The Awakened One, Book 1: Rem...

Galing kay Nentai96

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Earth is an incredibly peaceful and beautiful World home to the amazingly intelligent Humans that live upon i... Higit pa

Chapter 1: Armageddon
Chapter 2: Battle Of Wills
Chapter 3: Hell On Earth
Chapter 4: Awakening
Chapter 5: Awakened One
The Public Service Announcement
Chapter 6: The Queen of The Amazon
Chapter 7: Vampire May Cry
|^{PSA II}^|
Chapter 8: A New World
Chapter 9: A New Companion
(A/N): III
Chapter 10: A Chance Encounter
Chapter 11: Lovers
*!Status!* II
(A/N): IV
Chapter 12: Vale
Chapter 13: A Night in Vale
(A/N): V
Chapter 14: Rest and Relaxation
Chapter 15: Training Begins
Chapter 16: A Mysterious Figure
Chapter 17: Scars
(A/N): VI
*!Status!* III
Chapter 18: Glynda Goodwitch
Chapter 19: Ice Queen
Chapter 20: Ozma
(A/N): VII
Chapter 21: Thief in The Night
Chapter 22: The Reaper
Chapter 23: The Xiong Family
Chapter 24: A Woman's Curse
Chapter 25: Spiders
Chapter 26: Foundation
(A/N): IX
Chapter 27: The Disciplinarian
Chapter 28: Jacques Schnee
*!Status!* IV
Chapter 29: Despair
*!Status!* V
(A/N): X
Chapter 30: Thicker Than Blood
Chapter 31: Taking Out The Trash
Chapter 32: Red Like Roses
(A/N): XI
Chapter 33: I Burn
Chapter 34: The Demon Clan
Chapter 35: Preparing For Victory
(A/N): XII
Chapter 36: Conquering Vale's Underworld
Chapter 37: Aftermath
Chapter 38: A Newer Companion
Chapter 39: Mirror Mirror
Chapter 40: Who am I?
Chapter 41: A Fateful Meeting
(A/N): XIV
Chapter 42: At Last
Chapter 43: The White Fang
Chapter 44: Forever Fall Forest
(A/N): XV
Chapter 45: From Shadows
Chapter 46: To Light
Chapter 47: The Snake And The Tiger
(A/N): XVI
Chapter 48: Fairy Tales
Chapter 49: Moving Forward
Chapter 50: Towards The End
Chapter 51: Of The Beginning
Chapter 52: The Summer Tournament
Chapter 53: Finalists
Chapter 54: Finale
Chapter 55: Finished
Chapter 56: Finally
Public Service Announcement
Chapter 57: Initiation
Chapter 58: Act 2
Chapter 59: Knight Ceremony
Chapter 60: Alpha Megoliath
Chapter 61: Power Leveling
Chapter 62: Total Recall
Chapter 63: System Update
Chapter 64: Divided
Chapter 65: Upside
Chapter 66: Downturn
Chapter 67: The Meeting
Chapter 69: Tribes of The Desert
Chapter 70: The Desert Kreeps
Chapter 71: The Desert Walkers
Chapter 72: Desert Faunus Alliance
Chapter 73: Disappearance
Chapter 74: Unfortunate Circumstance
Chapter 75: The Mysterious Hunter
Chapter 76: Desperate Invaders
Chapter 77: To Protect
Chapter 78: Running Out Of Time
Chapter 79: Mistake Driven Turmoil
| Where TF Have I Been? |
Awakened Organization: Closure {A Loving Summary}

Chapter 68: Vacuo

324 13 8
Galing kay Nentai96


Hello all, welcome back to my shitty fanfiction. I hope you all are enjoying it thus far. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm having a not very good time at life shit at the current moment and this upcoming week is going to be very busy for me because of school, so if there is not a Chapter that gets uploaded next week that is the reason. I already know what your thinkin, 'yo didn't Bayonetta 3 just drop? This timing kinda odd aint it?', bro I know, I'm mad about it to. I literally can't even play the goddamn game because my back is getting blown the fuck out by School, life, and work, but more school than anything, this week. Tragic. But I hope you enjoy this chapter and everything that is to come after it.

Of course I also need to apologize for not getting a chapter uploaded this passed Wednesday since there was really no reason for me to not do it. Essentially what happened was I stayed up for two days straight (Tuesday and Wednesday) for reasons that I don't need to mention since its irrelevant, but basically that resulted in me sleeping 16 hours on Thursday, missing my classes, and waking up at like 12am (Friday) which made me feel like it was way to late to upload a chapter. But Friday, yesterday, I was with family all day so I wasn't able to get the chapter up at a reasonable time then either. And now its Saturday.

This is the chapter that was supposed to go up on Wednesday and I haven't written the one that was supposed to go up today yet, but I'll try to get it done early and maybe get it up by late Sunday or early Monday, and then I'll try my best to have another chapter up by Saturday even though I'm super busy. I fucked up, my bad, but I kinda do this often so I'm sure your not impressed lol. I hope you enjoy the chapter.


Blake watched as her Bel aggressively closed his Scroll in irritation. He then threw the communication object into his jacket without care before putting his face in his hands as he growled in irritation at his current predicament. 

