Sycamore High ~ Road To The W...

By AmourshipperFDM

321K 6.6K 10K

Ash Ketchum. A young and inspiring trainer who just became Alolan Champion and is now on his way back home. ... More

Goodbye Alola! CH-1
Connecting Through Aura! CH-2
Home Sweet Home! CH-3
The League of League's! CH-4
Enter the Dragons! CH-5
Taking the Forest to the Skies! CH-6
Climbing for Research! CH-7 1/3
Climbing for Research! CH-8 2/3
Climbing for Research! CH-9 3/3
Haunted or Cursed? CH-10
Goodbye Kanto, I'll miss you.. CH-11
From the Past to the Future! Ash vs Gary! CH-12
Battling against Evolution! CH-13
The upcoming Kalos Queen CH-14
A new Beginning! CH-15
Lumiose Showdown! CH-16
Ash and Serena! CH-17
Training with Flare! CH-18
Dragons at the Wetlands! CH-19
Battle of the Researchers! CH-20
Enter the Champion! CH-21 (1/3)
Electrifying Spirits! CH-22 (2/3)
Elvolving to the Next Stage! CH-23 (3/3)
Familiar Faces at the School!! CH-24
Battling X against Y! CH-25
Ash and Serena's first Date? CH-26
Calem's Story! CH-27
The New Trainer! CH-28
2nd Schoolday! CH-29
Houndoomed! CH-30
Meeting the Pokemon! CH-31
Feelings.. CH-32
Rematch against the Cerulean Gym Leader! CH-33
Gym Battle Preperations! CH-34
Friends and Weird Dreams! CH-35
Assemble for the Battle! CH-36
A Weekend With Her! CH-37
The Night of Dreams! CH-38
Moments of Amour! CH-39
Moments of Love! CH-40
Santalune Battle Party! CH-41
The Collision of Fire and Ice! (1/2) CH-42
Battling the Ice Fortress! (2/2) CH-43
Fulfilling Promises! CH-44
The Big Discovery! CH-45
Gary's Challenge! CH-46
Using Fire to Melt the Ice! CH-47
Flying to Victory! CH-48
The New Student! CH-49
An Unexpected Challenge! CH-50
Pikachu's Ultimate Showdown! CH-51
A Battle to Remember! CH-52
Performance Practice! CH-53
Serena's Big Discovery! CH-54.
Ash and Serena! CH-55
Serena's Shocking Suprise! CH-56
The Battle of Tactics! CH-57 (1/2)
A Mega Showdown! CH-58 (2/2)
Securing the Box! CH-59
Memories and a Performing Beauty! CH-60
Performers Debut! CH-61
Performing Conclusion! CH-62
Doubts CH-63
The Origins of Mega Evolution! CH-64
Mega Island! CH-65
The Challenger! CH-66
An Unexpected Surprise! CH-67
Putting The Past Behind Us! CH-68
Ash Versus Serena! CH-69
Serena's Birthday! CH-70
To Unova! CH-71
Under The Unova Skies! CH-72
Drayden, The Untamable Dragon! CH-73
Surpassing The Flames! CH-74
Gary's Adventure! CH-75
You And Me Against The World! CH-76
First Round Rumble! CH-77
Surprising Strategies! CH-78
Chaotic Visit to the Museum! CH-79
Flawless Comeback! CH-80
Semi Final Frontier! CH-81
Calm Before The Storm! CH-82
Dealing With The Past! CH-83
Cheerful Encounter! CH-84
Champion Time! CH-85
To Alola! CH-86
Welcome To Alola! CH-87
Emotional Reunion! CH-88
Exploring Alola! CH-89
Lost One ~ CH-90
Ash vs Gladion, Lillie's Confession! ~ CH-91
How We've Met! ~ CH-92
New Life ~ CH-93
Z-Move Mastery! ~ CH-94
All Fired Up! ~ CH-95
Burning Desires, Z vs Y! CH-96
Shining on Stage! CH-97
Lucario's Origins, Goodbye Alola! CH-98
Homecoming ~ CH-99
The Battle of Legends! CH-100 MOVIE SPECIAL
Vladimir The Attacker! ~ CH-101
Key Three! Road To The Master Class! ~ CH-102
Serena's Mission, Ash's Birthday! ~ CH-103
Evolutionairy Results! ~ CH-104
Master Class Begins! ~ CH-105
Surprising Matchups! ~ CH-106
Masterclass Finals! ~ CH-107
Serena vs Aria! The Ultimate Showdown! ~ CH-108
Graduation ~ CH-109
Prom ~ CH-110
Kalos League, Here We Come... Again! ~ CH-111
Meeting An Old Friend! ~ CH-113
Round One Aftermath! ~ CH-115
Ash Versus Remo! Dragons versus Godzilla! ~ CH-116
Christmas Special
The Dance of Dragons! ~ CH-117
A Day with Ash and Serena! ~ CH-118
Nerves of Steel! ~ CH-119
Max versus Bonnie! ~ CH-120
The Aftermath, Ash versus Trevor! ~ CH-121
Ash and Serena vs Max and Bonnie! CH-122
Ash vs Bonnie, Hard as Metal! ~ CH-123 (1/2)
Unexpected ~ CH-124 (2/2)
Ruthless ~ CH-125
Blazing Sensation!~ CH-126
Wrestling Match! ~ CH-127
A Tricky Situation ~CH-128
Semi Final Freight! ~ CH-129
Bound By Fate, A Battle of Rivals! ~ CH-130
Persistence ~ CH-131
Just Us ~ CH-132
The Final Match! Ash vs R! ~ CH-133
The Ultimate Face-off ~ CH-134
Unmasked ~ CH-135
Unleash the Beast! ~ CH-136
One Journey Ends, Another One Starts... ~ CH-137
250k Views! - Season 2 is out!

