Revenge System To Hubby Track...

By feedmefluff

929K 36.4K 4.5K

System: Host the protagonist is going to make its move!! Shen was too tired and lazy to bother with the prot... More

Author's Note
Arc 1.1
Arc 1.2
Arc 1.3
Arc 1.4
Arc 1.5
Arc 1.6
Arc 1.7
Arc 1.8
Arc 1.9
Arc 1.10
Arc 1.11
Extra 1
Extra 2
Extra 3
Arc 2.1
Arc 2.2
Arc 2.3
Arc 2.4
Arc 2.5
Arc 2.6
Arc 2.7
Extra 4
Not an update!
Arc 2.8
Not an update!
Arc 2.9
Arc 2.10
Arc 2.11
Arc 3.1
Arc 3.2
Arc 3.3
Arc 3.4
Arc 3.5
Arc 3.6
Arc 3.7
Arc 3.8
Arc 3.9
Arc 6.1
Arc 3. 11
Arc 4.1
Arc 4.2
Arc 4.3
Arc 4.4
Arc 4.5
Arc 4.6
Arc 4.7
Arc 4.8
Arc 4.9
Arc 5.1
Arc 5.2
Arc 5.3
Extra: Ari and Yno
Arc 5.4
Arc 5.5
Arc 5.6
Arc 5.7
Arc 5.8
Arc 5.9
Arc 5.10
Arc 5.11
Extra: Lao He and Yoshan
Extra: Family of four
Arc 6.2
Arc 6.3
Extra: My lady in a shining heels
Arc 6.4
Arc 6.5
Arc 6.6
Arc 6.7
Arc 6.8
Arc 6.9
Arc 6.10
Extra: Cao Peng and Lu
Arc 7.1
Arc 7.2
Arc 7.3
Arc 7.4
Arc 7.5
Arc 7.6
Arc 7.7
Arc 7.8

Arc 3.10

10K 407 28
By feedmefluff

The foods were served one by one by the servants. Wang Haoran's eyes flickered for a moment before sipping his drink. He watched as his father took a bite out of his food.

Both foods and drinks that were served to the emperor contained deadly poison. The poison is odorless and tasteless that after a while the host would immediately die.

Sure enough, a moment later, the surroundings panicked as they saw the emperor coughed out blood as he clutched his chest painfully. Before they could even turn around and call for the imperial physician, weaponed men has entered and surrounded them all. "B-barbarians!" Shout one of the noble as he saw the emblem in their clothes.

The guards and the generals took out their swords preparing for a bloody fight. Wu Xuan stood in front of his wife guarding him with a cold bearing.

"I'll go check the emperor." Said Zhou Shan. Just as he turned around, he was held tightly by his beloved. "No. Stay here behind me." Wu Xuan panickly said.

Zhou Shan felt his emotions. He hurriedly hugged him to comfort. "Baby, it's alright. I'm gonna be alright, okay? Nothing will happen. Didnt we talk about this already last night? Besides, I'm just behind you. I'll just go check on the emperor's health, 'kay?"

Hearing his soothing comfort, Wu Xuan relaxed a little. He know they dont have time and they had already talked about it, so he reluctantly agreed.

Zhou Shan give a quick peck to his panicked husband before running to check the emperor's health.

Zhou Shan put his 2 fingers to the emperor carotid wanting to know if there is a pulse. There's none. That's good.

Wang Haoran saw his relief. Was his plan a fail? He frowned and immediately went towards the emperor. Sensing him no breath left, he thought of something and immediately mocked Zhou Shan. Happy that the emperor's dead? Fool! This empire's gonna be mine.

Zhou Shan saw through him. He showingly sneered. "What an ungrateful white-eyed wolf. Really that desperate to rule this land? Are you even qualified?", Zhou Shan mocked.

Wang Haoran was all red in anger and embarassment and his face was all scrunched up. Does he know something?! He innerly thought.

"What do you mean, for someone like you who was relieved of the emperor's death?" Wang Haoran got back his composure.

"Were you, perhaps, the on who tamper with his majesty's foods?" He continued.

His words recieved a mock from Zhou Shan, "Oh my. Did His Highness the prince perhaps lost his memories? Ah! His Highness the prince? Or should it be the fake His Highness the prince..? "
Wang Haoran forcedfully clenched his teeth and hands. He definitely know something!!

"Sir Zhou Shan must be joking. Do you really think that by transferring your crime you'll get away from it!?"

"Bai Daiyu must have told you that she could see the future, en? And that you will be the emperor of this land? Pft. What makes you think so?"

