(HIATUS) Prodigies Against th...

By asphyxii_

23K 1.2K 1.2K

"I tried to hate you... I tried so hard, but I just couldn't do it." ---------------- You felt you were desti... More

Introduction (if u skip u suck btw)
| prologue |
| 1 | Mister Emperor Man Takes Another Victim
| 2 | Bruv Got Mad at a Fvcking Kahoot Match
| 3 | Get That Boy a Therapist!
| 4 | LIVE: Teen Fights Several Adults as Ordered by Lord Emperor Belos Almighty
| 5 | Y/N Fills the Absence of Hunter's (much needed) Therapist
| 6 | Hunter's Super Secret Spy Mission
| 7 | The Author Fits Several Small Arcs Into One Chapter
| 8 | Look at All The Silly Little Chapters with their Silly Little Titles
| 9 | I Sure Do Love These Silly Little Titles
| Special Chapter | Hunter's POV 8 & 9
| 11 | His Heart Shattered And The Light Vanished From His Eyes
| 12 | And Now Back To The Silly Titles :D
| 13 | Mandatory Dream Chapter Used to Lazily Display Y/N's Inner Struggles
The Super Grand Awesome Real Valentine's Day Special (Totally Not Clickbait)
| 14 | Y/N The Pokemon Trainer
| 15 | The Ballad of the Broken
| 16 | Lumity Episode Lumity Episode Lumity Episode
| 17 | Insert Funny Eclipse Lake Title I Have a Headache and Can't Think of One
| 18 | Y/N's Nightmare Except It's Just Alternate Reality Mabel's Bubble
| 19 | I didn't know what to call this chapter but it's the time pools episode.
| 20 | Hunter's Gonna Wanna Sit Down For This One...
| 21 | If this was split into seasons, this would be the Season 1 Finale Part 2
| 22 | The Episode Before Labyrinth Runners
| 23 | The Truth Behind It All
| 24 | The Title I Wanted Was Too Long and Wattpad Didn't Allow It
| 25 | This chapter is only 854 Words But The Next One Will Be Better
| 26 | The Day of Unity
| 27 | If Only We Had Never Met
| 28 | No Portal?
| 29 | Shortass Mini Chapter
| 30 | The Chapter Where Amity Ruins The Moment
| 31 | I Wrote This While Listening to Home from Undertale on Loop

| 10 | If A Chapter Doesn't Have A Silly Title, Then You KNOW It's Gonna Be Bad

688 29 32
By asphyxii_

Words: 3041
Date published: 1/6/2023

- not proof-read -

It was small at first. Barely noticeable. A harsh punishment here. An impossibly high standard there. In all honesty, it never was to you directly. You did what you were told as you were told to do it.

You weren't hurting for yourself. You were hurting for him. Hunter was suffering, and you weren't sure he even realized. The very man Hunter had dedicated his life for seemed to value it so little. You'd notice how Hunter would tense up when informed that Belos had called for him. You noticed it from the beginning but didn't think much of it. Slowly, certain clues began to arise, telling you that something more sinister was up with Hunter and his uncle.

The insomnia was caused by nightmares. You never learned much more than that, but the nightmares were nightly, and that wasn't normal. You had almost gone to him once, making it as far as to his door before thinking better of it. You feared he would be upset with you, considering he never was willing to open up about them.

You heard him apologize in his sleep and your heart broke when you realized he was crying.

He worked so hard to prove himself. He would spend countless hours overtime perfecting his skill, much past a point that could be deemed healthy.

He always seemed so shocked when you showed you cared or when you did extra for him. He acted as though kindness needed to be earned through hard work and dedication rather than handed out for simply not being a jerk.

He had panic attacks if he failed something asked of him. He would hyperventilate and seemingly drift from reality a bit - but maybe it wasn't actually detaching from reality. Maybe the things he said were things he always believed. Maybe that was just... how he was raised.

The day it all really snapped together, you weren't even meant to witness it. No one was. You were sure of it. The piece that completed the puzzle couldn't have been more clear of a clue.

You walked past a slightly cracked door but were drawn back by a conversation.