Preliminary Conclusions! ~ CH-112

1K 28 77
By AmourshipperFDM

Hello everyone! Today I present you with chapter 112 - Preliminary Conclusions!

••• Very important note!! I'm making a discord community chat for everyone who wants to join. Interested? Sent me a personal message or comment. Then I'll contact you! •••

This chapter will be about the final battle of the preliminary rounds and the opening ceremony of the Kalos League.

Now, I will ask you to only take a second of your time in order to vote, comment where you feel the need to do it and maybe even drop a follow. Now, without further a do, enjoy the new chapter!

Wordcount: 7254


Narrator: Last time, Ash, Bonnie and Max each won their first two preliminary battles. Now, they are faced with the third battle. Let's join them as the referee explains the rules of the third and final preliminary battle.

"Ash Ketchum. Now that you've made it past the second battle, your facing the third and final battle which has a special twist to it." The referee said to him, after Antonio left the field. Ash listened carefully with Serena by his side and Pikachu on his shoulder.

"For the third battle, you have to find someone you can partner up with." He said. "A partner!?" Ash and Serena said simultaneously in surprise and shock. "It doesn't matter if your partner competes in the league or not. Goodluck." The referee said before walking away.

Ash and Serena looked at eachother before they got interrupted by Max who called them out, followed by Bonnie, Clemont and May. "Ash! Serena! We both won our battles! Did you win too!?" Max shouted.

"Yeah!" Ash said, kneeling down next to Torkoal. "Thanks to Torkoal! You should've seen how totally awesome it was!" Ash said in a cheerful manner.

"Tor-Torkoal---!" Torkoal cried as it spouted black ash from its nostrils and shell. Tears flowed down the face of the emotional fire type.

"That's so much like the Torkoal I remember." May commented, laughing just like Max who was also very familiar with Torkoal.

Then, Max noticed something. "It's quite interesting that you used two pokemon that you had with you on our journey through Hoenn." He said, looking at Torkoal as he thought of Glalie in the first battle aswell.

"Yeah. But it doesn't really have to do anything with that. I just wanted them to show how strong they have gotten." Ash said with a grin.

"We should get to the pokemon center to heal your pokemon up. Your next battles are up in around a hour." Clemont chimed in, adjusting his glasses as he did. "You're right! Let's get going!" Ash agreed.

The group walked back to the pokemon center where they healed their pokemon. As they had to wait, they sat down at a comfy couch.

Serena was last to sit and sat down beside Ash. She couldn't shake the thought off about Ash needing a partner for his next battle. Max and Bonnie were both in the league together so they would be good partners for him. Clemont was a gym leader and a very strong one, which they shared a great bond with. May was strong in her own rights. Serena knew that first hand as May beat her during the Hoenn Grand Festival.

She decided to ask what he would do. "Hey Ash... Who are you gonna partner up with?" She said, gaining his attention. "I mean... Max and Bonnie are in the league too and good choices. As are Clemont and M-"

"Serena, I want you to be my partner." Ash cut her off. Her eyes widened in surprise. "Me...?" She mumbled softly.

Ash nodded. "Yeah you!" Ash said, giving her his signature grin.

"Why me?" Serena asked. She looked down as her eyes shadowed. "From all the choices you have, I'm the worst one..." She said in a sad tone.

"No." Ash said, placing his hand on her back. "You're the best one." He said. Serena looked up, bewildered. Ash continued. "Did you forget how we won the school tournament?" He asked.

"But that was against students. Now you're up against trainers who each have managed to collect eight gym badges. That's completely different!" Serena countered. She knew that she wasn't strong enough and felt more like a burden than an addition.

"That's not true." Ash said. Serena looked up at him. "We work together very well. That tournament, we beat Gary and Shauna and for the most part, we went toe to toe with Aria and Diantha. Serena... I believe in you. Now do it yourself aswell. If you're not willing to partner up, I'm quitting the tournament." Ash spoke firmly, crossing his arms as he didn't want to hear anything negative anymore.

"Ash..." Serena whispered softly. Her eyes watered a bit as she looked at him. He really wanted her as partner and was willing to quit the tournament that was so, so important for them if she did not want to do it. "Okay!" Serena shouted, forming a determined smile on her face. "Let's win together!" She added with clenched fists.

"That's the Serena I know!" Ash smiled cheerfully. Serena smiled aswell at him. She felt so much admiration for his positive attitude.

"Hey guys!" Max said as he came walking over. He earned the attention of Ash and Serena. "Hey Max, Bonnie!" Ash replied as Bonnie stood next to Max.

"Have you decided on partners for your battles yet?" Serena asked curiously. "Yeah, we're gonna battle together." Max said. Ash smiled. "We'll see you in the tournament then!"

"Count on it!" Max clenched his fist infront of him, grinning determinedly.

