It Was Meant To Be [A Fronnie...

By LonelyQuxnViolet

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Freddy Fazbear is the ruthless, heartless, cold leader of the Fazbear gang, who doesn't care about anyone but... More

Chapter 1 - The New Girl
Chapter 2 - Raging Out
Chapter 3 - Secret Feelings
Chapter 4 - Relaxing
Chapter 5 - Friends
Chapter 6 - Bonding
Chapter 7 - Ignoring
Chapter 8 - Flashbacks
Chapter 9 - Violent Love
Chapter 10 - Falling In Love
Chapter 12 - Just Tell Me
Chapter 13 - Reunions
Chapter 14 - Planning
Chapter 15 - Changes
Chapter 16 - Splitting Up
Chapter 17 - Kidnapped
Chapter 18 - Torture
Chapter 19 - Confrontations
Chapter 20 - Mangle
Chapter 21 - Toy Chica
Chapter 22 - Recoveries
Chapter 23 -Apologies
Chapter 24 - Calming Down
Chapter 25 - Freddy's Secret
Goodbye Amazing People!!!

Chapter 11 - Secrets

1K 27 30
By LonelyQuxnViolet

A/N: Will contain some language and some really adorable moment between everyone! Enjoy! Also, don't hate me for the terrible ending xD

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Goldie stared at the picture for a minute and spoke. "You realize what this means, right?" He said quietly to the others.

Foxy and the others nodded their heads, all agreeing, as Chica spoke up. "This means Mangle may try to get back together with Freddy..." She said a bit depressed. Thunder clenched her fists together and glared at the picture.

"Well this means I gotta kick some one's butt." She said, glancing at the others. Foxy rolled his eyes and spoke up. "Thunder calm down, we don't even know if she would go after him." Chica piped up. "Yeah, she broke up with him, why would she try to break them up?"

Thunder rolled her eyes, and shrugged her shoulders. "Who knows..." She then glanced at Foxy. "I am pretty sure she would go after him again, I mean, she did flirt with a certain someone and still dated him..." She said a bit rudely to Foxy.

Foxy growled at her, showing his sharp teeth.

That hit him somewhere deep.

At one moment when they were at the pizzeria, Mangle had flirted with Foxy. Somehow, Thunder and Chica found out. To this day, Freddy still does not know what happened.

The moment played in Foxy's mind.

Mangle smiled, walking back to stage. She turned, seeing Freddy leaving the doorway. It was 6 AM, and they had just said goodbye. She then saw Foxy making his way down towards the Parts / Service room. She smiled faintly, and walked over to him.

Foxy saw Mangle, and smiled. "Hey Mangle, what's up?" He asked nicely as she got a little close to him. She smiled romantically and spoke. "Oh nothing, just wanted to check and see if Captain Foxy wanted this pirate booty."

He froze, staring at her. She was looking at shyly at him, attempting to be really cute. But he shot a glare at her, and spoke.

"Excuse me? You are with Freddy, not me." Foxy said, crossing his arms. He was extremely loyal to his best friend, and he couldn't believe that his friend's girlfriend was flirting with him. Mangle rolled her eyes and kissed him on the cheek.

Foxy stared at her, a bit bewildered. She glared at him, and spoke. "Oh come on, we both know that you are the sexiest. Freddy can be with Toy Chica or that ugly girl Chica." Foxy gasped, and glared at her. He had a huge crush on Chica, and was a bit offended.

He glared, and spoke. "You know what, you don't deserve someone like Freddy you little skank." Mangle gasped and stomped over to kid's cove. Foxy rolled his eyes and made his way to the Parts / Service Room. "Hey Foxy." Freddy said happily.

Foxy stared at Freddy, thinking of telling him what happened. But just seeing him like that, he couldn't do it. He couldn't break his friend's heart. "Hi Freddy." He said, smiling.

He never told Freddy what happened.

A/N: This happened after the second flashback back in Chapter 8. You know, the one where Mangle says, "Freddy, you're my world." Yeah I am confusing so ima shut up xD

Foxy sighed as Chica kissed him on the cheek. "It's okay Foxy, you won't have to deal with her anymore." She said as Foxy smiled faintly at her.

