Love Is Overrated

By Zangata101

1.3M 37.8K 13.2K

Reign Miller doesn't believe in love, she thinks all romcoms are cringe and so are high school relationships... More

Chapter 1: Volcano marshmallow fluff shake.
Chapter 2: Something About The Rain.
Chapter 3: No such thing as different.
Chapter 4: Hate is a pretty strong word.
Chapter 5: The pool house.
Chapter 6: Friendships can be complicated.
Chapter 7: Vanilla special.
Chapter 8: What's wrong with romance movies?
Chapter 9: Do I look like a side chick?
Chapter 10: You look like sex.
Chapter 11: I didn't do that, the alcohol did.
Chapter 12: Deal.
Chapter 13: Stuck in your own life.
Chapter 14: Why are girls so into assholes?
Chapter 15: When did Luke Richardson become a man?
Chapter 16: Let's play a game.
Chapter 17: Another episode of cheaters.
Chapter 18: Promise.
Chapter 19: Sugary Sweet.
Chapter 20: Dirty Mouth.
Chapter 21: Asshole Actions.
Chapter 22: Again?
Chapter 23: Naked Shy.
Chapter 24: Forced Vacation.
Chapter 25: Teenage Hormones.
Chapter 26: West mighty Lake.
Chapter 27: Awkward And Silent.
Chapter 28: Serious Rich People Shit.
Chapter 30: Nothing Good Comes Easy.
Chapter 31: Pretty Little Stalkers.
Chapter 32: Boobs and Smooches.
Chapter 33: Sex Over Love.
Chapter 34: I Need New Friends.
Chapter 35: Sorry Ass Crush.
Chapter 36: Full Bonkers.
Chapter 37: Not Even As A Joke?
Chapter 38: Soft And Tender.
Chapter 39: Dreams Can Be Deceiving.
Chapter 40: What The Fuck Moment.
Chapter 41: Anger And Hunger.
Chapter 42: The Date.
Chapter 43: Jealous.
Chapter 44: Reality Sucks.
Chapter 45: Right In The Chest.
Chapter 46: Hurts, Doesn't It?
Chapter 47: Den Of Sharks.
Chapter 48: Possessive Much?
Chapter 49: Boyfriend.
Chapter 50: Girlfriend.

Chapter 29: So Fucked.

23.8K 681 314
By Zangata101

Reign's POV.

He disposed of the condom in his Dad's trash bin and we both got dressed, not that we took anything off to start with but you know... anyway, he came back to kiss me again and now he's laying on top of me, his head resting on my chest and hand wrapped around my body.

I don't do cuddling after sex, it's too... Intimate.

But I understand how Luke feels cause that's exactly how I feel.

I feel ripped out of my cage, contended and freed from whatever it was that drove us to this extent.

I can't help but wonder what's going to happen to us now.

I look down at his head on my chest and I realize that my fingers are in his hair, I move them through his still damp strands and he stiffens, shaking off my hand and getting off me.


I sit up, adjusting my dress and staring at him.

I don't think he likes intimacy either.

He sits at the far end of the sofa and doesn't look at me, his jaw is tight and his hard expression confuses me.

Does he regret it?

I think I'd hate it if he regretted it.

"Luke?" I call, he doesn't respond, he grips his hair and rests his elbows on his knees, staring at the floor in silence.

This is exactly why I never let my feelings get involved in this type of shit.

If I liked Luke romantically and then had sex with him and he couldn't even look at me afterwards, my feelings would gotten hurt.

I feel sorry for the girls before me, I know they definitely fell for his pretty boy looks and fell in love with the way he fucks.

"You do this to every person you sleep with?" I ask, staring down at my hands.

I feel his eyes on me so I lift my gaze to meet his lethal gunmetal eyes.

"Don't." He warns, his jaw ticking.

I breathe in and out, feeling rage fuel up in my blood stream, I'm ready to give him a piece of my mind but I'm cut off by the voice of a woman calling someone called Lisa.

"I saw Luke's car outside but he's not in his room." She says.

"Oh, I think he's in Mr Richardson's office." Someone responds.


"I'm guessing that's your Mom, take me home." I bring myself to my feet, running a hand down my dress.