Serena smiled at the interaction between the two competitors. But when she took a look at Bonnie who was silent the whole time, she noticed a dreamy look in the young Kalosian's eyes.

Serena slowly and sneakily went over to her and stood behind her with her head on the same level as Bonnie's. She put her head beside hers. She spoke in a teasing tone as she said: "Thinking of someone?"

Immediately Bonnie shot up, flushing completely red. "N-No!" She stuttered.

"Hahaha!" Serena laughed, covering her mouth as she did. "You deserved that for all the teasing you did to me!" Serena squealed. Bonnie pouted in return and gave her a glare.

"Everything alright?" Ash raised his eyebrow in curiosity.

"Ye-Yeah, everything is good!" Serena replied immediately, waving her hands infront of her defensively. Bonnie muttered something that Ash didn't hear. Serena couldn't hear it very well either but she thought that Bonnie was cursing herself for it.

"I think it's time we get to our battle Bonnie, are you coming?" Max changed topic as he took a step towards the exit of the pokemon center.

"Coming." Bonnie said shortly as she started following him.

"Goodluck you two lovebirds!" Serena teased again, just as Clemont and May came walking over. Both of them bursted out in laughter as the two youngsters turned even redder and quickly walked out of the pokemon center.

Serena wiped a tear from her eye, recovering from the laughter as she turned to Ash who stood there cluelessly, having no idea what that was about. "Let's get going aswell Ash." She suggested.

"Yeah! Let's win this and make it to the tournament itself!" Ash said determinedly, clenching his fist infront of his chest.

Both walked out of the pokemon center. Serena still didn't feel sure about her abilities to be any help to Ash but she was gonna give it her all. After all, they were going to battle against trainers won their eight badges and that proved that they would be formidable trainers.

After a few minutes, they reached the battle complex and got to their fields. Their opponents were waiting already, as did the referee.

Their opponents were Derrick and Harry. Derrick was more like a roughneck biker. He had a chubby appearance and was bald, apart from the mohawk he had. He wore an iron chain around his neck with pointy spikes on it. Adding to that, he wore a black jacket which had the sleeves were cut off of it. Underneath it, he wore blue jeans and he had black shoes.

His teammate Harry looked more like a normal person. He had a slim body. He wore black glasses, the same on Max wore. He had black hair which was combed up to one side. He wore a plain, mint green shirt. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. For his pants, they were soft pink, reddish. And on top of that, he wore just plain black and white sneakers.

"Huh, look at that!" Derrick the roughneck said. "Seems someone made a bad decision and chose his girlfriend over an actual competitor. Looks like we'll easily get to the tournament." He joked.

"Let's get to it then brother!" Harry added, identifying Derrick as his brother. He grabbed a pokeball from his belt and held it firmly as he smirked at Ash and Serena.

Serena looked down and her eyes shadowed. If she had any confidence, it was now buried deep under ground. Ash however gritted his teeth and clenched his fist in anger. "Stop it!" He shouted. "You can make fun of me, but not about her or my pokemon! We will show you that underestimating us is the biggest mistake you ever made!" He said, holding his pokeball tightly on his hand.

Serena looked up in awe and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Thanks Ash... for sticking up for me. But you shouldn't waste energy on them." Serena said, facing him. Then, she turned to the trainers while still talking to him. "They will soon see what happens when you talk about us like that!" She said as the determined smirk on her face returned.

"Okay!" The referee shouted, announcing his presence. "This third and final battle of the preliminary stages will now get underway!"

"By the rules of double battles, each trainer is allowed to use one pokemon. When both of either side's pokemon is unable to battle, the other side is the winner. Furthermore, there will be no time limit, understood!" He exclaimed, explaining the rules.

Everyone nodded as the referee raised his flags. "Now, release your pokemon!"

"Go Golem!"

"Go Rhyperior!"

"Let's do this Altaria!"

"Corphish, I choose you!"

"GOO-- LEMM!" Golem roared as it landed on the ground infront of Derrick.

"Rhy---PERIOR!" Rhyperior exclaimed, landing just beside Golem, making a battle stance as it readied itself.

"Corphish Cor!" "Tariaaa!" Both exclaimed as Corphish landed on the ground infront of Ash and Altaria floated infront of Serena.

"Battle begin!" The referee exclaimed.

"Humpf!" Derrick exclaimed with a smirk. "An unevolved water type and a flying type, this is gonna be a piece of cake. Golem, Rollout!"

"Rock Wrecker!" Harry instructed immediately, adjusting his glasses before pointing at Altaria.

"Golem Go!" Golem roared, retracting his hands, feet and head as it started rolling towards Corphish. Rhyperior didn't waste any time either as it held its hands infront of its body, with their palms aimed towards eachother. From the holes in the palms, small rocks were sent to the middle which were forming into a giant, round boulder.

"Let's do this Serena!" Ash smirked at her before instructing Corphish. "Intercept that Rollout with Crabhammer!"

"Right!" Serena agreed before pointing at Rhyperior. "Altaria, destroy that boulder before Rhyperior has a chance at throwing it! Use Dragon Pulse!"

"Tariaaa!" Altaria chirped as she opened her beak and released a stream of multicoloured dragon type energy that formed into a massive dragon and went straight for the Rock Wrecker.


Just as Rhyperior wanted to throw the giant boulder, the dragon screeched and slammed straight into the large boulder, causing Rhyperior, aswell as Harry to shriek with their eyes wide.