(Y/N) rubbed his face aggressively with his hands once more as it would somehow clear his mind and body from the stress that he was experiencing, but unfortunately it wasn't working. "Bel, what's going on?" The black cat asked, hoping to relieve her man of at least a bit of the pressure he was experiencing.

Unfortunately, she wasn't given a response as the man remained completely ignorant of her presence within the airship. He was clearly deep in thought, racking his brain for alternate futures, negative possibilities, and eventual outcomes of the events that have yet to unfold. 

It was endlessly complex, infinitely unpredictable, and stressful beyond belief, but even still he continued to think, and think, and think some more because at the end of the day that's all he could do. "Bel, come on, talk to me" Blake pleaded. "I want to help you." 

As the cat spoke into her lover's Faunus ears, she was greeted with nothing more than a few twitches from the black appendages. In desperation, the cat Faunus looked over to her two compatriots that were sitting by the man's side, hoping to receive some sort of help.

Instead, what she got when she met eyes with Neyah, she got a shoulder shrug and Nix simply replied with a similar expression. They didn't really know what to do. He's always been their rock, the one that would help them whenever they needed him, but now that the roles were reversed things were different. 

(Y/N) looked as if he didn't want to be touched, he didn't want to be spoken to, and he especially didn't want to be around anyone, so it seemed as if their presence wasn't desired at all.

Even when they pleaded to join, he was extremely hesitant, and it seemed like he only gave in to their request because he was sick of them asking. They came to give him support, to make sure he stayed safe, but in this scenario, they couldn't even do much to reassure him. He was always untouchable, indestructible, invulnerable even, but now he looked anything but that.

Blake couldn't stand to see him like this much longer and mouthed, 'what happened?' to the Panthera twins. Neyah just shrugged her shoulders once more, but Nix replied with, 'I don't know. Probably the future.' Referring to something that could've been occurring that was outside of what their lover expected to occur. 

She then followed up with mouthing, 'his head could hurt' which brought a confused expression to Blake's face. She then pointed to her own head to confirm what she was speaking of and Nix responded with a hardy nod.

Blake then mouthed, 'Overwhelmed?' to which responded with a thumbs up to confirm the thought. 'So, what do we do?' Before Nix could respond to the silent question, Neyah suddenly tiled her head and began laying on her Darling's shoulder, gently rubbing her nose against his neck. She then said, "I love you, Darling."

For her comment she got a "mmmhggg" groan from the man as he stopped rubbing his own face, keeping his palms over the surface in comfort. Although it wasn't a compete response, it was a big improvement from the previous silence that echoed off the metal walls of the plane. 

Taking after Neyah's example, Blake began gently rubbing her nails up and down her lover's back, using her other hand to caress and massage his eared head. Surprisingly, she felt and listened as her Faunus lover began purring from her touch, yet he still refused to exit from his mind.

The stressed filled Faunus however did peek his eye through a small gap in hands to see Blake looking to him with a warm smile, one that managed to calm him slightly. She then said, "we are here to help you, my Beloved. Anything you need, just ask."

Following her declaration Nix got up from her seat beside her sister and knelt down between her lover's knees to peer through his hands with a smile. She then gently pried his hands apart to give a quick kiss on the lips before saying, "I'm sure the things your thinking are far beyond our capabilities, but we'd still like to assist you in any way possible. However, I don't believe we will be able to if you don't let us in on your thoughts. Maybe talking about it will help you relieve some of your stress."

Blake then added, "keeping your problems inside of yourself isn't very health Bel, and it's not necessary since you have us any way. We'll support you in any way possible!" As she finished speaking, she placed a quick kiss on the Awakened One's cheek, bringing a bit more light to his eyes.

"Hell yeah!" Neyah said. "Plus, we'll demolish anything and everything that comes in your way! Fuck a problem! If its killable then I'll take care of it!"

"Woah slow your role, that's my job." The trio of Faunus woman suddenly froze in place at the new voice that spoke up. Each of them turned their heads to see the Ram Faunus with a golden smile sitting at the bench across from them, initially not giving any mind to his presence on the plane.

In all honesty they barely noticed that he was there in the first place, but now it was impossible to ignore him. Before either Nix or Blake could respond in kind to the man, Neyah suddenly blurted out, "who the fuck are you?"

Zeb flinched back slightly at the harsh comment, "ouch, that kinda hurt a bit."

Blake quickly turned to Neyah and said, "Neyah, there are better ways to say things like that!"

The other half of the twins lightly bopped her sister on the head and said, "exactly. Apologize."

"Huh? Why the fuck do I gotta say sorry?!?! I didn't do anything. All I did was ask a damn question!"

That comment got her bopped again, "ow, fine."

Z watched the scene unfold with a small grin and before Neyah could respond he said, "nah you aint gotta apologize for nothin. If anything, I should say sorry for interrupting your cute lil scene. So... my B."

"See, no apology needed. So, stop hitting me!" Neyah shouted, bringing a bit of a smile to her lover's lips. "But still though, who the fuck are you? Seriously."

Z gave the Faunus woman a nervous chuckle before replying, "I'm Z. I work directly for the Chief, something like his left-hand man. Yeah... something like" he mumbled the last part.

Neyah only looked more confused at that comment, "Huh? So, then who the fuck is the Chief?" Z didn't say a word and instead pointed to the now arisen Faunus man that was cuddled in between the women. This made Neyah turn to her lover and say, "you're the Chief? Chief of what?"