"I have put forth so much effort into making you great. I've clothed you, fed you, and put a roof over your head. I even made it so you could use magic, and this - this is how you repay me? A failed mission with nothing more of a reason than simply messing up? I expected so much better from you. It hurts that you would do this to me." You were terrified for whoever Belos was talking to, having never once seen this side of him, but as soon as you heard the person's voice, your heart shattered.

"I-I'm sorry, Uncle." Hunter sounded so desperate when he said that, his voice cracking from emotion.

You ducked away into a closet down the hall, shutting and locking the door before casting a spell. You couldn't believe that you were risking spying on the emperor within the castle, but you couldn't risk not knowing if something terrible happened to Hunter.

"Do you like to see me in pain, Hunter?"

"No, of course not!"

"Then why do you fail me?"

"It's not on purpose! I don't mean to! A-And maybe... Maybe there's a better way to go about this than-"

A strange green razor-sharp tendril flashed by Hunter's head, narrowly missing him and slicing off a couple of slivers of hair. You held your breath as they drifted to the ground. You couldn't believe what you were witnessing. You couldn't begin to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Hunter had dedicated his entire life to this man. He idolized him to no end and painted him in the perfect light. Hunter genuinely saw him as a hero. This same good man had almost killed him, and they were both so casual about it as if this was a regular occurrence.

Don't act like you never idolized the emperor, too, your brain reminded you harshly with a sharp pang of guilt.

You watched as emperor Belos went stiff for a second before ordering Hunter away. Hmm...

/// /// ///

Steve's POV

There was a soft knock on my door. I thought that was pretty odd since I never get visitors. "Come in!" I called. Someone wants to see me! Exciting!

I was more than a little surprised to see Y/N walk into my room. "Y/N? What's up?"

She silently walked over to me and sat next to me. "Steve," she finally began after a minute of worrying silence. "Are you... happy here?"

"Doubting your commitment already?" I commented though I wasn't all too surprised.

She didn't answer, instead turning her head slightly. Y/N was upset about something. I had to drop the silliness. "Well," I began. "I came here because I thought that the emperor's coven was the best. I would be respected, be able to keep my magic, and be a part of the strongest coven, working directly under Emperor Belos himself!" I raised a fist into the air with conviction before lowering it slowly. "But... I dunno... After a while, the conditions don't seem to be worth it."

"How so?" she prompted.

"Well, training was intense. Far worse than what you went through, for sure. One of the challenges they had us complete was that they left us alone on a mountain with no given resources and in order to pass, you had to survive... not everyone did."

"Oh," she whispered. Poor kid probably had no idea how bad Belos was. I'm probably shattering her view of him... I should stop.

"Why did you ask?"

"What else is there?" she asked, dodging my question. I gave in.

"He took my palisman, for one. He did with everyone. And our work schedules are pretty extreme."


"Y/N," I said firmly, grabbing her attention. "Why do you ask?"

"I... I don't know... I think that maybe... he's having a worse effect on Golden Guard than I'm realizing."

I could tell that she wasn't telling me everything, but I decided not to push. "Is there anything else you'd want to know?"

"If I run away, will I survive?" Y/N blurted out, refusing to face me. Her entire body shook and I could tell it was taking all of her strength to hold herself together.

I stayed silent for a while, thinking it over. "Well," I said at last. "That ultimately depends on two major factors. The first is how much you know. If you don't have too much knowledge of sensitive information, you're less important to silence."

"And the second..?"

"It also depends on how good of a fight you put up when they inevitably try to catch you. If the search drags on and you're hard to catch, eventually, Belos will decide you are no longer worth the trouble, make up some cover story about you so no one believes you if you speak against him, and you'll be able to live your life without him coming after you."

Y/N stared at me for a moment through her mask. "You've thought about this a lot, haven't you?" she murmured softly, causing a pang in my chest. She gets it, I realized. She already knows how I feel.

"I made it that obvious, huh?" I said sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck.

She removed her mask and stared into my eyes with unwavering intensity. "Come with me," she said firmly. I stared at her in shock, mouth gaping. I removed my own mask and her eyes widened slightly. She had never seen my face before.

"I can't," I said, trying my best to hold her gaze, but eye contact had always made me a little nervous, so this was a huge challenge.

"Why not?"