Wang Haoran couldnt hide the shock he received. So many questions are revolving in his mind. Bai Daiyu? How did he know of her? She's just for passing time, but true, she said those words to him and he did listen also to the fact that this has been his goal since young. The last sentence snapped his remaining clear- headedness. "So what!!? I am the righteous heir!! No one can take this title away from me! Not even the emperor himself!"

While being immersed on his self, his hand accidentally touched the knife hidden behind his robe. Whether or not he knew something, a threat is still a threat. He needs to die!

Wang Haoran suddenly took a knife from his pocket and made a move that would trigger a certain man's murderous intent towards him.

Before he could sway the knife through Zhou Shan's chest, Wang Haoran's elbow was clasped hard. He angrily looked towards the person only to see a devil that seemed to have risen from the depth of hell.
His knees instantly weakened and he was forcedfully thrown to the ground. Before he could move, the hand holding the knife was painfully stepped on that even the bones cracking could be heard in the silent room. "AHHHH!!!!!!!" Wang Haoran painfully screamed in agony.

"Help this prince!! What are you all doing??!! Arrest him! Arrest this devil!!" Driven by emotions, the so called prince looked at the people below and pointed to Wu Xian who was tightly hugging his wife.

Some nobles especially those 'friends' of the prince wanted to help when they were immediately stopped by those older and knowlegeable people. In the end, no one moved. The conversations between Zhou Shan and Wang Haoran was more or less heard. Those people who is not new in conspiracies has somehow gotten the gist of it.

Seeing them not moving, Wang Haoran angrily screamed, "What are you all standing there for!? Are you all blind??!"

"Kill all of them!" Said the prince to the leader.

The leader, instead of following his words, walked towards him. Thinking that he'll be safe now, the prince sighed in relief. However, the prince whether or not he's knowlegeable enough or know nothing about did not doubt why the 'leader' approaching was not stopped by the palace guards nor doubt why he's wearing a mask.

"Y-you help me! Get me outta here!" Wang Haoran's stretched hand was slapped and the leader looked towards General Wu, "General what should we do?"

Wang Haoran's mouth obviously fell unsightly. T-that voice! It's not from the leader...

"W-who..." He stuttered.

When the leader took off his mask, the face behind belongs to...

"Brother Chou??!!" Zhou Ya said stunned.

Mo Chou looked to her, his eyes seemed to comminicate with Zhou Ya. I'll explain later.

"All the people must've already got the gist of the story more or less. But still, a crime wont be punishable without any legitimate evidences and might even leave doubts to the people. Moreover, His Majesty needs some explanation."

After General Wu Xuan's words, His Majesty who was deemed dead suddenly opened his eyes. Everyone except of those who knew was stunned speechless! Especially Wang Haoran. His eyes seemed to pop out of its socket.

"Y-your Majesty! Thanks the heavens for your safety!!" The emperor's eunuch tearfully said.

Without waiting for any commands, the eunuch helped his master sit up making sure that he's alright.

"Everyone, Zhen apologizes for worrying you all. This was necessary to...clear up some things."

Those barbarians who were planning to run away after noticing their plan failed were surrouned by guards.

"Your Majesty, we apologize for this inconvenience." Zhou Shan said. The night before the banquet, the Wu couple approached the emperor and briefly told him about everything. They also included the emperor in their plans which is instead of eating the food, His Majesty would take a pill that could hide his breathing for 10 minutes. Of course, this pill was bought from the system. However, Zhou Shan just said something. It was such a risk. Good thing it all worked out in the end.

The emperor showed a relieved smile, "No need to. Now I know." So this is the real face of my doted 'son' .

"Now, tell Zhen everything about your investigations."

After Mo Chou reported everything about Wang Haoran in front of everyone present in the banquet, the surrounding was serenely quiet.

Wang Haoran was especially quiet. Not denying nor approving it. Every nook of his existence were reported. As if it was a play being scriptly played. Those things he did as if did not matter when he hid it so thoroughly as it was easily found. Is that just how incapable he is!?

"So, what's your say on this?" His Majesty's question directed to Wang Haoran. He remained quiet. His quietness seemed to prove something.

The people present who held some hope were thoroughly disappointed and angry, especially those who supported him in the throne.. not even trying to deny it?

"Put him to the prison. The punishment will be decided tomorrow." The emperor commanded.

The banquet was stopped halfway and the people went home one by one bringing with them such devastating news. This was not to be hidden, anyway.

Sorry to disappoint you guyss😭.

There really is no angst here, I know. If you ever felt displeased, I held no responsibility😅 hahah....

Anyways, this story is a free-angst, free-dogblood dramas, fluffy fullness, and sweetness overload, tehee~.

(Not gonna confess that I'm still working on those kinds of scenes😣)

Hope you liked it! Have a super, duper great dayy!!

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