Thunder scoffed a bit loud. "Fine, I won't do anything unless she tries something to mess up their relationship." Goldie sighed, and spoke quietly to her. "Don't forget about Toy Chica..."

Angel and the others stayed quiet as Thunder clenched her fists more. "How the hell could I forget about that bit-" She said before getting cut off, seeing Angel and remembering not to say any bad words around her.

She smiled and knelt down. "Sorry." Angel giggled and shrugged. "It's fine Thunder."

"Hey guys."

Thunder bolted and slid the photo in her pocket, seeing Freddy and Bonnie at the doorway, their paws folded together. Freddy started to feet sweat drops go down his face as he looked at the others. His face began feeling hot as Bonnie laid her head on his shoulder.

Oh god dammit, he was sweating more.

Chica smiled happily and spoke. "Well, well, well, looks like you two have some chemistry." She said with a smiled. Bonnie began blushing, as Freddy noticed and smiled faintly.

"Yeah...yeah we do." Bonnie said, her sweet smile stuck on her face. Freddy stared at her as his heart began beating fast. It was such a long time that he has been in love, and to feel it again was just so, confusing.

Bonnie lifted her head up as she spoke softly. "Looks like I fell for him." She nudged his arm a bit as he blushed more. He smiled, turning to his brother, and spoke. "Thanks, to both-all of you. You tried to make me open my eyes and see how bad Mangle was...but now..."

He paused for a moment as he turned to Bonnie, staring into her beautiful magenta eyes.

"I can see who I really belong with." Bonnie smiled sweetly, touched by his heartfelt words.

Thunder smiled, and blurted something out, being extremely loud. "OH MY GOD I SHIP FRONNIE!"

Freddy and the others, stared at her. Goldie raised an eyebrow and Foxy was just speechless. Chica spoke, utterly confused. "Fronnie?" Thunder laughed for a second before talking again. "Its Freddy and Bonnie mixed together! It's freaking Fronnie!"

They laughed as they understood what Thunder was saying.

All of a sudden, Freddy stopped laughing. He began to stay quiet, and felt extremely guilty. All the time he had been hurting them, he could have been their friends. Bonnie noticed his quiet and gloomy mood, and spoke up.

"Freddy? What's wrong?"

The others stopped laughing, and gazed their attention on Freddy. A tear strolled down his cheek, as Bonnie wiped it away. He spoke up, choking on his words a bit. "All this time, I have hurt you, when I could have been your friends. How can you guys still like me after all I did?"

Goldie sighed, and spoke up. "It was just because you wanted Mangle. But hey, you saw through her lies and realized how much of a bit- jerk she was..." Freddy smiled and let go of Bonnie's paw, walking over to his brother and gave him a bro hug.

"Thanks Goldie." Freddy whispered in his brother's ear. Goldie smirked, whispering back. "No prob bro." The two then did a little handshake, something they made up a while ago.

Angel then spoke up. "We better get to stage!" The others looked over and nodded their heads and walked on the stage.

As Freddy got on stage, he locked eyes with Bonnie who was smiling. But when Bonnie turned her head, she saw Thunder, motioning her to come over.

Bonnie sighed as she jogged over to Thunder, who was rushing to the back room, leaving Freddy confused.

"What is it Thunder?" Bonnie said quietly. Thunder and Goldie stared at her, wide eyed, as Thunder took a deep breath. "These are pictures of the new batch of animatronics coming...Take a guess who's coming." As she spoke, she pulled out the document and picture of Mangle.

Bonnie covered her mouth, full of shock. "Is this..." Her voice trailed off as Goldie and Thunder nodded their heads. "But you can't tell Freddy." Goldie whispered.

"Can't tell me what?"

Bonnie nearly had a heart attack as she turned to see Freddy. He stood there as the others stared at him.

Bonnie didn't know if she should tell Freddy that the girl who broke his heart was coming back.

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Oh no, a cliffhanger. You won't know until the next chapter if Bonnie tells him or not!

Yeah I know its a crappy cliffhanger...


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