"I'd never make it. I'm only a middle-ranking guard. Plus, where would I go? I'd have nowhere to stay, and-"

"I could help you!" she exclaimed in desperation. "We could look out for each other! I could bring the fighting skills, and you could bring the knowledge and experience gained from working in the emperor's coven!"

"We still wouldn't have a place to stay," I pointed out.

"We'd find a place. I have an idea of where we could go... and if it doesn't work out, the outskirts of Bonesborough is littered with boarded-up abandoned buildings! Plus, we don't even have to stay in Bonesborough! We could-" I gently place my hand on the poor kid's shoulder. She was trembling terribly.

"Y/N,' I said, this time with a softer approach. "Time is value, and I've been here for years. The price over my head as well as my lack of fighting capabilities would only drag us down."

I bit my lip, almost regretting my words as her face contorted into one of pain. I could tell she was fighting to not cry in front of me. "I don't want to be alone again," she whimpered, almost bringing tears to my own eyes. I didn't know much about her past, but I did know that loneliness was a significant issue before joining the coven.

"If there was a way I could stay in touch, I would, but Belos would be able to find you if we messaged each other. My account was made with the emperor's coven unlike yours, so he can track everything," I explained.

She furrowed her brows for a moment before her eyes lit up. "Maybe we don't need messaging! I know a trick..." With much concentration, she cast a spell that created a glowing orb. That orb's surface slowly came into focus and I gasped when I realized that the spell allowed her to see me. "If we can set up a regular time..." she began, and I heard an echo of her voice emanating from the magical sphere.

"Then we could sort of call by using the orbs?" I suggested and she nodded. "That's a great idea, Y/N, but... I... don't know how to do that spell."

"Well, it's not like I'm leaving yet," she reminded me. "I could still teach you."

I bit my lip, debating if the profit was worth the price of potentially getting caught. "Alright," I finally agreed. "You should teach me."

/// /// ///

Eda's POV

My scroll lit up with a notification and I snatched it up, opening Penstagram to see who it was. A message request...? From who..?

I narrowed my eyes when I saw a name I recognized. Y/N? Where have I heard that name...?

I tapped the message to see what it said and began muttering it softly to myself. "Hey, this is Y/N. Luz should recognize me. I couldn't find her Penstagram, but I know she's staying with you. Could I talk to her? Please. I'm desperate..." I stared in contemplation at the message, not entirely trusting it with how many weirdos and liars were out there but decided to get Luz over my better judgment.

Luz's POV

5:55 PM

Hey, this is Y/N. Luz should recognize me. I couldn't find her Penstagram, but I know she's staying with you. Could I talk to her? Please. I'm desperate...

Hang on, kid. I'll get her.
Hi! It's Luz!! You're from that ship, right?? ✨

Yes, that's me. I have a bit of a situation, and I have no idea who to go to other than you.

What's up? :D

I would like you to hear me out until the end.
When we were on that ship, I wasn't just another crew member. I was working undercover for the emperor.
I was with Golden Guard. We were partners on the mission and it was my first real mission, back when I was proud to serve the emperor.
I was wrong, though. I was so wrong. The way he treats people... it isn't good. Now that I've seen it up close... I don't know how I could have ever been so blind...
Anyways, I've made a decision. I'm leaving the coven. However, Belos would not let me go willingly if I asked, so I have to run.
I don't have anywhere to go if I do, so I am begging for your help. I know you guys don't like him. You guys are the best option to turn to. Please, Luz. Consider.

I stared in shock at what I had read. My head was spinning with ideas, thoughts racing one after another. Y/N was a coven guard? She worked for him? She knows he's bad and wants to run? To run here? But, how can I know to trust her? What if she's being sent as a spy?

I finally moved my fingers to the screen, mustering a response.

6:04 PM

This is... a lot. Eda won't like it. How can we know you're trustworthy?

I don't know too much info, as I was only here for a short while...
I do know some pretty handy spells that school doesn't teach you, though. Unfortunately, I don't think there is a way for glyphs to do them...

I'll talk to Eda ✨

6:19 PM

I talked to Eda

What did she have to say??

She said that you can stay here, but you'll be under high surveillance for a while to prove you're trustworthy and that you have to do your part around here to prove your... "loyalty to the resistance".
Oh! She also recognized you from TV! Apparently, you're, like, a celebrity?? 🙀🙀🙀

I won the coven recruit... that's all.

