Healing Hearts (Gus x Matt)

By Boba_Box

36.6K 1K 2K

~don't pay attention to how horrible the first chapters are written, I don't feel like fixing them either so... More

~chapter 1~
~chapter 2~
~chapter 3~
~chapter 4~
~chapter 5~
~chapter 6~
~chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~chapter 20~
~chapter 21~
~chapter 22~
~chapter 23~
~chapter 24~
~chapter 25~
~chapter 26~
~chapter 27~
~chapter 28~
~chapter 29~
~chapter 30~
~chapter 31~
~chapter 32~
~chapter 34~
~chapter 35~
~chapter 36~
~chapter 37~
~chapter 38~
~chapter 39~
~chapter 40~
~chapter 41~
~chapter 42~
~ I have some news....~
~chapter 43~
~chapter 44~
~chapter 45~

~chapter 33~

496 13 43
By Boba_Box

Matt's pov:

When Matt woke up he went downstairs to get breakfast.

He begun to get ready almost as if it were a normal school day. Except he didn't put on the uniform, or pack his lunch.

Instead, he put on a normal outfit, and one of Gus' hoodies. (He had grabbed one from Gus' house a while ago) He grabbed a bag filled with about 5 books and left.

He started walking to the library. Granted, it was a pretty lengthy walk, but he didn't have anything better to do, or another way to get there seeing as he didn't get his palisman yet.

Once he got there he just walked inside and went straight to the isle that had books on magic. He intended to find every book on plant magic he could, he had already read most of them, but there were still a few he hadn't read yet.

He looked for a while, gathering a small handful of books, about 3 or 4. Then, he placed the ones he had brought back on the shelves and walked back home with his mind set on reading.

He walks back home, mindlessly humming to himself as he walks, only pausing if he needs to catch his breath.

Instead of walking straight down the road to his house, he turns and heads to the trail. He heads to the usual spot and pulls out a small blanket that was folded up in his bag.

After setting down his bag and laying out the blanket, he began to read, practicing the movements for some spells while he read.

After a few hours of reading in the shade of the forest, he gathered everything and left for home. But before he left he noticed something on the ground.

What's this? And why didn't I see this before?

It's a folded up piece of paper, he shoves it into his bag and walks off, ready to eat something.

Gus' pov:

That morning, he woke up on the couch. He looked over and saw Hunter sitting on his sleeping bag, playing with FlapJack.

When Hunter looked up he noticed Gus awake and smiled, "Hey Gus" he chirped. Tiredness still flowed in his voice.

"How much sleep did you get Hunter?" Gus asked, folding his arms across his chest and raising an eyebrow in mock suspicion.

Hunter smiled and said, "I got a full 5 hours!"

Gus smiled, glad Hunter was finally getting more than 2 hours of sleep a night.

Flapjack fluttered over to Gus and perched on his head. Then he chirped something. Gus gave Hunter a confused look, hoping he'd translate what Flapjack had 'said'.

Hunter just shook his head, "He says not to tell you till later." Gus frowned a bit, but his mood changed when he heard Camila call down to the basement, "Hey boys! I made pancakes for breakfast, come and get some while they're still nice and warm."

The two boys looked at eachother and smiled, then they raced up the stairs to get dibs on the better pancakes. (although let's be honest, any food Camila makes would be amazing)

~Time skip~

Later that night, the 6 of them had planned to try out the window-portal again.

Hunter and Gus shared a small glance, only the two of then knew it worked, and they wanted to keep it that way until they tried it tomorrow. Gus wanted to put something through the portal.

Once again, the other 5 teenagers were standing behind a protective shield while Luz turned on the portal. And just like last night, all 6 had huddled around as soon as it turned on.

Suddenly, something got (conveniently) knocked over and Hunter fell back. At that moment, Gus shoved the tiny piece of folded up paper through the portal before anyone could notice.

Then he went to help Hunter back up. 'Thank you' Gus mouthed to him. He nodded in response.

~Another tine skip because I feel like it~

After Gus and Hunter had said goodnight to the others, they went down to the basement to go to bed.

The two sat down on their sleeping bags and didn't really say much, seeing as both boys were incredibly tired.

With sleepy eyes, Gus said, "Thanks for not telling anyone anything. And thanks for helping me with that stupid little plan or whatever, it really means a lot."

Hunter looks up and smiles tiredly, "Of course Gus. You trusted me with this, and if it's something you don't feel comfortable telling the others, then I'm in no place to tell them for you. That's your decision and I'm here to support you with whatever it is you decide to do. I do have a question though... may I ask what their name is? I-if you're comfortable saying amd stuff! If not then forget I ever said anything." He got super flustered at the end, afraid he could've upset Gus with the question.

Gus looks down at his feet, then up at Hunter. He smiles sadly and says, "Yeah, um... I don't know if you actually know him... but his name is Matt. It's short for Mattholomule, but everyone just calls him Matt."