He stares up at me with that ice cold look, I stare back with the same despise.

"Luke?" The door swings open and a women who looks to be in her forties appears in the doorway. "Oh," She blinks at me while holding the door handle.

Luke stands up, shoving his hands in his pockets as he looks at the woman.

"Hi, Mom,"

"Hey, honey, who's this?" She asks, Luke and I exchange a glance.

"This is my friend Reign from school, Reign, my Mom." He introduces us, his tone sounding distant.

"Friend you say?" The woman eyes me from head to toe, I instinctively comb my fingers through my messy after-sex hair which just gives out the fact that she almost walked in on something. "Go home, young lady." She masks up a disgusted face.

"Please take me home." I whisper to Luke instead of responding to his Mom like I'm supposed to.

"No, he stays." She declares, "Lisa, tell Simon to drive Luke's friend home," She tells the girl who was eavesdropping behind her.

"Yes, ma'am." She rushes away.

I look at Luke, waiting for him to say something, anything.

He doesn't.

Of course he doesn't.

I start walking towards the door, where the woman is still standing.

She doesn't get out of the way when I reach her.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" She asks nicely but we all know she doesn't mean any good.

And are you kidding me? Her son literally said my name a minute ago.

"Reign." I answer regardless.

"Reign who?" She raises a brow.

"Reign Miller." I say, her eyes immediately travel behind me to look at her son and then back at me.

She cocks her head and smiles at me.

"I know my son's handsome, Reign Miller but please, have a little self respect for yourself, you're young, you're beautiful and you have a bright future ahead of you. Throwing yourself at guys who will never look forward to having a future with you won't get you anywhere in life, do you understand what I'm saying?" She asks, still smiling at me.

I stay silent because I yet again find myself waiting for Luke to jump in and say something but he doesn't.

The fact that he couldn't talk to me or look at me after we had sex did not bother me at all, I don't believe in the whole 'he fucked you' thing, I believe in the term 'we fucked each other' but his Mom calling me a slut to my face and him not saying anything about it?

Now that shit hurts, bad.

I give her a small nod, afraid that my tone might betray me if I speak.

"Good, and I do expect you to stay the hell away from my son." She whispers, almost like she doesn't want him to hear.

A tear rolls down my cheek and I feel confused. What is even happening right now?

She finally moves out of the way and I step out, she walks further inside the room and slams the door after me, making my heart quiver.

"What are you doing sleeping around with Daniel Miller's daughter?" I hear her ask Luke, he mumbles a response but I don't quite catch it.

I furrow my brows at her question.

How the hell does she know who my father is?

Who doesn't know who your father is?


That man really succeeded at making my life a living hell.

I rush towards the stairs, eager to get the hell out of this house.

I step out of the house faster than I had walked in, I spot a man standing by a black SUV, I'm guessing he's Simon.

I hurry to Luke's car to get my backpack, grabbing it from the passenger seat and walking to the SUV.

I pause when a BMW parks next to Luke's car, it kinda looks like Luke's last car but in pink.

It looks better in pink.

A beautiful slim blonde girl in a school uniform gets out of the car, she's wearing sunglasses and Prada boots.

Her entire look reminds me of Gossip girl.

This must be Luke's little sister who goes to Hawthorne.

"Who are you?" She takes off her glasses, her blue eyes scanning me the same way her Mom did as she chews slowly.

"No one." I continue walking towards the SUV.

"Let me guess, you're one of my brother's conquests and mommy threw you out because she thinks he might date you and not the other rich girls that she personally picked out for him." Her words make me halt and turn around to face her.

"I wouldn't care less." I tell her, matter-of-fact.

"You really shouldn't have fucked him though." She pops her gum.

"I fucked him because I wanted to, not because he's handsome or rich or any of that shit," I point out.

"Then why do you feel so fucked?" She smirks at me, "And I don't mean physically." She slips her sunglasses back on and makes her way towards the house.

I stand there, watching her leave.

I turn on my heel, strolling to the SUV. Simon opens the back door for me and I roll my eyes at him, brushing passed him to open the passenger side door and shutting the door after I enter.

The thing is, Luke's sister was right. I do feel so fucked, both physically and emotionally.