(Y/N) couldn't help but chuckle a bit from their interactions and even as Neyah asked the question that she should've already had the answer to he continued to laugh. "You don't remember?" Blake asked, receiving a swift head shake from the Faunus. "The Demon Clan. Remember?"

"Demon Clan?" Neyah asked.

Nix shook her head in disappointment before saying, "remember when babe would sneak out every night to do things without us knowing? It was one of those things."

A lightbulb suddenly went off in Neyah's mind, "oh yeah! I remember that."

"Bingo" Z said, grabbing their attentions. "I'm in that thing. A high-ranking, trustworthy, powerful member in fact. That's why I'm here with you all instead of being back at the office with J-man."

(Y/N) then perked up to sarcastically say, "yeah, for sure" while rolling his eyes.

"See!" Zeb replied with a proud expression.

The girls then began chuckling at the quick exchange between the duo before giving their lover a big hug and starting to speak about various lighthearted things to continuing raising his mood. A few hours passed as Zeb started to tell stories about the Chiefs exploits, both those he had witnessed and heard about much to (Y/N)'s chagrin. 

He even momentarily had to give the man a quick mean looks as he brought up that fateful night he conquered vale's underground to have him glide over a few details. Even though it was a bit odd to here Zeb gassing him up so much, it was still a nice break from warring over the future of Remnant within the confines of his own.

After everything calmed down and they began getting closer to their desired destination, (Y/N) decided to begin speaking with his lovers and Zeb about the situation they found themselves in. He didn't have anything exact, nor did he know all the possible changes they would come across were, but he did know a few things for sure. 

One, Cinder and her crew were in Vacuo somewhere near the White Fang camp, or at least near enough that an in-person meeting could be set-up with minimal effort. Two, Cinder has 'recruited' the help of this Jayson guy and probably the rest of his Tribe in order to harass Adam and the White fang for some reason. 

Although the reason isn't known its suspected to be either an attempt at forcing Adam to join her or possibly weakening the White Fang's strength.

Either way she needed to be stopped as soon as possible so she doesn't end up recruiting the Faunus to her cause, not only because it would look bad for a group of Faunus to support the destruction of Beacon, but also because it would hinder himself and the Demon Clan from joining her ranks. 

After they did this, it would then be on (Y/N) to then travel to Mistral in order to find out what the Spiders leader got in return for giving him up, thus trying to prevent the worst-case scenario, and also learning anything he could on the person that was asking around about the Devil. "So, you all got that?"


"Uh huh Bel."

"Of course, Chief."

"I do understand, but what role do you exactly expect us to play in this scenario?" Nix asked.

"That's the thing, I don't know yet. It could come down to simply protecting and assisting the White Fang during the conflicts or it could become something much larger in which I need your assistance in espionage, offensive attacks, maybe assassination. Although I doubt it'll come to it, I think it'd be best to prepare for anything." As he mentioned assassinations Blake seemed to shrink a bit, looking a bit uncertain at the prospect.

(Y/N) didn't miss this and wrapped his arm around the woman to pull her closer. "You won't have to handle anything of that nature Blake, it'll be all me." Blakes mood brightened slightly at his words and touch, though in reality it hadn't made things much better.

After her lover's comment, Blake turned to him and softly said, "I... I've killed before and I'm sure I'll need to do it again. But all of those that have perished by my hand have been humans. Innocent or otherwise." The black cat paused for a moment before continuing with, "I don't know if I could do the same for... another Faunus." Neyah and Nix shared a look of understanding at their sister lover's plight, but Zeb had a blank expression, one completely void of empathy or understanding.

(Y/N) saw Zeb's look and found it a bit odd, but otherwise understood the reason for it, after all he had taken many lives up to this point and didn't feel even a bit of remorse for doing so. However, he felt as if he was soon to be paying for it. "Our goal first and foremost is capturing and disarming, all non-lethal means against the Tribesman. The other Faunus Tribes are being manipulated by Cinder and her posse in order to do her bidding, so they are the enemy not the Faunus." 

"Lethal action may be necessary against the leaders of said Tribes if they choose to continue on with helping Cinder's cause after they've been stopped, however I will make the necessary call when that time comes. And if it happens all the burden falls on me. Faunus lives won't be wasted in these battles and we are here to make sure of that." His lovers' moods all improved greatly after that statement. But while they were happy, Zeb was neutral.

To make sure that the man understood the assignment (Y/N) gave him a quick look with a raised eyebrow as if to say 'are we clear?' and the Ram Faunus replied with a simple nod that ensured that they all on the same page. 

From there it was onto the next big issue, "appearances." (Y/N), Nix, Neyah, and Blake had faces that could not be recognized by any of Cinder's people under an circumstances, Zeb on the other hand could be a bit more lenient. 

Although in the case of Cinder teaming up with the Demon Clan it would be odd for the man who stood up against them in Vacuo to also be a member of the Clan in Vale. So, for all intents and purposes, "we need to keep our identities secret."

(Y/N) continued with, "I understand that it'd be a great help to have the support of the daughter of the Chieftain of Menagerie and the Heiresses of the Panthera Clan for the White Fang's morale, it is imperative that no one knows that we are who we are. So, you'll be wearing those appearances that I made for you while we are in Vacuo. Zeb here is yours, just put it in your chest like they did, and it should work like a charm."