He can feel himself blushing ever so slightly as his throat tightens and starts to signal the incoming tears.

Hunter replies softly, "That's a nice name... I'm sure we'll get back soon... and I bet he'll be super excited to see you."

Hus smiles as the tears start to fall onto his cheeks. "Yeah..." he whispers, laying down to go to sleep.
"Goodnight Hunter"
"Goodnight Gus"

That night, neither of them had any problems sleeping, until about 3 am.

Gus had had a nightmare and woke up in a cold sweat. He was shaking and breathing really hard.

Hunter heard something and was woken up. "....Gus?.... hey, what's wrong?...." he asked, slightly slurring his speech because he just woke up.

Gus only shook his head and hugged himself.

No No No No No, that won't happen. That won't happen. That won't happen. Everything's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be okay.

Gus was caught in some sort of trance. After about 5 times of Hunter trying to get Gus' attention, and still not getting an answer, he ran upstairs to get Willow.

No No No No No No No No, Everything's gonna be okay. Matt will be okay. He'll be okay and alive and we'll see eachother and everything will be just fine.

Gus sat there, rocking back and forth. He was shaking, his breath was staggered, and he was starting to loose vision in his left eye, everything started turning blue.

No No No!!! Not this again!! No No No!!

The door that lead to the basement opened and Everyone had rushed down the stairs. (While trying to wake up Willow, everyone else woke up and they became worried)

When the 5 other teens rushed down the stairs, their eyes immediately fell upon Gus. Hunter and Willow had rushed over and were the first ones near Gus. Hunter was scared senseless and tears fell from his eyes as he tried to snap Gus out of it. Willow was becoming more and more worried by the second when Gus wasn't answering. Luz and Vee were frozen, they couldnt move. Amity was trying to calm them down so they could all help Gus.

Gus just sat there, rocking back and fourth. Not aware to anything happening around him.

"Gus! Gus you need to snap out of it!" Yelled Hunter, tears still streaming down his face.

No response;

"Gus! Gus please! Stop it! Snap out of it Gus!" He cried again, putting his hand on his shoulder. His whole body was shaking, and he was panicking.

"Amity, go get Mrs. Noceda!" Willow said, turning around to look at her. She nodded and dashed up the stairs.

Luz and Vee were both in the corner of them room, still absolutely frozen. They didn't know what to do, they're holding into eachother, trying to rack through ther brains hoping to find the ability to move, but they can't.

Soon Amity returns with a very confused, very tired, and very concerned Camila following not too far behind her.

Once she sees Gus she immediately rushes over. "Can you 5 wait upstairs please?" She asks the kids. Reluctantly, they all look at eachother and decide to listen. Willow has to practically drag Hunter upstairs, he doesn't want to leave his brother.

Once the door closes Camila wraps her arms around Gus in a warm, motherly embrace. Gus starts to gain a sense of his surroundings again. He's still not 100% there though.

"It's okay mijo. It's all going to be just fine, I just need you to calm down just a little bit okay? Can you do that please?" She says calmly, still holding the small boy and rubbing circles on his back to calm him down.

Just like that Gus snaps out of it. He feels himself begin to shudder and shake even more. He nods his head a bit, as to answer Camila's 'question'.

Camila smiles slightly and calmly says, "It's okay Gus, I'm here. I won't leave, I promise."

He remembers his mother saying that, but she left too.

Upon recalling this memory, Gus sobbed harder. He turned a hugged Camila, wrapping his small arms around her and saying something too incoherently for her to understand.

They sit there for a while more untill Gus was so tired he fell asleep. After she noticed that Gus had fallen asleep, she smiled and picked him up, setting him on the couch to sleep.

She set down a pillow and laid his head gently on it, making sure to not wake him up. Then she placed a nice, warm blanket over him. She said, "Goodnight Gus" and headed back upstairs to get some sleep herself

When she opened the door the other 5 teens immediately ran over from the living room and asked her as many questions as they could, before she cut them all off.

"I don't know what happened to Gus, but I did get to calm him down. He's asleep right now and you all should be too."

They all exchanged a couple of concerned glances and nodded in agreement that they should really get sleep. They had a lot ahead of them if they wanted to get back to the Boiling isles, so they needed to be well-rested.

Hunter tiptoed back down the stairs, trying not to make as much as a peep. He laid down on his sleeping bag, trying to sleep. But he was too anxious, too worried about Gus. So ultimately, he just laid there in silence, trying to quiet his troubled mind.

(End scene)
Sorry for the Angst in this chapter.

Also, I won't update for a week. I'm helping out with stage crew for a preforming my school is doing. The rehersals are from 4-8, so I still need to manage to get schoolwork done in that time too, and I'd just be too tired to update at all.

I'm very sorry, I hope you guys have an amazing week, and if this week ends up being kinda crummy I'm really sorry. I hope next week is better.

See you guys Sunday! <3

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