Meanwhile, Golem was rolling at high speed towards Corphish. Corphish's claws started to glow blue, readying itself for the incoming attack.

"Now!" Ash shouted and right away, Corphish swung its claw sideways, launching an unaware Golem with massive speed and power into the fence that nearly got destroyed by the impact of the heavy pokemon.

"Golem!?" Derrick shouted in surprise, not expecting such raw power from Corphish.

Golem rolled back infront of Derrick. It had a few bruises on its body, just like Rhyperior who shook it's head in order to regain consciousness. They gritted their teeth, just like their trainers. "I guess that they have a spine." Derrick commented. "Now let's see how much it takes to break it." Harry added with a smirk.

"Try all you want but the result is gonna be the same! You're gonna lose and we'll move on!" Ash smirked confidently, causing the two trainers to glare at him. "Cor!" Corphish added to his statement.

"Right! And I'm gonna make sure that you regret making those comments about us!" Serena said with disgust in her voice.


Just as Ash and Serena's battle raged on, Max and Bonnie were using their Gallade and Pyroar, facing a rather large Gourgeist and a Dragalge. The Gourgeist was bigger than the one Jessie owned that Bonnie knew.

"Dragalge use Scale Shot on Gallade!" It's trainer called out. Dragalge let out a roar as it spread its fins wide and shot multiple sharp pieces towards Gallade.

"Gallade dodge it and use Psycho Cut!" Max countered. Just like that, Gallade leaped over it. Time slowed down as it did a backflip over the attack, narrowly dodging it. Then, as Gallade dodged, Gallade started spinning, shooting multiple carved, pink and sharp waves of psychic energy towards the unsuspecting Dragalge.

"Gourgeist, use Bullet Seed to counter the Psycho Cut!" A feminine voice said which belonged to it's trainer.

Just as the curved, pink sharp pieces were about to Slam into Dragalge, green glowing seeds were shot from Gourgeist's mouth, cancelling the attack completely.

"Ah!" Max shouted in surprise. But to Bonnie, this was an opening. "Quick Pyroar, use Flamethrower on Gourgeist!" She shouted.

"Py---!" Her one maned, female Pyroar chanted as it charged up flames in its mouth. "ROARRRR!" Pyroar exclaimed, firing the streak of flames towards Gourgeist.

"Gourgeist, dodge it quick!" It's trainer yelled in panic as the flames closed in faster and faster. But it was to no avail as Gourgeist was frozen on the spot.


The flames consumed Gourgeist who was unable to do anything. It screeched as the flames scratched it up completely and was about to burn it to a crisp.

"Dragalge stop the flames with Hydro Pump!" It's trainer called out. "And use protect to minimise the damage!"

Gourgeist suffered the pain but it was able to form a liquid, cyan glowing shield around it as Dragalge fired a thick stream of water at it, extinguishing the fire completely.

Both trainers breathed a sigh of relief but Max and Bonnie however, we're smirking. "Pyroar, Fire Blast!" "Gallade, Thunderbolt!"

Gallade screeched as it released a crackling streak of electricity towards Dragalge. Pyroar however let out an almost prehistoric roar before it spit a streak of flames that changed into an 大 shape, right at Gourgeist.

Both Dragalge and Gourgeist turned their heads just as the attacks were going towards them. Both, widened their eyes.


As the explosion occurred, smoke rose up. Both Max and Bonnie knew the inevitable just happened and that they were gonna advance and that meant that they were there when the opening ceremony would truly start.

(---) Over at Ash and Serena.

"Golem Magnitude!" Derrick shouted.

"Golemmm!" Golem roared as it jumped up before landing on the ground, making it shake so much that a crack appeared and went straight for Corphish.

"Rhyperior, Rock Slide on Altaria!" Harry followed up, pointing straight at Altaria.

"Rhy---PERIORRR!" It roared, lifting its arms into the air and several rocks around it started to float into the air around it. The rocks then exploded and formed a mixture of sand and boulders. The mixture then rained down towards Altaria who was waiting for her trainers call.

Ash and Serena looked at eachother and nodded with a smirk. "Altaria, fly low so that Corphish can jump onto you back!" Serena shouted quickly. "And Corphish use Bubblebeam to cancel out the falling rocks!" Ash added to her command.

Just as they commanded, Altaria flew around until it was behind Corphish. It dived in low, giving Corphish the right opportunity to jump up. Then, as Altaria was right underneath it, Corphish landed on top of Altaria's back. Now, the shaking ground wasn't a problem anymore.

But the other obstacle they had to deal with was now coming their way. Corphish opened both of his pincers. "Cor Cor Cor Cor!" Corphish chanted as it released streams of bubbles from his two pincers, aiming straight for the incoming rocks.


Multiple explosions occurred as the two moves collided. Smoke engulfed the battlefield, making it unable for anyone to see through.

Both Derrick and Harry gritted their teeth as neither of their attacks had any effect on them. Suddenly, Altaria and Corphish came right through the smoke, going straight at Rhyperior and Golem. Both Harry and Derrick gasped, not expecting this sudden move.

"Now let's finish this!" Ash shouted with much confidence in his voice. "Yeah! Altaria, Ice Beam on Rhyperior!" Serena commanded with excitement in her voice. "Corphish! Jump up and use Crabhammer with both of your pincers!"

