Second Chance - K. Bakugo

By KPeachgirl

88K 3.1K 823

In which Y/n L/n is a villain, or at least that's how it seems. But what happens when life throws a curveball... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four

Chapter Two

3.9K 108 9
By KPeachgirl

Who am I?!

Y/n's Pov:

I woke up and saw white.

It was just a ceiling, I sat up and looked around. Where am I? This looks like a hospital room. When did I get here? It's so bright, the lights are hurting my eyes.

Before I could answer any of my questions three people, two men and an old woman, walked in. The old woman walked over to me but the other two men stayed by the door.

"How are you feeling dear?" I looked over at her. Am I supposed to be sick? Is that why I'm here? "I'm... Fine."

One of them kept staring at me, it wasn't a happy stare either. "Alright let me do a quick check-up and then you two can do your thing." What are the two men gonna do?

The old woman checked my vitals and checked some other things before leaving. The two men came forward and stood by my bed. I didn't know what to say so I just looked at them.

"My name is Detective Tsukauchi and this is Eraserhead." What kind of name is Eraserhead? Oh, wait...It must be a hero name. "Okay."

Are they gonna tell me why I'm here? Or what happened that led me to this place.

That man, Tsukauchi cleared his throat. "Since you were with the League of Villians I assume you're part of them correct?" Huh? What kind of question is that?

"What are you talking about?" My head's killing me. "Just answer the question." I looked over at the other man, Eraserhead who had his arms crossed. He didn't seem happy with my lack of an answer but-

"I don't know how to answer the question." Mr. Tsukauchi glanced at Eraserhead before looking at me again. "What do you mean?"

I closed my eyes for a moment. Why is it so bright in here? I opened my eyes and focused them on the two men. "I don't know what a League of Villians is."

After I said that I saw Mr. Tsukauchi slightly nod his head. It was quiet for a moment after he did. What was-

"Hey." Eraserhead was speaking to me again. "What's your name?" My name? My name is... come on, think. I know my name it's...

"I... I don't know." I don't know my name.

I don't know who I am.

After that whole interview thing, the nice old woman came back into the room.

She shined a light in my eyes and looked at my head. "We need to get brain scans from her, maybe we can see what's happening then."

I know what's happening, I can't remember my name. Do I have a name? I must if they were asking for it, right? "Dear?" I quickly looked at the old woman.

"Did someone come with me when I was brought here?" I paused for a moment. "A friend or anyone I can leave with?" I don't want to be here anymore, I want to go home.

I have a home, right? Do I have friends? Parents? Anybody? "You need to take deep breathes, you're panicking." Tears filled my eyes, the hiccuping didn't help my breathing at all.

"There you go, just keep breathing." I'll be okay, right? I'm gonna remember everything soon and then I'll get out of here and go home.

When I calmed down the old woman spoke again. "I'm just gonna do a scan and then we can get you something to eat alright?" I don't want anything to eat I just wanna get out of here.

I nodded and she started putting these weird sticker things on my head. She told me to lay back down and stay still so I did.

I felt those two men's eyes on me again, I wonder what they were doing here. What was with those weird questions? And what is a League of Villians and why do they think I know about them?

I hope they'll answer my questions soon.

Okay, maybe I should have taken the old woman up on that offer for food.

I mentally told my stomach to stop grumbling. I looked out the window to take my mind off my stomach. I started to think about what will happen after I leave here.

I wonder if my parents will come to pick me up or if a friend will. I wonder if I'll remember everything tomorrow, the next day, or next week?

What if I'm like this forever? What if I never remember who I was before this? I hope that isn't the case.

I was brought out of my thoughts when the door opened again. It was the old woman and the two men. Eraserhead was holding a tray of food and my eyes widen at the assortment of food.

The old woman came up to my bed and spoke. "Okay dear, we got the results back from the scans." I tore my eyes away from the tray to look at her.

"Am I okay?" I asked her. She gave me this sad smile that I couldn't describe. It was like sad but it had a hint of hopefulness in it. "Well the closest conclusion we could come up with is that when you hit your head cause temporary amnesia."