Awesome! So you can fight and stuff! Sooo cool!

^^ ty!!
So, umm... I was planning on leaving some day very soon...

Eda said that you can show up whenever, but to make sure that no one follows 😎👍

I honestly cannot thank you enough...

You can thank us when we kick Belos's butt with your help 💪
Cya Y/N
Eda wants her phone back!

Nvm, bye.

/// /// ///

Steve's POV

"Y/N..." I began as realization dawned on me. How she interacted with him... that hint of nervousness... his typical upbeat attitude around her... Golden Guard had no idea what Y/N was planning.

She turned to me and hummed in a questioning tone.

"Can we talk - alone?"

"Uhh," she glanced towards Golden Guard who gave her a short nod before following me. "Yeah."

I led her to a nearby storage room and shut the door. I nodded toward the door, making a shushing motion, hoping she'd understand. Luckily she did, and she cast a simple spell to make us inaudible from the outside.

"When are you going to tell him?" I began without missing a beat. She stiffened at the question.

"I... I know... I..." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I don't know how to tell him."

"So, what? You're just not?" I hated using this sharp tone on her, but I didn't know what else to do. If she didn't tell him, it would only hurt her in the end, and I cared too much about Y/N to allow that to happen. She was running out of time fast.

"No, I-" She was silent for a moment. "I've been trying. It's hard. Really hard. I've written and rewritten at least a dozen scripts. I've spent hours practicing what I want to say. There had been times, I'd think that it was the perfect time to break the news - but my throat closes up and no words come out..."

"Why is it so hard? Is it that you're afraid to hurt him?"

"Yes, I'm terrified of hurting him. He hated me at first. I gained his trust by showing him that I would be there for him. We became friends. And now I'm severing that connection and ripping away from him."

"It will only hurt him more if you stay silent, Y/N. You know that."

She sighed, removing her hood and mask and running her fingers through her hair. "Yeah, I know..." She was silent for a moment, staring straight at the ground. She lifted her gaze to meet mine. "What if... What if he turns on me?"


"Well, his devotion to the emperor... It has been his whole life... That sort of loyalty is incredibly strong. What if he sees me as a traitor and reports me?"

I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "He won't," I stated firmly.

"How do you know?" she asked desperately. I turned to fully face her, removing my mask and firmly gripping her shoulders with both hands. I stared directly into her eyes, hoping it would make the meaning behind my words become more clear.

"You mean way more to that boy than you realize."

"How can you be so certain?" she challenged.

The way he looks at you. The way he talks to you. The way he lights up when you enter a room, perks up when your name is said, always races down the hall to meet you by your door when your shift is over! It is so, so obvious, Y/N...

"I've been here for a while. Golden Guard has changed for the better since you got here. Everyone sees it. He knows what dangers reporting you could land you in. He would never."

"But... if he thinks it might convince me to stay..."

I realized what was happening. She was afraid that he would be so heartbroken when she told him that the guilt of her decision would weigh her down and prevent her from leaving.

"What's your plan, Y/N?" wanting to make sure she didn't have something better planned before I gave my suggestion.

"I... was going to distance myself from him before I left. I thought that maybe if I did that, then he would-"

"Be less hurt when you left for good?" I finished for her and she nodded. "I get why you'd think that, but it... doesn't work like that. If anything, it'd make things worse for both of you."

"I don't know what else to do," Y/N admitted, throwing her arms up in exasperation.

"You said your troubles were mainly with getting the words out, right?" Y/N nodded. "Then why not just write a note?"

"If he tries to stop me after reading it-"

"We'll make it so he doesn't read it until you're gone," I clarified. "I can deliver it to him myself since I already know what's going on."

"Do you think he would be okay with that?" Y/N asked. "I mean, having someone else deliver it?"

"Do you have a better idea?"

"Golden Guard has a mission coming up soon at night. I could sneak the paper into his room and leave that night."

"Yeah... that doesn't sound like a bad idea."

There was a knock on the door, startling you both. "We'd better go," I said and Y/N nodded. I hope that poor kid knows what she's doing...

A/N: double update??? woah! 

(it has been too long and also new episode dropped so I had to smh my head)

(I also didn't proofread this one haha oopsies)

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