"Al----TARIAA!!!" Altaria exclaimed, opening her beak as she released multiple crackling beams of ice straight at a wide eyed Rhyperior.

"Corphish Cor!" Corphish chanted, jumping up high into the air. It made a front flip so that it was going straight down with its pincers which started to glow blue. Golem tried to look up at Corphish but it couldn't as its large, round body didn't allow it to.


Both attacks hit home, creating a massive dust cloud. Ash smiled while Serena breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't have much faith in her abilities but everything seemed to come to a good end.

The smoke dissapeared. Golem was revealed first, lying on his back with swirls in his eyes.

"Golem!" Derrick shouted in shock. He sighed before he returned his partner. Then, Rhyperior came into view. It was completely frozen in ice with its eyes widened.

Harry gritted his teeth and started sweating as the referee made the call. "Both Golem and Rhyperior are unable to ba-"

Suddenly, the ice cracked, much to everyone's surprise. The referee was cut off by a loud roar coming from Rhyperior. "Rhy---PERIORRR!!!" It exclaimed, flexing it's muscles as it made a battle stance again.

"Alright Rhyperior! I knew you could do it!" Harry said ecstatic by the fact that it was still ready to go. "Very well, let the battle continue." The referee said.

"Aright Rhyperior, Hyper Beam!" Harry shouted, waving his hand wide with determination.

"Rhyy----" Rhyperior exclaimed, charging up the powerful normal type move. "PERIORRR!" It roared, releasing it into one powerful, large orange beam.

For the first time ever, Ash and Corphish were frozen in their place. But what shocked them more was that it headed straight for Altaria.

"Altaria, use Dragon Pulse to block it!" Serena shouted out quickly, sweating as she never expected this.

"Altariaaa!" Altaria chirped as she took flight, surprising Serena. "No Altaria! Use Dragon Pulse!" Serena said in shock.

But Altaria didn't listen as it flew past the incoming Hyper Beam and took to the sky, facing her head up high. An orange light appeared inside of its chest. The rest of its body also started glowing orange. It held up its head high and an orange ball of energy appeared in front of Altaria's beak before firing the ball into the sky. The ball exploded, releasing multiple orange spheres that rained down over the battlefield.

"Thats--- Draco Meteor..." Serena said in shock as her eyes were widened.


The meteors slammed into the ground, creating explosions as it did. Then, some slammed into Rhyperior who was recharging from the Hyper Beam. A cloud of dust, smoke and debris surrounded the ground type.

"Rhyperior!!" Harry shouted in fear but he knew that the result would be inevitable.

And just as he suspected, the smoke dissapeared and Rhyperior was on the ground with swirly eyes, proving that it wasn't able to continue anymore.

"Rhyperior is unable to battle which means that the team of Hardy and Derrick are out of usable pokemon!" The referee announced. "Therefore, the winners of this battle are the team of Ash and Serena!" He added, waving his flag high that pointed to their side.

"Alright!" Ash shouted, bending slightly through his knees as he faced Serena. His eyes sparkled in amazement as he continued. "Not only did Altaria learn a new move. You also beat Rhyperior! You're amazing!"

"We... did it..." Serena mumbled, frozen on the spot as she spoke in a tone that she didn't believe it was actually true. Serena had to take some time to process what actually happened. Corphish and Altaria cheered in happiness.

But then, realisation hit her. "WE DID IT!" Sshe shouted in happiness, jumping onto Ash with her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

Both Ash and Serena thanked their opponents for the great battle they had and both Harry and Derrick apologised for their comments. They hadn't meant it in that way and it was meant more in a way to get their opponents off their concentration.

After their conversation, they left for the pokemon center and gave nurse Joy their pokemon in order to heal them.

"Hey guys! We saw that you made it to the tournament aswell!" Max shouted, running over as Ash and Serena just took a seat. He was joined by Bonnie and May. Clemont was breathing heavily at the back as he had trouble keeping up.

"You bet!" Ash smirked as Max came to a stop. "You should've seen how amazing Serena and Altaria were! Altaria even learned Draco Meteor!" Ash said, being full of praise.

"I-It wasn't that amazing..." Serena waved her hands infront of her, feeling flustered as she blushed heavily at the comment.

"You kiddin'!?" Ash stood up from his seat and faced her with an excited clenched fist infront of his chest. "You were totally awesome!" He shouted in excitement.

Bonnie sneakily moved her head next to Serena and whispered: "Totally awesome..." In her ear, in a teasing way.

"Waaah! Bonnie!" Serena shouted, jumping up from the lemon blonde girl's sudden movement.

Bonnie started laughing, as did May but Serena recovered quick and was in for some payback. So she moved close to Bonnie and wispered something in her ear too.

Immediately Bonnie stopped laughing and her eyes widened, facing Max.  "Something wrong Bonnie?" Max asked cluelessly.

"N-Nothing!" Bonnie shouted in a flustered way as she waved her hands infront of her dismissingly. Serena however smirked, finally some payback for all the uncomfortable moments she had thanks to the little girl.

"Congratulations on your win, you guys!" Clemont changed the topic, looking at Ash and Serena. He had watched the battle of Max and Bonnie so and found out the result of Ash and Serena's battle on the way to the pokemon center.

"Thanks Clemont!" Serena said with a cheerful smile. "Yeah, thanks!" Ash said with a confined smile.