The appearances transformed each of the women into a slightly different outfit from one another although the designs were very similar. In included a long overcoat black, cropped undershirt, tight shorts that went to about mid-thigh length, and black knee-high boots, but most importantly they had Grimm masks that covered their eyes and the upper halves of their faces. 

Also, as another plus it got rid of their Faunus traits, at least they did so partially. For Blake her ears were covered by a bow, Neyah's tail disappeared into the long coat, and Nix's ears disappeared into her hair while her tail was affected the same way as her sister's was.

The only difference between each of their outfits was the accents on their black clothing, Blakes was red, Neyah's was white, and Nix's was blue. Zeb's outfit was a bit more basic as it included a full Grimm face mask and a black and yellow hooded cloak that covered his hair and any other parts of his face that could've been exposed. 

Showing from underneath the cloak was black trousers and a basic yellow shirt with black stripes along its sides. Now that the others were outfitted it was time for (Y/N) to get into character as well, thinking, "well, I can't be the Devil since I have to meet Cinder and I can't be myself since I can't have her know that I'm a student at Beacon, so I'll have to make a new one. Meta, can you whip me up a new appearance. It doesn't have to be too intricate, something basic with a Grimm mask will be fine."

[Yes Sir! Meta has created the Appearance! What would like to name it?]

"Uhm, Fang is fine."

[It's done! Do you want equip Fang?]

"Yes please." Once he confirmed it with Meta the apparel immediately covered his body, transforming him into a mysterious cloaked figure directly in front of his companions eyes. 

He wore a Grimm mask that covered the top half of his face depicted in the form of a Sabyr, a long white hooded cloak that covered his ears, and the rest of his clothing was pretty much the same as his Devil appearance except it was entirely black. "New appearance means new identity. Aka I gotta use a new weapon and I guess I can also use a different Skill and call it a Semblance as well."

With his new identity quickly established he turned back to his companions and said, "I know I don't have to mention this but I'm gonna say it anyway. Everything about you needs to at least be altered slightly when you are up against an opponent that you may face again when you are not protected by an appearance. Fighting styles, weapons if you can, and semblances especially need to be different in order for you to remain anonymous." 

"Also, keeping your names a secret is very important, keep this in mind. If you want a nickname or alias, try to come up with one by the time we arrive at the White Fang camp. For our purposes the people we need to stay on guard for are Emerald, Mercury, Cinder, and possibly the Faunus woman that may be accompanying them. I'll give you all a detailed description before we land, and I'll give you a heads up if they're ever in the vicinity."

As her lover finished talking Neyah tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention and asked, "so, like, how exactly do we keep our Semblances a secret? Mines is pretty straightforward, and I doubt I could use it in a different way then I already do."

After thinking about it for a moment he replied, "maybe use your Semblance in the form of a weapon you don't typically use and act as if it is your primary weapon of choice. Remember, you don't have to do this all the time, just when those four people I mention before are present. They should be the only ones that might potentially come into contact with you at a later date."

"Oh, I think I got it now" she said with a smile.

(Y/N) then looked back to the rest of the people in the hanger and asked, "does anybody else have any questions?"

Blake softly said to her Beloved, "what will you be giving me as my reward for helping you out in your time of need?" she asked sweetly, purring into his neck as she spoke.

Nix then wrapped her arms around her lover's neck and inched herself closer to his lips until she was only centimeters away. She then whispered, "that's a great question Blake, what is our reward?"

At his lovers, sudden question (Y/N) let a smile cross his lips once more and he inched closer to give Nix a deep and loving kiss on her soft lips before turning to do the same with Blake, slipping his tongue into her mouth to taste her sweetness before stopping abruptly. "Something like that, I guess. Maybe more? And if you do good enough, I guess it could be anything you desire" he said slyly. 

This seemed to have brought a bit of welcome motivation to the group as they quickly piled onto the Faunus man and began pelting him with kisses from every direction.

The moment they began Zeb got up from his seat and looked away from the group of lovers before saying, "something in the cockpit looks really interesting to me right now, for some reason, all of a sudden. I think imma be up there until we land." 

His words landed on deaf ears as he walked his way through the comfort zone and into the cockpit of the plane, sitting co-pilot next to the man who never shifted his view from the windshield. "How you doin Oct, enjoyin the flight?" he asked as he sat down.

Without moving his head, the pilot gave him a thumbs up and said, "yes, Boss! I'm having the time of my life! Being the personal pilot of the Chief and yourself brings me nothing but joy! In fact, I believe that this may be one of the greatest days of my life, Boss!"

Zeb only half listened to his response as he slumped down in the chair to get comfortable. "Good, that's great. Just tell me when we get there, Imma veg out for a bit."

"Yes Sir!"

Zeb slowly but surely got comfortable within his seat as he stared off into space through the window, not paying any mind to his surroundings. The last thought he had before drifting off to his state of rest was, "hope you enjoy your lovers now Chief. We all know that won't last forever."


Soon enough Zeb was alerted the group that they were starting their descent onto Vacuo's sandy dessert just outside the White Fang camp. As they began making their descent, they quickly fitted themselves back up with their weapons and appearances before (Y/N) told Zeb that if he were to ever need to call his name around the people they needed to look out for then he should simply call him Fang. 