Why didn't they just say that before? I could have come up with that conclusion forever ago.

"Or, it could be from the loss of blood caused by the bullet to the side of your head and from the impact when you hit your head." I'm sorry what?

I stared at her for a moment, trying to take in what she had said. "Someone... shot me?" Okay don't panic, everything is gonna be fine. I'm safe from whoever attacked me.

Right? "Tell me dear what's the last thing you remember?" I tried to think about anything that happened before this. Anything at all.

I shook my head and looked down into my lap. "I'm sorry, I can't." I paused and tried my best to not let any tears fall again. "I don't remember anything."

It was quiet, I didn't like it. "It's okay, here Eraserhead got you some food while we were gone. Eat up and rest. I'll check up on you later."

The old woman and Mr. Tsukauchi left so now it was me and Eraserhead. He pulled out the table from the hospital bed and set my tray on it.

He was about to turn around and leave before I spoke. "Excuse me, sir?" He stopped and looked at me. "What?" I didn't like his voice, it was grainy and tired.

"Can you please tell me if I have anyone waiting for me when I get out of here?" I just wanted to know if there was anyone out there wondering if I'm okay, wondering when I'll get out of here just like I was.

He looked like he was debating on what to say. When he finally spoke he said something that didn't answer my question but was somewhat helpful.

"I'll see where you're going after this."

I was just sitting here waiting for someone to come back to my room.

It gets pretty lonely by myself, I just stare out the window and wait for something to happen.

Nothing does.

I heard the door open and I turned my head to see the old woman and Eraserhead. He was holding some clothes, obviously for me since I'm the only person in this room wearing a hospital gown.

"Here you go dear, brought some fresh clothes for you." I took them from Eraserhead. "Thanks." I set them down beside me and looked at him again.

"Did you ask where I'm going after this?" The old woman looked at him as he nodded. "You're gonna be staying with me until you get your memories back."

You've got to be kidding me. "Or until you're able to go and do things for yourself." Wait, what does that last part mean? "What are you suggesting?"

The old woman spoke this time. "You have Dissociative amnesia, it only lasts for a few minutes, hours, or maybe even days."

She paused for a moment. "But in some rare cases, it may last for months or years."

Years? So I could never remember who I was for a very long time. I laughed nervously at that. "But that's only rare cases. There's a more likely chance of me remembering everything in a couple of days."

She nodded. "Exactly that's why you need to be in the presence of a pro hero." I looked between the old woman and Eraserhead.

They're hiding something. "Why can't you call my parents or a relative?" I saw them both shift uncomfortably. What is it that there not telling me?

Eraserhead handed me a folder he had. I took it and hesitantly opened it. It was a file full of information about me.

Apparently my name is Y/n L/n, I'm seventeen and... I'm quirkless.

I didn't worry about that now and just kept going through the file. I did so until I saw a picture of a man and a woman, my parents. There was a little newspaper stuck to the picture. My eyes widen as I read the words on the page.

They died, when I was only seven. They were found dead in their bedroom and I... "Missing?"

I looked up at Eraserhead for clarification. "You've been missing for ten years." I slowly looked back down at the newspaper as he continued to speak.

"After five months of looking you were presumed dead. Until two days ago at least." This just brings up more questions, like where have I been? What happened to me? What do I do now that I know that no one is waiting for me?

I set the folder down and just rubbed my eyes. I probably should be crying but I can't, because I don't feel anything. I mean this is all sad but it's like it just doesn't matter to me.

"Do you know what happened after?" I moved my eyes towards him once more. "That's what we're trying to figure out but with your memories gone it just makes it harder. We're hoping your memories return soon so we can know the full story before moving forward."

I was confused. "Moving forward?" He didn't answer that, instead, he spoke about something else. "We'll leave at twelve, make sure you're ready."

They both left and it was just me again. I thought about everything I just learned and it wasn't until then that I started to cry.

All the feelings I should have felt earlier hit me like an arrow.

1807 Words

How was it?

So I edited the hell out of this book so I hope now it's more tolerable.

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