"Now the next thing is the main tournament!" Max chimed in.

"That is true but, first the opening ceremonies!" May chimed in.

"Oh that's right!" Serena said, grabbing her rotom phone from her skirt pocket. She pressed a few buttons and started reading. "They say that it is tonight and that they will start things off with lighting the beacon that stands for the pokemon league with the flame of Moltres." She said. Then she looked up. "But I don't really know what that means..?" She added in confusion.

"I can tell." Ash said, pointing his finger up as he was about to explain things. "I've been a torch runner before." He added.

"You were!?" Chemont said in surprise. "Being a torch runner is a massive honor!" He added.

"Yeah, it was the first time I ever competed!" Ash said before he continued. "Anyway, the flame on the torch is said to come from Moltres. People who have the honor to be a torch runner, they bring the torch from a certain place towards the stadium and then, one of the trainers who are participating or someone who represents the league, for example Diantha, lights the beacon to officially start the pokemon league." Ash finished his explaination.

"That is true." Clemont said, adjusting his glasses. "And I believe the torch runner starts his trek to the stadium from Prism Tower!" He added, bringing Serena up to date with everything.

"But how come they have never done this before at the Kalos League?" Serena asked, finally getting the picture but still being confused about some things.

"Hmmm... That's it!" Clemont said, putting his hand under his chin in a thinking manner before he got the idea and pointed his finger up. "It's the fiftieth anniversary of the Kalos League. And therefore, they honour it by using customs that are used throughout all other leagues in the other regions!" He explained, hyped about the rare occasion that will come up.

"Wow... so that means this year is gonna be special..." Ash murmured to himself in wonder. "That explains the high amount of trainers. So more reason to win it this year!" He added in excitement.

"And I'm sure you will!" Serena smiled at him, placing her hand on his shoulder while lifting her left foot behind her.

Ash smiled back and gave her a small peck. "With your support, I know I can do it!" Then, he looked at the rest. "With everyone here, even though you, Bonnie and Max also compete, I will make sure to win it this time!" He added determinedly, clenching his fist.

"Well Ash, we're here to win aswell so don't think we'll make it easy for you!" Bonnie said, winking as she pointed her finger up. "That's right! And I'm gonna be the one to beat you!" Max added determinedly.

"Give it your best shot!" Ash chuckled. Just then, the bell rang, indicating that their pokemon were healed completely. "Let's get our pokemon before we check out the stadium!" Ash said cheerfully while extending his hand out to Serena so that she could grab it. And she did as she used it to get close to his side before she clinged onto his arm and walking towards the front desk, followed by Max and Bonnie, And May and Clemont.

Up on reaching the front desk, they received their pokeballs from nurse Joy who smiled heartedly at them as they left right after.

As the group of six walked towards the main stadium where the opening ceremony would be held, Max asked: "Hey Ash, have you made up any strategies for your upcoming battles yet?"

"Not really. I can't decide until I see who I'm gonna face. But I'm sure of one thing." He said, looking backwards, facing the youngster. "I'm gonna give as many pokemon a chance to battle as I can!" He smiled.

"Hmm..." Max murmured. "That gives you a large variety of pokemon you can use. It's difficult for any opponent to predict that." He said in a thinking manner.

"That's right!" Ash grinned. "And the best thing is. I know they all will do great!"

"No one can beat Ash when it comes to the bond he shares with his pokemon!" Clemont chimed in.

"And we should know, as we've watched him work with them first hand!" Serena added with a giggle.

"Yeah, but don't underestimate either Max or Bonnie. They have been training really hard for this." May waved her finger from side to side.

"Well, so have we!" Ash smiled before looking ahead again. He slightly moved his head down as his eyes shadowed. "I have to." He murmured silently which only Serena heard. She placed her hand on his shoulder in a comforting way. "I know you'll be able to do it." She said with a half smile on her face.

Ash turned his head to her. "You're right!" He said, trying to sound positive. But truth to be told, he was worried. What if he couldn't make it happen and win the tournament. Then he would lose her. No. I won't lose her. I can't lose! It won't happen! He thought to himself, clenching his fist that was on the other side of his body so that no one could see.

"Pika pi!" Pikachu exclaimed suddenly with excitement in his voice. He pointed forward in the direction of the stadium.

"What is it Pikachu?" Ash asked as everyone looked towards where Pikachu was pointing. There was an old, small man standing with long grey hair and beard. He wore a blue cap, green shorts and a large red vest with a light and dark blue stripe in the middle of it. He was giving out baloons to young children.

Ash smiled as he chuckled slightly before shouting: "Mr. Goodshow!"

The old man was giving out baloons to two small kids around the age of six. One boy with blackish raven hair and the other was a girl with long, honey blond hair. The two kids held hands as they walked away, back to their parents presumably. Then, as he heard his name, he turned his head to the source of the voice. Seeing a familiar face, he smiled in surprise. "Ah! If it isn't Ash! May and Max too!" He greeted with a smile.

The group of six made it over to the old man in a flash. "It has been a long time, hasn't it?" Ash greeted with a smile.

"It sure has Ash. The Sinnoh League was when I saw you participate for the last time if I'm right." He agreed. "Tell me young man. Are you here to compete aswell?" He asked.

"That's right! Along with my friends Max and Bonnie!" Ash grinned from ear to ear.