It didn't really matter much for the other girls because they never really called him by his name, anyway, choosing to use pet names and what not instead. For the others however, (Y/N) just gave them simple names since they couldn't come up with any themselves.

Zeb was called Purple, Nix Blue, Neyah White, and Blake Red. It was only really needed for a very specific occasion, so it wasn't too important right away, but they still needed to commit the names to memory just in case. However, soon enough they had fully landed on the desert floor and the hatch opened to reveal the place they'd be located in for the undetermined future. "So, this is Vacuo" (Y/N) thought as he exited the Bullhead, taking in the sites of the barren wilderness. 

The sun of Vacuo's day immediately beamed on the five of them with a divine urgency, immediately raising their body temperatures what felt like a million degrees in mere moments. The surrounding shrubbery was all dried-up stick like 'plants' if they could even be called that, nasty looking insects crawled deeper into the sand whenever they were kicked up from the steps of the newcomers, and scarily enough there wasn't a single person in sight.

After looking around for a moment (Y/N) came to a wonderous conclusion. "Wow... this place fuckin sucks." He hadn't even been walking for ten feet and the sand was already pissing him off. Vacuo was a desert and as expected there was nothing but sand everywhere. 

Sand dunes, sand mounds, sand trails, sandy boots, sandy hair, sandy fucking everything. 

The masks from their appearances were god sent because it was able to keep the shitty substance from getting in their eyes, but the moment they began inhaling the dry arid air of the super-heated desert grains of the god forsaken shit began scratching at his throat like glass and filling up his lungs as if it was a sandbag. 

Everything was miserable. 

Walking on the soft substance sinking his feet deep into the ground, constantly breathing in literal stones, literally existing in the area was more than enough to make him want to leave.

"Baby... its too hot" Nix said as she fell over onto her lovers side.

(Y/N) caught the dramatic Panthera twin and replied, "I know." He then reached into his chest and pulled out four light blue Dust crystals and four white cloths before handing one of each of them to his lover. "Here take these. The cloth is to put around your mouth, so you don't have to breath in the sand while the wind is whipping it up and the Dust is to cool you down. Just put it in you pocket or something like that and run your Aura through it, it will cool you down dramatically. You guys take them too, it'll help a ton."

Neyah and Blake quickly grabbed theirs and said a quick, "thanks Darling/Love you Bel" before equipping the objects, but Zeb on the other hand declined.

"The heat doesn't really bother me, nor the sand. I'll be aight."

(Y/N) just nodded his head in acceptance, "alright, just tell me if you need anything." After getting everyone situated, he turned his attention to the camp that was up ahead, looking around with his great vision to tell what was going on. What he saw was fairly ordinary. 

A bunch of tents in a circular formation with only about three feet between them, making it very hard to see what was happening at the center of the camp, and the circular camper formation continued inwardly until they reached the center. 

Each ring of tents in the circle formation were shifted slightly so the next row of tents blocked the view of the center of the circle, making the entire view a sort of maze or elaborate defensive structure.

Even though nobody was visible, and it was impossible to see the center form where he was standing, using a combination of Aura sensing and his mental map it was very clear to see what was happening surrounding them. The camp was on flat ground and about 5 miles surrounding the camp it was much the same, however up on the dunes that rose from this relatively flat land were people. 

Evenly spaced about ten feet apart from one another, ducked under the camouflage of sand looking alternatingly inward and outward as they watched over the Camp to ensure that there were no incoming attackers. Inside the camp was a different situation, it was clear to (Y/N) that all the White Fang members were simply sitting inside the tents doing whatever it is they were doing.

As the group walked closer someone up on the Dunes evidently made a call or something similar as the White Fang that were in their tents immediately began moving towards the exits in mass, quickly filling the empty space between the tents and heading directly towards their direction. 

It wasn't long before they began spilling out of the camps formation, coming out in a wave of gray fanged eye masks, white cloaks, and numerous different weapons. It was truly a sight to behold, the organization and fluidity of the flock of unique Faunus. Tails of all shapes and sizes, ears of every animal imaginable, and even the scaly skin of a chosen few, it was truly beautiful to see them all in unity.

However, it was not beautiful to see them in unity in a situation like this being that they looked quite hostile at the moment. As they finished flooding out from the confines of their tents and stood in a perfectly rowed line in front of the camp, a tall masked man with a chainsaw came from behind the group and stood out in front of the pack. His weapon of choice dragging through the sand as he walked. 

Before he managed to say anything another, much smaller, person came from the back of the pack to stand out in front. She was short, about 5'2'', with long bunny ears and a staff to her side. She dressed as everyone else was, so was the massive man, but both of them seemed to have more importance than the others.

Each of them stood still for a moment, letting the silence speak in volumes for the group, and before (Y/N) could say a word to help diffuse the situation a hard gruffy voice boomed through the desert air. "Are you!" He yelled extremely loudly, not properly controlling the volume of his voice. 

Why? Because in truth, the massive man with the chainsaw was.... nervous. Yet he still cleared his throat and continued, "Are you," much better volume, "... him?"

(Y/N) just stared at the man with an empty look, only a single thought going through his mind, "... what?"

The bunny girl suddenly smacked the big man lightly on the arm and shouted, "hey! What are you doing!"

The chainsaw man looked at her in confusion, "huh? What do you mean?"

