ice King tried to defend himself "I know what I said, but, y'know, sometimes you say things and then you don't really mean them." he shrugged his shoulders in an attempt to try and soften the mood.

"What? Are you serious?!" Jake exclaimed, his hands going up in the air in retaliation.

Ice King glared back at him. "I'm just not sure I wanna get married in such a hurry. What if she's just after my Demonic Wishing Eye and Ghost pouch?" he pulled his beard out of the way to reveal the hidden artifacts, letting a laugh while he hid them once more.

"We just took you out partying so that you could feel better about getting hitched!" Finn countered, getting annoyed.

"Maybe I'll just go back to capturing lots of girls. It's what I feel comfortable doing, y'know? Being free, wind at my back, lots of girls, kidnapping 'em." Ice King argued back at him.

Finn started to march up to Ice King, ready to get into his face. "Alright, here comes my double kick!" he called out. Before he could attack, Jake held him back.

"Finn, Finn, cool yourself, buddy. We need to get this guy married, remember?" Jake calmed him down. Finn took some low breaths before he settled down.

He finally nodded along. "Yeah, I remember."

Jake leaned over in a whisper. "Watch." he told him before walking around to Ice King "Let big brother handle this. Hey, Ice King? Don't be nervous. Marriage is the most beautiful thing that could ever happen to a jerk like you," he told the older man. Finn almost face-palmed at his words.

"Really? Why?" Ice King questioned, confused. Jake started to sweat at the question.

"Why?" he slowly walked back to Finn, now freaking out. "Poots, that guy is good. Why? Why?"

Finn tried to break Jake out of his rant "Jake-"

"Not now!" Jake cut him off, rambling to himself. "Why, why, why, why, why?"

Ice King crossed his arms in front of his chest. "My mind is made up—80% sure. No marriage," he concluded.

"Well, uh... don't you wanna grow old with somebody? Right? Just like these old swans." Finn pointed at two wrinkled swans. They were in the middle of the pond, kissing each other. Ice King cringed at their display.

"Bleh, those stinky old swans. Huh?" he questioned, unsure of the possibility. Suddenly, the male swan swallowed the female whole. His mouth opened to reveal the female poking her head out, letting out an evil laugh.

"What?!" Finn and Jake exclaimed, disgusted by the sight.

Ice King on the other hand seemed intrigued. "Ohhhh, now I get what you guys are trying to tell me! Marriage is a thing that allows me to capture a princess forever and let her live inside of me!" his hands went up to cup his face while he wept. "Marriage is the most beautiful thing in the world!"

"Uhh... Yeah—I-I never—uhh... I guess it is." Finn stuttered, ignoring the sobbing man. "Jake, this is bad news, man! We gotta go tell him that he can't eat his wife!" he whispered harshly at Jake.

Jake just responded with a shrug "Eh, let's cross that bridge when we get to it. Look how happy he is." he pointed over at Ice King who shined in glee.

"The wedding? Back on—100%!" he let out another laugh before skipping away.

"Phew!" Finn wiped his head in relief that it was almost over.

Jake held his hand up in a fist bump. "All that's left is the lousy wedding."

"I'm weddy for the wedding!" Finn finished the fist bump with a pun that only made Jake groan in annoyance.

Finn and Jake shivered slightly as they entered Ice King's palace. They both had black bow ties on to celebrate. "Y'know, even though the Ice King is a wad, I'm pretty happy for him," Finn admitted out loud.

Jake just nodded along with him. They looked around at the display which was... interesting. "Uh-huh. This wedding looks lame, man." he looked up ahead to see Ice King on a snow pyramid with other penguins and a Snowman Priest "Be prepared to be bored outta your mind." Finn just laughed at Jake's words, but he paused his small giggles with a snort.

"Oh glob, what happened to you?" he questioned, looking at the 'new' Y/n.

She felt and looked awful. "Do NOT say another word." she pouted. Her face was smothered in awful makeup and the was something... else. Her pendant hung from her neck along with a thick pearl necklace, which was too big for her.

She sighed, bringing a hand up to her head. "I wish I had a say in things, but I don't have that authority. Even if I'm considered a 'princess' here." she moved her fingers to help quote the words.

She was interrupted by a yell from across the room. "Finn, Jake, you made it!" Ice King waved at the two boys while he was tying Old Lady Princess up with a rope. She had a thick veil covering her face "Come on up here. I'm almost finished tying up my bride."

"Weird—and your bride is into that?" Finn commented before Y/n gently nudged his side.