"Wonderful!" He smiled. "I haven't seen you two participate before. Does this mean this league is your debut?" He asked, eyeing Max and Bonnie.

"Yeah! And I can't wait to win!" Max said with a large smile, holding his hands up high.

"Hahaha!" Mr. Goodshow laughed. "You remind me a lot of this young man when I saw him enter the Indigo League. He was full of energy back then!"

"He still is sir!" Serena giggled. Then, Ash realised something. "How rude of me! Mr. Goodshow, these are my friends Clemont and Bonnie." He pointed to the lumiose siblings. "You know May and Max already and finally, this is my girlfriend Serena. And guys, this is Mr. Goodshow. He's the head and president of the Pokemon League organisation!"

"President of the Pokemon League!?" Clemont said un surprise.

"Girlfriend!?" Mr. Goodshow said in surprise.

"That's correct Mr. Goodshow! For almost a year now!" Ash smiled widely in happiness as he squeezed her hand and pulled her close to him.

"Wonderful!" He smiled at the duo. "Now it makes sense that you and Ash seemed so close at the Master Class showcase." He chuckled.

"You... Saw that!?" Serena sounded surprised.

"Ofcourse dear! Just like contests, I'm keeping tabs on all kind of events. And if I may say so, you were absolutely stunning!" He chuckled.

Serena smiled from ear to ear. Someone of such importance had watched her perform. She felt slightly flustered because of it.

Then, Clemont chimed in. He couldn't hold his excitement as he bursted in energy and ran over to the president and shook his hand violently while chanting: "Mister! It's such an honour to meet you!"

Bonnie walked over and jerked his ear. Clemont squealed in pain as Bonnie pulled him away. "Don't over do it big brother. There is enough time to do your goofy things."

Max sweatdropped and laughed in a goofy manner while Ash, Serena and May looked at them with stunned faces.

Then, Ash was first to speak up, turning his head to the old man. "Anyway Mr. Goodshow. What brings you here?"

"Ah! I'm glad you ask!" He said, pointing his finger upwards. "You might know this already but this years League is the fiftieth anniversary. Therefore, old customs as lighting the beacon with the flame of Moltres returns. But also, me as head of the Pokemon League will start the league off instead of the Champion, or in this case Diantha." He explained.

"Really?" Ash asked in surprise. "Awesome!" He shouted right after. Stars appeared in his eyes due to the excitement.

"Now, why don't we go to the stadium? The ceremony is starting in a hour." Mr. Goodshow suggested. "Oh and ladies and Clemont. Why don't you join me, Diantha and professor Sycamore in the VIP box? With your new acquired status as Kalos Queen and as known top coordinator and gym leader, you wouldn't want to be sitting in between fans wanting your autograph, now do you?" He said laughingly with a wink.

"Sure! Thanks for the honour!" Serena agreed thankfully. "I guess that's it then! Let's go!" Ash grinned as the group that now contained of seven walked towards the large stadium.

(---) Fifty minutes later.

Ash was sitting in the locker room, together with Pikachu. Serena and the others had already joined Mr. Goodshow in the VIP room and were waiting for the participants to come onto the field.

"This is it buddy." Ash sighed, completely focused up as the biggest and most important tournament of his life would officially start tonight.

"Pika pi..." Pikachu looked at his trainer with a confident smirk.

"Hah! I know buddy." Ash chuckled, facing his loyal partner that has been by his side since the start. "Another tournament buddy. Together, we're gonna make special things happen! I can feel it!" Ash clenched his fist.

Suddenly, he felt something bump against his fist. Looking down, he saw Pikachu bumping his fist before holding it determinately infront of it's chest.

"Let's do this!" Ash grinned as confidence soared through his body. He knew, with everyone behind him, he could do it.

He stood up from the bench and Pikachu climbed onto his shoulder. Sharing one last glance with his buddy, the two of them left the locker room and joined the line that was forming in the tunnels that lead to the battlefield. They had to wait only a few more minutes before the line of trainers was supposed to start moving.

Ash looked down the line and saw Max and Bonnie standing behind one another. Both were shaking slightly. Ash chuckled. Beginners nerves. He thought. He remembered when it was his first time and Misty asked him why he was shaking. "It isn't me that is shaking. The stadium is shaking!" He replied to her back then.

Soon, it was time for them to start walking. Ash could hear the cheers and chants coming from the stadium as the blinding light at the end of the tunnel came closer and closer.

One by one, the light absorbed a trainer as they walked into the stadium under loud, welcoming cheers from the crowd that had assembled for the opening ceremony.

Being at the opening ceremony was something that everyone had to attend to once in their lives so it was safe to say that the atmosphere was ecstatic.

Finally, the trainer infront of Ash stepped into the light. Now it was his time. "Here we go buddy. Are you ready?" Ash asked his loyal partner on his shoulder.

"Pika!" Pikachu sounded determined, ready for a series of battles. But not a normal series of battles. No, the biggest of his life and he knew how important these battles were for him aswell as his trainer. He didn't want to be without Sylveon either so he was determined to not have any mercy and destroy anyone in their path.

"OK. Here we go then!" Ash clenched his fist in excitement. He took one last deep breath before he stepped into the light.

His vision came back as he stepped into the large arena he had fought in before when he participated in the Kalos League the last time. But he could see that adjustments had been made to the stadium. It was larger, denser and had a complete new atmosphere in it than the last time. Ash could feel the passion from everyone on the field, aswell as in the crowd due to the denseness of the stadium.