"Huhhh?!!? What do you mean what do I mean? Why would you ask such a stupid question!"

This only brought more confusion to him, "well... I mean... didn't they say he had like four ears, nine different tails, massive horns, long ass fangs, crazy lookin eyes, and sword like claws? He doesn't have those."

The bunny girl reeled her fist back and slammed it into the man's stomach with all of her strength before quickly realizing her mistake and nursing her hand from the pain. "Dumbass! Look at him! Don't you see the Aura! Feel the presence! Plus, look at that group!"

Chainsaw man didn't turn to look at the group, he was looking at the bunny girl's injured hand, "are you alright?" he asked.

"I'm fine! Your looking at the wrong thing! Look at him!" Chainsaw man did as he was asked and looked at the man. "Don't you see what I'm talking about!"

"Hmm, I mean, yeah. But I don't see the ears and tails n stuff. That's why I asked first."

"You fricken dumbass! What have I told you about..." the duo continued to yell back and forth, well at least the girl yelled, the man with the chainsaw and the tattoos just listened.

(Y/N) watched with confusion and thought, "what the fuck is going on? Clearly, we're not gonna fight, but... what the fuck is going on?" It took him a moment to pull all his thoughts back together before he thought, "whatever. I think I recognize that guy from the anime, so I may as well take a peek at the both of them. Observe."

Name: Saw Chain, Lieutenant

Age: 29

Race: Faunus

Titles: Lieutenant of the White Fang, Adam's Left Hand

LVL: 92

*HP: 10580/10580

*AU: 11810/11810


*STR; 1106

*END; 662

*DEX; 204

*VIT; 479

*INT; 10

*LUK; 194

*Growth Rate: 25

'Chainsaw Man'- It's a Chainsaw... Man; +30% STR


Name: Nia Cottontail

Age: 31

Race: Faunus

Titles: Lieutenant of the White Fang, Adam's Right Hand

LVL: 87

*HP: 4720/4720

*AU: 5885/5885


*STR; 634

*END; 272

*DEX; 1177

*VIT; 186

*INT; 182

*LUK; 96

*Growth Rate: 25

'Cottontail'- A beautiful staff that is guaranteed to whack your tail off. Wait that sounds kinda wrong don't use tha- ; +30% DEX

"...what?" As he began wrapping his head around the information that was presented to him by the System, it seemed as though the Lieutenant partnership had finished their squabble about (Y/N) and his group's presence. 

The woman that he could now identify as Nia and the man he could now identify as Lieutenant turned to face him once more, this time with much cooler expression.

The Chainsaw carrying Lieutenant cleared his throat and said, "you are him correct?" After asking the question he turned back to Nia for confirmation, to which she replied with a thumbs up and a gleaming smile.

Cottontail then followed up with, "Fang, right? The man who survived the most powerful attack from the Leader without a scratch, took control over an entire train full of Dust single handedly, and promised to save the Faunus by any means necessary! That Fang."

(Y/N) saw through his massive peripheral vision as Blake began chuckling underneath her cloth mask, but he kept his composure none the less, after all he was beginning to get used to introductions like this. "Thank god I told Adam the name beforehand. Yeah, I am him. What of it?"

The moment he confirmed that he indeed was himself various oohhh's and aaahhh's erupted from the line of orderly Faunus as they each turned to talk with one another about the legend that stood before them. 

Even Nia and Saw lit up in smiles as they fist bump one another. It was a bit confusing to see the exchange happening in front of him, especially because he thought they were being defensive at first, but (Y/N) and his group simply waited for the noise to die down before Nia continued speaking. "The Leader told us you were coming soon! Glad to have someone as powerful as you on our side!"

The Lieutenant then added with a fangy smile, "I can't wait to see you in battle. It'll be quite the sight to see. Please follow us, we'll take you inside the camp."

"Thanks for your hospitality" Fang responded, walking with his group to the massive campgrounds. As he finally reached the line of Faunus that were standing outside of the camp, he noticed that they all had an expression of awe to them, like they had just come upon a legendary celebrity. 

It then became clear to him that the apparent showing of unity was nothing more than a souped-up welcoming entourage, a showing of their strength in order to impress himself and the group. Once he entered the place he immediately began hearing, 'that's him!', 'he's the one!', 'Last time I saw him he didn't look like that', 'who are those women that he's with,' 'I'd take a bite outta that', and numerous other murmurs that echoed through the crowd as they made their way through.

As they walked through the maze-like structure of the tents, one by one Nia and Saw pointed out each of the important locations that they made need to know about, bathrooms, canteens, equipment storages, medical areas, smaller meeting tents, where they kept prisoners, and of course the central area where the members of the Fang tend to convene.

It was a nice camp site with each of the tents being created from a thick white tarp that barely allowed any of the beaming sunlight to get through, and in the large open central area one large tarp was used to create massive sections of shade so the members could escape the heat. 

Everything was neatly organized and their were sections for pretty much everything. It wasn't cramped or anything like that, in fact it was so open that it felt as if there were almost no people present at all. 

As they walked and talked (Y/N) continued to ask each of them questions about their current statuses, how many members they had, how long would supplies last them, how many wounded, the number of skirmishes they had, what were they like, how did they attack, and numerous other questions like this.