I'm always good at hiding emotions, it's always better that way but today, I let my guard down and I cried because Luke's Mom succeeded at making me feel like actual trash.

The car starts moving and I realize that Simon is now in the car, driving me home.

Why did I have to ask him to bring me to his house? What was I thinking?

Why did he act like that? Did he really hate sleeping with me that much?

Rule number four: never sleep with someone in the same social circle. You'll never come back from it.

I smell like him

My lips are swollen due to the hungry way he kissed me the entire time.

I can still feel his teeth grazing the skin on my neck.

Hear his dirty words whisper in my ear.

"Fuck!" I groan out loud, rubbing my neck to get rid of.. everything.

What I need is a long soothing Sponge bath but I'm not getting home any time soon so I might as well start erasing him with my hands.

Simon doesn't look at me or comment on my outburst.

Thank God for his professionalism, I guess.

I feel my phone vibrating in my backpack, I reach my hand inside and pull it out.


Shit, I'm supposed to be at work.

I sigh before taking the call and pressing my phone against my ear.

"Hun-bun." I say cheerfully.

"Don't hun-bun me, Reign, where are you?" He sounds pissed.

"Yeah, so here's the thing, I don't think I can make it today."


"It has something to do with my emotions, the poor little shits are acting out."

"Aw, no, not the emotions. Do I look like I give a shit? get over here now!"

"How about this, if you cover me today, I'll cover you on Wednesday night." I suggest.

"You mean that?" He sounds calm.

"I'll even lock up."

"Okay, deal, bye." He hangs up, I sigh.

I lean my head back on the headrest, trying not to think about what happened.

The ride goes with me giving Simon directions to my neighborhood and him nodding the entire time.

He stops the car on my street and I open the door, jumping out of the car.

"Thanks, dude." I slam the door shut, swinging my backpack over my shoulder and lazy walking towards my house.

I twist the doorknob open, walking in and quietly closing the door behind me.

I hear voices in the kitchen so I head there, I immediately regret that decision when I find my sister Jordan with my Mom, chatting and laughing on the kitchen table.

"Oh hey, Reign, Hi." Jordan greets nervously when she notices me.

I haven't seen her in years so I should probably run up to her and give her the warmest sisterly hug ever, right?


I don't think I care or even want her here.

I push my legs, walking to the cabinet, opening it and reaching for a bottle of whiskey.

"Reign, school night." Mom reminds me.

I scoff, "So now you're trying to be a parent?" I start walking out of the room but Jordan stands in front of me.

"I'll take that." She tries to snatch the bottle out of my hand, I sway my hand away.

"Who are you again?"

"Why are you being mean?" She asks like she doesn't know.

"Why are you talking to me?" I narrow my eyes at her.

"Reign, I'm just trying to-" she pauses, "I know what this is about but can you stop being such a child and let me explain?" She asks.

"No." I try to leave but she blocks my way.

"I get that you're still a selfish prick who only thinks about herself but can you let me explain?"

"I'm the selfish prick? Really? Dude, you're the bitch that left, you're the fucking coward that ran from home when the shit hit the fan-"

I'm cut off by the palm of her hand colliding with my cheek, I keep my head to the side as tears well up in my eyes, begging to fall.

I look at our mother, waiting for her to say something but she doesn't, infact, she's not even paying attention.

At the end of the day, I've learned that no one's got me like I've got me, no one's ever going to defend me but me myself and I.

I'm all I have.

I push her out of my way, trudging out of there and hurrying upstairs.

I lock myself inside the bathroom, turning on the water in the tub and twisting the whiskey bottle open.

I drop my backpack on the floor, wiping my tears away and standing in front of the mirror.

It just has to show me the hickeys and remind me of him.

I hear my phone vibrating again in my backpack.

With my luck? It's probably Peter calling to change his mind about covering for me.

I grab the phone from my bag and it's not Peter.

It's Luke.

I stare at the name flashing on the screen as I take my first sip.

There are a lot of things that I wanna say to him right now but my useless father always advised not to make decisions when you're angry, and I'm not just angry, I'm pissed off.

With that, I shove my phone back in bag, ignoring the call.

I get into the bathtub with my dress and shoes. Ready to get drunk and probably fall asleep in here.

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