Ma chérie

By duckspring3080

61.6K 706 109

Elle Leclerc (Arthur Leclerc a twin) meets the Leclercs family rival Max Verstappen Is the feeling love or h... More

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part ten
Part eleven
Part thirteen
Part fourteen
Part fithteen
Part sixteen
Part seventeen
Part eighteen
Part nineteen
Part twenty
Part twenty one
Part twenty two
Part twenty three
Part twenty four
Part twenty five- the Finale
Authors note
Aurthers note

Part twelve

1.9K 22 2
By duckspring3080

Summer break
South Africa part one

Elle had forgotten about the issue with Max as she was going on holiday with Ollie, Paul, Caitlin, Macey, Carla, Charlotte, Arthur and Charles. This was because it was Caitlin's birthday on the 5th August, since Caitlin was turning 18. Elle, Arthur, Carla, Charlotte and Charles had all chipped in to take everyone to South Africa.

Caitlin had a party with her family a few days prior to flying out as she wasn't going to see them on her actual birthday.

They all arrived at there villa. They were staying in a private villa which overlooked the sea.

"Oh wow" Caitlin was astonished, "how much was all of this?"
"It's not about the price Caitlin s your birthday present from us" Elle replied with a sweet smile.
"Well thank you so so much" Caitlin ran over and hugged Elle very tightly.

After the hug with Caitlin, Elle looked over her shoulder to the rest of her friends but someone was missing, it was Macey.
Macey was always the one who was missing out of the group.
"Erm where's Macey, Caitlin?"Paul asked.
"Oh I actually don't know" Caitlin got on her tiptoes and looked around. Everyone started to panic but Caitlin wasn't fazed.
"Caitlin how are you not worried?" Ollie said while helping the others try to phone her.
"It's Macey she is always missing she will turn up, you don't need to panic, oh and don't bother phoning her her phone will be dead" Caitlin calmly added.
"Ok so you've known Macey ages and you say we shouldn't panic so we won't" just as Arthur was saying this a noise was heard.
"Sorry guys I left my bag on the plane" Macey said as she hopped out of a taxi "oh and Caitlin I'm hungry"
"Ok guys so let's get in cause Macey needs food" Caitlin was now in a rush all of a sudden.
"Woah woah Caitlin what's the rush" Charles tapped Caitlin's shoulder.
"No no there's a rush, Macey said she's hungry so we have about 15 minutes before she gets hangry and trust me that's not good so let's go let's go people."
All of a sudden every one was in a rush, grabbing bags and suitcases.
Once Macey had eaten everyone went to check there rooms out. Ollie and Paul were sharing a room together so were Arthur and Carla, then Charlotte and Charles leaving Macey, Caitlin and Elle to share a room together.

Once everyone got settled in there rooms and freshened up they all met in the living room so Macey and Ollie could give Caitlin there presents.

"So Caitlin I didn't know what to get you so I asked Macey and she said you love penguins so I decided to get us a date where we sit with penguins all day" Ollie hesitated "I hope you like it"
"Ollie that's so sweet I LOVE penguins thank you so so much" Caitlin walked over gave Ollie a huge hug.
"Wait Caitlin there's one thing else" Ollie said while running off to get something else.
"Right so while he's gone I'll give you my present" Macey stood up and handed Caitlin and envelope. Caitlin opened the envelope and I side was a card and a bunch of keys the card read.

Dear Caitlin for your birthday I have decided to give you a room in my apartment in Monaco so you don't have to buy one for uni I have also included keys for my apartment in Singapore and the other ones so we can go to races together I hope you like this
Love from Macey

"MACEY YOU DIDNT" Caitlin jumped up and down out of pure excitement.
"I sure did" Macey pulled Caitlin into a hug as Caitlin repeatedly whispered thank you in Macey's ear. (Macey's parents are in the oil business and have well let's say a lot of money).

"Ok ok I'm back" Ollie ran in and handed Caitlin a small box which had a dainty bow placed on top. Caitlin opened the box to reveal the cutest little locket.