Each and every question was answered diligently by the duo, giving him a great idea of the White Fang's current situation at the moment and it didn't sound too awful. The White Fang brought 65 of its members to Vacuo and of them only 5 were injured in any compacity, luckily their injuries were minor so they would recover soon enough. 

Within the week that had passed since the meeting they'd been attacked only twice, the first time it came as a surprised to everyone as they ambushed the group in the dead of night. 

The attackers were a group of six Faunus the had snuck into the camp and immediately ambushed a group of resting White Fang members. However, luckily for them, it didn't take long for everyone else in the camp to notice their presence from the clashing of blades, so they were quickly subdued and captured.

This event is where the five injured Faunus came from. After this attack Adam set up the surrounding perimeter of watchdogs that rotated out every six hours to ensure that they were never ambushed again. The next attack came a few days later during the dark of night once more, however this time they had been prepared. 

The force of Faunus was much larger, approximately 30 Tribesman, but when faced with Adam's overwhelming strength and the numbers of the Fang they were quickly sent running. From that attack they only managed to capture three more of their enemies. 

From there, (Y/N) then asked if they were properly interrogated to which Saw replied, "me and Nia were there when the Leader talked to 'em, but they didn't say much. All he really asked was what tribe they came from, did they team with the humans, and other shit like that."

Nia then picked up and added, "the Leader is very kind. He simply asked questions and politely waited for answers, but after they didn't give up anything useful, he said that the next time they spoke he wouldn't be seeing them as brothers and sisters." 

Nia paused for a moment before saying, "we love our Faunus brethren. All of them. But traitors are scum, so if we learn that they sided with the humans then it'd be the last day they draw breath."

(Y/N) just nodded his head in understanding, noting that he needed to have a conversation with the prisoners they captured. Although from Adam's report he could guess that the tribesman came from Jayson's tribe, there was still the potential for other traitors to be involved, plus not knowing there motive only made things more difficult. 

So, he'd definitely need to have a 'discussion' with them to find out what he needed to know. "Thanks for the debriefing, you both have shown us great kindness" (Y/N) said, receiving two bring smiles in return. "We still need to convene with Adam however, so do you think you could lead me to that location now? It is very urgent that we get started immediately."

At the legendary Faunus's question, the duo looked at each other with a tinge of fear and embarrassment. They communicated with there eyes back and forth for a moment before Nia turned to the Fang and said, "uhm... sure. Its just, the Leader might be a bit.... I don't know... occupied?"

Saw then said, "he's been occupied for a while. However, this is very important so he would probably want to see you regardless." Saw then turned to face the large tent at the center of the complex before saying, "he's in there, feel free to enter at your own discretion."

A small bead of sweat fell from Nia's cheek as her partner showed them the way, but she still smiled brightly as she gave them a swift goodbye. "It was really nice meeting you Fang! I can't wait to see you strut your stuff!"

"I feel the same. It was night meeting you" the burly man added.

"You as well." (Y/N) and his group then turned towards the large, central most tent in the area and began walking towards it, each of them thinking of how odd it was that they spoke of Adam the way they did. "Occupied? The fuck does that mean." However, as they approached the tent it didn't take a rocket scientist to know exactly what they were talking about.

(Y/N) ears twitched from below his appearance as the sounds coming from the tent were anything but orderly and friendly. "Then why are you here! This is the business of the White Fang and no one else, you said this during the meeting did you not?"

"I know what I said! But-"

"But what! There is no buts here. We are in the middle of what might possibly become a war, not just a battle or a few light skirmishes here or there, but a full war! And you think that you can throw the Jades in the middle of it and come out unscathed? Impossible!"

"I'm not throwing the Jades into this at all! I did not come here with 50 of my best warriors or an entire army of Tribesman, I came here by myself! This is not their fight!"

"And somehow you believe that is better. You came with no guards, no protection, no greater strength! And for what? Nothing. No reason. You have nothing to gain and everything to lose. You say it is not their fight, but that doesn't explain how it is your either!"

"It is my fight!"



"Just because? That is not an answer!"

"Let me fuckin finish jackass! I was saying because its personal!"

"How? How could a battle between the White Fang and a group of humans be personal to you of all people? You were not asked of anything, insulted in anyway, attacked, mocked, or anything even remotely like that. Please explain to me, how in the world could this be personal to you!?!"



"Because of yo-" Her words were cut short as one of the guards that were standing by the tents entrance quickly peeked her head inside the tent to alert them of a group requesting entry.

"Excuse me, but I believe that your guests have arrived, Leader. Should I allow them inside?" An awkward silence immediately began ringing throughout the room as the two Faunus realized how loud they were being as they screamed at one another.

Adam looked across the room at Anaya for a moment before turning back to the woman and telling him, "let them in."

"Yes sir."

The moment the guard left the room Adam looked back to the gorgeous Faunus woman with a straight face and said, "go home."

And with an equally straight and unmoving face she replied, "no." As soon as the quick exchange was complete, (Y/N) followed by Blake, Neyah, Nix, and then Zeb walked into the room in an incredibly orderly fashion, walking right into the lions mouth.

Adam sighed heavily before greeting his brother with a familiar handshake as he said, "it's good to see you again Brother. Thanks for coming on such short notice."

(Y/N) returned the handshake with a sense of familiarity as he replied with, "Of course anytime."

After the quick greeting he turned his head to the other people present, "I see you've brought backup. Do you think you could introduce me to our supporters?"