"This is a traditional wedding ritual for good luck in the Ice Kingdom. You see, she'll be hoisted up and then lowered down—and when she touches my beard from above, she will be my queen!" he giggled.

"Well... cool, man. I'm glad y'all are happy... being crazy together." Finn shrugged, feeling a glare at his skull if he would say something wrong.

"Thank you! Excuse me as we finish preparing for the nuptials. 2, 4, 8, 16, 20, uh—" Ice King paused, missing some words.

The Snowman Priest helped him with his words as they walked away. "32."

"Yes—32, 64, one hundred and—eh." the two were gone leaving the trio alone.

Jake decided to speak up. "So Y/n, since this is a ritual for the Kingdom, wouldn't that mean you wou-" his sentence was stopped with a hand.

"Do not even finish that sentence. I do not plan to marry any time soon." she shook her head before walking away, not wanting to deal with the two after the day she had.

Finn looked over at Old Lady Princess while a penguin dressed like a flower girl lifted her veil up, revealing her wide eyes. "Huh? Her eyes are huge! I'm gonna go check 'em out." he glanced down at Jake to see him scratching his ear with his foot. "And stop scratching your ear, man—it's gross," he complained.

Jake tried to justify his actions, though he was still scratching his ear. "It wasn't me—it was my foot, dude."

Finn took wide steps towards the princess. "Whoa, you've got ridiculously large eyes, princess! Are you allergic to somethin'?" he asked her, concerningly.

She seemed to tear up while he spoke. "No, Finn. I was just born like this," she said slowly. Her voice was almost whispy.

"Why are you crying?" he gasped out, seeing the sudden tears.

"I'm not crying, Finn—my tear sac is broken!" she shook her head slightly. Finn got a closer look and saw a mini version of the princess in the reflection. Her tiny form behind prison bars.

"Help me!" the mini version cried out.

Finn jumped back in fear "What?!" he exclaimed.

"I didn't say anything." the princess shook her head in denial.

The mini princess shook the bars while she spoke in anger. "The Ice King cursed me! You've gotta set me free. I would rather die than marry the Ice King!" she yelled out. Jake had made his way over after hearing Finn gasp loudly. He gasped along with him hearing the confession.

"He tricked me! And I was happy for that son of a toot!" Finn yelled out in anger.

Jake looked down and noticed the weird ring. "Look at her ring." he pointed out. Finn got a closer look at it and gasped as he recalled what Ice King had said to them earlier.

"That's what cursed her! Don't worry, princess. I'll remove this ring and save your life." before he could get a good grip on the ring, Ice King stormed over, his hands heated up with power.

"No! She's my love boat!" he yelled out, trying to ap him.

He missed while Finn jumped back. "No, man. You cursed her. She hates you!" he pointed at Ice King accusingly.

"Okay, that's your opinion!" his hands slowly started to grow more in power.

"Wait a minute!" Jake intervened, calming the two down. He let out a sigh before continuing to speak. "So you knew she was cursed all along, which means you knew she wasn't trying to steal your Demonic Eye Junk or whatever, and you knew you had total control of her!"

Ice King nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, yes, that's right."

Jake paused before he continued his speech. "So then why did you make us go through all that junk about why marriage is worth stuff?!" he exclaimed.

Ice King just shrugged in response. "Oh, I don't know... I'm complicated—and spontaneous! That's probably why she wants to marry me!" he laughed.

"She wants to marry you because you brainwashed her!" Jake yelled at him. In retaliation, Ice King zapped their feet with his magic.

"Silence!" he yelled out. Their feet were frozen in a block of ice, restricting their movement.

Ice King turned to the workers. "It's time for the lowering ceremony! Hoist her up!" he called out. He looked around, growing irritated at the sight. "Where is my daughter? Lady penguins!" he called out. Finn stared as Y/n was pushed in, being tied together with a rope. "Don't be so mad dear, I know those mean boys have tainted your sweet personality, and hobbies." He gently pat the top of her head before moving her at a specific angle.

"There we go, it's just to be safe." he patted her shoulders before standing on the opposite side, watching the other penguins lift up Old Lady Princess with the ropes. Y/n looked over at Finn, seeing him trying to break the ice.

"This is humiliating..." she whispered but stopped when a female penguin placed a small bouquet in her arms.