When Caitlin opened the locket it showed a picture of her and Ollie on there first date.
"Oh wow Ollie this is amazing I love it so much" Caitlin smiled at Ollie as he stood there and blushed.
"Alright love birds go bed now cause you all have busy days tomorrow" Arthur butted in, as soon as he said this everyone went to their rooms and went to sleep.

The next morning

Caitlin was the first to wake up in her room closely followed by Elle.
"Does she always sleep through all of her alarms" Elle said laughing at how Macey had not awoke to her 7 alarms blasting out the Benidorm theme tune.
"Yep she always sleeps through her alarms but watch this" Caitlin said as she walked over to Macey's bed. Caitlin proceeded to shake Macey, but she still didn't wake up so Caitlin started to shout her name while still shaking her, after a few minutes Macey pushed Caitlin off and pulled the covers over her head, Caitlin knew it was time to unleash her secret weapon.
"MACEY DECLAN RICE IS AT THE DOOR" Caitlin bellowed, with that being said Macey shot upright and when she realised he was not there she groaned and finally got up and dressed all the while Elle and Caitlin were laughing that much they were on the verge of tears.
Meanwhile in Ollie and Paul's room both boys were up already. Ollie was getting ready for his penguin date with Caitlin while Paul was getting ready to go cage diving with Macey.
While the four of them were out Arthur, Elle, Carla, Charlotte and Charles were relaxing around the pool.

Ollie and Caitlin

At around 9am Caitlin heard a knock on her door, it was Ollie.
"Hey Caitlin you ready to go?" Ollie said sweetly.
"Yeah I'm ready" Caitlin smiled back and walked out of her room.
Ollie had ordered a taxi to take them to the penguin sanctuary where you could not only sit with the penguins but feed them too, Caitlin was very excited.
Once they arrived Caitlin jumped out the car closely followed by Ollie.
"Hey Caitlin wait up" Ollie shouted as Caitlin ran off.
"Sorry Ollie I'm very excited" Caitlin laughed.
There date was going very very well and they both we're having an amazing time at the end of the date Ollie took Caitlin to a gift shop and bought her a penguin teddy but this penguin teddy was bigger than Caitlin.
"Oh Ollie I love this teddy but how am I supposed to get it back home" Caitlin laughed.
"Well that's a job for another day" Ollie laughed back. "Hey Caitlin can I ask you a question?" Ollie was visibly nervous.
"Sure what's up" Caitlin replied.
"So I-I was thinking if you would like to be my girlfriend" Ollie said while looking at the floor.
"Oh Ollie yes I'd love to I really would love to" Caitlin smiled at Ollie. Ollie pulled Caitlin into a huge hug and gently kissed the top of Caitlin's head.

Paul and Macey

Ollie and Caitlin had just left the house when Paul went to go get Macey to take her cage diving, Macey had paid for the two of them to go cage diving while Ollie and Caitlin went on their date, she wasn't sure if Paul was up for it but Macey sure was.
"Macey...Macey are you awake" Paul knocked on her door.
"Mhmmmm" Macey replied.
All off a sudden Elle opens the door and shoved Macey out of it.
"Oh hi there" Paul burst out laughing as Macey was still in her pyjamas and hadn't brushed her hair yet, in fact the only thing Macey had done was brush her teeth. Macey didn't reply to Paul's but just picked up the strap of her bag which had her clothes in it and dragged it to the front door. Despite only seeing one shark Macey and Paul had a great day.

Back at the Villa

Everyone was now back at the Villa and were all sat in the living room, Elle had got up to get everyone drinks while she was in the kitchen her phone buzzed multiple times, Macey and Caitlin heard Elle's phone buzz so picked it up and looked at the messages, it was max Caitlin and Macey looked up at each other and smiled, the messages read.

Elle I'm sorry please reply
Elle I didn't mean to shout at you
Please reply I'm truly sorry

Caitlin and Macey knew that they had to do something about this so they devised a plan.

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