"Oh right, you already know them, Adam." He then told his group, "Yall can take the masks off if you want."

The first one to reveal themselves was Blake as she removed her mask and said with an amused smile, "long time no see Adam. I see you haven't changed much since the last time I saw you. Still can't get along with Anaya at all."

Adam grimaced at her comment and the woman behind him let out an audible chuckle. "Shut it. I could say the same thing about you Blake. I am glad to see that you have become a bit stronger than the last time I saw you, but sad to see that you are still wearing that obnoxious bow."

Blake hissed back at him, "it's to hide my identity dumbass! I wouldn't have worn it otherwise."

Adam turned to (Y/N) and the rest of the group before nodding in understanding. "I see." Nix and Neyah were the next to remove the eye wear and the moment Adam saw their faces he quick to bow his head. "I am glad to see you both in good health Honorable Priestess Nieva and Honorable Warrior Neyah. You are much more powerful than the last time I saw you, it is nice to see that (Y/N) has treated you all so greatly not only as mates, but also as a teacher of strength."

Nix chuckled at his response, "you truly are much the same as you were before. So stiff and respectful. You may drop the honorable and just Nix is fine Adam."

Neyah smiled a fangy smile as she said, "I want my rematch. I'm gonna fuck you up this time no doubt!"

Adam cracked an almost invisible smile at Neyah's comment. "Of course, Nix. However, Neyah, I'd love to see the day that you would be able to beat me in combat, but I don't believe it will be today. Unfortunately."

Neyah scoffed at the comment before mumbling, "whatever."

The last among them was the massive figure but it was pretty easy for Adam to deduce that it was Z behind the mask, so he simply said, "it's good to see you again too Z."

"Yes sir" he quickly responded with a mock salute.

After the quick greeting, each of them walked deeper into the room and spread out amongst the space before (Y/N) said, "so, who's the lovely lady Adam? I couldn't help but hear how close you guys are from outside the tent" he asked jokingly.

That comment seemed to bring a tinge of reddish blush to his cheeks, but before the blush could take over he grit his teeth and responded, "I apologize about that unsightly appearance. This is my... " He paused for a moment as he tried to think of what she was to him, but instead of finding the words to express it he simply restarted his statement. "Never mind. This is Ana-

"I can introduce myself, Adam." She said, cutting the man off before he could finish his word, clearly irritated that he didn't identify her by something special. "I am the Chief of the Desert Jades, Anaya Addax. It's nice to meet the one who gave Adam a proper purpose, thank you for taking care of him." The woman that introduced herself was drop dead gorgeous. 

She had beautiful brown skin, fluffy-curly, shoulder length, golden-brown hair with pure white highlights, and long black antlers that grew from the sides of her head. She had incredibly sharp amber colored eyes that practically glew even in light, a cute small nose that sat perfectly at the center of her face, and soft plumb lips that glistened with beauty. 

Anaya appeared very exotic with her pointed ears, fierce eyes, and tattooed features that littered her exposed body. The markings on her skin were all emerald in color and shimmered in the light gorgeously.

The Faunus woman wore simple clothing, a brownish sports bra like garb with white straps that held her luscious breasts, numerous jade bracelets and other green jewelry on her arms and legs, and on her slender waist she wore a white pelt skirt that was tired together with brown leathery straps. 

She was gorgeous and the same thing could be said about her sweet voice as well. 

"I didn't do much. It is nice to meet you as well. Damn she kinda bad." He thought as he took a step towards the woman to shake her hand. However, the moment their hands touched (Y/N) immediately noticed something was off with the woman, something about her was much different than the rest. "There's no fucking way."

Adam watched with scrutiny as (Y/N)'s hand met with Anaya, the two of them smiled at one another in a way that made him uncomfortable, and at the same time it looked as if his Brother was peering a bit too deeply into the woman's form. 

It made him irritated. 

But he managed to hold himself together, brushing the exchange off as nothing special to keep himself cool. As he continued shaking her hand, the man in the Fang appearance remained completely ignorant of the way his actions were making Adam feel as he was far to focused on the woman in front of him. 

Ananya scared him, not because of her strength or anything, but because of the possibilities that she could bring to the future if what he was feeling inside of her was correct. After the handshake lasted just a moment too long, (Y/N) allowed his hand to slide off of her own and he then quickly thought up his chosen Skill that would help him confirm his suspicions about the woman. "Observe."

Name: Anaya Addax

Age: 25

Race: Faunus

Titles: The Summer Maiden, Chief of the Desert Jades, Adam's special person, Victim of the SDC, Etc.

LVL: 163

*HP: 43048/43048

*AU: 22705/22705

*MP: 52245/52245


*STR; 835

*END; 988

*DEX; 1577

*VIT; 1577

*INT; 3205

*LUK; 499

*Growth Rate: 45 (MAX)

*Summer Maiden*- The host of vast magical power that allows the inheritor to harness the powers old, true magic.

*Jade Palace (Semblance)*- This Semblance allows Anaya to create structures out of her Aura, creating protective barriers, throwable objects, and almost anything else that she can imagine.

'Jade Javelin'-An incredibly sharp and durable Javelin that can wielded as both a throwable projectile and a spear that Anaya can wield with expertise; +30% INT, +20% VIT, +20% DEX


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