"Hehehehe! Commence the lowering!" Ice King commanded. Old Lady Princess was slowly lowered down while Ice King fixed his appearance. Finn ripped his bowtie off and started to smash the ice with it. "Yes, nothing can stop me now," he said, dry washing his hands in the process (and yes, that is the actual meaning for villains rubbing their hands in a scheming way)

"Hyah!" Finn cried out, throwing a punch at Ice King. They both fell from the pyramid, Finn gripping his nose in the process. "What is wrong with you, man?!" he cried out.

Ice King struggled around. "Strangling the groom's nose at a wedding?" he kicked Finn up the pyramid. "What's wrong with you?! You're the one that there's something wrong with!" he accused the boy with a harsh point.

Finn had landed into the penguins that were keeping the Princess up in the air. The ropes went up, letting the Princess fall down. Before she landed, Jake stretched out and caught the rope. "Gotcha!" he called out.

"Thanks, man." the mini princess thanked him.

Jake let out a giggle. "Hehe, no problem." Finn slowly sat up, groaning in the process. He awkwardly stood up, his legs wanting to give out.

"I think you dropped something. Catch!" Ice King had thrown a penguin out at Finn, freezing the poor thing in the process.

Finn easily caught the frozen animal and fell back into a snow pile. Jake's body was frozen and he slowly went down as the weight of the ice overcame him. The penguins had gained control of the rope once more while Jake slid down. Before he made it all the way, Jake had slid the ring off of the princess's hand. Her eyes turned back to normal as she looked around. "Huh, what?"

Finn continued to struggle under the frozen penguin. He grunted trying to lift up the heavy block. Soon, Jake slid right next to him. "Oh, hey." he greeted him.

"Hey," Jake replied back in a bored tone.

Finn looked down and noticed the ring in his hands. "You got the ring off her finger?" he questioned.

Jake glanced down, seeing the spiky piece of jewelry. "Huh? Oh. Oh yeah. Now she's not hypnotized, but we're still frozen." he pouted.

Finn looked over at Y/n who seemed to be looking right at them. "I got a plan," he told Jake. He whispered it and had Jake interpret it for Y/n, who nodded in reply.

"Now, let's try that again. Lower her!" Ice King called out, and the princess started to lower down.

She struggled in the ropes, trying to avoid Ice King. "You lousy, butt-faced pig! I hate you!" she yelled out.

Ice King stared intently at her while she lowered down. "Here she comes. Yes, touch my beard, deary. Yes, that's right. Almost there..." before he could lift his beard up, he paused hearing sudden sobs. He turned to see Y/n with tears streaming down her face. "Wait. Wait!" he stopped the ceremony.

"Honey, what's wrong?" he asked Y/n, worried about her well-being.

Y/n tried to steady her breathing, looking into her dad's eyes. "I don't want you to get married. Wha-what if you stop wanting me around? I don't want you to abandon me..." Ice King couldn't handle his only daughter crying. He covered his hand with a sleeve and cleared her face from the tears.

"Oh honey, I'm doing this for you. So we can have a family together!" he tried to comfort her the best he could, but he knew he wasn't good with emotions.

While being distracted, Finn whispered to Jake watching the scene unfold. "Now!"

Jake started to strain his body while his arm stretched out. Ice King turned, now ready. "Okay, enough with the sappy stuff. Lower the princess!" he called out once more. His beard was lifted up and then, he felt the touch on the end. "Oh! I'm married, right, snowman?" he questioned the priest gleefully.

"Yes, it's official." the priest nodded.

Finn just laughed at the sight. "It's official! You done married a dog, dude!" he called out.

"What? What's that supposed to-" he paused his sentence when he saw that it was Jake's finger touching his beard, not the princess. "Oh no..." he was shocked as ever seeing the golden finger with the ring on it. Soon the trio was laughing hysterically.

Y/n had stopped producing fake tears and the ropes slowly came down her arms. "I can't believe that worked." she giggled, covering her mouth.

Jake quickly stopped with confusion on his face. "Wait, what the—? What am I laughin' about?"

Finn slumped down on the couch, finally feeling relaxed. "And now everything's back to normal," he said to nobody in particular.

"Well, I wouldn't say everything," Jake said, hearing the pounding from downstairs.

"Come on, guys. Help me celebrate my un-marriage. I know you're in there too Y/n." Ice King called out, waiting for someone to get to the door.

Y/n sat on the floor, now with her glider fixed. "I am definitely giving him the silent treatment for a bit. That's what he gets for forcing me in that ugly dress..." she grumbled, putting the glider back in the bag.

Finn and Jake laughed at her annoyed attitude, now understanding her frustration.

I just realized I never posted the new headcanon chapter I made from my birthday... would anyone want that posted?

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