He saw the other trainers standing on the field, facing a platform where three people stood on. Professor Sycamore, Diantha and Mr. Goodshow. A plain field was now attached to trainers boxes and covered the hole that was normally in the middle of the stadium.

He joined the group of trainers as they all stood in formation. A drone in Rotom form was flying around to give an aerial view of all the trainers and the stadium.

Ash could feel the excitement as the last few trainers joined the formation they were standing in. Ash looked up behind the three people of importance on the stage where he saw the VIP box. There, he saw Clemont, May and most importantly, Serena. They made eye contact and Ash could see her beautiful smile that would make any worries, stress or nerves go away in an instant. That same smile was what he fell in love with, the smile of an angel that would have his back no matter what. The smile that wouldn't abandon him in the worst of times.

His face turned more determined. He knew what he was fighting for and just as with Pikachu, mercy was no option. What he needed to be now was a champion that would destroy anyone on his path to victory. And destroy opponents, he would. "Watch out everyone. Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town is here and I'm gonna win this whole thing!" He mumbled loudly to himself, not taking his eyes of the angel that was watching him.

Then, as every contestant had joined on the field, Mr. Goodshow started talking. "Greetings everyone and welcome to our fiftieth anniversary of the Kalos League!"

The crowd roared at hearing the voice of the president of the Pokemon League. "My name is Mr. Charles Goodshow and today, you have all gathered to watch the start of one of the biggest, if not the biggest competition there is! Of more than two thousand trainers, only two hundred and fifty-six trainers are left. But fear not, these 256 trainers are the best that this years league has to offer!"

Again the crowd roared. Excitement and passion could be felt throughout the whole stadium as everyone was on the edges of their seats while most of the trainers on the field had difficulty to stay grounded and not go wild in excitement.

(From now on, Mr. Goodshow will be talking in analytics.)

"But before we start all the excitement, it is time to welcome the legendary flame of Moltres!"

Just as he said that, a man around his thirties entered the stadium, through the tunnel where the trainers came from and jogged towards the large stage professor Sycamore, Diantha and Mr. Goodshow were standing on. He wore a sporting outfit, in white with black writing on it. On his chest was a pokeball.

When he entered the stage, he gave over the torch to professor Sycamore who held it as Mr. Goodshow continued talking.

"I would like to invite a friend of mine who I haven't seen battling in a while here on stage and light the beacon to start off the Pokemon League!"

He looked at Ash as he said it. Ash pointed to himself in surprise and earned a nod from the small, old man. Immediately Ash smiled in excitement and walked towards the stage where he received the torch.

"This is such a honour sir." Ash said in a way of showing his gratitude, trying to be polite instead of bursting out in excitement.

"The honour is all mine Ash. Now you just make sure that you'll treat us to some amazing battles!" Mr. Goodshow  smirked.

"You can count on me!" Ash chuckled before he walked up the large stairway towards the large golden bowl on top of the stadium.

As he reached the top of the stairs, he held the torch up high before moving it next to the large bowl, slightly into it. Then, suddenly a large bonfire appeared from the bowl and the whole crowd started cheering.

As Ash walked down the stairs, Mr. Goodshow continued his speech.

"This place is a very special place! A place where trainers who truly love pokemon come to compete! Here, the flame of Moltres burns brightly to light up your hearts and your spirit. Battle valuently and keep that fire alive within your heart and your spirit!"

The crowd roared in excitement as the words left his mouth. Ash smiled from ear to ear. These were the same words he said when he competed at the Indigo League the first time.

I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

Ash looked down, as he walked down the stairs. He saw his friends standing. Max and Bonnie who had an ear to ear smile, seemingly enjoying the whole spectacle from a different angle.

To catch them is my real test,
to train them is my cause.

He looked through the crowd of trainers and spotted some rivals, some of which surprised him.

I will travel across the land, searching far and wide.

Alain, Sawyer, Calem. Even Paul and Morrison who he hadn't seen anymore after the Hoenn League.

Teach Pokémon to understand,
the power that's inside!

His eyes fell on a masked and cloaked up trainer. He wore completely blue. The only thing that stood out to him was the large hat he wore.

Gotta catch em all (It's you and me)
I know it's my destiny!

Shrugging off the thought, he looked back down to the others. He smiled as he was halfway down the stairs now.

Oh, you're my best friend,
In a world we must defend!

He thought of all his pokemon. From his starter Pikachu, to his last addition, Metang. Even the ones who he had released or couldn't be with him now. The likes of Lapras, Butterfree, Goodra and Naganadel.

Gotta catch 'em all, (A heart so trueeee)
Our courage will pull us through!

He thought of all the journeys he had been on. Meeting different people, new traveling companions. Starting with Misty and Brock, ending with the Alolan gang.

You teach me,
And I teach you!

Then, Serena came to mind. The one that made his denseness dissapear. The one true love that gave him the strength, passion, motivation and confidence to take on any obstacle.

Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all

The crowd cheered in excitement as Ash reached the bottom of the stairs. He knew one thing for sure. "This league will be different than all the others!"

Narrator: As the opening ceremony has started, the biggest league of Ash's life started. Not only for him but also for his future with Serena. Will our hero be successful? Or will it end in disaster? Find out as the journey continues...

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